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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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and superfast complexes. it is necessary to provide information about income to the tax authorities as soon as possible, the ministry of taxes draws attention. until april 1 , belarusian business entities had to provide information on personal income for the past year, but this obligation was not fulfilled by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs. in order to exclude administrative liability, the department reminds you of the need to submit documents as soon as possible. and finally, in the top 5 countries. in 2023, where most often foreign citizens came to our country for medical services, russia, kazakhstan, latvia entered, and unexpectedly bosnia and herzegovina entered the top five, ahead of china, belstat reports. last year, 134,000 foreigners were treated in our country. among medical tourists, popular services are in the fields of transplantology, oncology, neurology, neurosurgery, dentistry and cardiology. and that's all for me, good luck.
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have a nice day and productivity in your business, see you, morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues the zone program. i, karina pashkova. hello. they were actresses, but of very free morals. two porn streamers were detained in the minsk region. law enforcement officers found residents of zhodino who created and administered an account on a pornographic resource. the friends, one 31 and the other 38 , were conducting intimate online broadcasts on a themed website. creativity was appreciated by law enforcement officers within the framework of the law. a criminal case has been opened for...
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the women made about 20 videos. will continue to publish a review of criminal and emergency incidents. it was prepared by vladimir korolev. i wanted to exchange cryptocurrency, but was left with nothing. a thirty-seven-year-old resident of the capital became a victim of cyber fraudsters. having seen an exchange offer in the messenger, the minsk resident decided to sell his tokens. a manager contacted the man in the chatbot and said that his friend was ready to purchase digital currency at a rate favorable to the man. during a meeting with token buyers , the applicant transferred digital currency to the account specified by the curator. later it turned out that the transaction amounted to about 3,000 rub. the victim made an account with an unknown person. as a result, the deal did not take place. wrote an ad from. then one person
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offered to drive up himself, asked for the address, i told him where, after 10 minutes he writes that he won’t be able to drive up himself, a friend of mine will drive up, like you don’t mind, well, i think, what’s the difference, they have money with them, everything will change, the telegram comes with the address of the wallet, where to send it, i click send, my money flew away, realizing that he was left without money, the man turned to the police, in fact fraud, a criminal case was opened, they were blackmailed with intimate photos, four residents of minsk immediately turned to the police, they became victims of extortionists after meeting the opposite sex. and she asked me to send my photos, which i naturally sent. the photos were quite intimate . well, after i sent all my photos, she started blackmailing me with money, said that... she would
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send these photos to my loved ones, my relatives, my acquaintances. operatives found that both men and women sent naked photos of themselves to strangers on social networks. after this , the correspondence partners began to demand money, threatening otherwise to publish the received materials. in one case, the attackers demanded 400 rubles from a menchan resident. for not distributing his intimate photographs. using the same scheme, they tried to swindle 300 rubles out of an eighteen-year-old girl. menchanka, who shared her candid photos with a pen pal. in all cases, criminal charges were initiated for extortion. affairs. a fish farm worker in the berezovsky district tried to steal more than 150 kg of fish. a forty-nine-year-old local resident caught a large batch of carp. the catch was hidden in the spare tire compartment and taken out of the enterprise. on his way home, he was stopped by law enforcement officers. the damage amounted to over 900 rubles. a criminal case has been filed for theft. case, the fish
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was confiscated. the porsche is too cheap, that’s what the grodno customs officers thought and decided to check for themselves the cost of the two-year-old sports car that they tried to introduce into the eac territory. the incident occurred on belarusian-lithuanian border, the applicant indicated that the porsche costs $100,000, but a check showed that this amount is unreliable. the passenger car was transported as goods in an iveco cargo vehicle owned by the polish company carrier. the value of the goods being moved in poland stated in the documents was about 345,000 rubles. the fact that it was underestimated by two times was established during the customs control operation and subsequent verification activities. thus, the carrier tried to save on customs duties. payments over 100,000 rubles. for providing false information about the company's products, the company faces a fine of over 200,000 rubles. this was the project zone x. don't miss our evening
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broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15. today we will summarize the week. take care and have a nice day.
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i would like to start this morning with wonderful news, we have already calculated that there are literally 57 days left until the start of summer, and isn’t this a reason, that’s what nina is for? well, of course, everyone is losing weight, getting in shape, getting in order, our irreplaceable nutritionist in this matter, svetlana koshitskaya, is ready for you to guide you, to become your navigator in this matter and is ready to answer the question, in fact, of the world, what should you eat to lose weight? and my dears, you will now be surprised, but i... today i want to focus on what do you think? on spices, in general belarusians use some kind of primitive spices, bay leaves, you know, there is pepper, black pepper, for example, in a pinch, red pepper, absolutely right, my dears, there are spices that will help you
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burn excess fat, it’s easy and simple, just add them to your diet, so cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels and prevents it from turning into fat with its smell. deceives our appetite, creating the illusion of satiety without a single calorie. try the beef stew with carrots, seasoned with cinnamon, it's divine. cinnamon can be added to tea, coffee, and baked goods, and this will help reduce the amount of sugar in the product, but will create the feeling of an exquisite dessert. sveta, well , i know that you can add cinnamon to coffee, i really like it, but in tea, nina, have you tried such a combo, you know, i’ve never i tried, but i have this one. oriental tea, when milk and tea are brewed, and cinnamon is added, it’s very tasty, by the way, i recently returned from azerbaijan from baku, they love turmeric and add it literally everywhere, but especially in rice, of course, in their the famous pilaf, turmeric is also the very spice that needs to be written down in
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a notebook now, this is my favorite, it prevents fat cells from accumulating fat, improves the digestion of heavy meat and fatty dishes, speeds up metabolism, namely therefore... that is, i understand correctly, with pilaf, thanks to turmeric, you can lose weight, but if you eat it before three, i’ll answer honestly, before the chili, the secret is simple, the main one. the substance capsaicin, it increases our body temperature and forces the body to use already eaten carbohydrates and fats, black and coy pepper activates the release of endorphins, that is , we feel good and the functioning of our cerebral cortex, forces the body to burn more calories, fights, by the way, with heartburn bloating, imbi speeds up metabolism, slightly increasing body temperature, reduces the level of... cortisol, and this is our stress hormone, and bad cholesterol in the blood, mint,
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just pay attention, please, reduces appetite, but also has a calming effect, relieves tension, so i recommend mint tea an hour before bedtime, that is, if you are still stressed about gaining excess weight over the winter, then mint tea will help you, and you have already relaxed and think that, in principle, i look fine, by the way, cardamom, a fat-burning spice that speeds up our metabolism and helps also for bloating, horseradish, by the way , no, no, of course, it normalizes sleep, i wanted to say, my dad’s favorite thing is for everything you can, bread, meat, sausage and even lard, you need to lubricate everything with horseradish , by the way, this is a very good habit, it stimulates our digestion processes and speeds up. burning fat, stimulates
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the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates metabolism, but remember that during heat treatment, paprika loses 75% of its beneficial properties, so we add this spice to ready-made dishes, and i want to say the most the main thing is that, my dears, you don’t need to wait for miracles and hope that you’ll season it. cinnamon, half a kilo of ice cream, you will lose weight, but using the beneficial properties of spices in our lives, mastering new recipes, new tastes, while at the same time helping us control weight, i strongly recommend, the most important thing is to take a variety of seasonings and prepare different dishes, i, by the way, i’ll tell you a moment, i’ve never eaten pea soup, suddenly i wanted to cook it madly, i prepared it. i tried, i understand, maybe something is missing, and what was missing, what do you think, i
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i googled on the internet, chefs, the best spices for pea soup, and found five spices, among which was paprika, there was cardamom, there was mint, and i started adding a little bit at a time, when i added mint, my pea soup became so incredibly tasty , like from a restaurant, try it, i recommend it, just some amazing recipe. svetlana koshitskaya pea soup with mint, besides, note that we like to grow everything in the country, mint can be grown in the country, yes please, but just in the kitchen on the windowsill, so i also wanted to say that not it is necessary to have a summer house for this, yes, yes, let me add, as a doctor, many now say that you don’t want to drink water because it’s not too hot, i ask you, just make the water healthier and tastier for you , and mint will help you, you can put mint, you can cut an orange, a slice of lemon.
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liquids and swelling, my dears, this is for those who like to drink from the refrigerator constantly throughout the day regularly, it’s interesting at the end of our conversation, light, prospetsa, you told us so many bright colorful things, are there any restrictions, maybe there may be some diseases that limit the consumption of spices, of course, this is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, of course, such as gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, so be careful. with spices, be careful, you need to know in moderation in everything and make it a piquant
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detail of your diet, although it seems to me that just bright spices , by their very appearance, inspire you to color life , to really make life very bright, light, thank you for that inspiration morning, we thank our super nutritionist svetlana kashitskaya, right now our broadcast continues and you know what, well, of course , exercise, after such information you need to warm up thoroughly, come on. you think that nothing invigorates you like coffee, but try doing exercises with me today, and i know what exercise will help you get a fight. better than any coffee, it's a balance exercise. oh, i'm mentally prepared! in order to perform the exercise of rolling a fitball towards us with our feet, we need to sit on the floor. place both feet on the fitball and from this position raise the tash up. this is our starting position. as we exhale , we roll the fitball towards ourselves, directing it towards
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the buttocks. we strain our buttocks as much as possible and also strain the front surface of the thigh. as we inhale, we return to the starting position, but we don’t lower the pelvis to the floor, we try not to bend the lower back too much and not to lower the pelvis up, exhale, roll up to yourself, inhale, return to the starting position, how to find that same balance so that you do it correctly, evenly, confidently, well , in general it’s all a matter of technique and training, well you can try to help yourself by positioning it more widely. or choose a ball of a different diameter, this is also important. i'm afraid to make a mistake when doing this exercise, what should i pay attention to? one of the main mistakes will be to lower the pelvis down too much; we should also always have a straight body parallel to the floor. another main mistake will be the incorrect selection of the diameter of the ball, it should be of medium size, small and not small. how many repetitions should you perform? we perform three sets of
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15 to 20 repetitions. i honestly confess to you, it wasn't easy, but i... cheerful, cheerful! this exercise may seem quite difficult, but if you practice, you will succeed. prevention of diseases of lorogans is practically no different. from the prevention of any cold, because the ent organs, ear, throat, nose are the entrance gates to all any infection, viral infections, bacterial infections, so the main prevention is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, physical exercise sports, ents don’t have any special secrets,
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prevention of otitis, timely treatment of the runny nose, prevention of chronic tansilitis... timely and correct treatment of sore throat, prevention of adenoids, which everyone is very, very afraid of, also timely and sufficiently long-term treatment of the runny nose, leading a correct lifestyle, must begin with the birth of the child, then, what if you turned the child around during swaddling, while changing clothes and let him lie down for a few minutes, wiggle his arms and legs, this is hardening, there is no need to create any stressful situations, hardening carried out... gradually, excessive parental care does not always give good results, you need to dress according to the weather, a warm hat in warm weather will not save us from atitis, all atitis begins with a runny nose, limiting cold foods, warming up some kefir is not the prevention of sore throat, on the contrary , we deprive
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the child of a normal tasty and healthy product, because bifidumbak is lost in heated kefir. and it is no longer tasty and healthy, you can put it, well, not straight from the refrigerator, but put it so that it is at least 5 stand at room temperature for minutes and give the child a drink and eat a normal product.
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belarus, good cheerful morning, beloved country. on the calendar today is april 5, it’s friday and we are celebrating the final working day of this week in pleasant company. ninom mazheiko, olga lenskaya. yes, we are working live for you and are ready to welcome our bresse colleagues. kristina melnichenko, andrey polagin are in touch with us. good morning, colleagues, connections brest. so, our first news. brest region created four new posts osvod. one of them is permanently operating in the urban village of yes. what: the other three are seasonal near reservoirs where people swim in the summer, they will operate from may 1 to september 30. very soon the beaches will be equipped with the proper infrastructure. they are purchasing now. necessary equipment and recruit personnel; in total, in our region there are 34 posts about the code. the next news is from the brest academic drama theater, which
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surprises again. this time on his stage is a new reading of the novel fathers and sons. this is the first the work of moscow production director sergei shchedrin. he brought the event to our time and the classics sounded differently. particular attention was paid to the scenography; the super-curtain decorations were made of wood. the performance provided the brez actors with the opportunity to discover new creative sides in themselves. the director brought eclecticism to the images of the characters in the proposed circumstances and musical design. the theater staff had less than a month to complete the production process; they were at the premiere. you really liked it and recommend it for viewing. and our third news about a talented breshchanite, theater actor andrei polyanska. for 20 years he has been engaged in the hobby of embroidery, which is not typical for a man. cross, gently, right? yes, but the actor decided to organize the exhibition only now. the presentation took place at the brest puppet theater. the themes of the presented works are very
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different. here are famous biblical and historical subjects, portraits of famous personalities. there are also those that were inspired by the muses and the most intimate thing in a person’s life - this is family. the exhibition is open until may 12. well, in conclusion, we offer the plot for viewing about the regional exhibition "life and". art and us, what works in our city as part of the art project all at once. it is being implemented for the eleventh time, gathering young gifted artists on one creative platform. more details about the exhibition in our story, colleagues, colleagues, well, firstly, thank you for the news, secondly, well, our colleague, our wonderful kristina milinchenko, overslept, well, yes, instead of her, ksenia tsinskaya, well, we are anyway very wonderful company, this wonderful meeting is live, right now, friends, let's let's look at the promised story from... for 11 years now, the regional art project has been discovering new names and adding color to the everyday life of residents and guests of the regional center. during this
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time, he organically joined the cultural life of the region, introducing all art lovers to beauty. over the years, we have raised and transferred to the belarusian union of artists eight members who stood among the historians, participated in the first exhibitions all at once, now they have grown, grown, grown, they had some kind of their own characters.
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countries, rich colors, probably this i have always been interested in exoticism, warm colors are due to my choice of african americans, indians, i have been drawing since childhood, about 10 years ago we moved to brest, and this gallery was the first where my works were exhibited in belarus, i collaborate with many galleries abroad , in america. europe. welder by profession, artist at heart. fedor bazhin is one of those whose talent does not leave anyone indifferent. boldly modern, one might say, about each of his paintings. the theme
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of women, beauty, attractiveness, like any man, is not alien to me. two are depicted here quite well-known women on the internet, i depicted them, as if from the side as i see them. to share your creative vision with the audience. project participants submitted preliminary applications and passed a professional selection; the best works can be seen in the exhibition hall on sovetskaya until april 21. well, the live broadcast of the program good district belarus continues, olga venskaya nina mozheika, we are working right now for you live, we remind you that we are doing this, by the way, it seems to me that the most time to announce, you know what, we are descending, dear friends, we are slowing down, you know why, why? yes, because, friends, we are all waiting. 17 minutes 33 seconds ends,
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or rather everything is just beginning for them, the crew of the soyuz s-24 ship returns , consisting of the commander of the hero of russia, a native of belarus, oleg novitsky, as well as the first female cosmonaut of belarus, marina vasilevskaya and laura lahara, this is astronaut tracy deisen, which remained on the iss, this is her, let’s say, a person who is taken from the iss, taken back to earth, returned from heaven back, this is really true in the literal sense, but we are all true.
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this one asks, this one asks where, and this one seems to answer where, don’t even doubt it, all the belarusian journalists who came to this city with us began their reports from here, by the way, the versions of the origin of this already popular expression are very different, one of they say that for the first time it was uttered in the film on debasovskaya the weather is good or it’s raining again on brighton beach, it was done by dmitry kharatyan, or rather his hero, a kgb super agent, fyodor sokolov, who... i once played, well, of course, this phrase was known before, and since gaidai only made folk films, of course, this phrase came from the people, somewhere in korgan, and i want to convey hello, and to the good morning program belarus, good morning, belarus, good morning to you, thank you for the video evidence, so to speak, and at least the mentioned phrase from the people, as dmitry said, i’m sure no one will
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argue that it is ugaidai’s film. owes its incredible popularity to, well, 30 seconds, where is the sheikh, where, where in karaganda, with the question is where we figured it out, now the second question would be logical, why, why am i in karaganda, that’s why, guess who it is? this is yuri gagarin, and this forty-meter monument is called the conqueror of space, now we definitely guessed, the theme of space is before... just recently, our film crew went to see off the crew of the twenty-first visiting expedition to the iss. we congratulated the whole of belarus on the first belarusian cosmonaut, and now we have returned to kazakhstan again to meet our guys. this will not happen in karaganda at all, almost in 500 km from here in the betpak dala steppe, or as it
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is also called, the hungry steppe. by the way, this is one of the largest clay deserts in the world, but while we are just getting there, i will show you another interesting location, in appearance there is nothing cosmic in this building, a local historical and cultural value, a hotel under reconstruction, but it is here valentin once spent several hours after her arrival. the hotel was even renamed chaika, which was the call sign of the first female cosmonaut. i really wanted to show you exactly this location, because this year our belarusians also got their first female cosmonaut, our dear one. well, back to the topic of return, excuse the taftology, the astronauts on the iss are preparing to return to earth, and here, in fact, on earth they are also preparing to meet them,
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search and rescue. this is the name given to everything that usually happens during the descent of a spacecraft. yesterday, to compare notes, so to speak, to confirm the readiness of all structures involved in the operation, many specialists gathered for a briefing in karaganda. these are representatives of the cosmonaut training center, the federal air transport agency, meteorologists, doctors, technical specialists, a ground search team, and even the ministry of defense is involved. from the military units of the control of the fourteenth army of the vspo, the ministry of defense of the russian federation, eight will be involved. mi-8 helicopters, two m-12 aircraft, one an-26 aircraft, six search and recovery vehicles, 11 units of ground flight support equipment, as well as 162 military personnel and civilians personnel. as you understand, the operation is large-scale and extremely responsible; experts have calculated many options for the development of events in the event of a controlled and uncontrolled descent, otherwise ballistic. absolutely everything is taken into account, even
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the weather and features. oleg viktorovich, board engineer 2. the crew received excellent marks during the examination training at the cosmonaut training center, so the ms-24 transport and operational spacecraft is ready for landing, there are no reasons preventing the crew from landing, report finished, today we are leaving for the steppe near the city of zheskazgan, the road does not promise to be easy... about 300 km we will go on the road, the remaining 200 will be off-road. in addition, in the flood landing area, we were warned that the journey could take 10 hours one way. this is what the steppe looked like a couple of days ago. therefore, at these moments,
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when you are watching my story, we are already rushing, driving, or maybe sailing towards our guys. and all the difficulties are nonsense, which cannot be compared with what they did and what the astronauts have to do. all the reports have been heard, the helicopters and cars are refueled, the little ropes for pulling us out of the mud are also prepared, in general, readiness is number one, and all that remains is to collect yourself, ready, backpack, let's go, that's it! only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, a high city, so according to the chronicles this place was called from the 15th century, and there are many attractions here,
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i will try to tell about them all, it is high, and we begin our acquaintance and go to an exciting journey, by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water, electric, a little later even electric ones appeared. and many tourists claim that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes large wings appear on the chapel during church services. to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. the road between sinu and shklov is very picturesque in places, similar to an english park. this is a diary entry catherine. here once upon a time... people come for her from neighboring areas and villages, they believe she
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has healing powers. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel and we believe that today will be filled only with good news, and the same news concerns the weather, because you know, we are all waiting for the return of spring indicators on the thermometer, nina, what should we expect, oh yes,
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we have to wait, by the way, it’s still warming, spring insists on taking place, let’s look at the temperature together map, we’ll see for ourselves in this, so, look, today in minsk it’s up to +10°, and there will be some precipitation, but in general it seems to me that the mood is already plus in brest up to +16°, that’s where spring in general is, well, practically you ca n’t even say left, she insists that , by the way, today there is precipitation in brest, in vitebsk, also in grodna, in mogilev, but they bypassed gomel, the gomel residents are lucky, today they have up to +13, in the northern capital up to +10, in grodno up to +15 and up to +11, today in mogilev, well, what about the weekend ahead, if you are thinking about where to go, go for sunshine, go to gomel there... yes, well, by the way, we say hello to our colleague, alexander lupinenko, here is sasha, you are always with us,
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yes, ah, it continues, friends, our live broadcast, spring continues, because until at the end of this week it will still rain, but after that the thermometer will go up, and it will be 20 plus, or even higher, and after that the sun will come out, you know who i’m talking about, our colleague svetlana varoska, who will be tomorrow morning will urgently wake you up at 9:15, watch the new episode, and we let's go on some exciting journey to find the light again, can i tell you? i ’ll sing her a song that she likes snow, that she likes rain, that she likes torrential rain, that she likes heat, in general, she is ready to go on adventures in any weather, let’s really see what point in belarus she has mastered this time, this saturday svetlana borovskaya will go to the minsk region, something more fun, good morning! belarus, come on, ruta, ruta, ruta, come on, voice,
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so the neighbors can hear how many dogs live in the corgi kennel, who trains in the spring at the raubchi sports complex what musical instruments a large family plays, you will find out in the new episode of the program this saturday, turn on dobry ranitsy belarus with svetlana borovskaya tomorrow at 9:15, what a luxurious complex, even if in spring... snow overnight, such he’s kind, and he’s swearing so loudly, he’s screaming loudly, i’m not swearing, children, close your ears, dad has such a dangerous job, it wouldn’t even occur to us to even think about climbing up there, going down there, no, wait, it’s about to pass, but you can drive by and wave at us to do a little spin, good early belarus, look what a wonderful beauty,
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how the lives of foreign guests go in belarus. we are located at the faculty of international relations. belarusian state university, i work here at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations from 2014 to this day, this is a coffee and pastry shop, the first eastern coffee and pastry shop in belarus, as always, we work here in lebanese, we always talk to people, how to drink this coffee, how to eat these sweets, how right it should be that they give this taste, i love syria subconsciously, and belarus...
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the live broadcast of the program good morning belarus continues and you know, friends, friday wouldn’t be friday without a concert venue, but i really want to end today’s broadcast literally on a high note, will they help us with this? friends, first of all, alexander sukhrev and
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the music project earth and sky are really friends of our program. we will have a very interesting song, it has such an intriguing name, break down and work, we heard this somewhere, yes, good morning, our mornings, hello, well, tell us why start, start working, well, the premiere of the song, yes, will take place today under the name of developing work, it is no coincidence that in the year of quality we decided to premiere this song, yeah. perky and smart, so well, i couldn’t help but write a song based on these words. i allowed myself to add the following phrase in the chorus for rhyme: always treat your work with care, undress and work, so in a year, i think it will be very wonderful. i fully support, alexander, tell me, and you yourself in your work, taking into account your
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workload, and we periodically constantly we are announcing some tracks, your authorship, i want to say, you apply this principle in your life, take off your clothes and work, how do you generally write, oh, god, a magic question, let’s just say, what for your for your creativity, for your everything this time i have accumulated so much material that now other performers sing songs, whether i undress depending on the temperature or on the street, you undress with emotions, and everyone has all the inspiration, i know that, for example , the great musicians of the past. it’s not easy to work, with just such an aim undress the work, somehow it immediately becomes more interesting, you know, combining business with pleasure, that’s what i call it, yes, but if there is any formula for a 100% hit, maybe over the years, sasha, you said that a lot of things accumulated, but i came up with this formula,
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no, it’s probably present, but if i knew it, there would probably be hits every day, it seems to me that it depends - first of all, probably, after all, like it, don’t like it, take off your clothes and work, phrases, criteria, like this, yes, this creativity when you put it into music, there’s enough two or three notes for the hit to appear, i call it that we want this moment to come right now, so break up and work, friends, the musical project earth and sky, here at the concert venue of dobraya ranitsa belarus, dobraya ranitsa belarus . life is a cycle, things can’t go wrong, look around what you’ve done, friend, you want to be
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happy, you want to live beautifully, don’t be lazy, just pull yourself together, they say you shouldn’t break things. we are unlikely to argue with this, always treat the matter with care, undress and work. sometimes every day we are too lazy to work, but without labor, we are nowhere, if you want to be happy, if you want to live beautifully, don’t be lazy, just get yourself together. they say that breaking is not building, we are unlikely to argue with this, always treat the task with care, so take off your clothes and work,
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life is a cycle of things to do, look around what you have done, friend, you want to be happy, you want to live beautifully, don’t be lazy, but just pull yourself together, they say that breaking is not building, we are unlikely to argue with this, always treat the matter with care, just like that, take off your clothes and work, they say that breaking does not build. we are unlikely to argue with this, always treat your work with care, undress and work! take off your clothes and get to work! that's it,
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take off your clothes and get to work! good morning, belarus! live broadcast of news on belarus 1 in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch this episode. the union of ms-24 with our cosmonaut vasilevskaya is ready to return.


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