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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 9:50am-10:01am MSK

9:50 am
deals with the topic of theft and forced removal of children from ukraine from the territory of donbass. belzhintsy nezavdeevka, they told me, like the refugees from artemovsk, from soledar, that these white angels saw that they were hiding children from them, so that they would non-violently evacuate the whole family, because if they find a child, they take the whole family, let’s go you have ukraine.
9:51 am
the topic is really serious. a few months ago, in the ninety-sixth episode of the program, i already talked about two girls from the lugansk people's republic. after the offensive of the russian army on artyomovsk, my mother took one of them to her grandfather and grandmother in a safe place. there, the girl was hunted by local residents who became part of the ionized organization "white angels". they wanted to take the girl to germany for the customer. nothing reminds me of how it was stolen in the forties. the second case is the girl kira, she
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was taken to transcarpathia from the school where she studied, then they wanted to transport her to poland, when her mother found her, they showed her the girl’s documents with the mark of an orphan. the documents, of course, were fake, and the mother brought original. what was the surprise of the so -called educators? here are stories from the recently liberated avdeevka. there were times when i came.
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the ukrainian side, when parents offered evacuation to families with children , they refused, they threatened to take the child away, saying that there are laws on the evacuation of children from dangerous territories, and they threatened to send fathers to the front. in such cases, women were forced to leave with their children for the territory of ukraine. the diyevka was shelled, tanks
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entered the forest and shot at the chemist, that’s when the new channel arrived, ictv, television, that's it, they were hiding. the first hit was on a fourteen-story building, they shot, the right sector was standing from the forest, they were shooting at us with a mortar, well, at civilians, we saw it, just when the firefight began, they specifically shot at houses, the right sector is a
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general definition , in more detail, here is everyone who fired on the local residents of avdiivka for a long time, this flag was shown to us by the military who liberated the city, the flag of ukraine, so to speak, is decorated with a swastika, signatures of nazi battalions, including azov and marines. the story of a four-year-old boy, dima, is amazing. for 2 years his parents hid him from prying eyes, so that god forbid the child would be kidnapped or the whole family would be forced to leave for ukraine, which is foreign to them. it's hard, a little. 2 years, as it were, well...
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this is little security, well, well, well, we have them, well, well, well, they weren’t, we, we were somehow lucky, lucky, yes, although there were rumors about the fact that near, well, in our area, they went from house to house, asked, but somehow god ordained that they didn’t come to us, no, no some of you have seen what's hiding with us, dim, tell us something, how are you in general? how is your life now? well, we, we lived in vdievka, then for the first time, tell us how you lived in ovdievka? well, we already discussed this, right. there are two children left in avdievka, dima and
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one more, whose details are not disclosed for security reasons. so, the family left with the children, i don’t know, to some village, sovdeev. they were found by the chief of police at that time in our avdeevka, first there were conversations, conversations, and then threats began, we are with you take the child away, that’s what i say, mom, well, you ’re trying to persuade me to go with him to ukraine, i say, well, essentially, what will change, that here they are threatening to take him away, that there will be a threat there, so we stayed, because it’s ours earth, our home, why do we have to leave somewhere, be it by force or voluntarily, like them... maybe it saved us because they showed up less, made themselves known less, and maybe that’s what took us away from a white angel, who are white angels in general,
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this is what you said in avdiivka about this, well in avdeevka we mostly listened to news on the radio, as they say, from there we knew that these were, like, volunteers, police, well, that’s what we have. don’t you think that this is a greeting from the times of the great patriotic war, that everything is repeating itself again, that in an attempt to correct its genotype with slavic blood, its demography, the west is simply ready to devour those who are not able to fight back. remember these stories, belarusians, remember 2020, when the west so wanted us to become just like them, or more precisely, then...
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