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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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which are in demand in the nikauragan region. on personnel issues and preparation of the most important events with the participation of the head of state, including the all-belarusian people's assembly. the speech was also made during a separate report by the first deputy head of the presidential administration. the coming year will be difficult for the country and there will be a lot of work. there are many important holidays ahead, including victory day and independence day, when the country will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of its liberation from the nazi invaders. will continue work in the personnel sector, since many people from... the president were elected to parliament and an appropriate replacement is needed. any personnel day is an important reference point for newly minted managers and motivation for those who have been in positions for a long time. it is obvious. the president is very concerned about every area. such time, any mistake, is a gift that we cannot give to our opponents. so, maybe today we just need such personnel so that people in the teams can say that he is like a dad to us. clearly, with authority and experience no one can compare with the chief politician, and that’s not necessary. but being a strong example is
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what you should strive for. ilona krasutskaya, katerina krutalevich, andrey ivanenko, ilya puchko. tv news agency. the new members of the council of the republic are also determined to work in the interests of the people over the next 5 years. elections to the upper house of parliament of the eighth convocation took place in belarus. voting took place in every region and capital. now the senators, along with the new composition of the house of representatives, will become delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly. victoria sharkova ava. what does it mean to pass laws? a special mission, familiar to those with initiative and responsibility. in belarus, it is being carried out through the efforts of 64 senators, 56 were elected today, another eight, the president can appoint at any time using a special quota. minsk elected its representatives to the council of the republic in the city hall. deputies of the minsk city council of deputies gathered for a special meeting at 10 am in almost full strength. quorum is a requirement. in order for
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the elections to take place, as regards candidates for chair, people from absolutely different spheres, a person who will make a decision on changing or making proposals about our legislation, according to which our ordinary citizens will live, this is a person who must first of all go through a certain life experience, this is from the healthcare system, in including from our scientific institutions, from educational institutions of a regular school, our gymnasium and also. representatives of government agencies, the media are represented, that is, the spectrum is quite wide. there is one question on the meeting agenda: elections of senators, first, program speeches of candidates and public discussion of their candidacies, then the secret voting procedure, everything according to the protocol, a sealed ballot box, booths for expression and vote counting in a strictly prescribed manner by law.
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people, all of them are also from different fields with enormous experience in working with people, some have been nominated not for the first time, improving the quality of life in rural areas, developing medicine and education, including inclusive, information security, a range of areas in which they will be active work wide. the main thing we have is our people, and if we all move towards one goal together, this is our goal - a sovereign and independent belarus, then of course we have it. we will save our state, especially many thanks to those who nominated me, this is my native stolin district and the city of pinsk, pearls and polesie, in general, we are polish people, i will say so, responsible people, so we will do everything to and people's well-being grew, they were always protected, i will do what i worked for the previous 4 years both as an administrator, as a chief physician and as...
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always for the person and in the name of the person, so this is labor law, this is the employment law, these are pension issues, issues of working with the disabled. within two days , the voting results will be transferred to the central election commission. it
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will register members of the council of the republic and issue a certificate of election. the meeting of the center of the election committee, at which the results will be summed up and the date of the first meeting of the eighth convocation will be set, will take place on april 9. work the newly elected senators will have to face a difficult time, firstly, the presidential elections are ahead, secondly, the pressure on our country from the outside will not weaken, and thirdly, given the time, it will be necessary to respond to people’s problems and the demands of society with lightning speed and quality. victoria sharkova, anzor tuzhaev, tv news agency. so, the elections of members of the council of the republic took place, what is the peculiarity of their conduct, who are they, the elected senators, why can’t there be random people in parliament. and
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a serious support team, they should have a good command of the law, understand the electoral system, the rules by which it functions, then the ability to communicate again with the same voters, the ability to convey one’s position to these voters, these are meetings, these are speeches, these are publications
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of one’s programs, and so on and so on. so on, that is, this is a wide range of issues, but at the same time, this is a serious political school, after all, parliament is... the face of the country, these are the people who represent us, it is clear that we will have results only on april 9, but yet in your opinion, how much will this person change, who they are, the new senators, in reality today we see that we will have a little more women than in the previous council, these are people, as a rule, with higher education, these are people who have been successful in - in the profession on a personal level, certain people have achievements and... again, it must be emphasized that the council of the republic is a chamber of territorial representation, the majority of the members of this republic, they work on a voluntary basis in the council of the republic, they come to sessions, they come to events that are organized by the council of the republic, the council of the republic
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works on a professional basis only the chairman, deputy chairman of the council of the republic, as well as chairmen of specialized commissions, of which there are generally few in the council of the republic, therefore the main... part of the delegates of the all-belarusian people's assembly - these are people who are ex officio members, including today’s elected
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members of the council of the republic; they will be ex officio delegates to the all-belarusian people’s assembly. in addition, they are elected now the delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly from the deputy corps of local councils, the presidium and, therefore, councils of deputies of various levels and the corresponding executive committees at joint meetings, now the election of these delegates must take place. in total, 290 people will be elected from all regions, and 60 deputies of the minsk city council of deputies will automatically be delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly, in addition, 400 people will be elected from civil society structures, from five civil society structures, each of the structures at its highest governing bodies, either a congress or a conference depending on the charter, will elect 80 of its representatives as delegates of the all-belarusian people. meeting, thank you very much for the interview, please,
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the future of belarus, the modern development of the country and constitutional changes were discussed today by the participants of the international conference in minsk, which symbolically takes place in the year of the thirtieth anniversary of our constitution. president alexander lukashenko sent greetings participants. in an era of global challenges and changes, the basic law of our country is the legal foundation for development.
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noted the wide international participation in the conference, these were delegations from russia, kazakhstan, armenia, azerbaijan, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan. a serious constitutional reform has taken place in belarus, as evidenced by the emergence of the all-belarus people's assembly and the possibility of a personal constitutional complaint. a serious constitutional reform has taken place in belarus, well, at least the emergence of such a new body of the entire belarusian people's assembly, it quite an interesting and non-standard phenomenon. i would say it’s interesting how it will work, how it will fit into the system of separation of powers, including
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the existence of a constitutional court, there are many interesting questions here, then, of course, very important changes will occur in the competence of the constitutional court itself, the emergence of an individual complaint , this can be said, is already the pinnacle of constitutional proceedings, full filling, so to speak, a complete package of possibilities that... a constitutional court, in principle, has in the world. in during the forum, participants will exchange views on ensuring the supremacy of the constitution, changes and the role of constitutional courts in maintaining constitutional law and order. a historical event for sovereign belarus , literally the entire country is watching the flight and mission of the first belarusian cosmonaut. and now the crew of the soyuz ms-24 is ready for landing due to their medical psychological condition.
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our marina vasilevskaya is preparing to welcome the crew commander of roscosmos cosmonaut oleg novitsky and astronaut nas on april 6 in the steppes of kazakhstan. a working briefing was held in karaganda today. anastasia benedesyuk has details. and let's start with meteorological reports: saturday, april 6 is expected in kazakhstan. rains , floods have formed, and there is also a swampy area, all this affects the work of rescue services, they are already checking their equipment, in particular, special emphasis on life belts for boats. since soviet times, the kazakh steppe has traditionally been a landing site for spaceships; there are more than ten such locations throughout the country, the majority is invalid, kazakhstan
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is actively being built up, two sites have been identified for the launch of the crew in the area of ​​​​populated areas. it to land, that is, it hooks up a forty-meter halyard cable; on this cable, we lower the device and tow it to a more convenient place for evacuating the astronaut. the third method is that we use a boat to paddle, that is , the rescuer swims up to the boats and evacuates the astronaut using a boat, and the fourth method is to use a search evacuation vehicle that can float, swim up to
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for this object, how to behave during such a descent, the crew knows, firstly, even in the stellar... that’s how everything works, it’s running normally, i think that everything will work out calmly here and we’ll guide them, we were with marina vasilevskaya, i was communications throughout the entire period of her international flight. station communication was really one-way, she called, a satellite communication channel through the american houston, nevertheless, every day we communicated and from the training center i also received information from the flight control center daily about the implementation events of the scientific program and not only the scientific program, but also events that are included as a whole in the flight program and
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are not scientific, everything is normal, everything planned for the space... flight has been completed. a tent and a mobile medical module will be deployed on site, where the crew will be checked and all necessary assistance will be provided. we, for example, have a mandatory requirement: an astronaut is given an iv. roscosmos rarely practices this, only for medical reasons. wards, intensive care units with duty during the landing of the emergency medical team assistance from the calculation, two surgeons, an anesthesiologist, two nurses, well, it’s different everywhere, the majority of them are required.
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preparations are being made, our departure to meet with marina vasilevskaya is planned for tomorrow at 5:00 am local time, and another important thing was told at the academy of sciences today: marina vasilevskaya completed the scientific tasks assigned to her on the iss. anastasia benedesyuk, ivan mazgo, tv news agency, karaganda, kazakhstan.
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we are proud of our marina; space exploration is the mission of the strong. hello to my colleague, the first cosmonaut of independent belarus,
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reports the first cosmonaut of hungary, the mit reported this and noted that a meeting was held at the belarusian embassy in hungary with bertlon farkos, who flew into space in 1980. the astronaut monitors the flight into space and work on the iss. will become the second finalist, we will soon find out, the first finalist in the president's cup, who will be the semi-final, possibly decisive match between brest and soligorsk shakhtar is taking place in these minutes. our film crew works directly in brist. contact goes out christina kamysh, kristina, good evening, what is happening on the ice, who is leading in the match? good evening,
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tatyana, now in the sixth match of the semi-final series of the president's cup, between brest and soligorsk shakhtar, it is the middle of the third period, the score of the series is 2:2 for the events on the ice, about who? abandoned, we will definitely return a little later in our live broadcast, but right now, first of all, i would like to congratulate our entire country on the fact that we have such hockey. dear viewers, perhaps you haven’t been following much development of our belarusian championship, so right now there will be a short excursion into history for you. the fact is that 10 years ago the same hockey club brest could have lost. championship, so that we don’t know who
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will win the president’s cup, so that there is intrigue, as well as unpredictable results, because the federations began to introduce certain limits, restrictions, in fact , the rules of the extra league changed every year, then there were a lot of skeptics, but the big thing is seen from a distance, it passed time and... in the last three seasons have had extremely unexpected and interesting results, and they are the same this year. for example, for the first time, three teams with a higher seeding level, if anyone does not know what this means, then we explain that these are the teams that took places at the top of the standings and lost at the quarterfinal stage to a lower-rated opponent. we are talking about vitebsk, the capital’s youth and, of course, the grodno neman. but, of course, the main sensation right now is brest; the team is playing in the semi-finals of the president's cup for the first time one step away from entering the decisive stage,
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director yuzhan, alexey losko, alexey leonidovich are joining us on air right now, we didn’t expect such results, we’re surprised your hockey players passed, but did you know that your team would be so competitive ? uh, i believed in this for 3 years, so the moment has come when our faith comes true, so what is happening now in the arena, on the court, we have been working towards this for 3 years, there will be more, so we continue to work, as you like it seems, what is the secret of success, who became the main thing is this factor, who made this breakthrough? there is not one person, i cannot name one name, this is a complex work, team, coaching.
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mutually identical, well, most interesting, just interesting, we touched on the fans right now, the stands are sold out, and the fact is that our film crew tried to go down from the third floor here, closer to the ice, and we couldn’t get through, because the spectators were sitting on the steps , how glad you are that brest lives on hockey now, i’m very happy, i think, not only me, everyone... those present here at the arena, i also noticed that all the steps in brest, in the ice palace, are all occupied, so, well, you hear what is happening in the arena, when people scream,
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the city above the bug, hc in the heart, a large landing of fans from soligorsk has arrived came here to support the team, so two fan buses arrived, our film crew talked to...
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the teams still have 5 more minutes of pure playing time, the live broadcast is carried out by the belarus 5 tv channel, so dear fans, turn on the match, follow the developments here, we remind you, what in if the score does not change, it will be 2:2, then the teams, according to the extra league regulations, will play additional overtime, an additional, huge number of overtimes before the first goal is scored, so in...
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the bavarian ministry of internal affairs openly explains the problem with supply disruptions as a result of the conflict in ukraine. and in canada, thousands of people protested over an increase in the carbon tax by 23%. but while ordinary canadians' expenses are increasing, local officials' incomes are increasing. all members of parliament are there. protesters say officials should take care of ordinary people in times of crisis, and not raise taxes and their own salaries. despite the problems in their countries, the west continues to supply the kiev regime with weapons. latvia plans to send the first batch of drones produced in the country to ukraine for 1 million euros. the prime minister of the country announced this and noted that
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riga will only be here this year. the military operations of recent years have changed the forms and models of the use of troops, ideas about the effectiveness of weapons, and have shifted the emphasis and focus in matters of control and concentration forces, crossing, using trenches , fortified areas. however, all
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conflicts always transform military priorities, but what has been radically modified literally over the past 2 years is the ability to open and hit enemy targets or positions. this now happens much faster and more accurately. today. even getting to your destination on the front line or carrying out a rotation is problematic, so escaping enemy attacks is the focus of the belarusian army. this topic is practiced in all branches of the military. the other day the training was conducted by aviators. the main method of dispersal. the crews quickly took the planes into the air and used the country's wide airfield network. today we carried out the withdrawal from the attack. and they launched an attack on a mock enemy. with landing at another airfield to preserve aviation equipment and flight personnel. distance from the enemy also helps reduce losses. at the front line, and especially above it, there are always numerous means of reconnaissance of destruction. as
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ukraine shows, the equipment at the line of combat contact of the sides is quite quickly discovered and destroyed, primarily with the help of drones. you can avoid such a scenario by working at maximum distances from the enemy. even tankers are increasingly operating by firing along an overhead trajectory, similar to howitzers. these days, the t-72's range to targets is about 10 km. this firing algorithm is mandatory for all tank units to master. crews today, one might say, are also becoming mathematical. the emphasis is on the ability to quickly reach a pre-selected, in a pre-selected area to the firing position, adjust. your gun, according to the goniometer, based on where the target was received, in order to fire from a closed firing position, in close cooperation with unmanned aerial vehicles, to hit the target,
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this method has proven to be very effective, literally from the second or third shot the target is hit, survivability in the missilemen's sights, modern counter-battery systems allow instantly. practically, well, a very quick adjustment, shooting from an aircraft is already practically can give immediately calculated settings, which we can enter into the sight in the protractor. it is not without reason
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that increased attention is paid to military training in belarus; this is a response to the growing activity of nato forces in the region; other countries are even going overboard here. in poland, a sharp intensification of combat training has led to tragic events... since the beginning of march , five servicemen have already died during maneuvers and training of troops. the ministry of defense of the republic began checking the circumstances of the death of soldiers and suspended the exercise with use of explosives and military equipment. at the same time, it is clarified that the document does not apply to those who are preparing to participate in foreign missions; their neighbors are preparing, that is, for certain operations. therefore, the belarusian army is tirelessly strengthening its defenses in order to get out from under attack. in the new geopolitical conditions, thanks to the fact that they managed to maintain peace and stability in the country, belarusians can calmly deal
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with pressing issues, early spring forces us to speed up, we are betting on the harvest, a quarter of the spring areas have already been sown in the southwestern region of the country, they plan to complete flax sowing next week, the brez district has started working with sugar beets, by the way, last year they received a record harvest of this root crop. anna buikevich with an agricultural report. on moisture, which sugar beets especially love. this year, at the agrosatros enterprise, its network began a record early in the last week of march. hereditary agrarian nikolai pasteruk has been participating in the sowing campaign for the fourteenth year in a row. he says early spring is only beneficial, the main thing is to follow the technology, then the result will be. speed ​​no more than 7 km/h. well, this is important, because if you go faster, the seed placement will not be as it should be, the depth should be 2 cm. well, we have to comply, so that later in the fall you don’t
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bite your elbows, as they say, we sow in the spring, our result is only visible in the fall, everything is observed as it should be, because it can’t be any other way, work begins early in the morning, we come and prepare the equipment , well, then we refuel and go to the field, they bring lunch, like at home, first course, second course, tea, compote, well, every day something different, the soil also plays a significant role. it is carbonic, therefore, there is a special approach, you need to clearly control its condition, have time to sow on time, because later it becomes hard and very difficult to process, this period is important to us, it lasts 10 days for us, don’t miss it, we measured the soil temperature at depth 5-6 cm, for some days now it has been such that it is possible to sow not only beets, even corn, although it is clear that corn is still two or three weeks away.
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evenings, well, of course, when it rises it’s all good to look at, beautiful, and you are happy with your work, now there is a lot of humidity, not everything has dried yet, so we are sowing the fields piece by piece like this, we started spring work here earlier this year too. as usual, our main trump card now
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is the weather, the weather is quite favorable, it allows us to finish the spring sowing much earlier than we planned, we are finishing spring barley and are gradually moving on to sowing grain legumes. every day, breshchina farmers sow 5-6% of the area, depending on the region and weather conditions. in addition to these crops, they are actively sown annual crops. we plan to start literally from april 10th.
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these are the main events of this day, and i give the floor to stanislav lipsky, he will continue to talk about sports. stasis. good evening. hockey, of course, remains the focus. at these moments, the sixth match of the semi-final series between the hockey clubs brest and shakhtar ends. there's a sensation coming, just now. then the score became 4:2, that is, brest is rewriting history. about this and more right now. in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports. hello. hockey club brest rewrites the history of belarusian sports and reaches the final of the president's cup. in the sixth match of the semi-final series against shakhty. the bresh residents won 4:2 at home
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and will play against zhlobin metallug in the final. the day before the game took place in gomel. there wasn't enough luck for the hosts to send the match to at least overtime, but zhlobin won. i was personally lucky to work on sozh in the city the day before, so i hasten to share my impressions with you. the stunning and bright surroundings did not help gobel extend the semi-final series of the cup the day before president against zhlopinsky metallug. the carpenters won for the third year. the squad will play in the title series, only 10 goals in the first four matches of the series were scored by the teams against each other, so the experts did not count on scoring in gomel the day before, but to the delight of the fans they were wrong, a flurry of goals was given by the squads. metallurg,
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having opened the scoring in this game, no longer lost the lead, making the cooks nervous. forced their fans at the end of the meeting, conceding after gostiev's throw. stas removed the goalkeeper, but the home team couldn’t even the score were able to. somewhere i lacked luck, and somewhere i lacked strength. metallurg is stronger 5:4 in the match and 4:1 in the polesie derby. when i passed by the slomensky fans, well, they don’t say the women’s age, but adult women were crying next to them, take off their husbands, i think they were crying with joy.
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however, they lost the series 2:4. the belarus national football team dropped one line in the fifa ranking updated today and currently occupies ninety-sixth position. let us remind you that last month the white wings played a draw with the maltese 0:0 and were defeated montenegro 0:2, the argentines are leading in the ranking. cyprus, as an opponent, is not pleasant, but we definitely have to win. we are ready for anything, for any scheme, with this opinion about the first.
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to win this game in order to create a good atmosphere and aura for further participation in the nations league in grouperz, we are ready for anything, for any scheme, and i don’t think that there will be any surprises in terms of the game from the cyprus national team. the starting whistle for the match in cyprus will sound at 17:00 on tuesday, the game against georgia. victoria azarenka confidently reached the 1/8 finals of the tournament in charleston, in his opening match , the former first racket. the world did not experience any particular problems with the italian elizabeth cacheretta 6:1 62. next, azarenka will play with taylor towns. the american is currently ranked sixty-eighth in the world rankings. the leaders confirm their status at the belarus open swimming championship in brest. our athletes have competition from guests from
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russia. so ilya shimanovich stood on the podium twice today. according to the results of the final swim at a distance of 50 m, bras was in the lineup. men's relay four x 200 freestyle, where the team from minsk lost only in the brest region. meanwhile, anastasia shkurdai took gold in the 200m freestyle, without performing in her more familiar backstroke style. there was an opportunity to perform something different, because the olympic standards for the 100 back and 200 back were met, to work a little on the backstroke, which we have very good, to work on the freestyle, which in the future will also be a very good way. so the main goal here is to get started, look at what's on today we are ready. seven more sets of awards will be played out in brest tomorrow, and the national championship will end on saturday. that's all for now, love sports, work hard, win, and see you on saturday.
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the history of the world, its basis, is a struggle, the struggle of the devil with god. the youth who took to
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the streets in the twenties are the result of the work that was done with them in the nineties, the generation grew up on western liberal values, europe is not christian, there is no idea there, only money, there must be an idea, and today it is very it is difficult to change their attitudes, because the consciousness of any person is conservative. we need to check everything, we need to think, we need to understand what is happening, if specific archetypes of political behavior, religious behavior have formed there, it is very difficult to subject it to correction, now we are doing well, but it will be even better, and if we win, humanity will win, everything reasonable humanity is looking at you and me, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus tv channel. 24 tv news agency presents in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. let's take a look at the all-union
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scientific research institutes on the creation of grub products from bulbs. geta bulban grain. for several large grams, meetings will take place during the month and hand. yana has eight times lighter boulevards. in the velma hutka you can make food. then starch and salt are added. before serving, they are lubricated with salted oil. yanas are immediately consumed in carbohydrates, carbs and
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egg whites. calories 100 crackers equal calories 250 g of meat. crisp is in great demand. this is a great breakfast snack. a healthy and nutritious treat for children, an indispensable convenient food for fishermen and tourist hunters. it produces dozens of different dishes, including the well-known belarusian potato aladi. it is not always easy for amateurs to prepare them. as you can see, this has now become much easier. easier. dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances.
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dishes prepared from it have all the taste and nutrition properties of fresh potatoes. it’s not for nothing that potatoes are called second bread. 1 kg of potatoes can provide 840 calories, almost 1/3 of the daily energy needed by a person engaged in physical labor. educational institutions work on jokes, and they eat crackers with a variety of vegetables, meat, fish and cottage cheese. we have a call... in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports, hello, the brest hockey club is rewriting the history of belarusian sports and
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reaching the final of the president's cup. in the sixth match of the semi-final series against shakhtar the bresh residents won 4:2 at home and will play against zhlobin metallug in the final. the day before the game took place in gomel, the hosts did not have enough luck there to send the match to at least overtime, but zhlobin won. i was personally lucky to work in the city of nassojam the day before, so i hasten to share my impressions with you. the stunning and bright surroundings did not help kobel the day before to extend the semi-nal series of the president's kuga against the zhlopin metallug. the shtolevans won for the third year in a row and will play in the title series. a total of 10 goals in the first four matches of the series they threw the teams at each other, so the experts did not count on a scoring feat in
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gomel the day before, but fortunately. they made a mistake , a flurry of goals was given to the squad. metallurg, having opened the scoring in this game, did not relinquish the lead; the cooks made their fans nervous at the end of the meeting, conceding after the guest's throw. stas removed the goalkeeper, but the hosts were unable to equalize the score. somewhere i lacked luck, and somewhere i lacked strength. 5:4. metallurg is stronger in the match. and 4:1 in the polesko derby when i passed by slomensky fans, well , they don’t say women’s age, but adult women cried next to their husbands’ family, i think they cried with joy, so i have more to add here, if today we made people cry with happiness with kinship, zlamentan, and everyone, and in
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principle all the fans, then this is the greatest happiness for me, for the team. brest or miner, whoever you want, we don’t choose opponents, we are preparing for our loved ones. of course, such a fight caused a stir around the tickets, just imagine, they were sold out in 3 hours 2,700 coveted tickets for this game, in order to strengthen support, the management of hockey gomel decides to sell tickets under the arches of the arena, but even this did not help the southerners the day before, and from zhlobin, four buses with fans came to gomel to support stivarov in such surroundings. of course, will remain in the memory forever, today everyone will have a sore throat after the game, in any case, and the voice will disappear, sometimes you don’t attend some matches for various reasons, then you come, you seem to scream yourself, then you calm down for a minute, yano through you this whole flow of energy has filled and you continue to actively cheer, slovenian champion, zlady.


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