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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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this brankov bridge in the center of belgrade became known to the whole world 25 years ago, when planes with wind roses on the fuselage, nato planes flew here at night to bomb it, and here on the bridge there were people, they were holding signs in their hands with the inscription goal, they wanted show the whole world the inhumanity of bombing for humanitarian purposes, they survived 352
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uh they bombed, they always bombed, but especially at night at 3:00, 3:40, when people are sleeping, sleeping, uh, i remember, for example, that they almost every night from nato planes threw leaflets, there were millions of sheets, all over the fields, all over the fields , and i collected and read, well, like history, i was interested, it was there, to be honest, i thought it was such a serious organization.
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she is so stupid, so illiterate, we invite you to stand up against milosevic, and this was written in a bad language, not serbian, but croatian. people who survived the nato bombing lost a lot, and most importantly - their large united homeland, they are here now ready to talk about it, so that we remember, and so that they, those who made the decision, sit at the helm, force peace with the help of a nuclear whip, they also remembered.
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and some kind of strength is born, i begin to say it even more sincerely, and well, for real, and since then i am not the same girl who was at that moment, this moment and this bombing
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directed me towards a different path, so that others explained to people who they are, not just my people, our peoples in general, well, who has always fought there? against the fascists, yes, this is russia, belarus, serbia. from that day on , she directed all the power of her talent towards revealing the truth, staging performances, and one from the projects ivan and zhigan - this is a book of children's drawings, she collected them in kosovo. and the sun is crying in every village there are very many, very many, this is rani lug, this is the village of rani lug, this means their sun is crying. formally, the west asked to withdraw yugoslav troops from the autonomous region of kosovo and metohija, where the conflict between the serbian and albanian populations had escalated. in fact, nato demanded that sovereignty be given to yugoslavia, that troops be allowed in to divide the country, if
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blackmail did not work out, bombs flew. for 78 days and nights, howling death rained down from the sky. 400 killed up to 10 thousand wounded, according to the serbian side, and 100 billion.
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two missiles were fired from the soviet s-125 neva air defense system at the invisible man. they
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only had 20 seconds. on the twenty-first , the enemy would have had time to react, fire a shell, and we would not have spoken with colonel zolton, but not now. it was a military, psychological, intellectual, financial and technical, but above all a human victory. it was probably scary to realize that a missile that cost several hundred thousand dollars destroyed a plane worth 45 million the pilot managed to eject and was later rescued during a special operation by the american military. they met again with the pilot of the downed f-117. at that time, western media completely demonized yugoslavia. and the colonel decided to talk to the enemy for the sake of a good cause. show the whole world that there is a compromise between.
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we visited each other’s houses, talked with families, the one who once flew to liberate
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the people of yugoslavia with bombs, the one who defended his land and his family, and colonel dani’s children at that time were 12, 10 and 8 years old.
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he fell in love with a russian soldier, a soviet soldier, because he saw that every soviet soldier died fearlessly for his homeland, and so did my dad. it was a moment when your president was visiting and there was a child, well, such a teenager was in a military hospital, and your president had a throat like that.
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the plan for the struggle from the west against the east was clear to us, they destroyed the soviet union, yugoslavia, united germany, precisely
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in order to use this as the penultimate phase to attack russia in order to weaken its economy, industry, army, armed forces, and the last phase - china. over the course of 2.5 months , 15 tons of depleted uranium were dropped into serbian territory. later, the country ranked first in the number of cancer diseases in europe. in the first 10 years after the bombing , about 30,000 people fell ill with cancer, of which 10 to 18 thousand died. this topic is dealt with by the minister of health of serbia, danica grujic. this is from ninety-nine, yes, this is the number of diseases over the years. and it is linear, statistically, oncology. yes, malignant tumors are all, you see that this is linear, this means that there is a statistical pattern, that’s it,
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this means that something happened that gave such an increase, and this is mortality, so mortality increased, why, they would say, for example, there are more medicines, more cars for irradiation there is more, therapy is much better than it was, after all, the mortality rate is increasing, this means that our tumors, this is the same in croatia, the same in hungary, when we talk about mortality, which means our tumors are like- then they don’t react like the others, but today, 25 years later, they they started talking again that uranium bombs are nothing to worry about, whether they fall from the skies over yugoslavia or ukraine, the main thing is that...
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on the world stage in the interests of their people, as in belarus, we also know what the good hands of the west are, distributing cookies, we are lucky, we have a strong leader who will not give up his beloved, we have in our dna the historical memory and events of the great patriotic war, where every third belarusian died. we preserve the memory of everyone by name, we take care of memorials, we raise documents, we clarify the number villages burned by the enemy, we also remember our pain, we have learned.
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the union came to you, uh, so you can say such a continuity of what happened before, you can see a country that respected its history, and uh, that you don’t have this, what happened in serbia, so that huge...
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and model, which is made by our minsk tractor plant and the smargon plant has two models that they make in the department, but well,
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the serbs are willing to take it, do they know the brand? the daughters who survived the bombing in minsk made a whole reality show. six serbian families received six of our tractors. they taught farmers and spectators how to earn more in the agricultural sector. a lot has been done together. belarusians in the fields. joint production of mas buses, belkomunmash trolleybuses on the streets of belgrade in minsk , serbian residential areas and much to come. at the beginning of january this year. the serbian
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leadership, the president and the government presented a large-scale development program for the country called “leap into the future”, which deals not only with infrastructure, industrial and economic sectors, but also with social directions. i am convinced that today we have a very significant, large mutual potential to not only exchange experiences, but to find new... cooperation. together we are in culture. serbian actress and director ivana zhigan, together with the team of the gorky theater, received a special award from the president of belarus for joint projects and contribution to the popularization of slavic culture. create together, look to the future together. in serbia they remember the goodness with which they came. belarusians remember the history that is 25 years old.
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later it has not yet finished. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country.
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the news is broadcast in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, first, briefly about the main topics of the issue: from weightlessness to the center of gravity already.


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