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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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this is low-temperature and instant low-temperature skim milk powder, which is suitable for producers of ice cream, yoghurts, cheeses, curd products, as well as a line of cheeses for those people who have lactose intolerance. belarus is in the top five among foreign exhibitors for comparison, here are the top five in terms of the number of companies represented at the forum, also included germany, turkey, russia, china, from the skies. for example, more than 100 enterprises and organizations came. thanks review prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel
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well, look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already begun, others say: the third world war is on the threshold. the fourth say that a hybrid war is being waged, well, it’s very, very difficult for the average person to understand. this is a step towards escalation, they are trying to escalate the situation as much as possible in order to test russia again, including us. today the west has significantly reduced its standard of living, the resource base is depleted; in fact, there is none. they're real. these caterpillars are being prepared that rattle along our borders, so we need to show that we are ready to answer any challenge, we are quite self-sufficient, we are strong, and despite the fact that we are a small country, we can bring a lot of problems to that who wants to pinch us. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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quarter of a century to the union state - this is the closest integration in the post-soviet space, based on common spiritual traditions, historical values, during the week the peoples of belarus and russia celebrated the day of unity, we will ask evgeny primakov, head of the federal agency rossotrudnichestvo, about what unites us and how the russian house in minsk contributes to the rapprochement of peoples.
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all of them are a kind of point of attraction for people who come there to different circles, to different seminars, to different conferences, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions, etc., etc., a huge number of all sorts of, as they say now , activities, activities, but that’s just what is being done in russian houses themselves, besides this there are a large number of different programs that are launched from moscow, from the central apparatus of rossotrudnichestvo, exchange programs, internships, trips of young specialists to russia, educational programs, a lot of everything. the representative office of rossotrudnichestvo in belarus has been running for almost 14 years, tell us what large-scale projects have been implemented during this time and what are in the near future? you know, i probably need to open the site right now in front of you, without being ashamed of it, read out a huge list, because there are obvious dates for us associated with victory day, may 9, of course, a holy day.
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various events are dedicated to this, such as a candle of memory, a garden of memory, a victory dictation, a huge number of different events, we participate, by the way, in the training of immortal regiments with great respect, so to speak, this is a great honor for us, besides this there are interesting stories , for example, the forum of regions, which took place in belarus, we also participated in its preparation in the organization, there are educational programs, there is recruitment.
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there is a story that is connected with our functionality of our agency, these are twinning relations, connections, that is, between municipalities, some cities, and here it is very important for us that these are not just visits of friendship, which is obvious, there should be visits of friendship, of course , people should be happy with each other, but the plan of events that
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we are drawing up between the russian partner and the belarusian partner, the exchange of some knowledge, technologies in the field of not only culture, where... to hold such a concert, well, in the region, i don’t know , public utilities, road management and so on, here it seems to me that the russian regions have a lot to learn from their belarusian colleagues and partners, but i was very pleased, not surprised, but pleased with grodno, clean, cozy, comfortable, wonderful, beautiful city, low bow to the city authorities, so we have twin cities of the same city. this, as far as i remember, is tambov, it seems to me, vologda and there’s a whole list there, right up to sakhalin, so it seems to me that our colleagues need to come to grodno and see how it works. and tell me how to accept participation in programs that are implemented through the mediation of rossotrudnichestvo, by the way, yes, i’ll also tell you about these
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wonderful programs, i encourage everyone to participate in them on the website in the activities tab, if i’m not mistaken, there is a participant path for the new generation program. generation, look, go to the website, you can get involved in this business, there is a story with the good mission, this is when volunteers from russia come, and as we joke, they usually do good, do good, that is, they work in some kind of something socially in demand
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sphere, now we are planning a good mission in belarus, to help our colleagues in belarus here, as a volunteer, here to work with children with special needs. this is an important story and we of course have some experience, let’s share it, watch, participate, let’s go ahead, let’s return to the topic of russian centers of science and culture, recently such a lot, what tasks do they perform? how many of these are there in belarus already? well, we had an agreement on the activities of these cultural centers between russia and belarus, as far as i remember, in 2009 year, the first large cultural center, this so-called russian house in minsk opened already in... now we have a new one in grodno, which we opened just yesterday , the ribbon was cut there, there is a center in brest, there is a center in gomel, i hope that they will open and they are in demand, we saw this by the number
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of people who came to the opening in grodno, this is a platform, a platform in demand among local belarusian non-governmental organizations and volunteer structures. different and some kind of memorial, historical, which are engaged in the protection of historical memory and quite social ones, which solve some social problems, this is the place where film screenings take place, we will have a small hall in grodno, a small one, a small city, a small hall, well, i think we we will find partners, there will be exhibitions and some interesting seminars, we will bring scientists there from russia and interesting speakers, so for... the opening of the house, when the public gathered there, and by the way, a good wonderful singer from the gnesin academy came from moscow, there were romances, i told the audience that our house is your home, this is our common home, so come to
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the russian house in a cool way, belarusian guys who choose foreign universities give priority to russian universities, yes, what bonuses are provided for our compatriots and what specialties are more common ? they choose everything, we have several programs under which belarusian children go to study at russian universities, this is simply direct commercial admission there, they signed a contract and went to study. and there is an olympic movement, there is an opportunity to enter through the state belarusian exam simply with some additional thing, and there is the same quota that was mentioned, this is the government of the russian federation, 1,300 people, almost 2.0 we had applicants, well, a good competition, mainly medical specialties, medical there up to dentistry and so on , there are engineering ones. it is of interest to the guys from belarus and
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i repeat once again, this is a two-way road, now belarus is making it easier for russian students to enroll in belarusian universities, as far as i read a few days ago, according to based on the results of the unified state exam, russian students will be able to enter belarusian universities, great, absolutely, there are about a thousand places, the quota for russian students is 1,300 for us. i repeat once again, this is important, it is very important for us that students return, make belarus richer, better, more successful, and so on and so forth. it has never been a question of brain drain for us. look what our competitors are doing, how to say, competitors from poland, from the united states, germany, britain, and so on and so forth, for them all these educational programs are always were constructed, their architecture itself was like that. that they were made in order to draw out the best, the smartest to keep them
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with us, but we have exactly the opposite goal, to prepare the best and return home, belarus and russia have the same values, a general historical memory, together we defend our interests, as far as young people are active promotes your initiatives? you know, it’s very active, we just recently had a youth festival in sochi, there were a lot of guys from belarus there and, as far as i know from... some feedback, they returned they are, well, quite happy in such an upbeat mood, there were many different activities, interesting projects, programs, seminars, discussions, conferences, there are a lot of initiatives in the field of preserving historical memory, there are very active belarusian volunteer movements that deal with exactly this topic, we we are certainly giving them platforms, now in... june, if i’m not mistaken, we will have a big conference on this topic, i hope
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next year a train of memory, a train of victory, will arrive, our history is also interesting, such a train, who travels around russia, will come here to belarus, to brest, as far as i know, should definitely be there, so there’s a lot to do, thank you, thank you, well, evgenia primakov, head of the federal agency of rossotrudnichestvo, answered the program’s questions. this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue scientific experiments on board the iss, the first female cosmonaut in belarus, marina vasilevskaya, continues to conduct research in space. find out more from our columnist elena puntus. there are seven projects in the star mission, including detailed photos and video filming of the earth, research on growing plants in space, as well as testing belarusian developments, for example, probiotics. in the future, they can be used to create food products for astronauts; for this purpose, scientists from the institute of meat and dairy industry, the national academy of sciences have developed special combinations of microorganisms,
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selected milk bases, and determined the optimal nutrient medium in which bacteria can develop in space. samples were made for more than six months, one of the most ambitious tasks was to prepare orbit fermented milk products. in order to prepare the samples that we sent to the iss with the crew, it took us about 6-7 months. 16 strains of microorganisms will take part in these studies, biphytobacteria of different species of latobotso of various species and thermophilic streptococcus, both in a state of anabiosis, that is, luophilically dried, and also in a state of anabiosis, but ready for cultivation on nutrient media, and, accordingly, on milk bases , on the basis of which we plan to obtain samples of fermented milk products containing probiotic cultures , a number of fermented milk products were developed
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and clinical testing of these products was carried out; the effectiveness of consuming fermented milk products with probiotics for normalizing the microflora of the human gastrointestinal tract was proven. we plan that the fermented milk product that we will receive in the conditions of the iss will be further studied, we believe that this is... the first step, the first step towards creating fermented milk products on board the international space station and use them in the nutrition of people who are in a long-term environment... thanks to the experiment, scientists want to understand how comfortable strains of probiotics feel in weightlessness, and also find out the characteristics of fermented milk products created in space. the unesco monitoring mission assessed the consequences of the construction of the barrier in belovezhskaya pushcha. what conclusion did the experts come to? experts have confirmed the negative impact on the reserve’s ecosystem. wild
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animals die in barbed wire, blocking migration is unification gene pool, including teeth. we understand perfectly well what problems there are in each area, we currently have seven areas under control where flooding occurs, and we have already thought through options with science on how to minimize this process. they calculated that the amount of damage in belarusian rubles amounted to 52 million belarusian rubles, this consists, in principle, of three
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areas: land degradation, destruction of living ground cover and... specialists in the mining industry, where belas quarry equipment is used. competitions took place in several stages, the participants were offered to increase the efficiency and reliability of belarusian dump trucks, as well as add new functions to their filling. among the ideas are automatic control of battery temperature, a voice assistant based on artificial intelligence, and installation of new cylinders for hydrogen samples. the team from the mining university from st. petersburg became the best.
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the champions got the opportunity to undergo an internship at belaz. we continue to expand ours. presence in universities, opening new educational laboratories under the belas brand, well, we have one competence center in the first technical higher educational institution of russia in the city of st. petersburg, this is the st. petersburg mining university, this year it will grow with a unique scientific laboratory on the topic of electric drives, electrical engineering, which will make it possible to carry out real scientific research. research and real scientific work for graduate students, and for candidate's work, and for higher-level scientific work. the belas challenge competition has already become traditional and was held for the fourth time. every year it grows only the number of participants, but also the quality of their proposals. some ideas are already being developed by the plant's designers. russian regions are opening new routes for
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belarusian tourists. in moscow, they discussed the development of the tourism industry of the union state. what are the agreements? achieved: the parties discussed a lot: expanding the geography of flights, introducing new technologies and tourism products. river cruises, as well as patriotic and border tours, for example, a week-long excursion program around cities, may appear in the union state belarus and russia with a collection point in moscow. the format would be of interest to educational institutions with discounts and benefits for schoolchildren. as for the flight program, the national air carrier is constantly expanding its network of flights to russia. belavia planes flew to samara, mur.
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as much as we would like, here are the tools to use to ensure that they are loaded efficiently out of season, from which new regions, on the basis of which we can supply additional logistics, and do we have the infrastructure during the season, for in order to accept these possible flows. already this month, the second belarusian-russian tourism congress will be held in minsk, the main topics are investments, infrastructure development and business tourism. thank you, the review was prepared by elena puntus. results. analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of the television news agency main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel are on the website, as well as on social networks, i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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on-air weekly socio-political talk show in essence, today, without jokes, we will talk about what worries everyone, about our
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comfortable life in our clean, well-groomed country, on whom it depends, who is more responsible for repairing roads, for cleanliness in yards, citizens or states about we will talk about other subtleties today, as always. our experts, as always, you can join our program, ask any question that concerns you, share your opinion, there is a qr code at the bottom of the screen, please point your smartphone screen at it and go to the chat on our youtube channel, well, in the right corner there is a link to our telegram channel, where you can find out more about what we think behind the scenes, i’ll probably start turning this pyramid over like this, because well, usually how people suffer, how they think, because they don’t have roads, elevators don’t work, they don’t pick up trash, well , it’s always like this, they go where, they go to local
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authorities, they go somewhere higher, they write to journalists, help, film, figure it out, i i wrote this post on my instagram over the weekend, because i see that, for example, in minsk, where you and i live, they have been cleaning since march 11, they are cleaning there, they are planting trees, bushes, everything is as it should be, everything is fine, i have... a question: who is doing this? and we kind of conducted a small survey on the street, we just walked around and asked: are you ready to go out on a cleanup day, if no one had told you, forced you, asked you, didn’t work at the enterprise, and many came to such an amazing conclusion, i don't get paid for this, i won't do it. the president just a few weeks ago, saying that well yes, indeed in minsk it is necessary to remove and patch potholes in yards and on roads, this is such a normal belarusian tradition to bring them every spring. the city and not only ours, all the cities of belarus are in order, he even said this formula: 98% is what the state, the enterprises of the company, that is, the state that serves, must remove, and 2%
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are people, maybe he meant business, or maybe he meant us, all belarusians, because well, again, let’s think about it, dog walkers who don’t clean up after ourselves, people who throw past trash cans, people who throw bottles from the window, it ’s all cigarette butts, it’s all flying, lying around, that’s all, the snow is melting and...
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you go on the railway, the heads of administration are watching, every day we see how they plant it in a helicopter, you climb up the trees with it, but every year i understand that the trees were planted last year, the yards were patched up last year, the year before, that’s where this problem lies, we really have this climate, or something is wrong, well, good afternoon, in fact there is certain problems that are related to the fact that we are all fine...
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the ability of people not to get hurt in road accidents, slipperiness on pedestrian connections, this also gives its own result, at the same time we have carried out a number of events, but this will understanding somewhere, probably by may, by june, where we have chosen several points according to
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which we will look. on the reagents that can be used and how to protect certain green spaces in order to use them in the future, i will add to your green theme is a fly in the ointment, with regards to roads, well, last year definitely, if we are talking about the city of minsk, then we will expand a little to the whole republic, it was noticeable that the winners were resurfaced in one weekend, in residential areas the roads were changed, well - we overwintered, it seems to be good at first glance, at least the story, we discussed it a little behind the scenes, i’ll voice it for our viewers, in general, every year, plus or minus, we hold the same events, the same and the same programs, and the eternal problem, our roads, yes, we are trying to figure it out a lot, in general, last year, on the eve of the spring season, we were talking about how to
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help? the state, maybe even somewhere, well, to focus attention, where something needs to be patched up, i, as an ordinary citizen, last year i applied to 115, several times, to be honest, the reaction came only after i applied directly this year i’m conducting the same experiment with the district administration, i also contacted 115, so far there’s silence, but we understand perfectly well, yes, that if you wish, you can...
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the chains, by the time it gets to the performer, they can distort everything in an incomprehensible way, so this is my assumption, but in fact, as for directly along the roads that you have designated, well, maybe for information, in general, in the city of minsk we have 1,377 streets, the area of ​​which is, well, let’s say, about 20 million square meters, and one of mine...
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it was a coating, it worked well there, where there are such certain moments, but on such a volume , well, unfortunately, yes there is a problem, but we are striving for so that these requests that are received, well , unfortunately, it is not possible to implement them, that is, it turns out that it is better directly than through an intermediary, then why do we need an intermediary? no, but i mean that it doesn’t always reach the way we would like it to, the information reaches the intermediary, but the fact is that to ask you a question in the field of engineering, well... it’s unlikely that you can , relatively speaking answer, yes, or in electrics, in power supply, so this situation can happen here, but here is one a moment that directly concerns the operator and the contact person, this really needs to be asked again to clarify, maybe there are some specific points where this point is located, i wrote and attached photos four times, but we talked about this, yes, last year, this year, but i want to say that in this regard, but quite harshly, we react to non-fulfillment or untimely
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execution of requests. believe, but let’s highlight another topic that was raised last week, when the head of state i visited the ashmyany district, there is the notorious story about stones in the fields. but of course it ’s not a little bit about household chores, but the point is this: very often, a discussion arises about when and who should be involved in some kind of social work, well, in our country , adults take part in subbotniks and, in general, children, yes in schools, i don’t know exactly how it is now, but probably some kind of practices are carried out, somehow, children from a very young age are involved in taking care of that territory,
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parents react differently to the involvement children to work. ministry of education, good evening, yes, indeed, ours , together with teaching staff, educational institutions, are fostering labor education in children, attracting labor. yes, we have all this at will, we have the concept of socially useful work, these are basic skills in learning skills. self-care in the classroom is to clean the board, sweep the classroom, what happened in our childhood, in soviet childhood, i found this period very grateful to the school that the school taught me this, because really
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class teacher, i can now openly say, evgenia nikolaevna meleshka, who stood over us and said, press the broom with your hand, because you need to sweep it well. gender, it’s like with subbotniks, sometimes you need to force, and i’m not afraid of this word, people need to be shown that if you haven’t cleaned up after the dog, you will clean up the subbotniks somewhere else, there are still such moments, let’s say, regarding here in minsk, we have already held three cleanup days, which means we are striving to interest those for children, so that these cleanup days are themed, we involve the state traffic inspectorate, we involve the ministry of emergency situations, the fauna of the city, which means a special motor transport commune.
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parents are willing to go to this, then believe me, in the family it is brought up correctly, but how are you correct if the teaching staff is involved , they said, yes, there is dependency, we have it, and they appeal to the ministry of education , why was my child involved in work, or forced clean the board there, or sweep the classroom, we explain, we explain that there is a regulatory document of the ministry of education for socially useful work. that the teaching staff did everything right, because the example of a teacher or a parent’s legal representative is fundamental for a child, and if a child sees that his parent or teacher
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is working with him, then he will get used to work, so think about it somehow, you say this is three unity, somehow think through it, maybe there will be a republican cleanup day, well, i don’t know, maybe there will be not only the guys, but their parents should be invited that... they participated together, and this is invited, we have a sixth school day, there are work matters, on the sixth school day students and legal representatives are invited, they go, well, there is more, there is still work, no one has canceled them, this is how things are in your area with the involvement of schoolchildren, i again do not insist that this should be the case, but it seems to me that there is a certain thing when, well , children, like adults, need to be shown what to do to clean up. you need to take care of yourself, the country, it well, well, it won’t clean itself, someone will clean it up for your taxes, or you will sweep it up yourself, it seems to me that this is the right story, good evening everyone, a system has already been created in the deep and glubotsky district,
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a joint decision has been made by the glubotsky executive committee and the district council of deputies on assigning all public places, all streets, all monuments, all playgrounds to organizations, we have already established this, we... do not update it, we have it all, so we constantly monitor it all, today there are no moments where some will be there and some won’t, including schools, today parks, today playgrounds are assigned to schools. today they come out here, well, that’s how they say, for example, here’s a video showing how the guys went to remove stones from a field, it was actually a shock for many, it’s like how to remove stones from children in a field, what is it, well, so they don’t clean up somewhere, but they help agriculture, today if you approach this way, if you approach it with some benefit, something is profitable or unprofitable, then well, it’s difficult, you know, maybe i want to dwell on the fact that... deep down there is such a position, given that today is the year
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of quality, we do this: either it creates, say, jobs, or it does some kind of ... this business or something, we always approach it in the way that your parents would appreciate this action, any business, or we sweep this, or we do this, or we are on the collective farm today, it’s difficult to lift stones or something, you can walk like this, or you can so, and we always evaluate this, a workplace is being created there , everything is like...
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and behind this it’s clean, because someone, for example, after a city day or some evening concert came to the center and saw how many people in orange uniforms were cleaning up, this is an organization, an elementary example, i don’t like it, of course, but after 2020 , when some... our citizens went out in august and engaged in mayhem at night, did anyone wonder who then cleaned up the scattered flowerpots and broken blocks after them, those same people in these yellow vests. andrey mikhailovich, well, we’re discussing here, yes, stones, roads, green spaces and so on further and so on, last year , in my opinion, there was a figure that the majority of claims and complaints from the residents of the country, in general, are along the lines. housing and communal services, which problem is one of the ones we have mentioned above, or
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maybe you will voice some other number one for today? good afternoon, first we consider our applications that come to us at the contact number 115, we consider them almost every month in great detail, we see the topic as a whole throughout the republic, and the republican center, which we consider analytics first of all, improvement issues come second, that is, issues of routine repairs of the housing stock, major repairs, and maintenance. and also the leading questions for us are always the street network and courtyard areas, these questions have been at the top of our requests for years, in principle, as they have already said, the intermediary is not working, the question is why? the question is that it is impossible to repair everything every year in a year; all districts have work plans, which they form based on the condition of the courtyards territories, residential buildings, look, i ’ll return the question to its beginning, okay, we live south of norway, well, it doesn’t seem right to me. for the second year in a row, alena points to the same hole, which means that
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it was done, next year they will do it again, and then they will do it again. here again the question arises, well, i gave an example, you can buy sneakers for 100 rubles. but buy three pairs of them within six months, but you can buy one pair of sneakers and wear them out in 2 years. and here the question arises: this is the family budget, you you can spend as much as you want, why isn’t this done with asphalt, why wasn’t it laid right away and it’s been sitting there for 3 years, you practically... summed up the topic just with your monologue, that we have come to the conclusion that we have everything concrete is used more, the repair intervals of concrete are higher than those of asphalt and concrete, that is, its use is growing accordingly, it is also planned to use it in the future, if you pay attention in the courtyard areas, on the driveway, where we use it in the form of tiles and so on, so work on improvement, it is being carried out, complaints are being collected, as you said about the quality of materials that are used for tactile tiles and so on, that is, there are those moments that are problematic, they immediately do everything at once, there are
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work plans, people on the ground know , what kind of yard area really needs repairs today, are you sure that they know, people on the ground know, they have a subjective opinion, then ask every second person, he will say, i have a bad yard, of course, that’s it, no questions, the thing is that our people, here we hold meetings with the population, we need to go to people more and that’s when we come to people and start talking at a meeting with the population, for example in a village council or in some area of ​​the city, and we explain what’s happening in the next yard or street. we have built so many kilometers of road network, we have created so many courtyard areas, people are interested specifically in their yard, where they live, the fact that we are completely their neighbors, this is called envy, this is a normal human feeling, what is here quite right, often going into one yard, doing it well and efficiently, we receive a huge number of requests from neighboring yards, why they didn’t do it here, we
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then explain that this house is older, the yard area was worse, and so on, there are lists , according to which we are working, to do as you say, we submitted an application, but there are costs that need to be considered for everyone. that is, there is a year of quality where we are doing well, but we also need to calculate the economy, behind everything there must be an economy first of all, and we today we can’t run the same car around to fulfill requests and you can’t put a policeman at every bank, i understand, that’s why we have a work plan, we have a clear task set by the head of state to complete it by may 9, and we are moving towards this task comprehensively according to the plan, you know, but you remember a few programs ago, a heated debate arose here on the topic of where ideology begins, and there. speaks about patriotism associated with our respect for our state symbols, our global goals, and so on and so forth, someone says that no matter how much you fly into space in the literal sense of the word, well, if you have a mess in your yard, roughly speaking, then in
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general a person will not enjoy space and so on, we still come to this , that people are concerned about these small issues first, and then... some global goals, if we insist from year to year we talk about the fact that somewhere the system is slipping, i in no way i doubt your competence, the competence of local leaders, and so on and so forth, but globally we see the same result, you make a lot of effort, but , roughly speaking, we don’t achieve the desired effect, well, i agree, i don’t agree with you here to a certain extent, again, i’ll take the city of minsk, but that means i... i have always said and will continue to say that we can achieve the desired effect only under one condition, if we do all this together, both utility workers and residents of the capital, and as one example, let’s say we hold the same competitions, let’s say by floral design in terms of the maintenance of the courtyard area, by the way, as one example, i won’t talk about
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the district, a resident of one of the districts, who made a fairy tale out of her yard, a piece of candy and attracted her neighbors there, she became a minischanka of the city. you know, and so do i, i will also give you a personal example, i will give you a personal example, in my yard there is also a wonderful person , thank you very much for this, who, seeing that there is a mess somewhere, goes to clean up on his day off , in general, no one has anything for it asks, but he is not able to re-lay the asphalt, allow me, yes, but there is a good example and good practice, also remember from personal example, i also grew up in the soviet...
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people can park vehicles at the entrance, knowing that the wheels are the same as before in the nineties they won’t remove it, the windshield won’t be removed, the car won’t be stolen, instead of there being quite a lot of free parking spaces in the parking lots, so... and the courtyards would be empty and everything would be fine, here a little here here
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let’s do this again let's indicate what it seems to me the problem of, roughly speaking, candy wrappers lying around, it is not as pressing for minsk as the problems that ordinary citizens cannot cope with, and as for the fact that they do not litter, i really think that those who travel there and outside our country really face with the fact that belarusians already have a habit that every i don’t know 50 m there is a trash can in...
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because being a confidant of one of the candidates for parliament, i heard about this problem here in minsk, in malinovka, in the south-west , but i realized that this is everywhere
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problem, that means there are fines for throwing garbage out of the window, for leaving garbage in a recreation area after a barbecue, fines for leaving excrement after walking your dogs, and for janitors to conscientiously clean the area, fines, these are the people, when i met as a confidant, they said it’s necessary it’s realistic to fine, fine, fine, so that it’s on the cameras. they organized probably about a dozen places for walking dogs there, they actively use them, then in the perimeter, so to speak, of individual courtyards, when the same communal services happen to notice
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services, well, excuse me, maybe xy, but they send out, well, it’s probably ugly in relation to the employee, yes, in relation to the work that he does, so in this part i think that there should probably be fines, in addition, we have services that, well, in principle, can monitor this,
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i have a question that seems to be related to this topic, but still a little off topic, here we have student teams formed in the summer, yes, there are a lot of guys those who remain, these are the so-called service squads that help clean up, just in your opinion, this is the story, it helps you understand that when you go to remove stones, for example, in the fall, this is also work. well, it’s like they don’t pay money for it, but do you get something else? you know, yes, ship brigades, they are in demand, they have been revived, if at first they were difficult for young people, because they did not understand what it was, now they are in demand, by the end of 2023, almost 51,500 young people worked in
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student brigades, and indeed ... they felt what it was like to earn their first wages with their labor, and many the guys work all summer, yes, there are breaks that they must observe, but they work , they understand, and those guys who have been working for several years, they are happy to go to work, earn money, even if a student team is organized directly during the educational process , when the educational process is going on at a university, then their studies are shifted, or they study according to an individual plan, they earn money, here i’m saying, it’s profitable to go for potatoes and cabbage, this is a normal story, on the one hand you from they freed up their studies, again romance, guitars on the field, everything is just like everything, well , you can’t organize such and such for schoolchildren, from what they
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did there when they arrived, but what... you ’re talking about now, well, to put it mildly, there with a whip, when they stand over you, you must, must, must, must, must, of course, it will cause rejection, when it’s fun, in a playful way, unobtrusively, somewhere with the absence of these endless lectures, then of course young people may have a desire to do this again, you have a section of work, completed, i don’t give you anything else, they quickly clean up, well, that’s right, well, look, i took this from the example before... you clean up, you ’re free, you clean up, you’re free, they all go about their business. alexander nikolovich, well, tell us about this vympil, on the one hand, you know, this is the kind of feedback in soviet times, because we, well , only they were red, but on the other hand, we did it, they happened to us here,
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well, i understand, just the question is, to what extent does this story work now? well i’m telling the truth, because now, it seems to me, the whole society is very mercantilized to the fullest, vladimirovich, this means that this is the result of what we, as i already said, are doing, today , headed by a deputy, sanitation stations , ecology, specialists, we go around every street, we outline plans, because that year, the year after that, we have about 70 families, well, lonely ones, even if he broke down, no one will help him, we are for... we are making a budget, accordingly, this is a contribution being made, this is the result of what we are doing today, in the winter in the fall we sum up the results, every village council, every yard, every street, we also help clear the snow, i also want to say that we hope for housing and communal services, we hope for someone, that someone will come to us, but on the other hand, look, just like in minsk, we can say that yes, we really have a lot of streets, a lot of
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courtyards, a lot of people live, it’s clear that we really... there are potholes there, there the asphalt is broken, something else is missing, in small towns, how do people react to this, they also say, well, no, there is also, for example, a pit there, they complain about the pits, well, i understand that they are probably complaining, well, of course, people there are also like in minsk, they also want to live more or less in civilization, but we are not waiting, as i already said, we are going around, today we are helping housing and communal services at the expense of the budget, we bought a car that sweeps today, you know, somehow this was the position, when these people are at the beginning.
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and we see the rating, how who fulfills the requests, which district housing and communal services worked? is already involved in this, that is, when we we show what we did in this yard, the neighboring yard begins to participate in the same thing , it motivates us to move forward, putting things in order. well, how many active citizens do we have? you just said about
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a children’s playground, i’ll say it as it is, for example, for me this is not relevant, i don’t have children, so whether i have a playground or not, i’m absolutely as if, well, that’s the position, but for him, but this is relevant for him, but for others this is a dog walking area that is more relevant, that is , here’s how, how it’s possible to decide. places like a manager who just yesterday was working in the field, how interesting it is that people’s approach changes when they participate financially in any construction project, in any facility, or have done something themselves, which is what we’re talking about when we buy a gaming complex and install it in a courtyard area, a twenty-year-old child sits there and rides on a swing, no one cares, as soon as some of the residents of this courtyard area were bought into this complex, immediately well, well, don’t ride here, don’t break it here, don’t go here, use it carefully, absolutely immediately.
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compare how it was then and how it is now, now we have what we have, we have a completely different approach to life in general and some other, well, not just principles, but
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priorities, probably the same approach, we have a deep , no one will go to restore order, no one, even if they go, they must help, we must do it all ourselves, and we have a goal, how lucky you are, in minsk they think that we pay taxes, everyone owes us, but we we think so... but why is it that we are most active in cleaning up garbage? okay, maybe not so they want to plant some kind of tree, some kind of christmas tree, it seems to me that there are more people who want to, valentin gennadievich, there is an initiative, but in our city, when you can apply, they will tell you in which area of ​​the city you can plant what kind of tree, where it is needed, but another question arises: it must be a birch tree, but there they say you can’t have a birch tree, that something else is needed, a poplar is necessary, or does everyone want to plant some kind of sticky tree near their house? good afternoon, well, if we talk about the initiative, then yes, it
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exists today in minsk, it’s called green yard together, yes, you can apply for 112, sign up for planting and they will provide 112 not 115, and they will provide the territory, well, out of... 29, 73 trees were planted, for what period? this is for spring, first for the month of march, in one month there are 73 trees. 73, expressed a desire, 112 people, 73 were imprisoned, i ’ll tell you, in a city of two million, it’s so -so, it’s not about anything at all, it’s so-so, it ’s not about anything, i completely agree with you, despite the fact that yard areas will be planted, it is planned to plant over 4,000 trees and 22 thousand shrubs. therefore, well , let’s say that there is plenty of front for this work, here is oleg vladimovich, now we started talking about the fact that if you invested yourself, yes, then you will probably treat it a little differently, in minsk, for example, it’s very there is a clear story when with residential complexes, for example,
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housing complexes, they belong to the owners’ association, it seems like they throw off all theirs there, collect them, there is a difference between what is on the balance sheet, for example, of the city state and the owners’ association, and andrei mikhailovich already by spoke about this. this is mine, that’s why i relate to this, what i also said is that only together we can restore order, and this is absolutely not a slogan, and the head of state, as he indicated. that we need to involve the population as much as possible in the improvement of courtyard areas, but if we do this, it means that we have already distributed a schedule , identified the more than four thousand courtyards that exist in the city, we will go around each courtyard from april to august and with we will talk to the population about this topic, we will watch, what people want, what they strive for, exactly the same situation, let’s say we have such a good tradition in the city, you probably know that twice a year, this is on
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independence day, on the birthday of the city, every district, this means that there are two locations, recreation areas, it forces, yes, we already have 45 of them, which means that these recreation areas are not what the capital authorities determine, we look where the attraction of people is, this year there will also be 18 recreation areas , and people come there, they also try to bring something of their own improve, so when we are together, then you know, here i have the simplest example, when the state.
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in the first part, when i talked about trash cans too, yes, it’s a well-known fact that at some time ago, the more trash cans we had, they were at every step, so that a person didn’t have a chance, in general throw this candy wrapper on the floor, as for landscaping and so on and so forth, perhaps this is an omission of journalists, including ours, that we don’t talk about this so much, and we don’t often tell where to get equipment, but it seems to me that if it were visually accessible to a person, right? that i can go without looking for a conditionally responsible person running around the yard, but i know where i can go to get this rake, then maybe there would be more people willing, so maybe you are somehow solving this issue progressively, because you are talking to the snow you have no problems, well, i’ll probably start with what we just discussed, which probably led me to some kind of outcome of this small conversation, first of all, of course, there must be motivation, and the motivation here is like ideologists...
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ideological, i repeat once again, everything is enough today, both administrative and attracting people, methods, mechanisms begin with ourselves, if we show by our example that this order needs to be established, then it is necessary, no matter where you live, i will say that within the framework of 115, over the last six months we have had a small surge in cooperatives, where we closed the garbage chutes, everything was welded around the city, today we have one hundred percent collection through containers on the street, people made some noise.
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or toughening, for example, punishments, here what we said about the same dogs and garbage, or vice versa, encouraging that if you are a person who takes some part in the same cleanup or cleaning or landscaping, he will receive something more, that’s what we’re talking about we are talking now, that is, if you involve a person in some, well, let’s say,
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financial component of all this improvement, he will give a greater return, i completely agree with my colleague, we need to attract people, and they were right to say that there are many... ways how and if it will be necessary at the legislative level, the house of representatives will consider all issues, as our chairman of the house of representatives igor petrovich says, if you criticize, then propose, everything will depend on the proposal and the deputy corps, going to the people, and we will do this even more in this convocation, going to people, we will listen to their opinions, their suggestions, their complaints in order to improve this or that...
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very cool, we can do high-tech operations, but often we cannot satisfy some basic things, so it’s great, we're cool we respond to some emergency situations, i think that no one here will object to this, but it’s probably still worth working on the database, what innovations we plan to introduce, first of all, in the year of quality we will monitor all of our applications, more detailed consideration of them, so that they are completed on time and... with high quality, that is, this is what the state requires of us, we will continue to do this, we will continue to involve our population and work for the good, well, okay, how to involve, here again to persuade persuade, coerce, punish.


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