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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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euro. we are talking about the construction of a factory for the production of drones. the first uavs were supposed to enter the polish army in 2021, but they never arrived. they first started talking about their production in 2016. the deadlines were repeatedly shifted and the polish national security agency became interested in the project. it turned out that the list of violations is huge, including payments using fake invoices, large advance payments, issuing payment cards without receipts and lack of control over purchases. it is noteworthy that for the construction of production, it was purchased a huge amount of expensive alcohol. there are also accusations of nepotism, they write local money that should have gone to the media. italy is faced with an acute demographic crisis; the number of newborns in the country reached a historic low last year. in 2023, only 379,000 children were born, which is 1,400 less than the year before. according to the national statistics agency, this is so low. there has been no birth rate since
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the formation of the unified italian state in 1861. pope francis drew attention to the problem, calling on italians give birth to children, and not have pets instead. according to pacifica, low birth rates have already led to a demographic winter. the country lost a city the size of sbari in southern italy. a minibus overturned in brest. the accident occurred today around 11 o'clock. the car overturned. during the descent from the bridge, there were seven passengers in the minibus; two pensioners and a minor girl were injured in the accident; they are in the hospital. all circumstances are sorted out by gai. returns to belarus after cool days warm. starting tomorrow, the temperature background and weather patterns will begin to gradually change. on saturday , rain is expected across most of the country, in some places with april loads, up to +8 at night, up to 19 degrees during the day. on sunday it will become
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even warmer and the precipitation will stop. the air temperature at night will be +2 -8, and daytime temperatures across the country will already range from +12 to +19. in the southwestern regions the air will warm up to +21 by the middle of the day. at the same time, at night and morning hours, saturdays and sundays in humid warm short fogs will thicken in the air in places across the country. comfortable spring weather will continue into early next week. it will be cloudy, but only in some places there will be short-term rain across the country. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, all the best.
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good evening, on the air economic environment on belarus-1 satellite tv channel belarus 24. an investment program for the twenty-fourth year has been adopted in belarus, the corresponding decree was signed by the head of state. total document included 120 facilities, the third of which is planned to be put into operation this year, among sixteen new ones on which funds will be spent, roads, orphanages, hospitals and infrastructure facilities. funding is provided from above.
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supporting vulnerable categories of the population by providing a discount of up to 10%. since january of the twenty- second year, the total amount of discounts under the agreement exceeded 64 million. the french budget deficit at the end of the twenty-third year amounted to 5.5% of gdp, which significantly exceeded the forecast parameter. such data is contained in the report country's statistical office. compared to the plan, the deficit grew by 15.8 billion euros; going beyond the estimated limits is explained by low revenues in the growing sugar industry of belarus. according to the belgos food industry concern, sugar production in the twenty-third year reached a historical record of 670,000 tons, plus 15-17% compared to the level of the twenty-second year. this strengthens the export potential of belarus, especially in the context of rising world sugar prices. secured domestic market. according to the concern's forecasts, production volume this year will be at least 150% of the consumption level.
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investments in fixed assets continue to grow in belarus, reports. in the first 2 months of this year, their volume amounted to 4.7 billion rubles. the pace is simple over 117%.
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quarter of a century, dear experts, what is this holiday for you, what does it mean? indeed, on april 2, 1996 , an agreement was first signed on the creation of a community of belarus and russia, then on april 2
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, 1997, an agreement on the creation of a union of belarus and russia, and already in december 1999, an agreement on creation of a union state. and this year we will celebrate 25 years from the date of signing of this agreement, during this time a lot has been done, and industry, the agricultural sector, science, education, no matter what we take, there are very great achievements in any area, but this cannot be done, if there is no support of the people, if there is no support of the two peoples, then there will be no movement forward, therefore this is the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia - this is a locomotive. this is the driving force, this is the resulting direction that leads us to the construction of a union state, in which we are thriving today. yuri vasilyevich, what does this holiday mean to you? yes, dmitry veduldovich, of course, based on the function of the trade
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mission, which is primarily to realize the national interests of the russian federation on the belarusian track, well, i would like to immediately emphasize that we have trade and economic relations. bread union program on the formation of a unified industrial policy, i want to say, to get such space, can you imagine, without a visa, you can go to vladivostok, from grodno to vladivostok, and from grodno to vladivostok, yes, yes, everyone speaks the same language that you speak, and
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accordingly, i support the sales representative, that the goods can be promoted from belarus to the far east, and considering that my relatives live far away.
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without diplomatic vocabulary, without complex constructions, it’s clear for a child, how would you answer this question for her? i would answer as follows: granddaughter, karinochka, our relations between belarus and russia, how between sisters, or between siblings, who, firstly, will always support and protect each other, and secondly, will share the most necessary things in the most difficult
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times, especially. it’s clear, the analogy, i think that no one at this table will object to such a definition; against this , a children’s book should be published about the union state. by the way, why not, it’s a great, not a bad idea so that our little citizens can also learn about the level of relations between them. our countries, in understandable language, but it is necessary to state that the basis of the unity of belarus and russia should be, first of all , the economy, our president emphasized this thesis during a meeting with the governor of the novosibirsk region in minsk. it is on interaction with the regions of our neighboring country that we focus on industrial cooperation and offer our capabilities in updating the fleet of passenger transport and other equipment. the two countries have everything necessary to develop cooperation and produce new products.
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because practically not a single large medium-sized enterprise in our country has collapsed, not died, mostly maybe the russians don’t like it, they are state-owned and work well, they are managed, at least, and today there is powerful cooperation, we just can’t allow it, now there is no extra money, duplication of production, what we have, it will be always work on the russian market, what you have, we always, if such...
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billions of russian rubles, yeah, the directions are those that are necessary for
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the development of the union state, first of all this is security and defense, and we felt it more than ever now, so of course in this year, programs on border security, on military infrastructure in the interests of the regional grouping of troops are also being implemented, these programs, if you count them, then in principle there are 19 of them implemented in this sector, in this area . let’s even look at the main directions that were adopted at the last the supreme state council for the implementation of a number of unique teams, and if we are in the provisions of the treaty on the union state for 2024-2026, then it is also noted in the industrial policy that there should be a roadmap in the field of microelectronics has been implemented, which we are also doing through programs, for example, this year in 2024
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we are developing an excellent program called intelaft, in fact, in simple terms, this is the development... of smart intelligent protection control systems for highly automated vehicles, dual- use special purpose, this is an excellent program component f, which develops new technologies of materials and components for photonics products, this is of course space, well, we are now proud of space, that we have our cosmonautics, but i must say that the space sector, by the way, during this period, seven space programs have been implemented.
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and you can show more initiative, because the presidents said: it’s not about money, because basically the budget is formed from the shared contributions of belarus and russia, if there are good programs, projects, funding will always be found, money loves the bill, but it must work, it must work and be effective too results. belarus has already achieved
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the status of a nuclear power, but well , first of all, you know that in november last year the commissioning of two units of the belarusian nuclear power plant was ensured, we just recently discussed this in our program, yes , now, if i’m not mistaken, they are still considering the issue of maybe building a third power unit on an existing site or selecting a site for a new nuclear power plant, which will consist of two units, if not i’m mistaken, presumably it’s somewhere in the south of the republic of belarus, well , different options are being studied, but we are a nuclear power not only because we, together with the fact that sarai has been preserved, and what’s more, now, in a businesslike manner, entire programs of joint interaction between specialized organizations of the republic of belarus and rosatom,
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which are aimed at implementing, including non-energy, non-nuclear projects, this includes, among other things , nuclear medicine and the construction of a mobile research reactor in the republic of belarus, that is, a whole palette of interaction across the very high... ural civil aviation plant in this regard, if i’m not mistaken, civil aviation plant 407 is also very actively involved, pyotr aleksandrovich parkhomchik, deputy prime minister,
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who oversees, among other things, industry, if i’m not mistaken, i’ve already at least indicated that by the twenty-sixth year the first two prototypes will be built, and by the thirtieth year this level, the number of aircraft produced will be about 90 units, it seems to me too to a sufficient extent.
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at the present time and is the structure of export-import changing? if we talk about the main product items that form the basis of belarusian exports, these are primarily
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meat and dairy products, i must say that recently dankvert, this is our head of rosserkhonazor, we know him very well , it’s clear, yes, we treat him with sympathy and respect, of course, so he emphasized that, let’s say, of all... imports of meat products into the russian federation, exactly 50% were supplied from republic of belarus, and he also emphasized that this is a very good contribution, and this is also a distinctive sign of precisely the integration format that is the union state, which is why, in addition to this, of course , vehicles and mechanical engineering products, energy equipment, chemical products, that's all, at least. constitutes the top five main positions in the product range - specifically belarusian exports, we still still dope
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products of the fuel and energy complex, well, in any case, we still supply large volumes of both oil and gas, you know, the supply of gas volumes is decreasing, decreasing, they are quite logical, that’s why, because, among other things , a belarusian nuclear power plant has already appeared. the need for raw materials for the thermal power plant is no longer there, of course, this also includes equipment and machinery, that is, we have ferrous metals , products made from them, plastics and products from them, why would i like to emphasize that, of course, trade and economic relations between russia and belarus is a two-way street, what i always say, even when encouraging, maybe there is an export of belarusian final products in the form of finished products there...
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what does this mean? this means that our enterprises are entering the russian economy not only with cooperative ties, they are creating some kind of branches, because look, what does it mean to help create, to help create, then a joint venture appears, this is already a joint business, this is already some other form, this is no longer just cooperative ties, which means that if we talk about
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policy at the forefront of cooperation, sanctions pressure has become an impetus to increase competencies in a number of related industries. where previously there was an absolute import, today it is a union product, and this is an indicator that together, in unity, we can face any challenges. union programs, projects, support points for the development of integration in the reporting of the economic environment. please. big things are seen from a distance, from above. cosmic relations between allies acquire brighter colors, and in in every sense. belarus is a space power , as evidenced by the implemented union programs. belarusians participated in the creation
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of technical innovations, without which space flights are unthinkable. we were able to create a basis for the development of a whole range of industries, that is, space has become a driver for the development of science. new materials optics-e. how to play in the major leagues, there are very few countries that have the technology and can be the first in space research. experimental equipment for sensing the earth was also laid down in union program, this is a number
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of high-tech projects, our satellite information acquisition system is already in the union economy, it is used in the interests of many industries, and our income exceeds the cost of maintaining space management at first.
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the planar and integral enterprises at integral , together with russian enterprises, will create four new technological processes for the production of products within the framework of the electronic component base, on planar - these are photo masks, this is a real challenge, because few countries in the world can boast that they have developed production. belaes is the largest project, an indicator of how developing the energy sector can give a powerful impetus to a number of industries. a comprehensive program signed on the margins in record numbers.
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heater, such joint cooperation, when belarusian companies come to us in order to enter their products into the russian market, we, of course , help them with this. for a breakthrough, we need personnel ; the formation of a unified educational space is already underway. after graduation, students receive two diplomas, one from the republic belarus, another russian federation. and here we are very open; already in the last admission campaign we accepted our russian friends into our universities based on the results of the unified state exam. moscow and minsk are switching to payments in national currencies. another important area is
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logistics. in the twenty-third, belarus almost doubled the transportation of goods through russian transport corridors. the sanctions pressure has brought belarus and russia closer in all respects, where previously there was import, today it is a union product, both in industry, science, tourism, and culture. festivals, by the way, are also a plus for the economy. with a plus for the economy. well, maryana akindinovna, we watched the story, you had it.
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recently, at a meeting of the supreme state council of the union state, the main directions for implementing the provisions of the agreement on the creation of a union state for the years 24-26 were approved, right? what is the essence of this document and who is responsible for its implementation? the most important thing is that targeted, systematic work is underway , and if previously, within the framework of the implementation of the agreement for 2021-2023, there were realities
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machine tool industry responsible ministry of industry of the republic of belarus ministry of industry and trade of the russian federation. the development of automobile manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, and so on and so forth. in particular, the foreign ministries of belarus and russia, at a joint colleague meeting on december 15 last year,
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also adopted a document for a three-year period on our joint actions in the field of foreign policy, so that it would be correlated, firstly.
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we remember the national handle center, those who have already visited it, they were convinced how it set up, it distributes on a regional basis, and accordingly a very wide range of these goods is presented, the president instructed
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the government to now very actively work on the issue of creating or scaling this project to russian ones.
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we are constantly moving in
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this direction, i believe that this is why we personally live with this idea of ​​observing our national interests, but already in the context of a union state is the key to the development of healthy competition, here i would like to highlight two components, this is us again... the second is at least the choice of such a method as division of labor , including in the format of a union state, touching on a large number of certain specialized enterprises there and so on, that’s what i mean right now in your including.
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at least the instructions given by our leaders, heads of state, here we do not exclude competition, this competition will simply take place not between russians and belarusians, but between russians, russians, belarusians and belarusians, who are specialized, we must, in the end, not exclude it, but simply go to arrive at the most basic point, this is the creation of a union product, this is ensuring the identity between the russian product and the specialized belarusian one. igor vasilyevich, we
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discussed behind the scenes here, including visits of various levels, both belarusian to the russian federation, and russian to belarus, and came to the conclusion that after all, the importance of interregional interaction, well... is increasing, as you do you think this is how interregional cooperation develops? belarus and russia, and last time we asked you which regions are more interesting for us, has your point of view changed, and if so, which regions of the russian federation are now of particular interest to the belarusian side? well, in the context of trade development of trade and economic relations, first of all, well, all others too. as for
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the regional development of cooperation, it is now on the rise, the coverage of regions and regions is increasing, just remember the tenth anniversary forum regions, which took place in bashkaratstan in ufa last year, where sixty delegations from the russian side took part. regions, regions, from the republic of belarus, all regions, a colossal number of agreements, contracts were signed, we just became friends, just got to know each other, there is already, as i say, splitting into atoms, already separate there, for example, village or
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city formations, yes, with the russian parties show interest in ours. towards cities and towns, that is, we are strengthening this network, this chain of connections with each other, this helps, firstly , to strengthen our cooperation, and secondly , it allows us to interact more deeply, firstly, economically and in other areas with our partners.
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and we are ready to prove it, our correspondents have visited most of the russian regions, in our next story there are only a few examples, let's see, i like cheese, i like sausage, after all, we trust belarus that they strictly monitor guests there, they strictly monitor order , so somehow we prefer belarusian products, quality taste, quesa is obtained. exclusively belarusian goods, now there are already 19 of them and this is only in the city, the network is growing and at the same time extends beyond the region, there are already points in novosibirsk, yekaterinburg, chelyabinsk, podolsk, aimed at moscow. everyone knows
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that belarusian products are now very popular. but because of the quality, all our products are transported under strict processing in machines with special equipment, so the deadlines for dairy products are always good, everything is the freshest, the best, and this is already the territory of our industrialists, the minsk motor plant opened a trading house several years ago in order to be closer to its consumers and they were right, sales went up, engines are shipped from this warehouse to almost 200 customers, including both end consumers and manufacturers. what is important is that the production of minsk engines does not depend on western parts, or from belarusian and russian components, this allows for servicing to be carried out as quickly as possible and to prevent downtime of equipment. we are ready to provide spare parts at any time, and we also have
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service centers throughout the russian federation that are ready to provide 24x7 service. conscientiously escort. vorenburg also knows firsthand about belarusian quality. this is a showroom for light industry products. kamboli and galaantea, svetana, kokalinka. perhaps all the famous brands are represented here, but the undisputed flagship is belarusian linen. to be honest, after visiting the factory, i simply fell in love with the history of flax. and i really wanted to imagine we have these products in the orenburg region. the demand for our medicine is only growing and even though there is no big store yet, this does not interfere with trade at all, especially since sales are increasingly moving online and now goods are sent all over russia, digital reviews are flying in response, here are four ratings at once, all fives, then yes, this clearly shows that the products are in demand, we ourselves are very happy with such assessments. belarus is one of the main partners for the orenburg region,
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trade turnover is growing every year, and what is important, from two there are sides. where almost all the manufacturers are belarusian and there was an idea to open it in moscow, and of course, in the orenburg region, i think it will be very popular if you come and indeed some shopping facility will be filled with everything belarusian, so there is a lot of opportunity for interaction number of, let's say, options. belarus and russia are a union of great prospects; among the basic goals, of course, is a single educational space. recently there has been a bilateral agenda. actively is growing with events and projects in this area. and for good reason, because universities are not only responsible for science, but also for the real sector of the economy. today's student is tomorrow's specialist. quotas at russian universities
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are a common thing for our students. 1,300 free places based on last year's results. the ranks of novgorod university students are replenished with belarusians every year, and university dialogue is generally on the rise. vitebsk, brest technical, capital computer science and radio electronics. the rector is confident. enriching each other by the current standards of time is possible double degree programs, children can study for a year in the territory of one state and a year in the territory of another state, in the finals diplomas from two universities should be issued simultaneously, a person can feel very comfortable both in the territory of one and in the territory of another state, from each according to his abilities, to each according to their needs, not to compete, but to complement each other in different areas.
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in other words, this is the advantage of the union state from the point of view of ordinary people, in your opinion, maryana okedinovna? first of all, this is the realization of equal rights. there are no boundaries, employment is free, wages, everything is standardized, so to speak, normalized, which means, please, payment of sick leave, sanatorium treatment, medical care, payments to families, benefits for raising children, pensions, no matter where you are.
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