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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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we have everything sort of thought out, everything is there, the first to go were the heavy vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, off-road vehicles, that is, there are two urals, and there will be two gaz-66s, and well, in the process we will already be there, that is, we have uh cables, shovels, everything that is necessary, light trucks, that is, certain means that will be necessary, but let’s hope that we won’t need it, it will take about 3.5 hours... the journey of marina vasilevskaya with her crew to the soyuz from the iss to the ground, we have to get there in 24 hours, the forces of the federal air transport agency, roscosmos, the ministry of defense are involved, we are going by ground, air support and escort will join tomorrow. anastasia venedisyuk, ivan mazgo, kazakhstan, we continue to make our way to meet marina vasilevskaya. discord between allies. biden actually announced an ultimatum to netanyahu.
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demands to present and implement concrete steps to prevent harm to civilians to workers of humanitarian organizations, and also warned that israel’s actions in this direction will determine washington’s future policy. this statement followed the death of seven aid workers as a result of an israeli strike. one of them was an american citizen. due to the sanctions, residents of latvia will soon have to do without elevators. almost a third of them are made in belarus. that is, they cannot be repaired or replaced, since sanctions prohibit the purchase of parts and components. russian electricity is also subject to restrictions. meanwhile, 63% of the total number of elevators require preventive maintenance. it got to the point that in the most prestigious house in riga, where former leaders live independent latvia, the elevator does not work. this forced the country's ex-president to temporarily leave the capital. however, of course, the elevator will be replaced with a new one made in the west, for ordinary citizens.
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another batch is being prepared for transfer to the military academy. during this time we have encountered unprecedented interest. indifference to the armed forces, to their interests and needs, and well, we see in this that, well, probably belarusians perceive the task of maintaining peace, maintaining security in their country, in a sense, as personal mission. in the armed forces they are now widely used, that is, in almost all divisions, military units, and operational formations, they are in service and are actively used, so thanks to this we can find application for almost anyone -
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for reconnaissance, monitoring the situation on the training field, searching for an object. simpler models of quadcopters will be given to military-patriotic clubs. they will be received, including the republican center for patriotic education of youth in brest. and now the second participant in the playoff finals of the belarusian extra league was announced about the hockey sensation the day before. it became the brest club. our film crew watched the match. emotional report from christina.
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it was a fairy tale that the whole of belarus witnessed, we love hockey precisely for these emotions that the spectators of the ice palace in the city above the bug experienced late the evening before, the fans could not hold back their tears, their home team reached the final of the president’s cup for the first time in history. we do not know, how this season will end, but of course, brest is already the main sensation of the extra league. on the way to the decisive stage of the playoffs, the team broke the resistance of vitebsk in 1/4 and soligorsk shakhtar in 1/2. for a minute, these two squads were second and first, respectively, according to the results of the regular season. it's just a shock, really. nothing
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to say, we are very happy, we really, really love our team, we thank them for this game, the most emotional match, it’s just something,
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in the end it turned out for the soligorsk club the last one in this match, and in the season as a whole. 3.5 minutes before the siren, victor bofbeli again provided the hosts with the lead, and in the end sergei malyavka hit the empty net to set the final score 4:2 in the series game. this is something cosmic, right? this is super in general, it’s impossible to, well, how to achieve victory, you need to - it’s all about character, all the emotions and there are goals scored, this is a full grandstand, well, it’s like this is super. and we cannot help but note the merits of the coaching staff, commander-in-chief sergei pushkov came to the team during the season in november, a specialist expert in our extra league, he played in five finals , took three president's cups, the coach tinkered with the roster, loaded the players during the regular season, is now reaping the benefits, and for you
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unique footage, victorious, festive, locker room, what we planned, just great guys, great guys, i think that from such... the semi-final series i managed to cope with gomel. winner of the trophy, who in his so, the start of the final series for the president's cup this coming wednesday, april 10, the teams will begin their fight in zhlobin, because metallurg was higher in the regular season than brest. the clubs will return to the city
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above god on the 14th. kristina kamysha, sergey matveychuk, telenews agency. we also monitor our swimmers, for them. the belarus open championship, which continues in brest, is the main national start of the season. today, on the fourth day of the competition , seven sets of medals will be played out. the leaders of the national team, ilya shimanovich, anastasia shkurda and alina zmushko, will also compete for the awards. this is a three, by the way, it won previously, there were also olympic licenses for the games in paris, so now it is actively preparing for the olympics. the morning session will begin at 10:00, live broadcast on belarus 5. follow the finals on belarus 5 internet. starting at 17:25. premiere for the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of the russian poet. half a century later, at the gorky theater, the performance based on lermantov's masquerade. he carried him in his arms.
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zhenya. you are fast. i can not stop. that's all you are. i’ve still lost, i’ll win back, let’s do it again, the drama was re-read by a twenty-six-year-old director of an academic theater david razumov, the masquerade for him became the third production in his career, the old new play was staged for a little more than three months, 2 hours of play about human passions and the place of a representative of the highest echelons, the stage had modern lighting accents, as well as mannequins, actors. we play today, the heroes come out.
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over 16 years old. we will tell you about the development of the event at noon. let me remind you that the tv news agency’s projects are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using a qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around
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the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france , spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece. romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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there will be more union initiatives, a new cooperation agreement is already in the portfolio on industrial cooperation and business relations, the plot of the program. a direct air route connected brest and moscow, almost 2 hours away. the flight was greeted according to all traditions, we’ll show you how it was, good news for those who often travel for work, the daily allowance will be higher, well and a number of other changes, we’ll tell you how to go on a business trip according to all the rules. this area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica buta is with you, hello. the union state, a large business delegation from the association of clusters, technology parks, preferential zones of ten, is growing with new initiatives and projects. regions of russia are working in our country these days. a new cooperation agreement is already in the portfolio.
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the minsk free economic zone signed eight partnership documents with russian colleagues. the national agency for investment and privatization of belarus and the association of clusters of russia also signed cooperation agreements. thus, the groundwork has been created for the further development of industrial cooperation and business ties between our countries. about the route of the russian business mission to belarusian workshops. alina lapo will tell you. this is a hydropneumatic source of seismic waves. technology makes it happen. work on exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields, coal deposits and other minerals. at the enterprise they say: thing specific and narrowly targeted belhydraulics is the only manufacturer, at least in the union state for sure. previously, the leaders in this matter were exclusively french and italians. about 7 years ago, belarusian engineers mastered the technology. now the level of
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source localization is about 80%. we are actively developing and mastering new types of products. we are, of course, trying to replace imported components somewhere, because today in our republic we are the only manufacturer of control hydraulics and in general, in principle, on the territory of the eurasian economic community, which means our community, well , there are probably no similar enterprises, we are localizing production to the republic of belarus as much as possible using russian steria. we close many things on our own, and our friend undoubtedly helps us. company and country, republic of china. the other day, the development of direct ties and cooperation with russia was discussed right in these workshops. the belogidravlika enterprise is one of the residents of the minsk free economic zone, which hosted a large business delegation, associations of clusters, technology parks and preferential zones from 10 regions in the eastern neighbor. the purpose of the mission is to introduce colleagues from russia to the belarusian
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experience in the development and regulation of infrastructure platforms, such as free economic zones. for parks, industrial parks, as well as identify potential joint investment projects and establish business ties with our business. those conditions that represent free economic zones and parks on the territory of the republic of belarus, and the conditions that provides special economic zones in the russian federation, they are approximately the same, there is a preferential regime, and of course, when we talk about russian business entering the territory of the republic of belarus and... or vice versa, belarusian enterprises coming to us, we must ensure they feel comfortable working at such sites. after visiting the production sites, the partners went to the sez administration to quickly consolidate the agreements reached on paper. as a result , a significant package of documents was signed, a large some of them are in the portfolio of the minsk preferential platform. but
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the agreement between the association of clusters, technology parks and special zones of russia and our agency is intended to increase investment attractiveness. we are showing good growth in exports to the russian federation, and more than 80% of our enterprises supply products to russia, for 3 months of this year there is also good growth in exports, i think that the event will help us connect russia and belarus with closer ties business, we have planned a huge number of meetings. v within the framework of these meetings, of course, the main emphasis is on commercial cooperation interest between our countries, between our enterprises in the localization and production of a new product, as for the free economic zone of minsk, it is developing dynamically, more than 100 residents are registered, more are currently being developed six
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new companies, which will soon join the pool of residents. alina lopoi, viktor borisov, area of ​​interest. strengthen cooperation between the business circles of belarus and russia, as well as open new prospects for development of tourism and cultural exchange, a direct air route brest-moscow is designed. the first plane was met on wednesday. the economy class flight was maximally loaded in both directions. we will fly from brest to the russian capital and back twice a week, on wednesday and saturday on an embraire 175 aircraft. the frequency of flights, if there is demand, will increase, the geography of regional flights will also expand.
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this concludes our flight, thank you for choosing to fly in belavia, we will be glad to see you again on our company's flights. still getting from moscow to brest was possible only with transfers, now everything is much easier and faster, almost 2 hours of direct route and welcome. the first historic flight from the russian capital in 30 years. to the city above the bug, in the economy class of embrair 175 there is a full boarding, it seems that the flight was really expected and not only in moscow and brest. we're flying from indonesia and it's a 23-hour journey, so we're very happy about that. there are only two left, and we will finally be in brest, this is my first time flying to belarus and i’m flying to my friend i'm accompanying my daughter, just with my grandson, uh, i...


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