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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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good morning belarus. good ranitsa belarus, good morning, beloved country. today is friday on our calendar, it's april 5, and it seems to me that this information can make your life, of course. a little
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better, well, friends, today nina mazeika, olga venskaya wake you up early in the morning, in general the day itself is friday, which in itself is certainly awakening. so, during 3 hours of live broadcast through your tv screens, we will give exclusively positive emotions. believe me, it will be very easy to wake up and i would even say funny. i fully support my colleague on belarus tv channels, one of the satellite belarus 24, every morning we share not only interesting news, but also some kind of secrets on how to do it. so that literally every morning will be good, here’s a new life hack for you: don’t set alarm clocks, yes, friends, everything is brilliant, simple, scientists have long proven that alarm clocks only spoil your mood, well, literally for the whole day, well , actually, you can advise expert advice, wake up in a voluntary-forced format, well, really, well no one will like how to act in this case, nina, i will tell you, my friend, the right thing for yourself and your body to do is as follows: lie down:
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hello everyone, today i have prepared a complex called a zoo, we will have animals such as a beetle , bird and cobra, and how do we put them all together? in one complex, in
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a few seconds you will find out. so, the first exercise is called a funny beetle. misha is already sitting on the carpet, the plane, and now i will give him the necessary element, this is a fitball, which i am on. catch, oh, your task is lie on your back and hold the exercise ball between your knees and hands. come on, pull your knees to your chest. great. now in one movement you remove one hand. and the leg, while the fitball should be held in weight, yeah, now put the second one, since we changed it, in this exercise we use the abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the shoulder girdle, in addition, various stabilizer muscles are included. which allows you to maintain
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balance during the exercise. let's move on to the second exercise called bird. for this we need two dumbbells. your task is to rest your chest on the fitball while maintaining balance. we hold our hands in front of us, then straighten them up and then move them to the side. in this exercise, we worked the antagonist muscles, that is, the back muscles, more precisely the lower back muscles. we also included the muscles of the shoulder girdle. let's move on to the third exercise called cobra. your task will be to lie on a fitball and try to straighten your lower back as much as possible. here we will also include the longitudinal muscles of the back.
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so, to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles shoulder girdle, use exercises with a fitball and light dumbbells. a funny beetle, a bird and a cobra will also make the stabilizer muscles work. the optimal number of repetitions is from 10 to 15 in each of three to four approaches. select the weight of the dumbbell in accordance with the physical capabilities of the child. if necessary, help him maintain balance on... more and control the technique of doing the exercises , we will never give you up to anyone,
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especially on friday morning olga venskaya, nina mazeika, we work for you and for yours, of course, a vigorous awakening, well, already in these moments of the morning i am ready to share. fund of her favorite work, which lifts the mood, makes the morning of the country a little kinder, this is what has been happening in the life of our heroine in the profession section for many years. all details in the new issue. but in the evening after work, i want to go to the cinema, because i want to enjoy the latest film premieres.
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our colleague maryana murenkova has collected a similar selection of films and is ready to share this selection in the film section. well, we recommend that you keep your finger on the pulse and update the news regularly, after all. the soyuz ms-24 ship returns to earth. share all the details about preparations for the meeting with the astronauts. our dear colleague anna kviloria. well, what do we call her, cosmic girl, right? that's for sure. let us also remind you that until summer, if you are counting the days, then we have already counted 57 days. therefore, it is worth thinking not only about training, but about your diet. traditionally, i would even say, our famous, our beautiful svetlana koshitskaya helps us with this. for example, today we’ll touch on this topic: what can you eat to literally melt fat before your eyes? it turns out that such a thing does exist, let ’s find out what it is. details in the third part of the live broadcast. we hope you are intrigued enough. we will also hear a musical premiere from alexander sukharev and the earth and sky music project. take off your clothes
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and get to work. i like. the slogan, especially on friday, you know, this is how you should get to work. let’s also return to our favorite middle of the broadcast. in the second part we will contact the brest region. our colleagues. share current selection of polesie news. this is very interesting. polessia is generally a separate region of our country, which has so many interesting things. we are waiting for communication, and also on the eve of the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary, we will talk with the deputy chairman of the synodal information department of the belarusian orthodox church, the clergyman of the holy spirit cathedral in minsk and hierrey andrei lomakin. we will also remind you that orthodox christians are still fasting. easter in 2024 will be on may 5th. good morning, great baked goods for a lenten breakfast, spiced honey oatmeal cookies.
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cookies according to this recipe turn out very tasty, crispy, crumbly and not at all hard. cinnamon and nutmeg, add half a teaspoon of soda, stirring vigorously, continue to heat the mixture until foam appears, but do not bring to a boil. pour a glass of oatmeal into a deep bowl, pour
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the hot honey-butter mixture over the flakes and mix well, let the flakes swell in the hot mixture for a couple of minutes. in parts, each stirring once, add three tablespoons of flour and add a pinch of salt, knead the dough, it should turn out dense. but with pliable, damp hands we form balls from the dough, lay them out on greased parchment, slightly flatten them, place the cookies in the oven preheated to 180° for 25 minutes. crispy, crumbly pastries with the aroma of honey will certainly put you in a good mood. homemade oatmeal cookies are a very tasty, healthy and low-calorie dessert, perfect for
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an empty breakfast, sweets can also be healthy, bon appetit! the television news agency presents an overview of popular, print and online publications, housing issue one. one of the key ones that worries citizens, and the state always pays close attention to it. last year alone , more than 4 million square meters of housing were put into operation, including more than a third for those in need. in 2024, according to the approved plans of savmin, it is planned to build 200.00 more square meters. mortgage, rent and government support. the day before, the government discussed approaches to providing belarusians housing. details of the housing issue on... computers and interactive whiteboards in school
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classrooms can turn into unnecessary trash without modern and in-demand electronic educational content. learning to create such a product and know how to use it is one of the goals of the digital transformation of the education system. the task for teachers is, frankly speaking, not easy, but quite solvable. sb correspondents belarus today using the example of the thirty-seventh capital. made sure that creative approach interaction with advanced colleagues can lead to stunning results. training of specialists under an agreement on targeted training based on feedback from customers and representatives of the agro-industrial complex is now the highest priority for production. targeted applicants for agricultural specialties are enrolled without entrance examinations, for others - based on the results of passing an exam in a specialized subject. customer enterprises, as a rule, establish additional payments to the scholarship of such students; another undeniable advantage
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is a guaranteed first job. how the country's agricultural universities attract applicants , why the guys strive to conclude an agreement on targeted training, correspondents of a rural newspaper found out. brick fragments instead of stairs and ceilings, the sky instead of a roof. today. it’s hard to imagine that the mir castle, an architectural monument that was included in the unesco world heritage list a few decades ago, looked like this, for some reason during the soviet years there were no funds for its restoration. when belarus became an independent state, the another stage: active restoration of the medieval castle. how was his fate decided? how long did the restoration work take and which architectural monuments will be restored? journalists recognized the banners already this year.
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the bustle is endless, day gives way to day and we rush along the oncoming road, catching up with ours, but we really want to take a breath, turn off the road, meet our loved ones again and rest our souls. let's be happy, happy, smiling and celebrating, celebrating, and we'll be happy,
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despite all the winds, keep warm, loved ones, loved ones, warmth and joy, joy, start your new day, new day, new words about love, we communicate so rarely, look for a reason to meet, forgetting that the main thing is for us to take care of each other. then you can breathe out, be confident, then you can stand and win in everything, and we will be happy, smiling and celebrating, celebrating, and we will be happy, despite all the winds, warm yourself
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with your loved ones, warmth and joy, joy, start your new day, new day , repeat your words of love, and we will be happy, smiling and celebrating. and we will be happy, against all winds, and we will be happy, smiling and celebrating, celebrating, and we will be happy, against all winds, warm yourself with your loved ones, loved ones, warmth and
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joy, joy, start your new day. belarus, friends, once again to the whole country, good morning belarus, please wake up with us, the birds, by the way, have already woken up, we went to work and heard the stunning spring bird singing, and this certainly gives us hope that spring has come and will not go anywhere again , here are all the details, what to expect, what surprises from the weather,
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let's listen to my colleague, nina mozheika, nina, what does belhydromed predict for today? olya, you are absolutely right, i really do. it seems that spring has very serious plans for us, look at the temperature map for yourself, the temperature in minsk is already rising, at least compared to yesterday. so, up to +10 today, while we are expecting slight precipitation, but you know, such small disappointments in our lives, in brest up to +16, that’s where it seems to me that the residence of real spring is in brest, in the northern capital in vitebsk up to +10, it will also rain there today, in gomel up to +13, plus. 13 +15 is exactly the temperature in grodno, in general grodno is catching up with the breeze today, but +9 +11 today in mogilev and there will also be precipitation. well, to say, it seems to me that in general this is ideal weather for starting dacha work, in general the month of april, when this very work in the fresh air really starts, you will soon be able to say your favorite phrase: yes, everything is your own, everything is natural, cucumbers, tomatoes, and even
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honey, by the way with the last one, right now problems may arise in the spring. many bees die after waking up during such unexpected frosts. yes, in order to prevent such losses, the following device was invented. attention to the screen. an israeli startup has created sensors that will help prevent the extinction of bees. small devices monitor the life of bees in real time, measuring temperature, humidity and sound. then, artificial intelligence analyzes the received data and reports the status of the insects to the beekeeper. and to get this data they need install. application, according to experts, bees are disappearing eight times faster than other animals on the planet, and if the trend continues, then by 2035 there may be no more of them and there may not be any left at all, this is alarming, of course, it’s even hard to believe such and such forecasts, in general, you know, a person can also be compared to a bee, we sometimes work tirelessly, indeed, and also friends, there is
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an undoubted advantage in the fact that the more bees, the more honey on the store shelves. generally interesting, you know, such a thing, bees have gadgets, like they have, imagine, personal mobile phones in which they have an application, they examine, like we people, a health program, you know how many steps i walked, how many kilometers i flew today, is it enough, what- then people eat gryachish honey poorly, probably this year there was something wrong with the flowers, but they weren’t pollinated well, in general, friends, honey is really good, honey is great, will you?
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to school, and then i go to my favorite job. every morning before opening work, we we are preparing yesterday's revenue for delivery to the bank. and we begin our fruitful working day. my responsibilities include displaying goods, servicing and paying customers at the checkout, and we also check the timing of the sale of goods. my responsibilities also include displaying price tags for goods. i have always liked live communication with people, so i love my job, because it provides me with such an opportunity, and although as a child i dreamed
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of a different profession, fate decreed otherwise; i have been working as a salesman for 10 years now and i have never regretted it yet. hello, you need a package, a package, at our work. come to work with a smile, greet customers, and solve all assigned tasks. i love my job because it
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makes my country's mornings good. so, it’s nice when your favorite thing is not just interesting, but also, you know, so tasty, yes, for example, edible bouquets, well, firstly, a gift that will always be relevant, and secondly, if they usually say that flowers - this is impractical, in this case everything is practical and everything will have to be done. i like it wonderful, friends, but in general, in principle, flowers are good in any form, i would even say, sweet, edible, it’s always the sign of attention itself that is important, yes, well, in the traditional sense, floristry should still, you know, be preserved, that’s what it is important for the beauty of the plant, yes, the right soil is indeed selected, any summer resident will tell you this, here’s how to find this same soil among hundreds of options in the store, our shopping section will tell you, today we’ll talk about how to choose. soil for plants, because each of them needs its own soil. you need to understand features, for example, sandy soils do not retain water well, have no nutrients, but allow air to pass through well.
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chernozem is ideal for all plants except young ones, because fragile roots do not penetrate well through its dense layer. if you want to plant vegetable crops, then of course you buy soil for seedlings, there are microelements in the additives that promote growth - specifically seedlings, for seedlings, for example, it is better to select soils with the highest amount of nitrogen content, since nitrogen promotes plant growth, study composition of the substrate ready-made mixture for growing plants: almost all commercially available soils usually consist of high-moor peat with the addition of sand, but there are also well-balanced soils containing, in addition to high-moor peat, quite low-lying peat, which is more valuable because it contains natural vermicompost and homogeneous . structure, they do not use pure soil, which is in the bag, and add to it agroperlite, bermuklit, microelements, which also promote plant growth, various
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additives in the form of granules, which are mixed with soil, vermicompost is often used as an additional additive to the soil. pay attention to the acidity and nutritional value of the substrate. different plants prefer different indicators. also keep in mind that these are home grown seedlings. vegetables are more demanding on the soil, so the soil must contain easily accessible nutrients, not retain excess water, be clean without pests, weed seeds and have good air flow to the roots. basically, people buy soil of a certain volume , the one they need, so that they can immediately use it. completely use it up, because if it is stored there for some time, a year, the next year, it already loses a little of its properties, so it is better to select a specific soil right away... in order to use it immediately. remember that the soil should not have a strong odor, mold or chemicals. to check the quality, experts recommend conducting a biotest with
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radish seeds, if most of them. the seedlings will die, it is better to look for another soil of quality purchases. the earth in the porthole, the earth in the porthole, the earth in the porthole is visible as the son is sad about mother, as a son is sad about his mother, we are sad about the earth, she is alone, and the stars, nevertheless, and the stars, nevertheless, are a little closer, but still just
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as cold. and as in the hours of an eclipse, and as in the hours of an eclipse, we wait for the light and we see earthly dreams, the snitra for us and the roar of the cosmodrome, not this icy blue, the asnitsa is in us, the grass is good. green, green firewood, and you fly with morphites, unbroken punches,
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the meteorite is stitched. space. the justification for rowing courage, cosmic music, floats into our business conversation. in some kind of matte haze, the earth in the porthole, cavernous and early dawn. and the son of the gruska is before the mother, and the son of the gruska is before the mother, the mother is waiting for the son, and the earth is waiting for the sons. and we dream of a little world from the cosmos. the grass is not icy blue, but the grass is shining for us, oud grass, green, green grass.
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it seems to me that this immortal hit of the zemlyane group will simply become some kind of unofficial anthem of the program to get to belarus. we just play this song on the air so many times. and why? yes, because she really no longer dreams of either the rock from the cosmodrome or the icy blue crew of the soyuz ship s-24, they only dream of the arrival to the ground, because exactly 2 weeks. yes, it's
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a very touching time to return home. the arrival of the astronauts is scheduled for tomorrow, april 6. we expect soyuz ms-24 on earth at 10:19 minutes. i thought how great it was to read this very space news, some special feeling. that's for sure. well, literally the whole world will greet space heroes, but, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to visit the scene of the event. but, but, friends, we will delight all viewers of the program.
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proof of this is the only monument in the world to this very catchphrase, this asks, this one asks where, and this one seems to answer karaganda, don’t even... doubt it, all the belarusian journalists who came to this city with us started their reports from here. by the way, the versions of the origin of this already popular expression are very different, one of them says that it was first uttered in the film “ the weather is good on deribasovskaya” or on brighton beach, it’s raining again, dmitry kharatyan did it, or rather, his hero, the kgb super agent , fyodor sokolov, whom i once played, well of course, this phrase was known earlier, and since gaidai only made folk films, of course.
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with the question of where we figured it out, now the second question would be logical: why, why am i in karaganda, that’s why, guess who it is? this is yuri gagarin, and this forty-meter monument is called the conqueror of space. now we’ve definitely guessed that the theme of space in the good old days of belarus continues. just recently, our... film crew went to see off the crew of the twenty-first visiting expedition to the iss. we congratulated all of belarus with the first belarusian cosmonaut, and now we have returned to kazakhstan again to meet our guys. this will happen not in karaganda at all, but almost 500 km from here in
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the betpak dala steppe, or as it is also called, the hungry steppe. by the way, this is one of the largest clay deserts in the world. well, while we’re just getting ready there, i’ll show you another interesting location. in appearance , there is nothing cosmic in this building, it is a local historical and cultural value, the hotel is under reconstruction, but this is where once valentina tereshkova spent several hours after her arrival, the hotel was even renamed “seagull”, and this was the call sign of the first female cosmonaut. i really wanted to show you... this particular location, because this year our belarusians also got their first female cosmonaut, our dear one. well, back to the topic of return, excuse the taftology, the astronauts
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on the iss are preparing to return to earth, and here, in fact, on earth they are also preparing to meet them. search and rescue operation, that’s what everything that is usually called occurs during the descent of a spacecraft. yesterday to compare notes, so to speak, to confirm readiness. all the structures involved in the operation in karaganda gathered for a briefing, many specialists, these are representatives of the cosmonaut training center, the federal air transport agency, meteorologists, doctors, technical specialists, a ground search team, even the ministry of defense is participating. from military units and the department of the fourteenth army of the vspo, the ministry of defense of the russian federation, eight mi8 helicopters will be used, two an-12 aircraft, one n-26 aircraft, six search and recovery vehicles, one. units of ground flight support equipment, as well as 162 military personnel and civilian personnel. as you understand, the operation is large-scale and extremely responsible; experts have calculated many options for the development of events in the event of a controlled and
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uncontrolled descent, otherwise ballistic. absolutely everything is taken into account, even the weather and terrain features, and of course, the readiness of the crew itself. crew of the transport ship soyuz ms-24. ready for landing, there are no reasons preventing the crew from landing. the report is finished. today we are leaving for the steppe, in the area of ​​​​the city of zhiskazgan. the road does not promise to be easy; we will travel about 300 km on the road, the remaining 200 km will be off-road. in addition, there is a flood in the landing area, we were warned that the journey could take 10 hours one way. this is what it looked
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like a couple of days ago. therefore, at these moments, when you are watching my story, we are already rushing, driving, or maybe sailing towards our guys. and all the difficulties are nonsense, which is not what kind of a hero will come to us, who will answer everything, absolute honesty, sincere emotions
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of the heroes, entering the stage, i roughly know what awaits me, here i am completely in the dark, very worried, worried, it’s like the excitement before exiting the stage, yes, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation, can your voice break the sides? no, no, it’s probably possible to make a glass that will break at the sound of my voice, but so far i haven’t seen anything like that, let’s put it this way. irina, lucky are you in love? did you manage to meet your prince? oh, of course, she’s lucky, of course, she’s lucky, i’m just unlucky for a long time, for some reason, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. she is a leading
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stage master, an actress of the grodno regional puppet theater. hello, silent, in the seventh grade at the age of 14, i suddenly decided i would be an artist. it’s a pleasure to have a conversation with her; it’s not just a phrase, it’s a godsend, it’s not just a minute, it’s a funny or instructive story from... this practice, which means i’ll pretend to be wounded, i mean, i came up with the idea that i was wounded, and i think, i need to take the wig, i get up, in the hall, when the wig fell and we fell, there was a pause in the hall and everything was like that, and the auditorium and silence, lyudmila pavlovskaya and her rich puppet world, after all, we are in a puppet theater, we are equal to ballet dancers, we can work for 25 years and retire professionally, it is of course small, and you... have the right to work as an artist, there is such a subscription, but we are not leaving, i do exactly, and
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of course, live and work, and also do something for people, even if it’s small, look today on our channel.
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april 5, well, it’s still morning, friends, but we believe your plans for the evening have already been formed, probably among these plans there is such an item: to visit the cinema, but how could it be otherwise, well, really, this is not a fresh film premiere among the family - this is a great idea, and well, we, of course, with a light hand, as they say, will share with you our recommendations, yes, from the camera and the motor, news for the manov series on the popular streaming service.
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the series also stars johnny flynn, dakota faning and eliot sumner. i think this is for sure, this is a must-have for tonight, or not today, the weekend is ahead, after all, friends, i think it’s very beautiful, black and white is such a retro classic, vintage, it’s very fashionable now, but it’s not even about trends, in fact, obviously, judging by the cast, the picture should be
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impressive, or rather, and you know, italy is still an attractive country in itself, there are also adventures, in general, and kozano island to boot, even famous. oh yes, in general, i think that the film will be interesting, well, to almost everyone, yes, and so are we, by the way, we have prepared, in case suddenly there are not so many omans among our viewers, mariana vasilievna murenkova has collected a selection of the best new films from the world of cinema, that is , films, according to tradition in the cinema, we are watching right now. so, it's friday again, again the movie menu. in a moment i’ll tell you where to go to watch, as well as what an iastern is, why mcgregor is debuting. like the premiere, maybe it has a thirty-five-year past, it’s interesting, then let’s start and do it, perhaps, with that same eastern, i’ll understand right away, an eastern is like a western, an adventure, exciting film, only made not in its homeland in the usa and not about the wild west, but about the east. so, the new picture of gold from malta is a russian-made eastern. the plot will take us
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to the region of the khabarovsk territory, in the seventeenth year, in the center, as you might have guessed from the name , that same gold, about 40, it needs to be delivered to a certain point, however. the crane never reaches its destination, it’s all because of the robbers in shaman masks, as it turns out, the sights of this far eastern gold had many, in general, adventures with crimes, punishments, st. petersburg intrigues, beautiful views of khabarovsk nature, and the performances of famous actors. speaking of caste: on the big screen we will see pavel derevyanok, alexander samoilenko, artyom tkachenko, sofia ernst and not only, directed by andrey bogatyrev, an eastern film 114 minutes long, this is his... tape, by the way, as an actor, his part in he also performed this picture. the filmmakers note that the premiere is based on real events, which occurred at the beginning of the last century. all the necessary information was scrupulously collected in local archives, and on its basis olga pogodina kuzmina created a script. well, then
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let's talk about the scripts, which 35 years later are being reinterpreted and serve as the basis for the acting debuts of famous fighters. it's me remakes of the movie road house, remember? an action movie from the eighties with the same name from director rowdy herrington with the brilliant patrick swayze in the title role, so history repeated itself, albeit in the director's chair duck lymon is far from a newcomer to the action genre, starring the star of brokeback mountain, donnie dark, october sky, nominated for numerous awards, having played in almost eighty films, john gilinhaul is actually the main star of the posters, a fighter of the highest level and simply a talented irish guy, conor mcgregor , yes, did you hear right? the star of the ring can now be seen on the big screen, with your permission i’ll remind you of the plot: in the center of the remake of the road house is the former fighter dalton, he, let’s say frankly, is not having the best of times, he lives in a car, earns money by participating in underground fights without rules, the owner of one of the bars, under the already famous name of the road house, offers this very fighter
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a job as a bouncer, fights, love, betrayal and even the classic ride into the sunset, the whole palette of human emotions is available here , home road. review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline cannon world cup. belarusian beauty. the game is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, it’s my dream to play for dynamo minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work. i think the game wasn't bad, it just lacked
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completion. you also need to take into account that the transition of the field, the coverage is different. bright moments , real emotions. the entire staff of the department came to me for a meeting, except for you, due to the fault of the doctor, it was trampled. building an x-ray unit, i sensed something in my heart, lil, samuil, solya, this is with
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you, don’t yell, otherwise the police will come running, they will quickly catch you and me, you need to run after your dogs, and they won’t pick up the trail, you need to smell something, what kind of guests are they, all wet , listen to the suggestion and don’t spoil your winter tires, well, in most cases it’s not clear how to dispose of tires, that’s if they suddenly become unusable, or,
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as they usually say, if the rubber has become bald, but what to do with it, where to put it, and yes, well, by the way, an ideal recycling method was found in nigeria, now we will tell and show you that old car tires have become a popular raw material for the construction of roads and other infrastructure in nigeria, this happened after the launch of a small factory in 2020. admit that they were prompted to do this by the desire not to accumulate garbage harmful to the planet, to give it a second life, initially the company had four employees, now there are more than 150, the demand for products is constantly growing, the company , by the way, has already recycled almost 2000 tires, from they make soft road surfaces, sidewalk matting and even flip-flops, the company has big plans, in the near future they plan to start recycling paper, plastic bottles and electronic waste, well , since... today we are talking about ecology, it seems to me that it’s really worth each of us to make our contribution to preserving the state of the environment, this needs to be done more than
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once, but preferably daily, once and again, and many, many times more, and even more so on this occasion they even appear in the calendar special holidays, for example, a day of walking to work, but the benefits are not only for the environment, but also for health, figure and emotional background. all the details are in the story of our correspondent anna ganzhur. walk to work day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on the first friday of april. years of medical research have shown that walking is one of the best ways to stay healthy and keep your body in shape. the optimal time is from 30 to 60 minutes per day. while walking , blood supply to all tissue organs improves, including including the heart, oxygen delivery is improved. moreover, the growth of new blood vessels in the patient is stimulated. suffering from coronary heart disease, the symptoms of angina pectoris are reduced. walking is an accessible type
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of physical exercise that does not require special equipment and is safe for both older people and other high-risk groups. the more a person walks, the lower the mortality rate at any age, so i advise everyone to engage in this simple and natural form of physical activity. international walking day the work is intended to draw attention to health and environmental problems associated with addiction. people from cars and public transport, but is this possible in the realities of a big city? good morning, today is international day of walking to work and my team and i are ready to log kilometers to find out from the residents of minsk how often they are willing to give up transport in order to walk a little to get some fresh air. guys, tell me, do you know how many kilometers a person should walk a day? well approximately? three i think how many can you, 8.00 steps, how many kilometers a day do you walk? eight, eight, that’s
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a lot, i work back on foot, around the park twice, well, how many, well, five kilometers, i probably walk a day, i think, you know, while studying we actually walk a lot, well, yesterday 22.000 walked a few steps, walk to school or drive a car, or walk on the subway, should i? i’ve already started walking, but why such a choice? well, because it’s more convenient and profitable, i mostly walk , well, it started, that’s when the pandemic started and somehow began to avoid transport, to work either by transport or on foot? on transport, and why? well , to get there faster, do you think that belarusians will be able to completely abandon public transport and start walking only with their feet? uh, well, i think that young people like this, no, why? well, because? maybe the place of work is far from home? no, of course, why? well, because you need to carry heavy things, people carry
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heavy bags from the store, you definitely need a trunk. what do you think, people, maybe someday be? some parallel universe, will they be able to abandon public transport and switch only to walking? well, it would be nice, well, at least not on foot, maybe on a bicycle, on a bicycle too, what do you think? yes, i would really like that, i don’t like public transport. mm, we enjoyed the beautiful weather and fresh air, the answers from the belarusians were very pleasing, many of them really want and love to walk, what could be better than walking in the park? and there really is no such thing as bad weather. just wrong selected clothes, but if suddenly you live very far from work and say, well, i ’m going to walk straight from the other end of the city , but just at least go beyond the stop to your work, walk 2-3 km from the allotted distance, believe me, i’m in the mood will be completely different, but the work will be, i’m sure it will be argued, well, friends, but they say that spring still remembered that it is spring and will give us today a non-cloudy day, like it
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was the day before, on the contrary, a sunny one, all the details nina mozheiko, nina, what... morning indicators, those who say so are not lying at all, because it seems that spring is returning, but it is doing it gradually, naturally, accelerating, so let's start with the morning indicators, in minsk -1 +1 in these early morning hours, no precipitation up to +8 in brest, there is still light, or rather rain, there, -1 +1 in the northern capital in vitebsk, as well as in gomel, in grodno +6 + 8, in mogilev up to -2, but how will the temperature change during the day, now we’ll find out together with you, with the following spoiler: in brest today it will still be truly spring mood weather. yes, indeed, in brest the air will warm up to +16°. it’s a small circumstance that there will still be precipitation there today, but it seems to me that this will not upset the residents of brescia in any way. in minsk up to +10 and also rain, in the northern capital up to +10, in vitebsk, in gomel up to +13. grodno - +13, +15
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and up to +11 today in mogilev. well, we are finally starting our spring relationship. the day after tomorrow on sunday until +23, in general, the prospects are the sunniest, the most spring-like, in general, in any weather, in the sun, in the rain, our beautiful colleague svetlana borovskaya traditionally goes to a new point on the map of belarus, tomorrow, friends, watch her broadcast at 9:15 on belarus 1, on what the viewer will remember of the new special edition of the program. this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to the minsk region. good morning belarus. come on ruta, come on, guff. ruta, come on. listen, the neighbors
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can hear it. how many? dogs live in the corgi kennel, who practice in the raubchi sports complex in the spring, what musical instruments the large family plays, you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on dobry ranitsy belarus with svetlana borovskaya tomorrow at 9:15, what a luxurious complex, even if in the spring it provided snow in one night, so kind, and there he swears so much, screams loudly, children, close ears, dad’s like this: it’s dangerous work , it won’t even occur to us to think about climbing, going down there, no, wait, it’s about to pass , but you can drive by and wave us to do a roller coaster, good morning belarus, look what a wonderful beauty, so the vealom screams, good morning, well, what a truly diverse viewer the program good
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morning belarus has, the most important thing is that we are all looking forward to the weekend, including svetlana borovskaya at 9:15 tomorrow on the air belarus alone, but that’s it for the first hour of today’s friday broadcast has come to an end. in the second part we will contact the breda region, colleagues promised to share a current selection of polish news. well , also on the eve of the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary, we will talk with the deputy chairman of the synodal information department of the belarusian orthodox church, cleric of the holy spirit cathedral in minsk and hierrey andrei lomakin. let us remind you that there are 57 days left until summer, so it’s worth thinking not only about training, but about your diet, in this, according to tradition , svetlana koshitskaya, our renowned nutritionist, will definitely help us, how it is, what you need to eat in order to the fat melted before our eyes, but eat and lose weight, as they say, there is a recipe and svetlana will share this recipe in the third part of the live broadcast, we are looking forward to it and we will also hear, of course, a musical premiere from alexander sukharev and the musical project earth and heaven, take off your clothes and work, we will return
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immediately after the news block with we are all in a hurry for miracles, but there are no miracles , nothing, something earth. above the heavens, where is the roof of your house, where is the roof of your house, and if
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suddenly you become afraid, then sadness does not mean anything when you know that under the sun there is the roof of your house, there is the roof of the house. yours, any moment of grief, everything will disappear, just remember the blue stars on the roof. houses your own, above the roof of your house,
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the world is full of joy and happiness, but your native land is the closest thing to everything, and it’s so wonderful to return under the roof of your house under the roof of your house.


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