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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, first, briefly about the main topics of the issue. from weightlessness to the center of gravity already. tomorrow the crew with marina vasilevskaya
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will return home. our film crew monitors all the details in the steppe of kazakhstan. the process is underway. delegates of the supreme council were nominated today at the congress of the federation of trade unions. from this day on , the association has a new chairman. the control system is completely broken. the president of belarus agreed to submit to the house of representatives a draft law on the suspension of the treaty. next honoring a fascist in the west: the president of romania awarded the national cross of the third degree to a 105-year-old moldovan nazi. the world is changing, amkador is adapting. the leading belarusian manufacturer of special equipment presented new products for the season. days and seven
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scientific educational programs are behind us, tomorrow we are waiting for the crew with marina vasilevskaya to return from orbit. the flight home is considered more difficult, so a special rescue operation has been launched. our film crew is ready to meet the first belarusian female cosmonaut in our independent history. group. from the kazakhstan steppe with the latest news anastasia benedesyuk. this is our geolocation, we are located in betpak dola, translated as. hungry steppe, this is still kazakhstan, we are 500 km from karaganda. our film crew left on the night from thursday to friday, 10:00 the roads were not the easiest, there were flooding and swampy terrain, we even had to pull the car out of the salon, in a word, everything that the rescue services were preparing for. we got there normally, with virtually no incidents. we are at the point where we have
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there will be a camera that will monitor the parachute descent, fortunately the weather according to the forecast will allow us to do this, and what is most interesting is that we are separated from half of the area where the descent vehicle can land by this river, which is full of water today, in relation to the fact that we we saw it during the flyby, of course the snow was gone, the water was gone, those lowlands that had been flooded before had dried up, so when we were traveling we didn’t encounter any such supernatural obstacles, but it’s still a river... and for us it's important to check now this ford and check the other fords that can help us, this is a field camp where we will spend the night, there are about 30 people here, every third is a belarusian, belarusian journalists, a large landing party, here today to highlight the return of marina vasilevskaya to earth, we are already charging cameras, preparing microphones, including these fishing rods, they are not for catching fish, as you understand, but for hearing, so what will marina say first? vasilevskaya upon returning.
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the fact is that they won’t let you within 3 meters journalists in the first hours. this is the frontal thermal protection, which is separated from the descent vehicle at an altitude of 5.5 km, the so -called end of the measuring base, when the automation of the descent vehicle understands that the descent under a parachute is taking place as usual and puts the entire ship system into operation in preparation for landing. powder engines are triggered, which remove the contact, there will be a kind of explosion, this dampens the vertical speed and thereby softens the landing of the ship, since they are located at the bottom of the descent vehicle, when
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passing through dense layers of the atmosphere, this is covered with a sheet of thermal protection, which is separated by falling, this is from previous landings, from some ship, there are many of them lying here in the steppe. this thing protects the crew and the ship when passing through dense layers of the atmosphere, it heats up strongly, burns, at the moment we have an estimated landing time, this is 10 hours 17 minutes 33 seconds moscow and minsk time, respectively 10 minutes before 15 minutes before the estimated time of touch , the parachute opens, we hope that the weather is in the morning it will also be clear and we are in the process of opening the parachute. we will see, accordingly, it takes 15 minutes for the ship to descend by parachute, then it lands, but if the weather is calm, most likely, the device will remain standing vertically; if there is some wind, there will be lateral speed, the ship may fall on its side. the journey between ms-24 and the iss
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will take about 3.5 hours, ground and rescue forces are already in place, air support will join tomorrow, most importantly, rosaviatsia and roscosmo. and the ministry of defense everyone is ready for both a standard descent and an emergency and ballistic one. anastasia benedisyuk, ivan mazgo, tv news agency, kazakhstan. the president of belarus today agreed to submit a proposal to the house of representatives.
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by two, that is, it was a very good excuse for them to ensure, well, let’s say, an increase in their forces and resources, an increase in the number of personnel, including from foreign countries. from 2022, unfortunately, almost all countries of the nato bloc,
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they have ignored the implementation individual clauses of this agreement, this concerns the provision of information about the number, the quantity of weapons, this concerns... the lack of inspections, both in the republic of belarus and on their territory, that is, conditions were created that , unfortunately, made it possible to carry out failure to control the build-up of military equipment. in august 2022, the czech republic and in march of this year poland decided not to implement the agreement with respect to belarus. back in november twenty-third , nato's north atlantic council made a statement of the intention of the alliance member countries participating in the treaty to suspend its operation by issuing. russia also left on april 8 , and turkey will do the same. the suspension of the treaty with nato member countries and their allies actually means the cessation of its functioning. we, as a responsible party, fulfill all our obligations, we fully implement
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this agreement, but unfortunately our neighbors do not understand at all that this is not weakness, this is the normal attitude of an independent state. the ministry of defense emphasized that the restrictions provided for by davse for belarus are not typical for our army. for example, the number of personnel is almost 40% lower than allowed in the contract. the us army has launched the largest military
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exercise in europe, defender 24, and the maneuvers will last until the end of may. more than 4,000 military personnel from more than 20 nato countries and alliance partners will take part. american troops have been sent to the region. sea, practicing firing machine guns and testing armored vehicles. after the country joined nato, this territory became a strategic object of the alliance. stockholm has announced plans to strengthen the island's defenses. the reason given was the growing militarization of russia. gotland is separated from kaliningrad by approximately 330 km. there are plans to create a nato base on the island and station foreign troops there. mitt russia has already responded to this, calling such actions provocative. the president of romania awarded the national cross of the third degree to a hundred-five-year-old
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pensioner living in moldova, the problem is that during the great patriotic war he fought in the ranks romanian-fascists. observers note that bucharest once again confirmed that it was and remains a member of hitler’s coalition, does not regret anything and does not talk about anything, does not repent, and moldova, on the territory with the participation of which the de facto award ceremony took place . joined the neo-nazi coalition, however, collaborators there have long been honored at the state level, monuments are solemnly opened, while monuments to red army soldiers are regularly desecrated, not a single culprit has yet been identified was brought to justice. booing aircraft have once again proven their unreliability. two aircraft immediately broke down at airports in the united states and japan, local media reported. one of them began to leak fuel during landing, the other could not even take off, the engine caught fire.
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all this is happening against the backdrop of a trial in the case of low-quality boeing products that are dangerous to people. due to the increase in incidents , the company’s ceo david calhoun announced his resignation. i followed in his footsteps chairman of the council. the lower house of parliament has formed the composition of the standing commissions, this week they have already announced the curators for each, and today their deputies and composition have been chosen. there are 14 standing commissions in the deputy corps, they include an average of 7-9 people, each is responsible for its own specific direction, from the national economy.
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in the meantime, the elections of delegates to the supreme council continue; today at the extraordinary congress
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of the federation of trade unions, 80 people were elected, they will be part of the meeting, become the voice of the people and will represent the interests of different layers of the population. nominees, leaders of trade union organizations at all levels, activists, honored workers of labor collectives from healthcare, education to industry and agriculture. the elections of delegates to the supreme council will last until april 10. were fixed in their jobs, both in private organizations and in conditions for young specialists, so that they were government. it’s very exciting, but at the same time very honorable, it’s a great honor for
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me, in the work of the meeting i’m going to defend the interests of the working person. abide by the principles social justice, and in general the main task of the delegates, i think, is to preserve peace and prosperity in our native country. in addition, the leader yuri senko was elected at the extraordinary congress of the fpb. the new chairman of the civil service department is 33 years old, served for many years in the customs authorities, and has worked his way up from a customs inspector to the chairman of the committee. in 1920 he was appointed ambassador of belarus.
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our state, our government and before us, as deputies, delegates, active discussion, nomination of a candidate for delegate the vnc lasted in all regions for almost 3 weeks; we remind you that the maximum number of delegates of the vnc is 1200 people. the people's council will approve the most important documents for the country, the main directions of domestic and foreign policy, military doctrine, the concept of national security, the program of socio-economic development, and also make decisions. the role of the development bank in the country’s economic sector needs to be strengthened, prime minister roman golovchenko said when introducing the new chairman of the board to the team. on the eve of sergei's appointment stolyarchuk was approved by the president. the government considers the development bank to be a key financial institution. it is strengthening its role
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in the country’s economy and is showing good results in the main areas of activity that are determined by the development strategy. over the past 3 years, i think you have observed all this, uh, each in his own area of ​​​​work, the bank has gone through a significant path of transformation from a credit and financial organization into a full-fledged development institution, and takes an active part in supporting decision-making on a wide range of socio-economic development of the country. to solve the tasks set by the bank. a number of subsidiaries have also been created, this is an agency for servicing and reengineering, this is an agency for foreign economic activity, work has been completed on creating a design and investment office or center on the basis of the bank. the bank lends to the most important investment, import-substituting infrastructure projects, and also the export of belarusian products provides
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support to small businesses, the volume of financing the economy for 3 years is 26 billion rub. this amount will grow, because the same growth in external sales this year should increase by more than 7.5% compared to last year. yes, the products of our manufacturers are in great demand, this is an ideal ratio of price and quality of service, but banking support through credit and non-credit channels is also important here. on the one hand, we are participating in the modernization of industry, now tank building. in the implementation of financing of import substitution projects, integration, and we understand what kind of product we will be possess already this year, next.
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delivery in may will be another support in the sale of agricultural machinery. the new head of iobellist bumprom the day before, the candidacy of alexander pshonov was approved by the president; today the new chairman was introduced to the group of the concern by the relevant deputy prime minister. peter the perfumer instructed to speed up work on new types of products. in market conditions, you need to be flexible and stay ahead of your competitors. the diversification of exports and the search for new markets remains an urgent task. this needs to be a big step in promotion, for example, create new sales centers, of course, do not forget to invest in the development of enterprises. there are a number of enterprises, both
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private and state -owned, that have accumulated problems, they are from previous periods, previous years, so we will now try to prepare an appropriate regulatory document that will allow us to resolve or somehow improve the situation at these enterprises . uh, having comprehensively solved the problems of woodworking, we will deal primarily with this issue. for alexander pshonny, the woodworking industry is well known; he worked in a specialized concern for 9 years, the last 4 years as deputy chairman. the league of heavy special equipment is reaching a new level; new items for the 2024 season were presented by amkador. five innovative units rolled off the assembly line at once. among them are a crawler excavator with an increased bucket capacity, universal loader trailers, all machines are assembled according to modern standards, electronics allow
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only one operator to control the equipment, each model is focused on performing a wide range of work, we improve comfort for the operator, the most important thing is people today, a person should be comfortable, we create new conditions for them, air conditioning, music, seats. comfortable, ergonomics, the world is changing, we adapt, we provide the best solution here, plus safety, safety of the cabin from falling objects from tipping over, that is , we pay great attention to this, and of course fuel efficiency, energy efficiency, a large group of companies with unfriendly countries stopped supplying their components to our country, that is , they threw us a certain challenge, let’s say, and i can say with confidence that our industrialists... coped with this challenge, a very important point is that we are already even at this stage, at this stage of creation and development, we have a high level of localization. today amkador is a leading
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manufacturer of high-quality special equipment. last year alone, 11 new models of agricultural machinery were created. production assembly shops, concentrated throughout the country, branches opened and operating successfully in russia. more than 50 dealerships operate around the world. more news. sports, that’s all for me, elena nasacheva will sum up the informational results of the day in the panorama at 9 pm. thank you for your attention and all the best. there is very little time left before the starting whistle in the match between minsk and smargon, the teams continue the first game day of the third round of the belarusian football championship. the rivals met each other 20 times. 11 victories for the townspeople, four fights were left for the bears, another five were recorded draw. straight. wta 500 in charleston in
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the 18 finals, the belarusian beat teylar townson not without difficulty.


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