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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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carrying out medical examinations, strengthening the material and practical base, implementing all state programs on public health. the health committee of the minsk city executive committee summed up the results of the industry’s work in 2023 and discussed plans for the future. the focus is on improving the quality and accessibility of medical care. at the meeting, they discussed the continuation of modernization of the capital’s clinics and replenishing them with new equipment. plans to create new medical facilities were also noted. today there are three projects at the level.
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healthcare. started in brest today turn off the heating. the process happens gradually. first, they stop supplying heat to industrial enterprises, administrative and public buildings, then to theaters, some educational facilities, and housing stock. the batteries that take the longest to heat up are social security institutions, healthcare facilities, hotels, libraries, state archives, schools and kindergartens. housing and communal services assured that in the event of a sharp cold snap, utility services are ready to quickly supply heat. but according to weather forecasters, the weather
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promises to be pleasant. due to the established positive temperature of the outside air, the chairman of the city executive committee decided to end the heating season, it passed in a satisfactory manner, let’s say, heat sources ensured a stable supply of thermal energy to consumers, some local coolant leaks were localized. as soon as possible, and we will also soon begin work to prepare for the next heating season. heating began to be turned off today in ivanovsky, gantsevichesky and berezovsky areas of the southwestern region. previously, this process was launched in the gomel and grodno regions. in belarus, water bodies are stocked with fish in the spring. tens of thousands of fry and hatchlings receive a new place of registration. popular species include carp, carp, pike, silver carp and tench. restoring aquatic
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biological resources is an important step towards improving the ecosystems of water bodies. each such housewarming has a scientific basis. a plan is developed in advance and undergoes state environmental assessment. the mushroom canal in gomel was replenished with silver crucian carp the artificial object does not have spawning grounds. in containers from rebkhoz, tremlya, petrikovsky district, more than one and a half tons of fry were delivered here, each weighing 160 g. silver crucian carp is introduced, about 10. in this reservoir, it was repeatedly noted in the catches of fishermen, but its density is very low, due to contributions from amateur fishermen we we purchase fish seeding material and release it into especially important reservoirs, this is the first stage, the second stage will be in the fall, pike will also be released here, most likely a fry, or maybe a yearling, maybe a juvenile. an important condition is a temporary ban on fishing, this will allow the fish to get used to the new habitat. in the gomel region , the svetlogorsk reservoir was also stocked with commercial fish species.
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they are resettled from fish farms and natural fishing grounds twice a year. the spring season of improvement continues in the capital . antak in the partizansky district has completed a major renovation of houses on vaneeva street. now we have moved on to decorating the streets, including the murals building. young people are also involved in the work; schoolchildren offer their ideas. behind for 3 days, artists turned the facade of the house into a canvas with a landscape. the concrete wall was decorated with national symbols. cornflower surrounded by wheat spikelets. there are civil initiatives that even people have now seen, now this place is even an attraction for photo zones, the complete overhaul of all these residential buildings along vaneev street and on partizansky avenue has been completed, we will now carry out restoration work asphalt, for replacing children's play equipment, for landscaping with the participation of the population, planting trees, shrubs, more and more bright, touching murals are appearing on the streets of the capital, street art can... be seen on
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the facades of the walls of houses, there are plans for this year to create new graffiti in several courtyards, some of them for victory day. exhibition of technology, rockets and cars, as well as thematically. the minsk dsaf held an open day for schoolchildren and cadets. the sports and technical ground brought together more than 200 young residents of the capital and region. the guys attended practical classes with the military and studied the structure of sports cars. i accidentally i noticed that i was fed up, but at the same time i was immediately interested. i have been studying at college for a year now and have been actively participating in all activities for a year. i became an important member of the dsaf and i am very glad that i was noticed, because well... it’s not every day that you see a girl in such an organization and i really really like it here, we have been actively uh since this year started training operators of unmanned aerial systems and a decision has been made at the beginning of this year
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, 10 sports sections will be opened throughout the country by the end of the year, where first of all our youth, our children will be trained to operate drones. dasaf is currently developing 22 sports, including automobile, underwater, motorball and radio sports. they also train parachutists and pilots, teach bullet and practical shooting, and hold paintball and airsoft competitions. next, sports news, we are on the air at 13:00. see you. victoria zarenko made it to the quarterfinals of the prestigious. tournament in charleston of the bta series one thousand, the prize fund of the competition is almost a million dollars. in the third round match against the owner of the court in taylor the belarusian townsend made her fans nervous by losing the first set 6:7. in the tiebreaker the american was stronger 7:5. and then two games remained for azarenka
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6:3-6-4. in the fourth round, victoria will play with the fifth in the world, another us representative, jessica pegula. and this is handball, the champions league, where the day before was also one. stepped into the hungarian derby, nikita vailupov's club at the start of the playoffs beat the pick again with a difference of seven goals 39:32 the right winger of the belarusian national team became the most productive among the winners eight vesprym will compete with olberg for vailupov's goals to reach the final four. the first game is april 24 in hungary, may 1 in denmark, the return game.
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in june 1998, the belarusian press reported on the visit of the director general of unesco, the united nations
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educational, scientific and cultural organization, federic mayor zaragoza, to the republic. the main avenue of minsk was of interest. he amazed the eminent guest. not only for its architectural design, it was hard to believe that it was built in the first post-war years. result of the visit federica mayor zaragoza in 2000. fourth in unesco for inclusion in the list of world cultural heritage, the architectural ensemble of the year the republic of belarus has already submitted an application for post-war socialist architecture, independence avenue in minsk. there are many contenders for nominations, among them post-war architectural ensembles of eastern europe: moscow, kiev, warsaw, karl marx alley in berlin.
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in july 1944, in the high offices of the party central committee in moscow, the fate of the belarusian capital was decided. the capital of the bssr must be built on in a new place, it will cost less than rebuilding a practically destroyed city. borisov and arguments were proposed as one of the options, in belarus, rich in water resources, all major cities. arose on the banks of high-water rivers.
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the first secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus, pantileimon panomarenko, who was invited to the meeting , was categorically against such approaches. he insisted on the need to restore the capital in its original place. convinced otherwise. the republic will revive minsk as soon as possible. in support of the calculations and arguments of the belarusian specialists. in august 1944, at one of the first meetings of the bureau of the central committee of the cpb , a decision was made to preserve the capital in its original place and restore minsk. at the same memorial bureau. a plan for the restoration of the city, a sketch of the idea of ​​​​the layout of minsk, were already being considered. there were
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several competitions, they were all-union in nature, and were accepted by architects from leningrad and moscow. in forty years , the general plan had already been approved; it was prepared by leading soviet architects who were invited to... the central committee of the communist party of belarus turned to moscow specialists with a request help restore the republic, in particular gomel and minsk. leading architects of the soviet union, whose works were widely heard, presented their projects to the competition: shchusev, mardvinov, kolli, semyonov, rubanenko, langbart, trachtenberg. we must understand that not only architects accepted. engineers took part in this, because we are talking not only about the architectural and artistic solution, but about
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the transport network, about the economic justification, because everything was accepted, everything was designed in the general plan and in the project itself. there are many options for architectural solutions, but there is especially a lot of debate about what the main avenue of the capital should be, among... proposals for seemingly incompatible things, classics and soviet symbols. it was designed by wonderful craftsmen.
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buildings are the best achievement of soviet architecture, symbolizing the victory of socialism, but the main task had to be solved - to clear the capital of rubble and provide construction with workers, who were sorely lacking. on october 8, 1944, belarusian radio reported mass enthusiasm that covered literally all residents of the capital. a sunday was held in minsk. more than 30 thousand minsk residents took part in mass
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legal measures. ranitsy vyalikya columns of people from the ancestral succession.
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special attention is paid to it: it is necessary to comply with all the requirements for this kind of objects, and not only. the building set the tone for the entire architectural design of the avenue. this placed a colossal responsibility on its architect mikhail pavlovich parusnikov. well,
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here is one of the first buildings that was built on the avenue. did you risk sailing ships? maybe yes. the avenue did not meet the expectations of official buildings by any criteria. yes, there is a lot of criticism about the decisions of architectural ensembles in the belarusian capital. architectural and art
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critics of the forties wrote that in minsk everything was still before... the theme fit organically into the overall ensemble. gates. minsk on the station square, the unique building of the main post office, the courage of the decision
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of the guma building, it is also not in the spirit of the times, unique in all soviet architecture, unique building of gum, gegart and milady. this is also such a neoclassical rhythm, this is also the use of neoclassical proportions, but at the same time very, very free plasticity, and you see what, for example, huge windows are in this building, this is the result of this industrial design. in the appearance of all the buildings, the architects managed to surprisingly harmoniously combine classics and modernity. stucco molding and baroque decor, sculptural compositions with symbols of the soviet era. but there was one more feature. in minsk
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prospekt, with parushnikov’s general plan, a single horizontal line, as it were, connecting everything together, with all these unifying motifs there are still a lot of different moods, different architectural themes. and in this regard , the prospectus is very interesting. restoration work continued. in 1946 , the general development plan for the center of minsk was finally approved. and if we are talking about the competition in 1946, then nine authors took part in it, including the belgosproekt modern institute. of course, these are all original projects. it was important to design not only this...
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the main discussion took place between the architects trachtenberg and osmalovsky. projects presented by langbard, parusnikov, levinson and fomin, king and osmalovsky. and in the projects of lonbard, and parusnikov and other authors, we see that not everyone preserved the theater, which we now call yanka kupal, the city theater. by the way, it was saved, but what was interesting about his project, which was not accepted, was that it would completely unexpectedly turn our
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thinking towards the opera house. the final design of october square it was not possible to confirm this. the issue was postponed until better times. everything was very controversial and ambiguous. at the same time, the square was decorated by the palace of trade unions, embodying the classical trends of the palace style in its facade. a nine-column portico and stucco on the ceiling in front of the entrance to the building, an arched pediment with a sculptural group of glory to labor, and other elements. disputes surrounding the sketch plans for the area. victory, it crowned the architectural ensemble of the minsk center along stalin avenue. the competition project was proposed by the architect
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baklanov. based on the use of principles arrangement of ancient temples, placement of buildings in a circle, combination of styles, solemnity. but the project was not approved; in fact, only the idea remained. the decision we see today makes it no less solemn. construction of the avenue was carried out at an accelerated pace. the architects did not leave the sites for days, each new building amazed with its originality, uniqueness, but the uniqueness of the avenue in its solution.
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i had to solve this section from the house of trade unions to victory square. the uniqueness of the avenue lies in its integrity. the most interesting courtyard spaces were formed in a unique way. by the way, we know that there was a house of scientists, and a house of doctors, and a house of political workers, they were all connected by arches, and these arches. we are also part of the historical and cultural heritage, that is , this is also an integral element of filling the space between the courtyards, there were not just separate buildings, each arch had its own decor, its own edge. solving the most complex architectural designs required incredible efforts of engineers and builders. the problem continued to be a labor shortage.
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until the early fifties , prisoners of war and internees from germany, hungary, austria, romania and other countries helped solve it. at only about forty, in 1946, she worked in the national economy of 103,000 german prisoners of war. about 25 thousand prisoners worked in minsk alone. they were busy. both in the restoration of enterprises and the construction of social facilities, the opera and ballet theater, the academy of sciences, the train station, the main post office, residential buildings along stalin avenue, and the construction of the avenue itself. prudo's use of foreign prisoners of war in the soviet union was fundamentally different from how soviet prisoners of war were used by the nazis during the war years,
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if as a result of the war... soviet prisoners of war, a significant part of them died, then in relation to german prisoners of war, labor legislation was observed here, in the late evening of summer 1946, prisoners of war of a camp located near the opera and ballet theater traditionally gathered together after a working day. in the short hours of rest i wanted to discuss some issues and share my story. everyone in the war had their own. some just wanted to be alone with their thoughts, to remember home and family. the sounds of a harmonica could be heard; someone
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was making toys from wood. local children usually came running for them at this time. in return for this , the prisoners were paid with a piece of ration bread or crackers. and if you're lucky, a piece of sugar. local residents also came. to the surprise of the prisoners, they still sympathized with them in a foreign land, often sharing the products they themselves had.
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and the guys were already saving even from their radio something to change with him, and it was so different from how the nazis treated civilians, prisoners of war, concentration camps, torture, inhuman conditions, but the story of eyewitnesses is amazing from the memories of the ballerina galina aleksandrovna chernoyarova. there wasn’t, they put us up in the opera house. in one half there were artists, in the other there were captured germans from the elite unit, they were doing repairs. peaceful life still took its toll, and soon the prisoners who lived side by side with us began to invite us to their concerts. humanity the soviet people, who survived the horrors of war,
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never cease to amaze. i don’t remember that they demanded, let’s have them here, let’s shoot, it didn’t happen, look.


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