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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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already with existing equipment in 3d, can approach it, go around somewhere, can even assemble it, assemble or repair this equipment, that is, this enhances how well the potential accelerates the process of developing equipment, its creation. as part of the volunteer initiative , more than a hundred drones were transferred to the wings of the belarusian army; a decree signed last year prohibits the storage of drones by individuals. in the near future , equipment will be added to the connection’s fleet. parts of operational formations. one more game preparing for transfer to the military academy of belarus. practice has shown that civilian unmanned aerial vehicles can be freely used in the interests of the army for reconnaissance, monitoring the situation on the training battlefield, and searching for objects. simpler models of quadcopters will be transferred to military-patriotic clubs, including the republican center for patriotic education of youth currently under construction in brest. theater. named after maxim gorky in
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minsk invites you to a drama in verse masquerade. the premiere is timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the birth of the russian poet mikhail lermontov. the work was re-read by twenty-six-year-old academic theater director david razumov. masquerade is the third production in his career. the play was staged for a little over 3 months. lermontov's poems were added to our time, modernized with light accents. mannequins also perform on stage. we are playing today. the heroes come out.
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i am belarusian, i am a belarusian, that i call this name, and the good glory of belarus is known to the world for good reason, i am a belarusian, and i am happy that i am a mother she gave me the language that i can smell the songs of my relatives from a distance, i am belarusian. and even if
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today i am small, i will say, i will be born into a tribe of ungodly ones, and i will never get upset. tv news agency presents. in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. pramyslovs babruisk uzbekistan yashche adny pradomsov, new garbarny kombіnat. on the right, the fee for uladzimir paley and iago syabrў, give only high quality results. it’s easy to deal with the atk, it’s easy to get rid of it. at the workplace. with such
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small details, even the most insignificant ones adhilenni pryvodzyatsa yes marriage, chalavek tsyazhka forgot the necessary reporting. control over all pharmaceutical devices is essential for pharmaceutical devices. the details are added to the control templates dozens of times. machines will be used to mark the future of our parent enterprise. gray creativity is the most exuberant.
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no, i am proud that my students are also mentors and do great work. yakast, under these mottos the abbotniks ab'yadnannya pramen worked, and the yaqast lay in hell for the shteparshchytsy of ramualda strok and hell for the zazyazhchytsy galina kandymavai, hellish charms, who
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wandered through this day, bring joy to the purchasers. zaruka tamu, gety ganarovy henagon. on april 17-18 , the second belarusian russian tourism congress will take place in minsk. the congress is a brilliant event, but we didn’t plan it that way from the beginning, we just wanted to get together with russian colleagues with the support of officials and deputies with diplomats, to talk about where we are and where to go next. russian tour operators are major players in the market.
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or a loover or some other object, yes, it matters, but not fundamentally. hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, svetlana smolonskaya and tatyana shcherbina are in the studio. and today we are visiting. chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry, philip guly. good afternoon, philip. hello. hello, glad to see you. and let's start with current topics, so to speak, very soon, on april 17-18 , the second belarusian-russian tourism congress will take place in minsk. what's planned
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discuss at this event? you know, since he is the second, this logically suggests that there was also the first, we will say a little about him. but it preceded the significance of the event and the scale that the second tourism congress is preparing, it somehow took into account the shortcomings of the first, transformed issues that were not resolved, but were identified at the first congress, and of course, it is unlike the first will be much more representative, although it must be said that last year almost 160 came leaders, that is, i accept individuals.
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the situation in the tourism industry, respectively, the plenary part, it is more devoted to the overall vector of development and the problems there are related to laws, regulations, working conditions, development conditions, probably even this year will be to a greater extent, and then the congress moves on in plenary sections, where everyone has their own topic, naturally tour operators travel agents they have their own questions in the division of responsibility in liability funds. in the product, whether russian or belarusian, other cis countries, and this is its own separate kitchen. from such a clearly significant point, i would focus on the fact that we have had parliamentary elections, and by that time we will have formed new parliamentary commissions, including on tourism
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and medicine, and some related related services. and here our goal is to introduce the already experienced deputies of the committee on tourism and the russian state duma. federations with which we have been closely communicating for several years and even working with our new parliamentarians in the committee, since this year in russia in the fall, a federal law on tourism will be adopted... it is quite complicated, it is complex, interesting, and we have already had exactly a year since the practice of applying our law in the new edition, and accordingly, it turns out that we are time synchronized with the russian federation adaptation, practice of application, in general, the formation of changes to these sectoral laws, which is very important, also in the section, which, well, let's call it the state one, will be attended by regional ministers of tourism. last year there were as much as 31, right now we expect it to be somewhere around 26, but you know how
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our russian-belarusian business trips differ, unlike most far-abroad ones, they can take place in a small number of days, because we have no borders, obstacles, great a swallow walks, even when airline tickets are expensive, suddenly, that ’s why this is such a government section, where officials are already without business, or at least. we have such a third section, here on two, on
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the fourth fifth, i would concentrate prestigious places to enrich themselves with experience, this is attention of our audience, first of all, for the first time we will host an investment section, well, we also have a general partner, this year’s events are already a bank, if last year we did all this on our own at our own expense, now we have relatively some kind of reliable partner will come to the investment section from russians, who are not only russians, there are also... turkey, uzbekistan, directly, investors who invest money in the restaurant and hotel business, so they really want to understand how all this is arranged in the republic of belarus, that is, they want to develop the infrastructure here, and invest money, of course, in belarus or or in belarus, this is a russian-belarusian tourism congress, yes it takes place in minsk, i hope it will be every year it’s already traditional to take place in minsk, but it’s russian. foreign investors who are interested in developing the hotel, primarily tourism
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infrastructure business, they are interested in the rules, how we work, what taxes are, what systems, how investment agreements work, and here i think that there will be quite an interesting discussion with the economic sector of the state banking system, leasing companies, this section is not very wide, but everyone interested can take part in it, this is like our new product , this will be the first time, you know, i have the following question: well, let’s say somewhere in minsk or in regional centers, at least a foreign investor is ready to go into the outback, in some small regional centers there really is a problem with hotel fund with restaurants and cafes even in the same lida, i remember a couple of years ago we were in lidi and the only cafe we ​​could find during the daytime on a weekday was right next to the lida... castle in all tourism as such, that the point of attraction for the rest of the city was impossible, what is good
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about the concentration of flows, and accordingly the money that we all spend as tourists, may not necessarily be a large logistics business center like minsk or regional cities, if there is a recreational resource, an inspection point, like a castle or the nearest good sanatorium, but of course it could be interesting, we’re even in this section. investment, first of all , we will listen to our russian colleagues, who explained what conditions were created and what, how they invested in the russian federation over these 4 years, because what is the point of a large network investment, to invest money in something something you understand, but it is just as standard and understandable as all the other dozens of your existing objects, that is, it is expansion.
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and bright, thank you, by the way, in principle for covering it in the information field, thank you. it was the work of journalists that these investors learned about it, after all , the federation of restaurateurs of the russian federation helps us create this investment section, this is a stable, serious and huge organization, here is the next section that i would like to note, last year we didn’t have it so much clearly expressed, this is a section for accommodation facilities, these are hotels, sanatoriums, even, in
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principle, agricultural estates and forester’s houses, and we are talking, of course, about technology.
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they arrive on monday evening, tuesday in order to sleep and relax, and often stay for the weekend, because on saturday and sunday there is an entertainment program for congress participants, it begins on friday evening with a visit to the national theater of our yanka kupala, well and saturday and sunday there are already belaz, excursions, national lunches and dinners at agricultural estates, and minsk for a week becomes such a tourist industry weekend, and so as part of the exhibition the next day, the entire site. from the president's body they are already flowing to our exhibition and there, almost the entire second half of the day, regions of the russian federation , tour operators will present a presentation of their product, and we will hold a large round table dedicated specifically to business tourism, this is a classic business travel, in general, in a word, the congress is a very bright event, we didn’t
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initially plan it like this, we just wanted to get together with russian colleagues with the support of officials and deputies with a diplomat. all the goals of the task that were set, they completed or being implemented, or something has slipped somewhere, no, absolutely not, of course, any person and businessmen, first of all , really want to voice the problem, immediately receive a simple answer to it, a clear decision to implement, such things too , of course, there are, we have a very good example when, for example, our hostels, they
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had a problem of a rather... bureaucratic nature, but we were able to justify it, bring it to one of our ministries, from the fiscal block, the ministry listened to us carefully , sorted out the argument, carried out a study with us literally within a month, and then we together at the ministry of finance, in general, substantiated our position, from january 1, those changes were made that our government found logical with our presentation of the justification, that is, there is issues that can be easily resolved because... are really very simple and understandable within the framework of existing procedures are easy to resolve. yes. but everything that is connected with international history, in russian-belarusian history, is already quite complicated. but let's say from the brightest thing that the congress managed to decide is that russian companies actually have the opportunity to work with the republic of belarus on the same terms as for domestic tourism,
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that is , it is possible not to invest huge resources in liability funds that apply to outbound destinations. to say that the belarusian product is becoming more widely available to russian distribution, it is sold by a much larger number of travel companies. all other questions were simply outlined and the business clearly formulated that we have such and such problems, such and such tasks, our opinion on these issues, it is the same, there is no need to argue and dissect it anymore, of course, the government and the ministry of development of the russian federation are our regulator. the ministry of sports took all this into account - took it into account, but further processes, well, they were not planned and quick, they are hardly possible, i think that this year, when there is already an opportunity to introduce them. changes to the federal law in the russian federation, our sectoral law, other related nps, things will go a little more actively, and in answer to your question,
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this is probably the most important thing, after all, we are different countries, but we have a union state, and just this year, not that one, just this one, it opens up opportunities for some harmonization of conditions and standards that could exist between the russian one. russian tour operators are major players in the market; won’t they absorb our belarusian tour operators when they enter our market? federal russia,
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it is very big, there are federal operators, we all know them due to the fact that they are present here, there are regional ones, these are the shortcomings of capitalism that, despite the fact that we have the most socially oriented state , expansion, that is, growth, still exists. development and takeover of markets by federal operators, it began in the early 2000s, 2004-2006, this is connected not only with entry into our economy, but into the regions of russia, this is the south, rostov, krasnodar, the urals, but despite all this, let’s say, in russian-belarusian tourism, if we see a flow of tourists from yekaterinburg or krasnodar or rostov and voronezh, it’s still mostly... local tour operators, because in some outbound mass markets, like turkey or egypt, due to the power of large federal
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russian companies, due to technology, due to the ability to provide this product at a lower price due to volumes, due to these same volumes to have quality and cost are on the other side, yes, that is, if we are talking about sending to a third country, of course a large company. it is always more significant and stronger on the market than a small one, as for belarusian, russian relations, and regional, especially tourism products, then no, here, in principle, there is no such danger, but i am now talking about organized tourism, 90% of tourism between russia and belarus is not independently organized, and it cannot be different, because we do not have a border, we do not need foreign passports, the card works. the world is clear everywhere yandex taxi, excellent logistics between st. petersburg, moscow is no longer minsk, but the cities of belarus, thanks to belavia, and the efforts of our
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diplomats, how many flights exist with the regions of the russian federation, i will remind our viewers, in addition to the famous ones st. petersburg, moscow, kaliningrad and anapa, this is per, nizhny novgorod, ufa, kaliningrad, makhachkala, kazan, yekaterinburg, this. true , it’s a separate story how to make sure that these flights remain full and not overly expensive, but nevertheless, in general, the idea is that these are independent flows, and independent flows are basically already operated by these aggregators of online systems, and this is a big , a separately very complex topic, because aggregation is outside the area of ​​responsibility of the tour operator business, it is not fully regulated, the money is there large amounts accumulate, this is a modern... reality, which regulation cannot keep up with, and here, probably, one of the tasks of the congress is to at least outline the scope of this activity,
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the problems, the problem does not always mean a disaster, the problems are just a task that requires solutions, but to somehow streamline this system, yes, it is absolutely necessary, in a word, large federal companies, yes, of course, they will always prevail, because due to volumes, due to working capital, due to money from purchased quotas. places, they will close the flow on themselves, such is the capitalist world of this market, unfortunately, but to the end - no, it’s impossible, but for now we’ll pause for a while, i remind you, our telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and make suggestions we have new and interesting guests, we are in touch. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry.
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on regular flights, whether a large operator or a small operator, they are in
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equally competitive conditions. however , online booking is the future, we realized 10-12 years ago, the entire tourism world always gathered at the berlin itb in early march, this is a major international exhibition, where we signed contracts not for this year, well, it’s march, yeah, for the next year, there was a very great depth of sales, always the largest party out of 27 pavilions was in the seventh, eighth, ninth, where the technology... online booking, online aggregation, if in the thirteenth year it was still somehow clumsy and not very comfortable, no one fully understands what strength and power targeting has, of course we already see what the technologies are, how the hotels in the destination are listed, we need to very clearly understand that this online aggregation is just a sales channel, it is not a tour operator that creates a product and attracts tourists to our or any other country in these online.
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nevertheless, giving this away is absurd and wrong, so in countries such as or even in the friendly chinese siterip, but turkey, australia, spain, restrictions have long been in place, these aggregators should exist, but it is important that they take a small percentage, not 18, not 15, but three, they are not involved in promoting our direction in any way, it is
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just convenient. the ability for a person to buy from his phone, book a hotel for himself and be sure that these technologies, no matter how many billions of dollars they invest, the global world, none of them, like the previous warriors there, could be captured, is going straight in our eurasian space incredible intrigue and struggle of new aggregation systems and technologies, i don’t know, we won’t consider it advertising, but i will list here... those technologies that have taken the lead are the russian mts bronevik, a major deal, yandex, which has a great future, is about to enter the international level outside of russia, a large company ostrovok, which has been on the market for a long time, but it was during the pandemic, in the twenty-second year, that she made a colossal breakthrough, and there were also many others there, that is, dozens of companies, our hotels very quickly learned to replace bookingcomcom with these aggregations, but
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still asks the question: we don’t want 15 or i want to give 18 rubles out of 100 somewhere directly, let’s say book directly, well , it’s more difficult directly, but only if you are regular customers, you are used to it, so the task of our hotels is to increase the direct client and work with the regular direct client, services for him and the interaction channel to the maximum, because then your position is stable, by the way, returning again to the congress, we have the largest section where all the guys will be online.
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in principle, how can this fund protect both the tour operator and the tourist himself, for example, if this is the twentieth year during a pandemic, a person is faced with the problem of non-refund of money, can he now turn to this fund or is this a very good question, i will now voice not the best answers to it, but how should our fellow citizens understand what is happening and how and what is meant, but let's start with the positive: firstly, in the twentieth year.
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this is a mid-range operator, far from
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the largest in belarus, there was a total of about a million euros, we still have up to a million euros to collect this fund, accordingly, if something so egregious happens, this fund, in general, by and large will not be enough for anything.
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but before this law there was nothing at all, but the experiment will be further improved, there are other excesses, for example, we shifted all responsibility to the tour operator, now at the moment where the travel agent somehow behaves unprofessionally, to put it mildly, that’s all it turns out that in fact the tour operator is at fault in the legal proceedings, the travel agent did not inform. about changing the tour date and some other nuances on their website is not so reflected, and the responsibility is entirely on the tour operators, what should we do, return again to freedom of contract, in general the process is alive, active, it
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finally crystallizes, unfortunately, it does crystallize, and regarding the cases of ships, yes, we had them, but in mostly of some kind, that is, these were cases when an organization that is neither a member of our union nor a fund included us in its agreement. is not even on the register of the ministry of sports and tourism, that is, this is such an obvious, well, falsification fraudulent activities, well, that’s why , of course, you need to work and buy through. there, who you know, who you trust, who exists in the register of the ministry of sports tourism, preferably has certification, the understanding is in this on the list there of the trade union or other association permitted by law, in a word, we are on a good, experimental, right path, he to unfortunately, very slow, better than it was, than in the twentieth year in the twenty-first, but very far from perfection, this is where congress should try, maybe not from this...
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they always sound, yeah, and although i represent
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the opinion of business, and my task is to make sure that business, no matter whether it is private or state-owned, by the way, in our union, probably 56% of state-owned enterprises, 44 private, but nevertheless, it’s still both this and that business, and this and that business, so, but any innovations, any changes, they are always perceived with difficulty and difficulty, let’s say, we now have transport issues, where are there ... in general, they took into account tourist excursion buses, they are also, as it were, irregular transportation and a lot of other things, so, but in all this the message is always positive, that is, those who give birth to these changes, the letter itself is very good and correct, the question is always in implementation, in competence and competence execution, this is always a problem, which means regarding agricultural estates, now i probably want to express no longer the opinion of the union. because in our union there are less than five agricultural estates, in my opinion, if i
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’m not mistaken, we have large associations, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, casinos, an insurance company, a huge number of sanatoriums, that is, well, we collectively occupy such a serious weight, but there are very few agricultural sanatoriums, so here we also took a small part in this, which is why i will express it subjectively, in general, of course, to streamline that broadest degree. freedom, well, it would be necessary, because out of the thousands of agricultural estates that existed, a significant part did not work with tourists , at least in the understanding that, well, as i think, yes, that is, you have 5 days in a week of agro-estate or at least a few days in week is definitely open, you can book everything, accommodation services, or food, or some master classes,
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in terms of the fact that here you need to invite russians
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for training, preferably paid, to pass on our experience, show how it should be, since in russia everyone is now involved in tourism, there is rural tourism, and farm tourism, all these are different laws, and different committee groups there, who shapes this whole thing, here we need to somehow synchronize, try to try our like rules, standards even a little... to add there, but what good the russians have is a principle that has not yet formed the basis for us, it is called ranking of territories, that is, when a lot is possible in one place, not in another place.
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having introduced such a principle, responsibility immediately appears on those officials who will use this principle of ranking, responsibility for their competence, for future results, for spent loan money or for lost taxes, with responsibility and decision-making on our part.
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it’s always difficult at some levels, so my opinion is that this is a good step, but it needs to be further developed and completed.
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however, in the russian federation this is very developed, well, first of all, because money is allocated for this from the national budget. in belarus, in general, i would say this is probably not even necessary. and we are now , first of all, i assume you were talking about russian tourists coming to us, that our sites, where the prowess of russian weapons on the western borders, are from the vikings, swedes, french, not to mention the two world wars, but is revealed in the greatest possible way, it correlates with the school curriculum.
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for russia and for belarus there must be some kind of special status, namely legal, because for our national bank, the tax inspectorate, for russian structures, what to work with belarus, what to work there with
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france, according to documents, figures, well, actually the same thing, this situation needs to be changed smartly, slowly. the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, our guest is the chairman of the board of the republican union of tourism industry, philip guly. well, if we talk about how you got into tourism, right? that is , it’s worth mentioning your father anatoly gulov, he died tragically in the nineties, and he
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was, well, not a stranger in the field of tourism, he is one of the few who was essentially engaged in the tourism business back in those days at its most rudimentary condition, in soviet times, is it possible to say in this case that this interest in tourism was passed on to you by inheritance, that i don’t know, maybe yes, but it seems to me. what am i how almost everyone got into tourism by accident, i want to answer this question, after all, that during the bssr, tourism was no less developed, perhaps more so, and this, well, this is not very good, but nevertheless, tourism in the bssr, as well as active in the development of rivers, kayaks, even cruise excursion ships, a huge bus fleet, well, that is...
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there were some other excursions, i saw tourists from moldova, georgia, others gave me something there, some pennants there's some sweet stuff there. in particular, they hired me as an assistant a guide for working with german tourists , there were a lot of them back then, german organized groups came to
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kaliningrad, svetgovsko, raushin, there were all kinds of excursions, well, somehow, i got involved, but in a serious way, i came to tourism in ninety- eight year, yes it was the ninety-eighth year, i worked in the company and in the advertising department, and as a manager and tour guide and... while accompanying excursion buses around europe, like tour guides, and with belarusian and russian tourists, i understood that this is what is important emotion, mood, and what exactly people see is the eiffel tower or the louvre or some other object, yes it matters, but it’s not fundamental, and i understood that this is what we have.
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solve some problematic, complex issues, how to be soft and flexible in customer orientation, and paris is probably the city that maximally shows this differentiation between the chinese, dutch, americans, russians, poles, us, these different mentalities, and not only by nationality, but also by gender, social, religious, and of course, in 2000, 10 and 11 , these technologies that we saw and learned, we tried... to adapt and change them here in belarus, it was of course very difficult, because i believe that belarusian tourism began in earnest in in 2008, especially seriously, when the first
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economic crisis forced russian flows to us, unfortunately this is not our great merit, but by that time , again, thanks to the decisions of the top management, we had preserved the sanatorium-resort base, infrastructure, academic improvement and resources appeared to update this base, that’s what happened... the world hockey championship itself, the championship itself, these became like bright spots, and of course we organized a large inbound company since 2000, i think in 11 or 12 there was a project and his success lies in what it is. is that for the first time, despite being able to organize seven-day bus tours, which began in moscow,
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a bus came to the borodino panorama, people from all stations gathered on it, put... suitcase and the belarusian guide began to narrate this 700 km about the history of culture, differences of similarity, everything, the person immediately began the journey and exactly 7 days later he returned back to moscow, that is , this is a week of the belarusian bus tour, which included excursions, breakfasts, accommodation in hotel, and we sold it all for 21,500 rubles, while the russian russians received another 20% commission, but it was very difficult to bear, i remember that when we came out with this idea and... we, i mean now dmitry viktorovich morozov, this director of the national tourism agency, we were partners at that time and organized this campaign, they basically laughed at us , made fun of us, it was believed that this was impossible, it was believed that there was nothing to do in belarus for more than 3 days, and even then there was a wave of skepticism , and not so much from russian partners, there was also so much from all our local colleagues, that is , despite this, in fact, it took us probably
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two or three years to... get this wheel to start working , then such tours came from rostov, from st. petersburg, from warsaw, lvov and riga, it became a large integral system, old catalogs there from the twelfth or eleventh year, now known there as gerviyats, geranions, some other things that had already become understandable tourist ba then muscovites said oh, let’s better depict khatyn dudutki there , who knows what it is, well, here ’s how, if very briefly, then something like this.
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at one time i even taught at the faculty of history at bsu, although in general i have a diploma, after all, in odessa i studied at the academy of food technologies tourist history and of course i have relatives there, for the second half i am russian, my mother is from the far east, my grandfather fought from kunecksberg until he finished smashing in japan.
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it’s very disappointing working in europe that we are not only no worse, but we are smarter, better, stronger, more active, we, well, that is, well, i didn’t like the way my french , german, spanish colleagues worked, then there is, well , we can definitely do no worse, and there can be the same flows, and revenue is generated, that’s probably the most important intangible satisfaction when we carried out these bus tours outside of these classics, the world is not fresh there, yeah.
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the program is coming to an end, we didn’t have time to ask half of the questions that we had in the script, so we will probably invite you again and again, because we see that you are a person passionate about your work, you can feel both the past of the guide and the fact that as you say, i really wanted to go on this belarusian tour, so, probably, we wish you success and the tourism industry as a whole, also development and prosperity, tatyana shcherbina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye.
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those who are older learn the pioneer motto, but you need to sign, those who are older learn, this is the pioneer motto, be prepared, but i was lucky, i was in the pioneer organization and in the scout organization of the republic of belarus, so there are very good words from the anthem, be prepared, scout to to an honest cause, a difficult path lies before you, look. chalked into the very unknown, well, further in the text, i mean that life is full of changes, difficulties, and we all live in very difficult times, so you need to always be ready for anything, be in good shape, disciplined and organized, this rarely works out, but
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you must definitely strive for this, so be prepared! yakolo obyaprietia, germany germany.
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live panorama in the studio elena sacheva, hello, cosmic weightlessness will be replaced by terrestrial gravity, as the crew prepares for the meeting of the crew with the belarusian marina vasilevskaya.


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