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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 4, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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there is no racism, i beg you, then why in prisons are 99% black latinos, despite the fact that there are only 13 black people in america, how is that possible? the largest prison population on earth, that is, where are the most prisoners, including all african countries, arab countries, in america, why, why are all of them black, why is there a ghetto , why are all the servants in the englishman club? in these english ones, remember the titanic, when the gentlemen retire to smoke cigars, they still have this culture, all the servants are black, because this is racism, this is true there is, when in general my relations with black people were always very good, why, they are somewhat similar to us, they are not similar externally, this is just the opposite story, but it seems internally, the more they lied about me on tv, the less they they believed in it.
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because the state is constantly deceiving them, america is constantly lying to them, that’s why they said, they criticize it so much, and some experts predict that this is a lie, it will someday come out in the sense that there will be some protests, you do you believe in some things in america there will be a revolution, there will be an absolute revolution in america, but it will not be connected with ideological reasons, it will be connected with redistribution, now look what is happening, there is a very big breakdown of old and new money, old money is financial corporations, large, big banks, pharmaceuticals and everything else, in the words of black rock, yes, there is new money, just don’t be fooled yet, it’s not coming soon, because the old money is the same investors from wall street who invest in these it companies, this is the story about it what are you coming to now? silicon valley and you there... complete bullshit,
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because without start-up capital you won’t start anything, and start-up capital is provided by wall street, which means they will own you, and you will be a puppet, and just hired employees like at mcdonald’s, the system is the same, that they have high ones in the park, moreover, returning to this famous character of yours, whom we will mention today, to the evening, you know what the worst disappointment from america was. i'll tell you, he's a football player, well , at least, no, don't laugh, girls, not in as a ball, although, in general, once he acted as, apparently, a ball, in short, he was kicked, he broke his leg, called an american ambulance, the american ambulance came and took him away, treated him, said 25 greens, 25 thousand dollars in greens, he he said, how can this be, i’m great, belarusian, i’m in opposition to the regime. they tell him: we
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agree, 25 greens, and they thought he was arrested for all this, i remember that they also assigned him a robe and slippers, for which he had to pay, by the way, about the puppets, your project is on the first channel, you host the program tootsie's heir doll, let's just show a splash screen. well, many familiar faces are visible here, yes, that is, politicians are also puppets, in which case the question is, who is the puppeteer? and this is an excellent question, in every program that you watch, i crawl up, approach it like a puppeteer, i’ll explain it this way, and not...
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again, it’s like good and bad, don’t try to base our patterns on their logic, the point is that we have a system in itself, it doesn’t matter whether it’s russian or... it’s belarusian, it’s hierarchical, we have the leader, and there are us who follow him, we have a shepherd, well, this is already biblical, yes, there is a herd, this does not mean that the herd is stupid, but we follow the leader, this is how our whole system is built, they have this the system is like an octopus, it’s structural, so when we try to say world government, how we imagine it, well, a round table. and they are sitting there, that means the bourgeoisie, not like that, or there are three fat men, not like that, they have a system, it’s networked, let’s do this, imagine that our control system is a comet, a bright star and
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a huge tail, and their system is like the solar system, with even in the absence of the sun, that is, with these different gravity, that is, the planet is gaining strength , elements are attracted to it, the planet is gaining strength, a certain number of objects are attracted to it, this they have a system, so it’s very difficult for us to evaluate it, now, this is what i started to tell you, what the revolution in america will be connected with, with the redistribution of old money, which were big planets, but planets like us for the americans it will be very difficult to understand among them, but we understand that planets cool down over time, just tell me elon musk - are these new ones? no, ill musk receives contracts from the pentagon, drawing threads, you begin to see that in general it’s all a bird of a feather, all these politicians, so i’m glad that now a certain epiphany is happening in society, but it’s still happening, yes is this in
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america, or just here, no, they have become stupid, they have, excuse me, eaten their brains with chicken wings so much that this is already very sad, well, now this is their problem, at least.
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art is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of
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50% or 100% wool. our work is an art, creating high-quality fabrics containing wool. ready to share knowledge. the basis of life safety, in my opinion, this is the most important knowledge in a person’s life, show one day from my life, i love, honestly, i love my job, i really love it, during production, receiving tape, yarn, this tape comes into contact with your hands our it’s very nice to realize that creators are workers. the fact that our visitors, leaving our security center, leave with such a wealth of knowledge that will definitely be useful to them in life, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel on the air again, don’t
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be silent on... people who proved themselves, including in the twentieth year, does working in the duma help you? i made a decision when to get elected in general, it was not easy, i’ll say right away, ladies, it’s not easy at all, because at that moment i was fine, god bless margarita simonyan, because, by the way, she is the first public figure in general who donated money to my lawyers, when de facto, as if they almost abandoned me, but there was no money at all, my family is not very rich, but my... he stole everything i had, well, i wrote about it in the book, but that’s how it was, that’s how
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it was, well, that’s how we are women, we love them, we need them to be here, and then we don’t want to believe it, oh well , it was and was, the state duma, why i decided to try myself there, was elected to kirov region, it gives me very great opportunities to help people, and i believe that this is my mission in life, in america, in the alexandria prison there were gas leaks three times... prisoners are simply taken from the crankcases, all of them are evacuated, and the locks electronic, that is, if something explodes or you just suffocate, no one cares, according to the protocol they shut you up, well, they just gass you, in short, so i understand, i’m standing in the middle of this cell, solitary confinement, and i think, i’m 30 years old, i wanted celebrate the original thirtieth anniversary, noted, be careful in my desires, and i stand in the middle of the cell and think, how has it been 30 years? i feel sorry for my parents, the second moment, which i really felt like, how come i haven’t
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done anything good for the country, so i remembered this feeling, it was my forgiveness with life, because i, well, i thought, well, that’s it it stinks of gas, i want to sleep, i don’t know, since then i came back and realized that i have to do something, it’s easier to do it from the state duma with a deputy mandate, i hope i’ll be useful to her within the framework of the union states. people, they told me this just now, that is , everything that the president says is straight forward, and
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there is no such hang-up inside the bureaucratic millstones. now i’m talking more about comparing two state systems, belarus and russia, and what i learned from you, not even from the point of view of parliament, in principle, within the framework of a union state within the framework of some ministries and governments, students, here i am i hope that my next visit will be very soon, because this time... i i won’t be able to visit the brest fortress, and it’s impossible not to visit the brest fortress, there are enterprises, there are places that i should definitely visit, but the first day i was definitely the khatyn memorial complex, and this is very strong, i can’t say about the magnificence, because it the wrong word, but the museum that opened is gorgeous, the museum is truly emotional, it goes to the depths of the soul, how it’s just a low bow to you, huge. when the president gave instructions
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to open a museum, yes, to create it, he said that this should be a place where the heart vomited, it turned out, especially you know that the white room, here you go through all this, and the stream, of course, here is a bloody stream, that is, you, i caught myself thinking, i could not step on the glass, that is, here i am, many people say that this is a difficult test, then you seem to go through this smell. this burnt wood here, and you leave the room, out of this barn into the white room, and you think, it’s over, and you want to do the same thing as when you left prison, forget, and you understand that the names of the villages are on the walls, and you understand that forgetting is a crime, it is impossible, because then all these lives were ruined in vain.
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mechanism, which one of you is tanya, we have dexterity riddles, look, by the way, i’m not afraid to give it to you, because unlike male engineers, you won’t break it, physically, and i won’t lose it, try it, little one, there’s also a little hint, it ’s better to put it there, because it’s still a box, well, if the person was blind, then you need to act by touch, right, obviously, well, there are no buttons, there are no buttons.
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will be necessary, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, we had guests with gifts, books, some of our products, but to get into the interior, only a girl could feel us so subtly that we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye , goodbye, maria butina is speaking now, dear comrades, dear belarusians, dear friends, this is my first time here in minsk, i feel... our soul, let's stick together, let's say, keep it up, comrades, we will defeat everyone, only together , maria, well, i i’ll ask you to leave your autograph and some wish for us, our viewers, i’ll leave an autograph, perhaps, here in the corners, and my main wish will be that you have a wonderful program name, don’t
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be silent, and i’ll add an ellipsis here, i’ll say: i’m writing nothing but the truth, in fact, saying what they do in your program, thank you. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. there was also a goal, to create not just a museum,
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an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one fur, it all happened gradually, of course, we went... under the strict leadership of our district and region, and the ministry of culture, it was decided that it would be necessary to update the unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed shells, keeping it in its same place, yes, but with global modernization , let's meet people who are sincerely dedicated to their work, one of these most important organizers.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is
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news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews. with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, arabia , syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azerspace-1 satellite dish.
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the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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a beautiful temple, but abandoned, beautiful, comrade anisimov himself came personally, the temple
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was locked up, dad drove him away, he went into the forests, to atone for our sins, then they wanted to break the church, it was just a war, an activist. there was no one to break the communists, en masse to the front, who is this, anisimov, the head of our local nkvd, tsver, tsver, hello. hello, hello, where is your outpatient clinic, turn right, turn there, go there, thank you.
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hello hello.
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hello. who are you? do you work here? you do not speak? you understand, you understand me, chief physician, chief physician, where? lyamkin, ignat borisovich, who? yeah, i see.
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so. help me, get up like that, wake up, get up, i’m feeling like i’m wearing a bag on my shoulders,
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stefan, why are you like this this morning, i’m not gloomy, leave me alone, this is my business, push on the pedals. did something happen to your wife at home? well, tell me, will it make it easier for you? it's about my wife, she sent a letter, it's inconvenient. tell me yourself.
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let's hurry up, hurry up! sniff, sniff!
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let's run, quickly!
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sis they pay your sew up, thank you, i need to go home, to the one who is in a hurry to get home, what there is more space, distance is not an obstacle,
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please, here, here, come, maria, she suffered a lot in the war, my god, what kind of guests, all wet and torn, come with me, i will sew you up.
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“they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far away it is, just meters away, so that it is opposite the house. today we will walk through real swamps, so through the swamp, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, not initiated, having seen this building, will say that it is..."
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limited freedom of choice, but in this variety it is easy to get lost, a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy, there should be a stalk, green, not shriveled, a proper breakfast, a guarantee of health and good mood, today you and i will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling, we can’t wait to start cooking, it sounds simply amazing, let’s figure out how balanced it will be and... suitable for a morning meal, don’t forget about the invigorating
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exercises, i’ll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up, stretching the front back surface of the thigh, first we’ll stretch the front surface of the thigh, now it’s time to walk, run with a full charge of strength to meet this day, watch the breakfast of the champion project, on the belarus24 tv channel, i’ll dried, all that remains is to sew it up, ah.
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lord, i pray to you for them, the poor.
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it won’t hurt, but maybe you don’t need it, maybe a pill, don’t worry, lie still, lena, lena, use a tampon, lena.
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i repeat my question: who are you? what right do you rule here? i was sent here from moscow. but i have my own bosses, and moscow is not my command. i'm in charge here, so pack your things and get out. and you will turn the dispensary into a barn again? so, i ask you to clean this establishment. capitalina ivanovna, be a witness. insult. an official in the performance of official duties, you are not a doctor, you are a criminal, during your work three people died in the village without medical care, and i will talk about it, so you came here to spread slander, but there you go from here, and you out, and you out, everyone out, well,
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there will be a reception, there won’t be today, so let’s go and have a look at your place?
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zhenya, hello, hello, remember me, of course, you are zoya’s sister. you come by, come by, oh, i was the one who glued it, like zoya, zoya works in a rural outpatient clinic, and how are you here, martina was removed, litka was imprisoned for embezzlement, now we are having a wonderful night in the hospital, you write to zoya, let them rejoice, zhen! tell me, i can work for you as anyone, a nanny, a nurse, well, it’s very difficult, if you want, i always wanted, the only thing she didn’t believe in me was
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how pretty you are. eyes are given to man for the vision and entertainment of letters, because the human race does not disappear without a trace, but leaves ink traces
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that bloom in the tears of its descendants. hey, you russian pig, where is your sign, you should wear it here. forgive me, son. i hope i didn't piss you off too much. thank you. they made me very angry, mr. becker.
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let's talk seriously then, i want you to answer me with all sincerity, have you really never looked at anyone in your life?
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a man with interest, not even once, monsie, i see you like me, comrade major. i say, the weather cannot be compared to yesterday, it’s a mess , go, i’ll catch up with you, soldiers, dismantling brigade, comrade major, allow me to report, report, the equipment has been disassembled and is ready for loading, junior sergeant levchenko. number all the machines, prepare an accounting report with technical characteristics and personally for me.
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how long will it take? day. i give 3 hours, senior sergeant levchenko remains in charge, gefritor nikolaev is at your disposal, private vetushkin and barykin, will you come with me? so let's listen to my command.
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van, say hello. i'm vasily, i'm your dad. where did he even come from? maybe he 's not a father at all? do you think i’ll just give the boy to a man on the street? pursue your career, dance, and just forget about it. i wanted to adopt him. oh here. so what, i mean, i messed up all the cards for you, yes, it’s good that your father was found, mom, and mom, maybe we can reschedule his move to us until he gets used to home-cooked food, i won’t send him anywhere , either you accept everything as it is, find an approach to it, or we part, in in this case, i will ask you to come with us to the selection, stop, what does it mean to pass, you understand that we have a final tomorrow, what is it, you know, and the fact that a six-year-old boy
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disappeared, you understand that, and you wouldn’t be jealous , if. your son called someone else's uncle dad, i would hate you, i would take a closer look at this uncle, watch the series, i choose you on the belarus 24 tv channel, we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, we will definitely use it after cooking, as well as after any meal, it is thanks to him that our dishes retains its beautiful appearance for many years, until science gave us those household chemicals for... years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely by accident: in russia in the 19th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, birch, in europe at the end in the 14th century, charles vi established an entire
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guild of vinegarers. allow me to enter, comrade mover, come in, hello, hello, bon appetit, that’s how they asked, they drew up the paper,
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you say, don’t be afraid, you’re lying. what a nice one, i'll give you a nice one, whose food are you nice, but you're my favorite handsome, vasily, let me go, listen, maybe i should prime you, she liked you, they love people like you, yeah,
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join me, i’m not greedy. i have a fiancée, let me go, i’m not offering you a bride, maybe? she’s also someone’s fiancée, you’re a bore, levchenko, i don’t insist, you will, drink, thank you, i don’t like it, i can go, why are you making faces at me, i don’t like this, i love this, i’m crucifying myself in front of him, but he understands to me that he is making a goofy face.
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you despise, no, i sympathize, yeah.
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guy, you don’t have any fiancée, oh my grandmother was a gypsy, so i see a lot, here the line of love is free, you don’t have any bride, i had a bride. but in 1941 she and her mother went to change food, their mother was killed, she disappeared, of course. kat, forgive me, let me help, well, help me, and you know, i also had a fiancé, he
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was discharged due to injury, he returned, and here is the choice, he tells me, don’t be offended, i love you, but i feel sorry for all women, i have him... he was so compassionate, and you decided to feel sorry for all men in revenge, do you want me i’ll feel sorry for you, you’re so beautiful, so... serious, many people love you, but?


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