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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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music is inside our skin.
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let me love you, like a flower in the field, like a young apple that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that lives in the wild, let me love you. may i love you for the song that i hear, for the sweet, booming laughter that often rings, for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every day, for my life heaven nathnene, sweetie!
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what to do, it is the emotion, the mood, that is important, and what exactly do people see the eiffel tower or the louvre or some other object, yes, this matters, but is not essential. hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, in the studio of svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is the chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry, philip guly. good afternoon, philip. hello. hello, glad to see you. and let's start with current topics, so to speak, very soon, on april 17-18 , the second belarusian-russian tourism congress will take place in minsk. what are you planning to discuss?
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these industry laws, which is very important, and also in the section, which, well, let’s call it the state one, will be attended by regional ministers of tourism, last year there were as many as 31 of them, right now we expect there will be about 26, but you know how
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our russian-belarusian business trips differ , unlike most far-abroad ones, they can take place in a small number of days, because we have no borders, no obstacles, the swallow walks beautifully. even when expensive air tickets suddenly, that ’s why this is such a state section where officials without business, or at least with a minimal indirect presence in the form of union leaders, will be able to discuss this story, of course, traditionally we have a section that is associated with events, with all kinds of festivals, souvenir manufacturers, some bright stories in russia now this happens a lot, we, as belarusians, probably even said too much, and we are glad that... since last year, our festival organizers began to take an active part in russian awards, competitions, and occupy quite prestigious places to enrich themselves with experience, this is our third section, on two, on the fourth fifth, i would concentrate the attention of our audience, first of all, we
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will have an investment section for the first time, well, we also have a general partner, this year’s event is already a bank, if last year we did all this on our own at our own expense, now yeah. there is some relatively reliable partner leverage, russians will come to the investment section, and not only russians, there are also turkey and uzbekistan, directly investors who invest money in the restaurant and hotel business, and they really want to understand how it all works in the republic of belarus, that is, they want to develop the infrastructure here, and invest money, of course, in belarus or russia , it's russia.
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who explained what conditions were created and what, how in the russian federation they invested over these 4 years, because what is the point of a large large network investment, to invest money in something that you understand, but it is like that the same standard and understandable as all the other dozens of your already operating facilities, that is, this is an expansion that brings them additional profit, yes, of course,
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it’s very good that the congress is so representative and bright, thank you, by the way, in principle for covering it in the information field, thanks to the work of journalists, these investors learned about it, after all , the federation of restaurateurs of the russian federation helps us create this investment section, it is a stable, serious and huge organization, this is the next section that i would like it should be noted that last year it was not so pronounced in our country, this is a section for... accommodation facilities, these are hotels, sanatoriums, even, in principle, agricultural estates and lesnyak's houses. and we are talking,
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of course, about booking technologies, distribution, which has replaced the bookstore, how to display yourself, but also elementary choruses on furniture and interior design, it is the largest, it starts as early as 12:00 pm and ends at 6:00 pm , there is a huge list of advanced russian technologies, one way or another, or present on our market. this is a very good chance, in fact , for any regional hotel that belongs to housing and communal services or an enterprise, in principle , to come to minsk free of charge, in addition to hanging out there, having coffee, drinking cake, hearing, seeing what people are talking about, get acquainted with them, it is possible to conclude some contracts, because the good thing about the congress is that it always takes place, it is already a tradition, one day before the start of the exhibition there is a rest, which gathers a huge number of visitors and exhibitors for the second year now. this the exhibition is more lively than before, minsk is becoming such a direct business platform, and
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thanks to the exhibition and the congress, people are already coming for the whole week, they come already on monday evening, tuesday in order to sleep and relax, and often stay for the weekend, because that on saturday and sunday there is an entertainment program for the participants of the congress, it begins on friday evening with a visit to the national theater of our yanka kupala, and on saturday and sunday there are already belaz, excursions, national lunches and dinners.
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along with the exhibition, rest, well, in general, this is an achievement philip, but can we say that in the year, in the year that has passed since the first congress, all the goals of the task that were set, have they been fulfilled, or have you?
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is available for russian distribution, it is sold by a much larger number of travel companies, all other issues were just outlined and the business clearly formulated that we have such and such problems, such and such tasks, our opinion on these issues is the same, there is no need to reason and analyze it anymore, of course, government and the ministry of development of the russian federation, our regulator of the ministry of sports took all this into account, took note, but... further processes, well, they were not planned and fast, they are hardly possible, i think that this year, when there is already an opportunity make changes to the federal law, in the russian federation, our sectoral law, other related legal acts, things will go a little more actively, and to answer your question, this is probably the most important thing, after all, we are different
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countries, but we have a union state, and just this year, not that one, just this one. it opens up opportunities - for some harmonization of conditions and standards that could exist between the russian and belarusian tourism industries, why is this even necessary in principle? so that the consumer, well, that is, the tourist, whether he is russian, whether he is belarusian, understands that the standards, qualities are such and such, the bus is such and such, the safety is such and such, the stars in the hotel, we have three, three them, it’s the same thing, plus or minus, but for now , in general, it’s even in our law in principle term.
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the shortcomings of capitalism, which, despite the fact that we have the most socially oriented state, still exist, expansion, that is, growth, development and seizure of markets by federal operators, it began in the early 2000s, 2004-2006, and this is connected not only with entry into our economy, but into the regions of russia, this is the south, rostov, krasnodar, the urals, but despite all this, for example, there is a russian-belarusian tourism industry. we see a flow of tourists from yekaterinburg or krasnodar or rostov with voronezh, these are still mostly local tour operators, because in some outbound mass markets, like turkey or egypt, due to the power of large federal russian companies, due to technology, due to the ability to provide
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this product at a lower price due to volumes due to these same ones. volumes have quality and cost on the other side, yes, that is, if we are talking about sending to a third country, of course, a large company, it is always more significant and stronger in the market than a small one, what about belarusian russian relations and regional, especially tourism products, then no, in principle there is no such danger here, but now i’m talking about organized tourism, 90% tourism is between russia and belarus, this is... between st. petersburg, moscow is no longer minsk, but the cities of belarus , thanks to belavia and the efforts of our diplomats, how many flights
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exist with the regions of the russian federation, i will remind our viewers, in addition to the famous st. petersburg, moscow, kaliningrad and anapa, these are per, nizhny novgorod, ufa, kaliningrad, makhachkala, kazan, yekaterinburg, this is true how to ensure that these flights remain full is another story.
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capitalist, unfortunately, the world of this market, but it’s not going to end, it’s impossible, but for now we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you of our telegram channel say, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new and interesting guests, we are in touch, in the program is on air again: say, don’t be silent, and today our guest is the chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry, philip guly. philip, during the pause we discussed an interesting question, let's say it for our
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viewers. now, not in our country, not in russia, a number of booking services do not work, what to do, where to go, have new sites appeared, can i give a detailed answer? first of all, this is a natural technological replacement, because... on regular flights, whether a large operator or a small operator, they are in equally competitive conditions, however
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, online booking is the future, we realized 10-12 years ago, the whole tourist the world always gathers at the berlin itb in the beginning of march, this is a large international exhibition, where we signed contracts not for this year, but march, yeah, for next year, it was very big. depth of sales, always the largest party of the 27 pavilions was in the seventh, eighth, ninth, where online booking technologies, online aggregation. if in the thirteenth year it was still somehow clumsy, not very convenient, no one fully understood what strength and power targeting had. of course, we already see what the technology is, how the hotels in the destination are laid out. it is necessary to understand very clearly that this online aggregation is just a sales channel. this is not a toroperator who creates a product and attracts tourists to our or some other country; in these online aggregations, a person chooses where he
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is already going. let me tell you that a tourist, for example, before the pandemic, did not choose through an expedition or a bookstore whether to go to budapest or minsk for the weekend? he selects only the hotel, the very point of the already selected location, therefore for the national economy of russia, belarus and other countries. in its purest form, work with i wanted to say an intercontinental aggregator is basically evil, when you go from minsk on a business trip to vitebsk, why give 18 rubles out of 100 rubles to amsterdam, bukincom or to an expedition to new york or even to a friendly chinese siterip, but nevertheless it’s ridiculous to give it away and it’s wrong, that’s why in countries like turkey, australia, spain, restrictions have been in place for a long time, these aggregators should exist, but it’s important. so that they take a small percentage, not 18, not 15, three, they do not promote our direction in any way, this is just a convenient opportunity for a person
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to buy and book hotels from his phone. to be sure, these technologies, no matter how many billions of dollars they invest, none of them, like the previous warriors there, could capture the global world, in our eurasian space there is an incredible intrigue and struggle of new aggregation systems and technologies, i i don’t know, we won’t consider this as advertising, but i will list those technologies that have taken the lead, these are russian. armored car major deal at the international level outside of russia yandex is about to be released, which has a great future, a large company ostrovok, which has existed on the market for a long time, but it was during the pandemic in 2022 that it made a colossal breakthrough, and there are also daily rent and many others, that is, these are dozens of companies, our hotels are very we quickly learned to replace bookingcomcom with these aggregations, but still asks the question, we don’t want
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to give away 15 or 18 rubles out of 100. i want to book directly, let’s say it’s more difficult to book directly, but only if you are a regular customer and you are used to it, so the task of our hotels is increase the direct client and work with regular direct clients, services for him and the interaction channel to the maximum, because then your position is stable, by the way, returning again to the congress, we have the largest section where all the guys will be, these online aggregators , but it’s not enough to work with a replacement bookingcom? yes, it doesn’t matter if it’s belarusian or russian or whatever, there are a lot of other technologies, devices, there is such a thing as a channelman, you know, in simple terms, it’s like a mixer in a tap, where it switches, there is and many, many other things, but these aggregators, they need some kind of regulation, today in russia everyone i listed has created a huge separate association to lobby for their own interests, since there is...
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it was not created like that for a long time, there have already been cases when it was necessary to resort to the help of this fund, in principle, how can this fund protect both the tour operator and the tourist himself, for example, if for the twentieth year during a pandemic a person is faced with the problem of non-refund of money, can he now contact this fund or already, and this is a very good question, i don’t have the best answers to it right now. i’ll voice it, but how our fellow citizens should understand what and how is happening and what is meant, but let’s start with the positive: firstly, in the twentieth year they did not return the money, well, more precisely, there was an opportunity not to return money to tourists from the russian federation, where the government secured this right for russian companies, thank god that in our country the top management did not go this route, within the framework of civil law
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code, yes this... was very difficult, painful for travel agents, first of all, although they do not form this product, they take money from people and are responsible for this, this may not be very fair, but it is very natural, legal and it is logical, in principle, all those who wanted to urgently return their money had the right to do so by law, therefore in belarus they were obliged to give it to everyone, the vast majority took advantage of this, what is the liability fund, firstly, it is very insignificant amounts.
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we still have up to a million euros to collect this fund, therefore, if something so outrageous happens, this fund, in general, by and large, will not be enough for anything, on the other hand, to collect some from tour operators. serious money, so it is much more than they earn in principle, but this is the problem, that is , there is no solomonic solution here yet, but we must give credit to the then leadership of the ministry, here you are, the current one, in principle , it was still necessary to go and change aside some kind of responsibility, accordingly , a year has passed, exactly one twenty-third year, when we lived according to these rules, as they say, the practice of application has passed. accordingly, it has conclusions about what to do with it next and how it should work. i want to remind you that last week we with the main unions and associations, in principle, came to understand and formalize our documents and initiatives, what we want from this new law,
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what changes to make so that it works better, but still this question is with big exclamation mark and it will not solve any big serious problem, but it structured the market, it streamlined the market and... and here the regulator, in principle, understanding that this is a practical experiment, it needs to be improved further, but before this law, there was no way at all, but there are other excesses here, let’s say we shifted all the responsibility onto the tour operator, but at the moment where the travel agent somehow behaves unprofessionally, to put it mildly, it still turns out that in fact the tour operator is to blame in court proceedings, the travel agent is not informed about the change in the date of the tour, some other nuances were not displayed on the website, and the responsibility lies entirely with the tour operator, what should we do, return again to freedom of contract, in general the process is alive, active and is still crystallizing, to unfortunately , it crystallizes, but regarding
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the cases of courts, yes, we had them, but mostly of what kind, that is, these were cases when an organization that is neither a member of our union nor a fund signed us up in an agreement, not even on the registry the ministry of sports and...
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and how do we need to synchronize with them, here, perhaps, your question about large russian tour operators can play an important role in favor of belarus, if we manage to somehow synchronize this, perhaps large federal operators will take and responsibility for its branches. philip, amendments were recently made to the legislation regarding the work of agricultural estates, how did these changes affect the work of this sector? listen, initially there were opinions that they would close everything, it would be unprofitable and so on and so forth, what has time shown? skeptical voices are always heard, yeah, and although i represent the opinion of business, and my task is to make sure that business, no matter
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whether it is private or state-owned, by the way, in our union there are probably 56% of state-owned enterprises, 44 private ones, but nevertheless less, it’s still both business, both business, here, but... any innovations, any changes, they are always perceived with difficulty and difficulty, let’s say, we now have transport issues, where are there not fully taken into account tourist excursion buses, they are also kind of irregular transportation and a lot of other things, but in all this the message is always positive, that is, those who give birth to these changes, the letter itself is very good and correct, that’s the question is always implementation, in competence and in competence. execution, this is always a problem, which means regarding agricultural estates, now i probably want to express no longer the opinion of the union, because in our union there are less than five agricultural estates, in my opinion, if i ’m not mistaken, we have large associations, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, casinos,
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an insurance company, a huge number of sanatoriums, that is, well, we collectively occupy such a serious weight in the industry, but there are very few agricultural estates, so here we are not... because of the thousands of agricultural estates that existed, but a significant part did not work with tourists , at least in the sense that i think so, yes, that is, you have 5 days a week of agrousation, or at least a few days a week it is definitely open, you can book everything, services by residence or food, or some kind of master classes, or there were agricultural estates, probably even now this is what remains...
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which create jobs, and in exactly hundreds, which preserve culture, distant regional centers, and perfectly prepare pressmaki, that’s all, what is connected with ethnography, super, and children's groups, adults and whatever, that's why they were introduced to a certain decency and taxes were raised a little, but they are still... but funny, that is, these figures are, i still want to express my subjective opinion, i believe that in this on this issue, you need to look at the russian federation, which has always been inferior in this regard, inferior today, and here belarus, well, also thanks to a presidential decree of almost the last century, is ahead of the rest, and we are not finalizing the fact that here we need to invite the russians . for training, preferably for a fee
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, to pass on our experience, to show how it should be, since in russia everyone is now involved in tourism, there is rural tourism, and farm tourism, all these are different laws, and different committee groups, where everyone is in charge of everything this thing is shaping, here you need to somehow synchronize, try to try your own rules, standards, even add a little there, but what good the russians have is the principle. which has not yet formed the basis for us, it is called ranking of territories, that is, when in one place a lot is possible, in another place practically nothing is possible, and it seems to me that the message that was voiced by the president when he said that in the bearish corner - if someone is doing something, on the contrary, you need to help and date, and if, of course, you built yourself a mansion on the m1 highway or near the minsk ring road and, under the guise of agricultural estates, pay three-kopeck taxes, and there you have... hotel complexes and mega-restaurants, yes, well, what does it matter,
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that’s the principle of ranking territories - this is when we divide certain lands into those that are important for investment and that exist well for business. of course, if you are building something in naroch or in braslav, where there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of tourists, well, you still have to pay some relatively intelligible and even high taxes, and if you're in mostislavsky district, where the dirt road...
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and khatyn, azarichi and alla, two presidents recently opened a memorial in gadchin. as for patriotic tourism, do we have any joint projects in this regard to make some kind of tours to precisely such memorable places? for show and formally, of course, there are probably a dozen titles, projects, photographs with which you can tell and report, but this is not a systemic phenomenon, that is, they are so beautiful. chaotic, bright, very useful
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things that are widely noted by the media, which certain resources are allocated, but in terms of systems, in the russian federation this is very developed, well, first of all, because money is allocated for this from the national budget in belarus, in general, i would say this is probably not even necessary, and we are now , first of all, i assume you were talking about russian tourists coming to us, that our sites, where the prowess of russian weapons on the western borders there from... the vikings, the swedes, the french, not to mention the two world wars , but revealed as much as possible thus, it correlates with the school curriculum, it is directly possible to differentiate by class, and these tourists. schoolchildren and non-schoolchildren do not particularly come to us, this is a problem that needs to be solved, that is, this is a task that requires a solution in order to include our routes and objects in the general system of the russian patriotic cycle, since tourism in the russian federation, in addition to the ministry of economy, this is also such an ideological
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part of youth policy, educational work, there is a structure in the administration of president vladimir vladimirovich, the union states and... and here, well, here, as i understand it, we have just started doing this, we literally discussed this with the minister of sports and tourism in smolensk with our russian colleagues at parliamentary hearings, so we have an understanding, as it should be, we understand what tools and mechanisms this can and should be done with the russian side, but this is just in the starting position, in general the main global problem in our russian belarusian relations is that the euro and for...
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labor costs, bureaucracy that exists. and we now we’ll take a short break, after a short pause we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say, don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel on the beltelerdiocompany website. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, we are visiting. chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry, philip naked. well, if we talk about how you got into tourism, yes, that is , it’s worth mentioning, your father, anatoly gulov, he died tragically in the nineties, and he was, well, not a stranger at all, a person in the field of tourism, he is one of the few who,
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in fact, was engaged in the tourism business back in those days in its very infancy.
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in particular, i was hired as an assistant guide for working with german tourists ; there were a lot of them back then, german organized groups came to kaliningrad, svetlogsk, raushin, there
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were all kinds of excursions, well, somehow i got involved, but i was already seriously involved tourism came in the nineties, accompanying excursion buses around europe, like gigas, and with belarusian tourists from russians, i understood that it is the emotion and mood that is important, but what exactly do people see? a tower or a louvre or some other object, yes, it matters, but not fundamentally, and i understood that with us all this could be no less interesting, certainly no worse. i worked in europe for a very long time with our russian-speaking tourists, there were uzbeks and azerbaijanis in kazakhstan, different
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people, i saw these, like me, not only me, with colleagues, service technologies, i don’t mean software, not it, but how to properly serve, provide information, comply biorhythm, when there should be a proper lunch, who should go where, how to accommodate, how to solve some problematic complex issues, how to be gentle and... because i believe that belarusian tourism began in earnest in 2008, in earnest , when the first economic crisis forced
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russian flows to us, this, unfortunately, is not our great merit, but by that time, again, thanks to the decision of the top management, we had preserved the sanatorium-resort base, infrastructure, academic health, appeared resources to update this base, this is what became the basis and foundation at 13-14. organize seven-day bus tours that started in moscow. a bus came to the borodino panorama, people from all stations gathered on it, they put their suitcases and
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the belarusian guide began a story about 700 km about the history of culture, the differences in similarities, everything, the person immediately began the journey and exactly 7 days later he returned back to moscow, that is, this is a week of a belarusian bus tour, which included excursions, breakfasts, accommodation at the hotel, and we sold it all for 21,500 rubles. at the same time... the russian russians received another 20% commission, but it was very difficult to withstand, i remember that when we came up with this idea, we, i mean now dmitry viktorovich morozov, this is the director of the national tourism agency, we then we were partners and organized this company, in general they laughed at us and made fun of us, it was believed that this was impossible, it was believed that there was nothing to do in belarus for more than 3 days, and even then there was a wave of skepticism, and not so much from russian partners, there was one too, here. only from all our local colleagues, that is, despite this, in fact, it took us probably two or three, three years to get this wheel
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going and working, then such tours came from rostov, from st. petersburg, from warsaw, lvov, and riga - this has become a large integral system of old catalogs there from the twelfth or eleventh year, now known there - gervaata, geranonions, some other things that have already become understandable for tourists. born, i was born in minsk, this is mine my homeland, this is my hometown, i speak the belarusian language, i know the wonderful history,
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culture, i even taught at the faculty of history at bsu at one time, although in general i have a diploma, i studied in odessa at the academy of food technologies in tourism history, of course, i have relatives there, for the second half i... my russian mother is from the far east, my grandfather fought from künecksberg to finishing in japan to destroy the kwantung army, so i’m probably a classic soviet person, my mother is russian with tatar admixtures, my father ukrainian from odessa, yes, but this is my homeland, this is my hometown, my daughter is already considered belarusian, that’s why. as if, well, what else to do, this is the homeland, but the most important thing is not in these pretentious patriotic things, in the fact that i was always
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very upset working in europe, that we are not only... worse , and we are smarter, better, stronger, more active, we, well, that is, well, i didn’t like the way my french , german, spanish colleagues work, that is, well, how exactly we can be no worse, and there may be such same flows and revenue generated, that ’s probably the most important thing, such intangible satisfaction, when we conducted these bus tours outside of these classics, there is the world, brest, minsk in the regions, the local votgu looked at us like that.
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already according to the tradition of our program, i will ask you to leave your autograph and some wish for us, our viewers, in general, i had no doubt who the older ones would recognize the pioneer ones, but you need to sign whoever will recognize the older ones - this is the pioneer motto, be ready, but i was lucky, i was in the pioneer organization and in the scout... organization of the republic of belarus, so there are very good words from the anthem, be ready, scout for honest work, a difficult path lies before you, look boldly into the very unknown, and further in the text, i mean that life is full of changes and difficulties, and we all live in very difficult times, so you need to always be ready for anything, be in good shape, disciplined and organized, this rarely works out, but you must definitely strive for this, so be prepared.
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look everywhere from every iron today they say the third world war has... begun, the second say the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say a hybrid war is being waged, well , it’s very, very difficult for the common man to understand, this is a step towards escalation, they are trying to intensify the situation as much as possible in order to check russia again, including us, today the west has significantly reduced its standard of living, the resource base is depleting, in fact it does not exist, they are really
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preparing, these are these caterpillars that are crawling along our borders. so we need show that we are ready to answer any challenge, we are quite self-sufficient, we are strong and despite the fact that we are a small country, we can bring a lot of problems to those who want to pinch us. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information , is almost a relic of the past. it’s simpler: watch something short, funny, that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive opposition resources are trying present information in the most perverted form, but that’s different. unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia, and the inability to form their own opinions. they consider themselves young, free
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and independent; in fact, they are very susceptible to external pressure. this is a constant attempt to get people emotional, this strategy for most opposition telegram channels has not changed at all, but what can opposition resources offer their readers? now a reprint of belarusian state media, only with with its emotional coloring, where everything is often turned upside down, so be careful and maintain information hygiene. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on belarus24 tv channel. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. hello, hello, my name is svetlana, alexander, it’s very nice, you are the senior coach, you are valery petrovich, yes, and they told me that we know each other, oh, how young i am here, always irresistible, you are the secrets of a good mood,
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how many teams, so many wives, oh well, you have such a positive face, as if that’s why women fall in love with him, yes, boyan, handsome, so calm, it seems, and many more interesting , educational stories, we participated in the olympic games in tokyo in the twenty-first year, a man from australia became a bronze medalist in triathlon, he was 63 years old, at the moment he is preparing for the olympic games in paris, now he will be 66 years old, and children, well i have a four-year-old daughter, well, when at the stables, when in kindergarten, well, you’ve already put her on a horse, and she’s been on a horse since she was three weeks old, it’s amazing , sometimes it’s hard for you to work with him, that is, he can be equal, yes and you? i tolerate it all, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i was still looking for some traits, i say, she’s a hooligan, she says, no, she’s not a hooligan, she’s a good girl. the hosts of the travel show are right at home,
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they know exactly how to behave when visiting. babryus is one of the most fragmented cities in this country in belarus, probably something equips this animal sded in this city, oh babruk, baver. strange students travel around belarus, study its history, explore the sights, because the city is called mosk, which means, think about it, think about it, it probably means that there is some kind of amazing bridge here, look kai, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow , yes, it’s really big, and they also share their bright ones.
12:00 pm
12:01 pm
live main news noon in the studio olga kalairova, hello, and briefly about the topics of the issue. marina vasilevska's mission to the iss ends in time for the meeting crew of the soyuz ms24.


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