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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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these are package deliveries of belarusian equipment with an emphasis on solving land reclamation problems that are urgent for the russian region, as well as the construction of a grain drying complex using domestic technologies and the allocation of land for the construction of a belarusian trading house in primorye. russian partners expressed interest in the participation of belarusian companies in road and housing construction in the region, as well as in the construction of significant social facilities. the belarusian fund for financial support of entrepreneurs plans to use it to help businesses. 16 million rub. the amount has increased significantly compared to last year, then it was just over 8 million, said the general director of the fund. this year , production and cooperation projects are among the emphasis in our work. the fund actively involves small medium-sized businesses in chains with large manufacturers. in 2023, 370 such contracts were concluded for $17 million. and today these companies are involved in supplying products to large enterprises. and now, how...
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in plans to expand the infrastructure, use the energy of a nuclear power plant, and if the current pace persist, then in 6 years we will reach thirty-fold market growth. more than a thousand charging stations are already operating in the country, and construction of super-powerful and super-fast complexes is planned. it is necessary to provide information about income to the tax authorities as soon as possible, the ministry of taxes draws attention. by april 1 , belarusian business entities had to provide. information about
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the income of individuals for the past year, but this obligation was not fulfilled by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs. for exclusion purposes administrative responsibility, the department reminds you of the need to submit documents as soon as possible. and finally, the top five countries in 2023, from where foreign citizens most often came to our country for medical services, included russia, kazakhstan, latvia, and unexpectedly bosnia and herzegovina entered the top five, ahead of china. about it. belstat reports: last year 134,000 foreigners were treated in our country; services in the fields of transplantology, oncology, neurology, neurosurgery, dentistry and cardiology. and that’s all for me, have a good day and be productive in your business. see you.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm karina pashkova. hello. they were actresses, but with very free morals; two porn streamers were detained in the minsk region. law enforcement officers contacted the residents of zhodino, who also created an administration. the creativity was appreciated by law enforcement officers, and a criminal case was initiated for the production and distribution of pornography. during a search photo and video equipment and props were found. over the course of a year and a half from august 22 to january, 24 women shot about 20 videos.
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the release of a review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue, prepared by vladimir korolev. i wanted to exchange cryptocurrency, but was left with nothing. a thirty-seven-year-old resident of the capital became a victim of cyber fraudsters. having seen an exchange offer in the messenger, the minsk resident decided to sell his tokens. a manager contacted a man in chetbot and said that his friend was ready to purchase digital currency at a rate favorable to the man. in time to meet with customers. of tokens, the applicant transferred digital currency to the account specified by the curator. later it turned out that the transaction amounted to about 3,000 rubles. the victim made an account with an unknown person, and therefore the transaction did not take place. i wrote an ad, then one person offered to drive up himself, asked for the address, i told him where. about 10 minutes later he writes that he won’t be able to drive up himself, but a friend of mine will come, like you don’t mind. well, i think, what's the difference? they have money with them, everything
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will change, the address comes in telegram wallet, where to put it, i click send, my money flew away, realizing that he was left without money, the man turned to the police. a criminal case has been opened regarding fraud. they blackmailed with intimate photos, four residents of minsk immediately turned to the police, they became victims of extortion after meeting the opposite sex. she asked me to send her photos, which i naturally sent. the photos were of a rather intimate nature, and after i sent all my photos, she began to talk to me. fatten money, she said that she would send these photos to my loved ones, my relatives, mo. investigators found that both men and women were sending nude photographs of themselves to unknown people on social networks . after this, the correspondence partners
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began to demand money, threatening to otherwise publish the received materials. in one case, the attackers demanded 400 rubles from a menchan resident. for not distributing his intimate photographs. using the same scheme, they tried to lure 300 rubles out of an eighteen-year-old emen woman who shared her candid photos with a pen pal. in all cases, criminal cases were initiated on the basis of extortion. an employee of the rebkhoz in the berezovsky district tried to steal more than 150 kg of fish. a forty-nine-year-old local resident caught a large batch of carp, hid the catch in the spare tire compartment and took it out of the enterprise. on his way home, he was stopped by law enforcement officers. damage. amounted to over 900 rubles. a criminal case was opened for theft, and the fish was confiscated. the porsche is too cheap, that’s what the grodno customs officers thought and decided check for yourself the cost of a two-year-old sports car that they tried to introduce into the territory of the eurasian economic union. the incident occurred on the belarusian-lithuanian border. the applicant
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indicated that the porsche was worth $100,000, but a check showed that this amount was unreliable. the passenger car was transported as a commodity in an iveco cargo vehicle. owned by a polish carrier company. the cost of the porsche being moved stated in the documents was about 345,000 rubles. the fact that it was underestimated by half was established during operations customs control and subsequent verification activities. thus, the carrier tried to save over 100,000 rubles on customs duties. for providing false information about a product, the company faces a fine of over 200,000 rubles. this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, today we will summarize the week, take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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on the air wow news and i, nastya rutskaya,
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your guide to the world of positive news, in the next 5 minutes you will find out a year of quality in belarus within the framework. on the eve of entering higher education. our mobile correspondent will tell you why the chinese robot is now called an acrobat and where you can see the product of the only belarusian designer included in the guinness book of records. the national academy of sciences of belarus announced the start of the republican competition of creative works dedicated to the year of quality. schoolchildren, students, and working people will be able to participate in the competition. youth, creative people, scientists, representatives of higher education, teachers, activists culture, graduate students and undergraduates. the competition
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is held in several categories: physics, mathematics and computer science, the basis of high-quality processing, transmission, storage of information protection, physical and technical innovations to increase the competitiveness of domestic industries, achievement of quality in chemistry and environmental management, respect for natural resources and conservation of biological diversity. medical science is the basis for a high quality of life, humanitarian science is for quality, agricultural science is for high quality agricultural products. applications for participation and i say, it’s loud, open and without fear of being accused of rudeness or boorishness, because i’m actually in karaganda, and this is proof of that, this is the only monument in the world to this very catchphrase, this one asks, this one asks where , and this one seems to answer: karaganda, don’t even doubt it, all the belarusian journalists who came to this city with us began their
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reporting from here. by the way, versions of the origin of this already popular expression very different, one of them says that it was first uttered in the film by naderebasovskaya: good weather or it’s raining on brighton beach again, dmitry kharatyan did it, or rather, his hero. kgb super agent fyodor sokolov, whom i once played. well, of course, this phrase was known before, but because... and gaidai only made folk films, of course, this phrase came from the people, somewhere, somewhere in karaganda, well, i want to say hello about the good morning program belarus, good morning, belarus, good morning to you, thank you for video evidence, so to speak, and at least the mentioned phrase from the people, as dmitry said, we are sure no one will argue that it is ugaidai’s films that owe its incredible popularity. well, 30 seconds, where? their where, where in karaganda, where the question
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was sorted out, now the second question would be logical, why, why am i in karaganda, that’s why, you guessed who it is, it’s yuri gagarin, and this forty-meter monument is called the conqueror of space, now you’ve definitely guessed, the topic cosmos good backpack belarus continues, just recently our film crew went to see off the crew of the twenty-first visiting expedition to the iss. we congratulated the whole of belarus on the first belarusian cosmonaut, and now we have returned to kazakhstan again, but this time to meet our guys. this will not happen in karaganda, almost 500 km from here, in the betpak dala steppe, or as it is also called, the hungry steppe. by the way. this is one of the largest clay deserts in the world, but while we are just getting there, i’ll show you another interesting location, in appearance
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there is nothing cosmic in this building, local historical and cultural value, the hotel is being reconstructed, but it was here that valentina tereshkova once spent several hours after her arrival, the hotel was even renamed the seagull, and this was the call sign of the first... cosmonaut, i really wanted to show you this particular location, because this year our belarusians also got their first female cosmonaut, our dear one. well, back to the topic of return, excuse the taftology, the astronauts on the iss are preparing to return to earth, and here, in fact, on the earth is also preparing to meet them, a search and rescue operation, this is the name of everything that usually happens during the descent of a spacecraft, yesterday, to compare notes, so to speak, to confirm the readiness of all structures involved in the operation, many
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specialists gathered in karaganda for a briefing, this representatives of the cosmonaut training center, the federal air transport agency, meteorologists, doctors, technical specialists, a ground search team, even the ministry of defense is participating, from military units of the control of the fourteenth armies of the vspo, the ministry defense of the russian federation , eight mi-8 helicopters, two m-12 aircraft, one an-26 aircraft will be involved, extremely responsible specialists have calculated many options for the development of events in the event of a controlled and uncontrolled descent, otherwise ballistic, absolutely everything is taken into account, even weather and terrain features, and of course, the readiness of the crew itself. the crew of the redesigned transport ship soyuz ms-24, consisting of commander oleg viktorovich novitsky,
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engineer 2, akhara lara lashley, participants vasilevskaya's space flight. during the examination training at the cosmonaut training center, they received excellent marks, so the crew of the ms-24 transport and operational spacecraft is ready for landing, there are no reasons preventing the crew from landing. the report is finished. today we are leaving for the steppe in the area of ​​​​the city of zhiskazgan. the road does not promise to be easy; we will travel about 300 km on the road, the remaining 200 km will be off-road. in addition, there was a flood in the landing area, we were warned that the journey could take 10 hours one way, this is what it looked like just a couple of days ago, so in these minutes, when you are watching my story, we are already rushing, driving, or maybe sailing towards our guys, all the difficulties are nonsense, which cannot be compared with what we did and what lies ahead done to the astronauts, all
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the reports have been heard, the helicopters and cars are refueled, small... in order to pull us out of the mud, they are also prepared, in general, readiness is number one, and all that remains is to collect yourself, ready, backpack, let's go, the roofs have been repaired, about unique features of the most ancient belarusian churches, vaults...
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watch in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. van, say hello. i'm vasily, i'm your dad. where did he even come from? maybe he's not a father at all? do you think i’ll just give a boy to a man on the street, go about your career, dance, and just forget about it. i wanted
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to adopt him. ah, that’s it, but i mean, i’ve got all the cards mixed up, right? it's good that your father was found. “mom and mom, can we reschedule his move to us until he gets used to homemade food? i won’t send him anywhere, or do you accept everything as it comes?” do you find an approach to him, or we part, in which case i will ask you to come with us to the department, stop, what does it mean to pass, you understand that we have a final tomorrow, what is it, you know, and the fact that a six-year-old boy has disappeared, you understand this, and you wouldn’t be jealous, if your son called someone else’s uncle dad, i would ignore you, i would take a closer look at this uncle, look? series, i choose you on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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we welcome you again, kind morning country, good morning belarus, we continue to meet this morning together, we are with you olga venskaya, nina mazeika, on our calendar it is april 5th. people together with a guest in the studio of the good ranitsa belarus program. we are pleased to welcome the deputy chairman of the synodal information department of the belarusian orthodox church, clergyman of the holy spirit cathedral in
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minsk, priest andrei lomakin. father andrey, good morning. good morning. good morning. father andrey, orthodox christians all over the world now live in anticipation of what are probably the two main church holidays, this is, of course, easter, which this year will happen on the fifth of may, and the annunciation to the most holy theotokos. this holiday will literally happen on april 7th. remind me. please, about the meaning and importance of the feast of the annunciation. yes, the feast of the annunciation to the blessed virgin mary is an important evangelical event. the church calls it the beginning of our salvation. let us remember that on this day the archangel of god gabriel appeared to the blessed virgin mary, who announced that she would give birth to a son who would become the savior of the world. this is the good news of this phrase. and the holiday has its own name annunciation, this is the good news that the savior of the world will come to the world, who will save all humanity for eternal life, this is
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the most important, the most good, the most joy, the most joyful news for every person, therefore the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary is important, since ancient times it has been equated with easter, because the path to easter begins with the annunciation. and andrey, please tell me, despite this discrepancy in the calendars, and sometimes there is a shift, but sometimes there are holidays, april 7 is celebrated annunciation, annunciation refers to fixed church holidays; there are two types of holidays in the church calendar: moving holidays, which include easter and related holidays, such as the ascension of the lord, the day of holy pentecost, and fixed holidays, which are celebrated every year. on the same day. the feast of the annunciation to the blessed virgin mary belongs to such holidays. thus, in different years it may either fall during the period
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of lent or during the easter period. this year we celebrate the holiday in continuation great lent. well, father andrei says that on this day - the day of the annunciation, the bird does not build a nest, the girl does not braid her hair. how to spend this day correctly? is it true that you should never work? the fact is that.
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is this year for the period of great lent, on the sundays of great lent a special divine service is served, called the divine liturgy of st. basil
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the great, and as for folk traditions, there really is such a rather ancient tradition of releasing doves on this day, but originally it was a folk tradition tradition, they released birds that were either caught or raised in asia.
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april 7, but this date is exactly 9 months away from the feast of the nativity of christ, and this shows us an interesting christian idea that believers firmly know that a person does not come into the world at the moment of birth, at the moment of conception, and the holiday tells us about this annunciation. father andrey, thank you, thank you for this. demon, yes, in fact, you showed us today, thank you for your time, i remind you that today in the studio of the program good grannitsa belarus, in on the eve of such a beautiful orthodox holiday of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary, we talked with the deputy chairman of the synodal information department of the belarusian orthodox church, a clergyman of the holy spirit cathedral in minsk and priest andrei lomakin. friends, our broadcast does not end here, it continues, so stay in the company, good ranitsa belarus, don’t wait. hello everyone,
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my name is olga zankevich, i have three wonderful exercises for you, which valeria and i will demonstrate to you, repeat both parents and children, this exercise is suitable for absolutely everyone, place your feet hip-width apart, spread your arms to the sides, place your left foot back on your toes, now our exercise will be called the weasel. we will fly forward, look forward, leg back, inhale, as we exhale we will rise to the starting position and smile at each other, change legs, and we will do this five times, for each leg this will be more than enough, don’t forget to smile, this is included in the exercise: inhale, turn towards each other and smile. it's time
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to complicate it a little, as we will complicate it, we will fire the knee of our left leg, stretch our right arm forward and we will continue to perform the swallow, but the swallow’s wing is broken, inhale, don’t forget to smile as you exhale, yeah, that’s the complexity of this exercise, because that it is very difficult to stand on one leg. let's go. well, here we come to the third exercise, i hope you like our exercises, we like to do them, right, because we are always learning everything. now we will perform this exercise even more difficult, we
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we'll take you away. let's pull our leg back, pull our arms forward and try to perform a backswing, but don't forget to smile naturally, the leg is tense, again our swallow, as soon as the swing we stand up, we change the leg, uh-huh, our swallow, we stand up and smile, we won't repeat this exercise much , five times two or three approaches will be enough. do this set of exercises every day, parents, mothers, do the same with them and it will be very funny to see how nothing works out for you, but we learn nothing, have a good mood.
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once again we say a cheerful good morning to the whole country, wake up, beloved country on the calendar today. april and this is the long-awaited friday in pleasant company, we are celebrating the final working day, today we are working for you with pleasure live on the vienna broadcast, and of course, friends, for you the most current news about the weather for today says: spring
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is coming back, let's look at temperature indicators. so, friends, pay attention to the screen: today in minsk, early in the morning -1 +1, while you still see the weather, don’t it has been decided whether it is winter or spring in brest, however, it is still persistent spring up to +8. at the same time, precipitation in the northern capital of vitebsk is -1 +1, exactly the same indicators in gomel, in grodno up to +8, in mogilev up to -2. what will happen during the day? let's look at the picture of the day with you. let's see, the air should warm up well, because the heat returns, the warm air mass. in minsk today it is 8:10 with a plus sign, in brest, 14:16 vyshinlya, in vitebsk 8:10 with a plus sign, in gomel, 11:13 warm. in grodno, comfortable, warm, 13:15 from plus sign. 9. in the centers with the exception of gomel, today there is precipitation, but at the same time cloudy with clearings, on this, thanks, spoiler, the weather for the weekend will be up to +23, hurray, yes, indeed, according to forecasters,
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the rainy mood of the weather will last until the end this week, well, and then we expect +20, sunny, and this means only one thing: from april 8 you can safely open the summer season, hurray, hurray, friends,
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head game! shows where they fight not with the help of physical force are more successful. in the season 22-23 fa cup match between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card, its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors. what exactly is its specificity? a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you answer first, but the topic will have to be answered.
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how many dogs live in the corgi kennel, who practices at the raubichi sports complex in the spring, what musical instruments does the large family play? find out in the new episode of the program this saturday. tune in to dobry ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya tomorrow at 9:15. how gorgeous complex, even if in the spring it provided snow overnight. and there he swears so loudly, he screams loudly, i’m not swearing, children, close your ears, dad has such a dangerous job, it wouldn’t even occur to us to think about climbing up there, moving down, no, wait, it’s about to pass
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, but you can drive through and wave to us to do a roll, good morning belarus, look what a wonderful beauty, screams ideal, what different viewers of the program good morning belarus tomorrow we will all be sure to celebrate saturday morning in the company svetlana borovskaya. well, the second part of the live broadcast seems to be all. well, that’s for sure, we have a third ahead, we will also, by the way, do this in good company, i mean discuss important, relevant topics, useful information. slan koshitskaya, for example, is already on her way to our studio, she will definitely tell you how to eat correctly in order to lose weight , this is an interesting question. yes, we also have cool music news, we will hear a musical premiere from alexander sukharev and the earth and sky music project. by the way, the song has a very interesting name, take off your clothes and work, this is exactly how you should greet a worker. well, for now we’ll go on a news break, we’ll meet you very
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soon, see you, friends on belarus-1, lines on the map of the skies, i can’t get closer to you, no closer, without that, you won’t forgive me, it’ll only get worse in heaven, without love everyone here. one of us honestly survived, but love has no distance, i will shout omeech in response, the public, you and i are in the public, but love has something river, bedored... we will shoot satellites, eternal
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companions, you decided that supposedly here, there is no one to love on earth, you put an end to how many more names there will be for two. i know everyone with you, you’re no longer in love with me, but that’s not certain, but love has no distance, i’ll scream, but i don’t care, i have exhibitors. but love has something eternal and there is something, i know we were, we will be all,
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companions, eternal companions, but love has no distance, i will shout at him from the top, pudniks, you and i are sbunki, and love has something river years , wherever we are, we will be here, everyday life eternal.
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tv news agency continues information broadcasting, to the studio olga kalairova, good morning. the personnel day took place the day before at the nezavi palace.


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