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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 12:15am-12:45am MSK

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or signatures of a cooperation agreement. thus, the groundwork has been created for the further development of industrial cooperation and business ties between our countries. alina lapo will tell you about the route of the russian business mission to belarusian workshops. this is a hydropneumatic source of seismic waves. the technology carries out exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields and coal deposits. and other minerals at the enterprise they say: the thing is specific and narrowly focused, belgidravlika is the only manufacturer, at least in a union state for sure. previously, the leaders in this matter were exclusively french and italians. about 7 years ago, belarusian engineers mastered the technology. now the level of source localization is about 80%. we are actively developing and mastering new types of products, and, of course, trying to replace imported ones in some places.
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component, because today in our republic we are the only manufacturer of control hydraulics and, in general, in principle, on the territory of the eurasian economic community, which means our community, well there are probably no similar enterprises, we localize production to the republic of belarus as much as possible using russian raw materials, we close many things on our own, a friendly company and country, the republic of china, help us a lot, the other day... the development of direct ties and cooperation with russia was discussed right in these workshops of the belogidravlika enterprise, one of the residents of the minsk free economic zone, which hosted a large business delegation, associations of clusters, technology parks and preferential zones from 10 regions' eastern neighbors. the purpose of the mission is to introduce colleagues from russia to the belarusian experience in the development and regulation of infrastructure sites, such as free economic zones, technology parks, industrial parks, and also to identify potential...
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comfortable work at such sites. after visiting the production sites, the partners went to the sez administration to quickly consolidate the agreements reached on paper. as a result , a significant package of documents was signed, most of them in the portfolio of the minsk preferential platform. but the agreement between the association of clusters, technology parks and special zones of russia and our investment and privatization agency is intended to increase investment attractiveness. we show. there is good growth in
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exports to the russian federation, and more than 80% of our enterprise supplies products specifically to russia, for 3 months already this year there is also good growth in exports, i think that the event will help us connect russia and belarus with closer business ties. we have planned a huge number of meetings, within the framework of these meetings, of course, the main focus is being done on... cooperation interest between our countries, between our enterprises in the localization and production of a new product. as for the free economic zone of minsk, it is developing dynamically, more than 100 residents are registered. currently , six more new companies are being developed; in the near future they will join the pool of residents. alina lapoy, victor borisov, area of ​​interest.
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strengthen cooperation between the business circles of belarus and russia, as well as open new prospects for the development of cultural tourism exchange, a direct air route brest- moscow is called. the first plane was met on wednesday; the economy class flight was maximally loaded in both directions. we will fly from brest to the russian capital and back twice a week, on wednesday and saturday on an mbrayer 175 aircraft. the frequency of flights will increase if there is demand. it will expand. and geography of regional flights, welcome to prest, this concludes our flight, thank you for choosing
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this route and welcome! the first historic flight from russia in 30 years capital to the city above the bug. embraer 175 economy class has full seating. it seems that people were really waiting for the flight, and not only in moscow and brest. we are flying from indonesia and the journey is 23 hours long, so we are very glad that there are only two left and we will finally be in brest. it's my first time. i’m in belarus and i’m flying to a friend, accompanying my daughter and grandson. i am actually a citizen of ukraine. and i was in moscow visiting my children. and how proud i am of myself that i was able to strengthen this path. i'm actually grateful that there is such a thing. route. because i was able to be
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my family. our film crew stopped businessman vladimir at registration long before the start. officially, he is the first passenger of the new flight. there are a lot of people who want to fly there, people who do business, there will probably be a lot of tourists, and by the way, belarusians travel often, i go to brest very often, once a quarter, at least i go by train, and a lot of belarusians go to russia, well, the russians are there, among the passengers of the first flight, the people's artist of russia in brest these days are passing musfilm, a series of film screenings, creative meetings, a new flight is very... by the way, there is integration in an absolutely visible form, because the more we fly to each other, the more we fly within each other, the more connections there are. i am for any method of transportation, but first of all, higher and
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higher, higher we strive for the flight of our birds. air traffic between moscow and brest resumes symbolically in april, when we celebrate the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia. from such people. flights certainly have a very large multiplier effect, in addition to tourist flows, this will certainly contribute to the further deepening of our contacts between companies, between entrepreneurs, it will also significantly simplify the organization of various kinds of visits. allied flights are in demand; last year the number of flights between our countries doubled. we see that demand is growing more and more; last year, if i’m not mistaken, we had more order. passengers, and this is growing all the time, interaction between the allied states is developing, and we see this on passenger traffic, so we are confident that this area will also develop. from gomel, flights are already flying to moscow and st. petersburg, another step has been taken in the project to restore air travel from regional airports. of course,
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viceps will not remain in the country, there will be flights, these are regular flights, a little later, further development of regular flights from these airports, we are... we are looking at sochi, we are also looking at georgia, other destinations, immediate plans - this is already increasing charter programs and replacement centers. in we are expecting flights from the belarusian capital to arkhangelsk and makhachkala in the near future; routes to other russian cities are also being worked out. direct air service from brest to moscow will not only contribute to strengthening already established business contacts with partners from russia, it will open up new prospects for the development of tourism and cultural exchange between our fraternal peoples. the sawn-off shotgun is now on the schedule twice a week on wednesdays and saturdays 46 euros one way, minimum 85 round trip, the cleanliness of flights can be increased, as they say, there would be demand, but for now the load from moscow to brest and back to the russian capital is almost full, for the first flight this is a success.
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now let's take a break for a short advertisement, further information for those who often go on business trips. stay with us. head game, a show where they fight not with the help of physical force, let the strongest win, in the fa cup match of the 22-23 season between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card, its peculiarity
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is that it is understandable even to players not distinguishing colors, what exactly is its specificity, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you are the first to answer, but the topic will have to be changed: saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, name the city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, yaroslavl, absolutely true, but activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica, absolutely right, in a difficult, extremely difficult fight, is winning today. look intellectual and sports project " head game" on our tv channel. reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information is almost a relic of the past,
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it’s easier to watch something short, funny, that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive oppositional resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but this is different. unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia, and inability.
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ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is an area of ​​interest. we continue now about exchange rates: the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the dollar. so the american dollar costs 3 rubles 25 kopecks, the euro is now 3.53 at the national bank rate, for 10 yuan they ask for 4.48, 100 russian rubles costs 3.52. good news for those who often travel to belarus for work , changes have been made to the procedure and amounts for reimbursement of business trip expenses. this is provided for by the savmin's decree. so the daily allowance became higher. on april 6 it is no longer 9, but 12 rubles. that is, an increase by a third. let me remind you that the previous time the amount of payments changed was 5 years ago, in march 2019. there are also
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innovations that relate to reimbursement of travel expenses and rental housing. anton malyuta will tell you how to go on a business trip according to all the rules. registration of official business trips is a simple topic at first glance, but in fact it raises many questions among specialized specialists. among navat. for them, what is more important is not even an increase in the amount, but a number of clarifications in the legislation, for example, reimbursement of travel expenses. if we are talking about road transport, this should be only regular message. travel will be reimbursed at the actual cost, which is indicated on the travel document. moreover, such expenses are subject to reimbursement based on actual expenses on the basis of supporting documents, regardless of the presence in such a travel document of all the details established by law. in what cases does this happen? our tickets do not always reflect the start time of the route;
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often travel documents only reflect the time the ticket was sold, or if an employee gets into a vehicle, it is in particular, in a minibus not at the beginning of the route, then this point during the period of movement, it is not reflected in the travel document, accordingly, i repeat that you and i are subject to reimbursement of expenses for... travel by regular transport at the actual cost and regardless of the presence of all mandatory details established by law, and if the employee returns to his place of residence every day and there are no travel documents, travel expenses will be reimbursed in the amount of a tenth of the base amount per each side for each day of the business trip. often , specialized experts ask another question: is it possible to spend the night not in a hotel, for example, in a sanatorium? now these norms are weft? the norm for comparing the expenses incurred for hiring residential
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premises with the maximum amounts established by law has been clarified, so if an employee does not live in a hotel, he lives either with an individual entrepreneur or an individual, or in sanatorium-resort organizations, that is, in those organizations that are provided with right to grant living quarters, these costs are compared with the cost of a first category room.
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all changes come into effect on april 6. employees who will be on business trips will begin to receive payments in new amounts from this day on. anton malyuta and anatoly dolotovsky area of ​​interest. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business.
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we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, the most prominent in the economy. see you. let you love it like the grass in the field, like the fruit of the young, over the crayfish. i'll patch it up the little bird that is alive in the wild, may i love you, may i love you for the song that i can hear, for the deep booming laughter that is a frequent call, for clear eyes, for my young soul,
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may i love you. may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, may i love you more intensely, dear daughter. hello everyone, my name is kaylya, i came from venezuela to belarus to study russian, in the end i stayed here for 8 years because i fell in love, i love this country, the people, and also the herring popshuba and the kholodnik, and most importantly, i like to travel and shoot videos. niho, my name is kai, i came to belarus from
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china four years ago, i really like this country, this is a completely new world for me, a different capacity. and such wonderful people, i can say that my new life began here, i have made many belarusian friends, i feel like tom in the circle of a large and loving seven, kayla guess where we are, i have no idea, kai, but i already like this city ​​by why? because look how beautiful the embankment is, this is the privets river, and we came to one of the oldest cities of the belarusian forests, modry. it’s great, it’s great, it means we’ll find a lot of interesting sights here, but where do we start? i think, according to tradition from the museum.
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oh, we agree 100%, i think it will tell us exactly what to see in this city. yes, let's go. kai, i told you all the taxis, i’m already tired, i’m like, hold on, it feels like we’re in chusari, yes, of course, it’s holding on, holding on, with you. there are a lot of stairs in china, yes, wait, when, this is a sport from the very morning, well
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, finally, they found it, finally, victory, who well done, i'm well done, hello, my name is kayla and i'm from venezuela, and my name is, i'm from china, kayla, i'm very...
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we crossed the threshold and found ourselves in a house, the house was the place that protected a person from the influence of undeveloped nature, already there was a forest not far from the village, people were afraid of it, they believed that evil spirits lived there, in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, a horse shoe was nailed over the door frame, and very often they stuck a knife or sickle into the door frame, because they believed that the nurse was unclean strength, afraid of metal, and a man who wants to harm this family, he simply physically will not be able to cross the threshold of the house, it was very important to choose the right place to build a new house, it was believed that it was better to settle in the old village where grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived, pour garbage there and go to bed, then he will become insipid some kind there will be life, if you had a good dream, then there will be a good life, if the dream was disturbing, restless, then it is better to look for another place, and also, when they built a new house,
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they had to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, here at four corner, they had already been placed on them, it was believed that everything good that was in the old house would definitely go to the new house, i really liked the beginning, but i still want to find out more. what’s interesting can be seen, yes, look in your museum, look, you see in this chest, we call it krynya, you see, this is not a scarf, this is a namitka or a marking, in the place where we found it in this in this area , it's called cheesepanok. this is the headdress of a married woman, yeah, that is, at the wedding there was a moment when the bride was filmed a wreath, did a woman's hairstyle
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, put this cheesecake on her head or on a midka, well, there are a lot of them, we went around a huge number of villages before we found it, and how old is this peregrine falcon, this is the second half of the 19th century, but the fact is that these hats went out of use immediately. after the first world war, yes, because i had never seen it anywhere before, and since we can only be muslims, in the caucasus, russia, kazakhstan, but not in belarus, they also did this with belarus, i also learned for the first time, well, i’m very pleased that you found out about this in to ours, yes, it’s interesting, okay, these are like our canals in venezuela, we use them to cross the river too, yes you can. you use it, but here we have something like that too, and here we call it a chauvin, a chauvin, yeah, a boat that is hollowed out of a single tree trunk,
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yeah, in the spring, when the rivers flood, it was the main means of transportation. kayla, by the way, in our museum you can not only look and listen, but try yourself as a craftsman, take part in a master class, yes, with your own hands. oh, this is already interesting, we love this business, so you ready, i want to introduce you to our master, vera vladimirovna, who will teach you how to work on a recoil machine, and hello, it’s very nice to meet you, very nice, i can’t wait to get to work, but i already see it like... the machine is driving the drawing is coming here in these threads, uh-huh, this is a drawing, this one is made in threads, uh-huh, so you know, now i’m also looking at my legs,
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how i press the knives, uh-huh. and here is what the pattern will be on the threads, look, so that my pattern goes further, i press on the other leggings and you see how mine the base works, then to finish my drawing, again i work with my feet, you see, and it’s imperative that the base goes with the threads of the linen thread, i wonder if you want to try, of course, if i’m doing it right. i understand, if you change this, yes, i worked with knives, with my feet, which means the pattern will be different, yes, yes, completely different, pressing the pedal forward, come on, these are pedals with knives,
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well, what... oh, kayla, to be honest, it’s not so simple, my head doesn’t even have time to think, work, in short, it’s, well, i said, it’s necessary try it yourself, and you will understand, maybe it’s not necessary, maybe it’s enough, please, i ’ll take it apart later, nothing, oh god, that’s it, press the pedals and go ahead, i’ll cut it off for you, so, at the beginning we work with one shuttle. thank you very much senora vera, it was just an impeccable master class, but we wanted to ask, what else can you see in this city? well, of course, our mazyr castle, vitalina talebzhanovna will see you off
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, i didn’t even know the castle, but that’s all. thank you very much, well, kayla, shall we go? ready, but first, let's go, and i noticed that the castle stands at a height, this is a spice , it’s done this way, yes, of course, actually we are on the territory of an ancient fortification and...
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it’s the city’s anniversary, but a fortified castle stood on this place since the 15th century, it was an example of eastern european fortification art, consisted of the castle itself and the parkan, that is, the territory that protected the castle from the most vulnerable side. the castle had exclusively defensive functions, consisted of three towers and towns between them, towns are walls. do excursions for tourists often take place here now? tours take place daily, and i invite you to take a walk around the castle to learn about its history. great, let's go, let's go, we go up to the observation deck, from where
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the stunning views open up. a view of the outskirts of our city, oh, how beautiful, some scientists suggest that the ancient riverbed of pripyat approached the very foot of the castle mountain, and the river, yes, there was a river flowing below, lenin square, here it is on the other side, the modern name is gorky square were the bays of pripyat,


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