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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

2:05 pm
under the leadership of secretary of state dmitry fetrovich mezintsev , an interdepartmental working group of the russian and belarusian countries operates to resolve issues regarding the implementation of the treaty on equal rights of citizens, this is the most important thing. i can say that the number of russians in the first half of 2023 was 420 thousand. this has already surpassed, in aggregate terms, the volume of tourist flows from russia at the end of the twenty- second year. here. for three quarters of twenty -three, on the contrary, there was a counter flow belarusian citizens have doubled the figures for the same year in 2020, now belavia and other russian aviation companies operate flights that connect minsk with eleven cities, but if i’m not mistaken, by the end of april there will be more new destinations, these are makhachkala and arkhangelsk region, that's what concerns the railway there. messages, then
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we already have trains going to the nizhny novgorod region from the beginning of the year to mineral waters and today at least the total number of train trips there are 50 routes, well two units, it seems to me that this is a sufficient bond between russia and belarus, which is also provided there, we also have brest airport and gomel. yes, regional, yes, absolutely true, but in any case, to our brothers from the russian federation, welcome to belarus, to minsk, regional cities, other small medium-sized cities, we will drink, feed, show the sights, we have a beautiful country, clean, cozy , come, we will be glad, and we will give a similar installation to our citizens.
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if you want to go and see one of the regions of the russian federation, you need to do it, stunning nature, good people, rich traditions, all the conditions for the development of tourism in our countries. dear experts, summarizing our conversation, how do you see the future of the union state and what do we all need to do for this? i would probably put it briefly as a union state. this is a successful integration association of like-minded people, changing the world for the better, therefore the unity of peoples is our driver movement, and naturally, the efficiency of the movement will depend on our joint efforts, only together, and another topic that we, well, probably, latently had in mind is that after all, we have two dates - this is the eightieth anniversary of liberation.
2:08 pm
uh, they outlined very clearly and succinctly the problem to be solved. ah, in the end, in the end, the common man will win, in the form of an improvement in the quality of his life, in the form of lengthening or increasing his life expectancy, in the form of the emergence of new opportunities, not only to prove himself. there on some
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his minimal demands, but also more broadly, because each of us has a creative element, this requires additional time, this requires additional resources, including financial, this is all we will have as a result, in general, our program is our mission belarus russia is creative, we are determined to improve this... world, to transform it for the better, we are on the side of kindness, when we are together, the steel fist of unity is stronger, when we are together, the path to victory is easier to achieve when we are together from a strong faith in our hearts, worthy of the peace and prosperity of our native land, by our native land, i understand our union state, only the growth of prosperity, and so that tomorrow, and i think it will be so, there will be a queue for us,
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and let the economic environment for you will be favorable, goodbye.
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gave in.
2:15 pm
comrade anisimov himself came, the temple was locked up, dad drove him away, here we go to the forests to atone for our sins, then they wanted to break the church, there was just a war, activists, communists, everyone. then to the front, there was no one to break, who was this, anisimov, the head of our local nkvd, beast, flower, hello, hello, hello, where is your outpatient clinic, right here, turn
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there, go through, thank you, hello.
2:17 pm
hello. who are you? you work here, you don’t speak, but you understand me, you understand me, bastard, bastard, where? lyamkin, ignat borisovich, who? it’s clear,
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so, help me, that’s it, get up, wake up, get up, stop, that’s french, i was tired.
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2:20 pm
stefan, why are you so gloomy this morning, but i’m not gloomy. something happened to my wife at home, tell me it will be easier for me, it’s about my wife, she sent a letter, it’s inconvenient, tell me yourself.
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and she divorced me, she writes that she is tired of being alone,
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2:23 pm
ludvik, ludvik, you need to run after your dogs, and they won’t pick up the scent, you need to sniff something from your clothes, let’s hurry, quickly, sniff, sniff, let’s run
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2:25 pm
thank you, i need to go home, to those who are in a hurry to get home, the space is vast, distance is not a hindrance, please come here, here,
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come in.
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2:28 pm
god forbid, are the children with a catholic priest? oh yes, i have a lot of children all the children of this earth. my children, lord, i pray to you for them, the poor.
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it doesn’t hurt, or maybe it’s not necessary, maybe a pill, don’t worry, lie still, lena, lena, masin’s tampon, lena,
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i repeat my question: who are you, by what right do you rule here? i was sent here from moscow. but i have my own bosses, and moscow is not my command. i'm in charge here, so pack your things and get out. and you will turn the dispensary into bread again? so, i ask you to clean this establishment. capitalina ivanovna, be a witness. talk about it, so you have arrived
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spread slander here, get out of here, and you out, and you out, everyone out, well, we’ll have a reception, there won’t be any today, well, let’s go and have a look at you.
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zhenya, hello, hello, remember me, of course, you are zoya’s sister, you come by, come by, oh, i was the one who glued it, like zoya, zoya is working... and how are you here? martynova was removed, litka was imprisoned for embezzlement, now we are having a wonderful night in the hospital, you write to zoe, let them be happy, zhenya, tell me, i can work for you, as anyone, a nanny, a nurse, well, it’s very difficult if you you want, yes, i always wanted to, but zoya
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didn’t believe in me. only the stupidest one, don’t you understand, all the children of the earth are mine, this is also my son,
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who you are talking to, an imbecile, i see. for man's eyes are given for the vision of distinguishing letters, because the human mouth does not disappear without a trace, but leaves black traces that bloom in the tears of his descendants. hey, you russian pig, where is your sign, you should wear it here, forgive me son, i hope i didn’t make you too angry, thank you, you made me very angry, mr. becker.
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2:36 pm
you will have a lot of beautiful dresses, but you want horse? yes, i want to, i’ll ride home on it, no, you won’t ride anywhere, because i’ll take you with me, let me go, why, why
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do you russians have terrible losses, i have a fiance, he’s alive.
2:38 pm
build this, and wrap this up in moscow, build! comrade major, allow me to report, report, the equipment is disassembled and ready for loading, junior sergeant levchenko,
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number the machines, prepare an accounting report with technical characteristics and for me personally, how long it will take, a day. i give 3 hours, senior sergeant levchenko remains behind senior, efritor nikolaev is at your disposal, private vetushkin and barykin, come with me. so let's listen to my command.
2:40 pm
allow me to enter, comrade mayor, come in, hello, hello, bon appetit, that’s how you asked, the paper was drawn up, you’re not lying, you can’t get by here, the paper was drawn too well.
2:41 pm
i’ll give you some pretty ones, whose food you ’re pretty, but you’re the most beautiful one, vasily, let me go, let’s listen, maybe? i should reward you, she liked you, they like people like you, yeah, join me, i’m not greedy, i have a fiancée, let me go, i’m not offering you a bride, maybe she’s someone’s fiancée too. you're a bore, levchenko,
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i don't insist, you will, drink, thank you, i don't like it, i can go, you're making a face at me, i don't like this, i love this, i 'm crucifying myself in front of him, and he, you know, makes a goofy face at me, drink, come on, why are you getting excited in vain, you’d better give me some, come on in, lechenka, remember, the soldier is alive for now, good commander, otherwise you didn’t drink, you fool, he’s coming, maybe he got caught, maybe something else, come on.
2:43 pm
you despise, no, i sympathize, yeah. boy, you don’t have any fiancée. oh, my grandmother was a gypsy, so i see a lot, the line of love is free, you don’t have any bride. i had a fiancée, but in 1941 she and her mother went to change food. the mother was killed, she disappeared, it’s clear,
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katya, i’m sorry, let me help, na. well, help me, and you know, i also had a fiancé, he was discharged due to injury, he returned, but here is a choice, he tells me, don’t be offended, i love you, but i feel sorry for all women, he’s so compassionate to me was. and you decided to
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revenge on all men, if you want, i ’ll feel sorry for you, you’re so handsome, so serious, many people love you, well... this is how you should be treated, and if your bride is alive, she’s now in love with someone else, you’re in it have no doubt, vasily nikolaevich, vasily nikolaevich.
2:46 pm
to karl jacobs, from the senior management of the adolf hitler spandau school. based on the evidence provided to us, we inform you of your immediate expulsion. below is a certificate from specialists on racial frequency, those carried out for examination and further expert opinion. e conclusion: your paternal grandfather. lay with the jews.
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the dress suits you very well, thank you, i really like it, you like it, thank you.
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it's true what's written here, it's true, read it, jew, i didn't want it for you.
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well, let's go, let's go, let's go.
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2:54 pm
coward, my god, stefan, help him, what have you
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done? stefan, help, what have you done? stefan, stefan, musya, musya! musya, help me, lord, lord, what have you done?
2:56 pm
they killed my child, these are the damn nazis. he was good, he felt sorry for everyone, one day i saw him making something, i ask him what you are doing, and he tells me, i’m building a house for a frog, can you imagine, but the frog doesn’t have a house, and then they came, and my boy was gone,
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everyone, all the nazis need to be killed. everyone, i understand, i'm very sorry, fo jacobs, i'm dubs, is this the frenchman stéphane michaud? yes it's me. to the exit? are you accused of murdering the german karl jacobs? where is the russian? she had nothing to do with the boy’s death, i’m the only one to blame, the bastard,
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stop it, uh, you, quickly get out.
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3:00 pm
the news is live in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and briefly about the main topics of the issue.


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