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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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seventeenth, well, accordingly, we draw another asterisk for complication, yes, well, how, i don’t know, i don’t know how to do it now, just like that, no, it’s easy to split, drill, drill some kind of hole like this, in winter pour water, it will freeze, the chamber will tear, in the summer, hammer in a wooden wedge, pour water, the tree will swell, it will also tear, but how to drill this, this umbrella, how to make it, everyone is intrigued, like yes, technology is 3.0 years old, egypt. the pyramids were built in the same way, wooden peg, sand by hand drilled at a speed of 1 mm per year, per hour or or per day or per year, well, labor was like that, a consumable material, well - this is a wooden stick, yes, exactly wooden sand, yes - the sand served as an abrasive, the tree was the carrier of the abrasive , this. how does your wife
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feel about this hobby of yours, after all, there are men who have a garage and this is a relatively small hobby, although the garage takes a lot of time, you have a venerable woman, either from the 18th or 19th centuries, how about this? there is such a joke, a boy comes running, mom, mom, dad hit his finger with a hammer, but what did he say? “but you don’t allow me, but can i use those words that you don’t allow? no, you can’t.” he remained silent. so, well, the wife remained silent, uh, for several weeks, but how was that resolved? did you consult and decide, or did you decide and then consult? well, i have a stupid character, that’s why i first advised this, first i consulted, but she was there. against, but, but
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the character is stupid, well, what can you do with it, so, well, it has come, the woman’s fate has come to terms, well, what to do, well, since this is now with modern tourism, it’s sad, the time now is sad for modern tourism, sending tourists to some kind of conditional egypt is an event on an urban scale, of course, there are no flows. there are no movements, but this object brings benefits, well, accordingly, this humility has already grown into acceptance, into acceptance, yes, it’s like along the chain of decision-making, acceptance, that’s it, and now it’s part of the business, so nowhere, this is a special business , like anyone else, well , where are you going, we will, we work, we live, i want to wish that this sacramental phrase... and i told you, it has never
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been heard in your family, so our today has come to an end about the past, already about the present, we talked a lot, although we would like more, but alas, airtime is strictly limited, about the future, what i would like to bring here in the future, to add, well, in addition to doing everything that i wanted, well, at least finish, finish what was started, but as zhvanetsky said, it can be stopped, not finished. is this enough, is there enough time, well, i don’t know, which hasn’t even been started yet, so it doesn’t depend on me, well, gennady, then all the hope is for you, for your grandchildren, thank you for this, for the children, to prepare grandchildren like you, yes, so good, golden words. thank you for this
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day, thank you, good health. what’s interesting is that gennady doesn’t want the mill to become a place to spend the night; he doesn’t have sleeping rooms, which in my opinion is correct. there is no need to turn this historical place into a hotel with all that it entails. we wish gennady strength and patience, he will need them.
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our favorite matsi, prodima, welsh our blanc, your beloved mother, rodzima, forever living, and belarus, different countries. in our service, we have spoiled our native people, our wine, our wine with you, we forgot ourselves first, saying that
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our bright name was closed.
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hail to our land, bright name, words of the ukrainian union, our beloved, mother, ours, belarus, ours.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up this day together. directions from the first to new managers, personnel thursday at the president, among the main tasks is to work in the interests of the country and for the people, in the spirit of true democracy. another important stage of the electoral campaign has been completed; the elections of members of the council of the republic of the national assembly have taken place. who are they, the elected senators, the first results in the panorama interview. the mission of the strong is to explore space, we are waiting for the successful return of the crew of our marina vasilevskaya, and we send greetings from. hungarian cosmonaut. my colleagues will continue announcing the program. on the economics of optimization
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of the banking system, tasks in the conditions of the political year. the message for the entire vertical of power was voiced today by the head of state, coordinating the appointment to key positions. more details in a couple of minutes. the elections of members of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation took place. we will tell you in the material how the voting procedure went and what programs the newly elected senators came with. the crew of vasilevsk, novitsky, and ohara are ready for medical and psychological reasons. we continue to monitor space news. in karaganda, roscosmos and rosaviation reported on how the landing would go and why the boats were being prepared. modern warfare leaves little chance for those who are only determined to smash the enemy. no less it is important to be able to avoid blows yourself, and to be able to survive in new realities. project disposition. the farmers of breshchina are finishing all the early spring crops and are starting to work on sugar beets. last year
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the harvest of this crop was a record for the region. about plans for the 2024 agricultural season in our story. brest vs soligorsk miner. who is stronger this time? direct inclusion of a panorama of the sixth match of the semi-final series of the president's cup on hockey. the head of state today agreed on appointments to important positions in the country. new leaders now in the beles bumprom concern and at the development bank. a solid bloc has been updated in the leadership of the local vertical, from the heads of rai and regional executive committees to the heads of district administrations in regional centers. theses, which the head of state emphasized, are relevant for the whole country. great responsibility faces everyone who is placed in trust. these are difficult times, and more than ever, what matters is the result, whatever it should be.
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surely someone wanted sensations today; after all, after the parliamentary elections , many positions remained vacant, starting from the head of the presidential administration to the ministerial corps, but not today, this time the local vertical, new leaders at the development bank and beles bumprom. most of those present were new local leaders, in some places deputies were promoted, became first deputy heads of regional executive committees, or held positions similar to their profile , ended up in deputies, headed the district executive committees and former directors of agricultural enterprises, the head of state approved the appointment of heads of district administrations in brest and vitebsk. the theses voiced in conversations with local leaders are so relevant that it is important for literally everyone to take them as a guideline.
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in those days it was a little more difficult on the one hand, but on the other hand more interesting, everything depends on you, you earned money, spend money, and we don’t abandon the farmers.
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they should not tremble from morning to evening at work and after work, create a normal atmosphere in the team, give people the opportunity to express themselves, we must have true democracy, when people live in pleasure, and if they live in pleasure work, then they will live in pleasure, because they don’t spend most of their time
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at work, alexander lukashenko said the other day, he forbade the government and officials to complain about sanctions, it won’t be easy...
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don’t do it, it’s better to tell the truth, tell it like it is , objective reasons, indicate, we will solve them, you deceived me, i made the wrong decision, this will affect the whole country, we must not allow this and not allow our subordinates to lead accordingly, well, it’s a political year, until the lord gives us everything, especially for people... who want to work on the land, and in industry, well, take agriculture, well, when there was such a winter and spring, so far everything is good, industry, well, yes, there is - in connection with sanctions and so on , i don’t see any problems with food in agriculture, nearby in russia there is a huge need, a little further in china, in other countries,
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russia is huge, one russian market is enough for us, that we are a giant economy, not... we are in demand in all areas but how do i i say, we need to move, there has been and will be competition, including with china, we have encountered , competing, the quality of our goods, as the russians themselves tell me, you see, i am meeting with the governor, the quality is incomparable, we must take advantage of this, in each region the main emphasis is on the agricultural and real sectors of the economy are, in some respects, ahead of each other, but objectively, if you look, each has problems, including those enterprises that are not in a very good position at the moment, but have opened along with sanctions, but for the russian federation, for the republic of belarus, for us. this is again a replacement for goods previously imported from the european union to russia. i can give you an example, the same auto parts plant, which is located in
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baranovichi, increased its export supplies to more than 50% of the russian federation last year. and to those enterprises that, unfortunately, previously did not particularly appreciate us, because supplies mainly came from europe. at the moment , unfortunately, there are not enough people to to complete all those. how to more effectively use one of the country's most important resources - forest resources. the president’s emphasis on this topic has always sounded extremely clear and precise, firstly, starting with the basic requirements for order. secondly, to sell not raw materials, but to offer products with high added value, the demand for which is the highest around the world, the main thing is to expand more actively, look for new markets, and not wait for some kind of discount for difficult times, or that the state...
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restructure these debts, first, to reconsider the possibility, perhaps , of reducing interest, because interest is also accumulating, and thirdly , to transfer foreign currency debts that are denominated in foreign currency into belarusian rubles, because due to exchange rate differences, and is this a breath of air or is this radically changing the situation in the industry , while this is a breath of air, we, of course, are not making this decision now, but we will consider your proposal, because since the way ...
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the state works, at one time the president paid great attention to woodworking and its modernization, this later became that very airbag when we were faced with sanctions. and pill factories, which previously focused on the european market, of course, were not left without work. eco-friendly fuel is also relevant in the domestic market. after all, the forest is not only the heritage of belarus, but also a significant source of income, so it is a matter of principle that there is order in this area. this is a limiting factor that significantly affects the speed of success. implementation of all our projects, this is that in the russian federation there are exactly the same sanctions restrictions, and russia itself is the largest producer of the products that we also produce. when we
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were completely restricted from exporting the products that we send to european countries, to ukraine, we had to reorient ourselves mainly to russia and through russia to our friendly countries of central asia or china, so we have slightly less competitive advantages than our russian colleagues, but we are fighting this, today we are already... in we supply russia with more than 60% of all our products, the entire republic of belarus, specifically in the field of wood processing, it turns out that despite the disadvantages that we had initially, we are still gradually adapting to this situation. the banking sector also needs order; in a conversation with the new head of the development bank, we identified global tasks for the entire banking sector. the main emphasis, alexander lukashenko voiced just the other day, is that all financial activities should be subordinated to the interests of the economy, this is about development, but sometimes. the same tasks decided by people from parallel departments and even those whose competence does not include this, it is important to remove duplicate functions and generally think about optimization. what are your features?
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president, we... are looking for points of growth, points of growth where other banks don’t see this, why don’t they see it, due to the specifics of their universality, well, that is, due to the fact that they are already engaged in a specific line of business, a specific direction, okay , if this is an agricultural bank, for example, then let it look for growth points in the agro-industrial sector, it’s closer and more visible to them, because they ’re involved in the industry, and you’re in charge of the country as a whole, right? everything you said, here are the experts sitting, they understand perfectly well that it is not the bankers, not you, but they, they say, build this, this is optimal, this, i am sure, is that your bank is turning into the financier of all this, and the functions that you named, well, they are typical for any bank, i’m not saying that we don’t need this bank, otherwise we wouldn’t have appointed you, but
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optimization of banks, so that specialists are distracted, these are great specialists, financiers, in general the idea development bank - this is a search for just such a country, maybe we don’t need so many innovative projects aimed, as it were, at the future, which means those that may not be entirely clear. for classic banks that stand on the ground, but why look for them? for this we have specialists in ministries, departments in the regional executive committee, for example, there are really real specialists there, what kind of specialists he has, who do not walk on the ground, they walk on the ground there, they see, there are other criteria that bankers never they will see, they will see only a specific manager of the enterprise,
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but he should not build for other people’s money. he must take out a loan or build his own money, then he will count the money, and not what we told him before, yes, we will build it for you, okay, he doesn’t care whether this project is cheap or expensive, we need to return to this issue, but we need to look, because there are too many of these parallels, well, why do we need belarus, where, in general, the financial system is stable, disciplined and other resources...
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nicaragua, where the delivery recently took place mazov is in this country for the first time, that is , agreements were reached here with the assistance of the development bank, including those that not only accompanied the nicaraguan delegations, that is, the negotiations lasted more than 5 years, but convinced them, showed them the niches that are in demand in nicoragua.
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region. on personnel issues and preparation of the most important events with the participation of the head of state, including the all-belarusian people's assembly. the speech was also made during a separate report by the first deputy head of the presidential administration. the coming year for the country is not easy and there will be a lot of work. there are many important holidays ahead, including victory day and independence day, when the country will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of its liberation from the nazi invaders. work will continue in the personnel sector, since many people from the presidential register were elected to... parliament and an appropriate replacement is needed. any personnel day is an important reference point for newly minted managers and motivation for those who have been in positions for a long time. it's obvious that the president is very worried about every sphere. such time, any mistake, is a gift that we cannot give to our opponents. so, maybe today we just need such personnel so that people in the teams can say that he is like a dad to us. it is clear that no one can compare with the authority and experience of a chief politician, and this is not necessary.


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