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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 5, 2024 9:45pm-11:10pm MSK

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the country's balance sheet is gradually decreasing from 95 to 65%. thanks to relatively cheap electricity, there is an increase in profits from the sale of belarusian products. its size will increase by more than a billion dollars a year. since the commissioning of the nuclear power plant, the foreign exchange burden on the economy has decreased by more than $700 million. for comparison, with this amount you can purchase about a thousand mri machines, or build one and a half with state support. belarus goes further in the field of nuclear technology on march 25 this year in sochi at the atomexpo forum signs a comprehensive program of russian-belarusian cooperation in the field of nuclear non-energy projects. on the territory of belarus , the possibilities of creating a multi-purpose research nuclear reactor and a complex of laboratories of a multifunctional irradiation center will be explored. centers of nuclear medicine and
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radionuclide therapy. it’s interesting, while belarus and russia are actively developing a new economy. the european union is destroying its advanced scientific centers. in march, the europeans, to please the united states, decided remove russian scientists from the hadron collider project. it’s clear, sanctions, confrontation, but something else is important. the americans themselves are creating such a complex, and they simply do not need competitors from europeans. but without the scientists of the union state, neither europeans nor americans will advance their colliders and fundamental physics. as we see, we are following a progressive path and creating our own future, it was a simple economy with alexei avdonin. the participants of the new season of the show heroes of transformation are moving towards their cherished dream. the project itself went to the people, because
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its participants were people of different ages and professions. the organizers announced the global casting back in november last year. hundreds were ready for real viewing and wrestling under the guns of television cameras, but only 48 people passed. the joint project of the presidential sports club of the belarusian radio company ministry of emergency situations has its own history, which is created by people, so there are special requirements for participants. the new season promises to be even more... the creative team has conceptually and technically reworked all stages to in order to make the heroes’ journey even more exciting, nina mazhaika will tell you everything right now and show you everything. what to prepare for while your hand is reaching for the remote control, that’s right, for an extreme adventure. in the new season, on the first button, the already familiar project of the heroes is transformed and will do it as always in a stylish, fashionable and driving manner. you've already seen
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teenagers defy the laws of gravity and even snatch stars from the sky, in the most literal sense of the word. this time the heroes will not just be from our time; everyone from next door could take part in the casting. sport for everyone is really the motto of the presidential sports club, it was he who laid the foundation for the concept of this third season, any person, starting from an accountant, from a teacher, including a locomotive driver, could truly feel such television magic, let’s say this so. i won't reveal the whole picture, i'll just say one thing that will be very interesting. hundreds of questionnaires went through the creative team’s journal, resulting in only four dozen projects. just as a butterfly comes from a caterpillar, so from simple people with their own complex history, but flexible.
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i like it, cameras are here, everywhere, a real laboratory has unfolded at the minskareni skating stadium, a completely belarusian product, which quite possibly will become your favorite sports series. stories with ordinary people are very good, sorry for the laziness of television, it appeals to our television viewer, we receive huge shares of television viewing, this is great, because completely new people are revealed to the audience, ordinary people, each sitting at the tv screen, in this simple person who got on... the screen on the belarus
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1 tv channel and maybe won this show, to see himself, he understands that i can do this too, this is an example for him, and it fascinates people. the show consists of four tests of different levels, the first one is participation. the instructor needs to assemble this and as equipment, tests and those who pass them, i, as a technician-engineer, need to assemble this, test it so that it all works accurately, in terms of safety, there are very high requirements,
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because we have both children and adults participating , we have safe extreme sports, we had them too very difficult stages, my whole body hurt, there were a lot of bruises, abrasions, but... the team, we were so motivated to win that everything was cool. and on a journey through the project, as if the deserts were sweating, team leaders will lead their teams, each team will have its own coach, which means its own tactics, strategy and even mood. the organizers also took care of motivation; the winning team will receive 45,000 belarusian rubles. my task is to support every athlete at the moment when it is especially difficult for them, yes, when, when it seems that there is no more strength, and further. there is nowhere to go, but believe me, they are always there, vladimir navitsky, as always, will be a masterpiece in commentating on the competition, and the presenter maria bogatyr and a professional tamer will guide you in space. he won't tame me, but who knows. you already guessed that edgard will put on
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a biker jacket and jeans to really light up the sports arena. without a cage whip, he will try to win your audience's attention with his bare hands. i caught myself thinking that i, oh, how... i want to become a participant, because sport goes with me through life, or i go with sport through life, i watched how this or that equipment was tested today, i want to try it myself, the adrenaline in the blood excites, but it seems to me that adults will have adult emotions, this there will be a real challenge, so it will be very interesting to see how well they will cope with this challenge. new episodes of the show will be filmed right up to cosmonautics day, and after that the team will go on a space journey through post-production. tv viewers will see the new season of this project in the fall. nina mozheika ilya pochko, tv news agency. the exhausted chalk quarries, better known to us as the belarusian maldives,
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for the first time in history became the venue for a bright and exciting enduro sports competition, the spring stage of the for seasons tournament. more than one entered the competition. hinduists from belarus, russia and lithuania. over the course of many days, athletes will compete in five classes from professionals to beginners. as the guests note, the competition helped open this part of belarus as another tourist route. we are probably the most frequent guests from russia who come to the belarusian championship, because this race is the most heartfelt for us, the most luminous, the organizers who go to all russian races, international races, they have such a great amount of knowledge, that from one place, from one quarry , they can make a very interesting track, and we always come here with great pleasure,
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they welcome us here very hospitably, once again the first race this year in which we are participating is here to belarus. it seems to me that this location, it can neither delight nor simply, well , it’s so beautiful here, i say, it seems to me that a person here will find beauty for himself, maybe even someone will like it here, just calm down, come to your senses, have a great time, amazing, everything is super, well done guys, everyone is driving cool, we are waiting for our dmitry bolosovich, look at the excitement of the boys in principle, well, this is first of all, well, he came from a lot of places, so we ourselves are driving here, the slides have arrived, the coolest location, 100% belarus i also think endurance. the fact that they fell, sat down and drove on, everything is going fine for them. as today's prologue showed, the organizers did their best and not only perfectly prepared the event itself, but also offered
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the participants a rather difficult route, but these athletes do not know how to give in to difficulties, so all the most interesting things await fans at the weekend. every day they host an international freestyle wrestling tournament, and republican competitions in memory of internal affairs officers alexander and anatoly markovich are open. for awards guys from 11 to 15 years old are arguing, and... athletes from russia and kyrgyzstan compete with the hosts on the mat. for many of them, this is the first international tournament in their lives. details of the first competition day in the report by alexander yakubovsky. children's wrestling, passions on the mat, the most that adults can't get enough of. a palette of emotions from the joy of victories to the bitterness of failures, there are such guys, such
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moments for which you can praise one, you should, or rather, you need to praise one, and you should scold the other for these same moments, because the children are very different, very different and each with their own psychology, with their own character, be patient, no matter the time, the coach is maximally immersed in the process. from their workplaces they give valuable advice, and often even address tips on the move, because working with the younger generation is always scrupulous work, it is these specialists who lay the foundation for future victories in the largest international competitions, including the olympic games. any coach is first and foremost a psychologist, because if the coach doesn’t find approach to the child, well then he shouldn’t work, there’s no need to choose one individual from... from a group of guys, you need to work with everyone equally, just
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everyone needs to find their own approach, champions are not born, they become. today , young men from 13 to 15 years old took to the mat, and many of them have already gained valuable experience, and those who are older are seasoned by the league of the brave, in february of this year, the triumph of which was the team of the mogilev region, in the roster of champions and makar markovich, for him a tournament in stayki, special in the calendar. i still look up to them,
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despite their young age, some participants in the tournament have been wrestling for 10 years now, having once tried themselves on the mat, they continue to move towards their dream, they often ran in school, and so on and so on. to fight, and then the dream of becoming a champion appeared, i used to go in for swimming, and well , i gave it up, i didn’t like it, i burned out, and literally the physical education teacher told me: i have a friend, go try to work out, so i’m here i’ve been staying for 5 years, minor failures no longer upset you, no such that sometimes i give in and want, for example, to stop dealing with pain, well , sometimes i also have a desire, maybe i should stop studying there, but i still continue. what is holding you back then, what is your dream, what is your goal towards? to reach the top and for
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my family to be proud of me, the whole country in principle, the whole country too, yes. it is symbolic that just today the european qualification for the olympics in paris started. these guys can only dream about such competitions for now, but there is no doubt that we will still be able to imagine many of them we’ll hear it in the future, but you can see it live tomorrow in stayki. younger guys will compete. born 2012-2013, alexander yakubovsky, maxim kembel, alexey yun and dmitry golovach, television news agency. and this is the information picture of friday, april 5th. our broadcast will continue with a discussion in the editors' club. heads of leading media discuss the most notable events of the past week. i say goodbye with this, have a good evening and a pleasant weekend, happily.
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hello, on air belarus 1 and belarus24, weekly information and analytical program of the club editor, as always on friday evenings, with a repeat on sunday, early in the morning we discuss the main topics of the coming week. peace in belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union, marat markov, chairman of the board of jsc, the second national tv channel, oleg aidukevich, member of parliament, leader of the party, liberal democratic party of belarus, alexey belyaev, dean of the faculty of journalism of bsu, candidate of historical sciences, kind again evening, let's start working, first of all, i would like dmitry aleksanovich congratulations to zhuk, thank you, you are almost, as i
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understand it, not quite, but already almost a member of the council of the republic. already, well, the elected official must still be elected, let’s say, the elected official must go through certain procedures, yes, that’s why, but i was present at the meeting of the city council, where dmitry alexandrovich presented his program, spoke in support of the candidate, congratulations, i am sincerely convinced that you will be useful to the council of the republic, well , it will be useful for you, and for us for the club of editors it ’s even more useful, but for me it’s huge responsibility, we are waiting for insights from you. in moderation, in moderation, we will discuss, yes, big state affairs, where do we start, well , the head of state had a very interesting busy week and the statements that the president made, of course, are worthy of being discussed in great detail, and today we will definitely we will do this on our tv channels, we will definitely discuss in the final programs the messages
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that he said, of course, everything lately has been revolving around national security, as for our... side, and in general, around the situation in our region, well , simply put, a special military operation that is being carried out on the territory of ukraine, ukraine calls it war, although war will not be declared on anyone, zelensky even canceled the presidential elections under this screen, i watched some interview, he he says, this is an election in general, he says, well, the law doesn’t allow it, firstly, secondly, what kind of elections are there during a war, there is no such law, he didn’t declare war on anyone, and why doesn’t he declare war, because you can’t trade , gas russian.
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what is happening, this is very similar to the situation that was in belarus in 2020, the screen then and here was freedom, protection of democracy, independence and sovereignty, that is, everything that ukraine has lost over the past few years, but under yanukovych there was democracy , you turn on the air there, this happened there, go criticize now, and stoltenberg this week, you know, the head of nato, we’ll also talk about nato.
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support for ukraine from nato allies and support for ukraine from the united states is something that is in our own security interests, because by allocating a small portion of our defense budgets, we allowed the ukrainians to destroy a significant portion of russian combat capabilities without endangering a single nato soldier or a single american soldier, so this is really what is in our interests to continue doing and more.
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when a special military operation was in full swing, the president of belarus said the same thing: if you think that this war cannot be stopped, then it can be done in an instant ok, but this will not happen, because nato is a war beneficial in order to destroy us, what a howl there was in the independent, so -called, actually dependent press about this, but what about democracy, freedom? stoltenberg confirms this 2 years later, well, let’s listen to the president, not everything is about ending the war in ukraine, they don’t need any peace there, they need it there. war, and the longer the better, in order to drown russia in this war, and at the same time us, and so that ukraine doesn’t even move, this is for them it is necessary, all these other statements are just
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chatter, this is a ringing bell for those who do not understand this, we understand this perfectly well, and we are not going to just submit to their wishes or desires, we just understand what we need, how we live and work, drawing the line. the truth, he told what was happening, he spoke in yugoslavia, then the president also spoke in the state duma of russia, until now this speech, it was recently shown in russia again, the speech of the president in
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the mid-nineties in the state duma, when he he said what you are doing, addressing the world, look, you are destroying the middle east, you betrayed the middle east, you left, that is, you need to return there, work, again his words came true, now i return to the words of the nato secretary general, well, this... he is telling the truth, but i also want everyone to know what he means, this is true too, it means that he not only wants ukrainians to kill russians, he wants muslims to kill each other, and they did this in the middle east , pitting sunnis, shiites, allawites against each other, kurds, this also took millions of dollars, they really want the belarusians to kill each other, they dreamed about it, in the twentieth year all the events were organized with one purpose, so that...
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i spoke this week and the risk that there is for our countries, they really want, unfortunately, a big war in europe, but not with their own hands, they want to drag poland, belarus and other european countries into it, hence all this talk about a unified european army, about militarization, which is moving with frantic steps into the territory of poland and lithuania, and the only thing, one of the factors, which, by the way, is holding back a major war, this is our sovereignty, independence,
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this is the militarization of europe that is taking place today, the exercises that are taking place, yes, testing interaction between nato units, they are all openly aggressive
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in nature, they are all focused primarily in order to strike at us, but at the same time it is very important for them to achieve here before the attack, they are no longer hiding it, they announced, many analysts said that by 2025, the twenty-sixth, they are preparing for confrontation.
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as a historian, please tell me, we went through all this, when the united states made a giant leap forward, after which war, the first war, the second world war, where they acted as sponsors, and after the first world war they actively restored the german economy, actively provided assistance , probably became the main sponsors and inspirers of hitler’s nazi regime, well, it’s not for nothing that they say that nato is a commercial project of the united states of america, and these are the ones who come to the territory.
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therefore, the enemy must always be in 2015, when the question arose from europe, by the way, that perhaps nato has exhausted itself, this is how an organization that is defensive in nature, and maybe it needs to be reconsidered, because if you look at the points that are presented to any country for joining nato, there are two very interesting points: one point is that a country that is applying to join nato must open its budget to show its economy, and another
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the point is when it... a country abandons its regular army, that is, its army no longer exists, it uses the services of a good guy called nato, which seems to provide it with protection, but at the same time it does not provide protection, it ensures that this country ceases to be independent, it becomes dependent, gradually it, as an independent country , disappears from not only the country, but also europe as a whole, you said that this is a commercial project, this is also a geopolitical project, because in this way the united states america shackled western europe did yes.
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clearly understand that, to one degree or another , all countries that are not members of the nato bloc, or that do not act as satellites of the united states, are a potential target for nato. this is the story, but even against nato members, the united states manages to use the technology of color revolutions. let's remember the recent story with erdogan in turkey, right? what it is? nato member, nato member, but what about the attitude towards it? you know, here.
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yes, we are talking about the fact that equipment, including equipment, that was stored in warehouses for years and for decades, in parking lots, after all, there were satellite photographs of individual tank parking lots of nato countries, which suddenly suddenly began to empty, and there were samples of obsolete ones, which were 30-40 years old, they are now being quietly disposed of, they, starting from the fact that they themselves they get stuck in the black soil, yes, and secondly, they are tritely used there in order to... well, to put it mildly, just to prolong the war a little, we very smoothly moved generally to nato, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of this wonderful organization, we must immediately remind you of one a simple thing, what it was originally for was created, we were talking about, because the first declaration of the need to create this
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organization assumed that it was to protect countries from external attack, and so for all 75 years of the existence of this organization, no one ... threatened any of these countries and no one did not attack it, and at the same time they created at least 20 such full-fledged world conflicts in which millions of people died, we will now list, but here is one more point, i would like to remind you , just in case, how it all began, the point is that before creating this organization, there were at least two plans for the destruction of the soviet union, the first was developed under the leadership, well, under the leadership of churchill back in 1945, and instructions for development. he gave in april 1945, when the war had not yet ended, when we were still allies with the soviet union and this plan was called inconceivable, this is a plan to oust the soviet union, at least from the european region, primarily from poland, from poland, but it’s interesting such
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a moment, you just need to remember for yourself, and then the drop shop plan appeared, it was signed in december of '49 and assumed the destruction of about 100 soviet cities, they were supposed to use it. for this purpose 300 nuclear bombs and approximately 29 high-explosive bombs in order to destroy the largest cities of the soviet union and 85% of its economic potential, this was directly written down in this plan, and it was not implemented only for one simple reason that the soviet union gradually used his nuclear program to build up forces, this is what i attribute to today, why good.
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nato countries, as a country that will fight on the side of the soviet union. in the first plans it was assumed that it would be an enemy of nato. well, that's it, a remark. there is one last point that i would like to note about this comrade stoltenberg. look how the rhetoric has changed. after all, they initially assumed that they would strangle russia economically, since, b, counterattacks and all that, they would achieve certain victories on the battlefield. since now this has not happened, it will no longer happen, it has changed.
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well, whom god himself ordered to train in real combat and also auxiliary troops that will replace the ukrainians there in the convoys in order to retrain them into assault groups, a mission that, on the border of belarus , send ukrainian troops to the front, and put a foreign contingent there, the president spoke about this, and today, by the way, i’m with the house of representatives arrived, news that must be commented on, the president agreed to introduce the law to the house of representatives.
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the only way to prevent war is to become even stronger, there is no other way, and
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i want to support you, you said the right thing, when the usa was developing, from war to war, but there was another cold war and another surge of their power was after the collapse of the ussr, when they took everything from us from the ussr, people, resources were pumped out 30 years, the whole of europe lived at our expense, today they are cut off, they don’t want to, but i’ll go back to the war, now it’s really very...
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the expansion of nato to the east, the treaty was violated, they violated this treaty, then
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russia withdrew from the treaty in 23 it no longer made sense, and canada announced the suspension, usa, uk and other nato members. in general, nato abandoned this treaty and there is no point in anyone being in it, poland left it six months ago, so an arms race began in europe, you see, directly because of ours. actually, i wanted to clarify this, because for myself, as a woman, so that everyone could understand.
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the open skies treaty came out at the beginning of the americans, please, it turns out that nato and european aviation can. fly over russia, but russia cannot fly over american bases, and information on the bases must be in agreements about short-range intermediate-range missiles, which ended under trump and after the end of the official treaty, a month later they launch a missile that was suitable for this treaty, that is, they developed it
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for several years, being in the treaty, without having the right to do so, well, that’s about it therefore, just one remark, he respects us in everything.
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so, in my opinion, there is no need to dwell on half-hearted solutions, why did i say that i do not agree that the whole world respects us, no, we have a certain claaka of several in the world centers, but overseas, one center, the second is a little closer here in western europe, which
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does not respect us, does not and will not take us into account, let’s look at things, that ’s why... it interferes with the security of belarus, at least put on pause , at least i saw a headline this week, i think it was bloomberg, who noted the seventy-fifth anniversary of nato in his headline, said that this is a defensive alliance, it was created in order to fight the aggression of the soviet union, i remind you, what year was it, what year was it
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year? can you imagine, with the aggression of the soviet union in 1949, 27 million people lay in the ground, not yet... buried, well, i can sum up for tv viewers the defense activities and peacekeeping of nato, 23 military operations, in the last 30 years alone they carried out, the statehood of yugoslavia, iraq, libya, well , in fact, ukraine was destroyed, dozens of countries turned into a nato testing ground. i ’ll quickly list it now, this is my digression, you can continue. bombing of yugoslavia in 1999, killed from 3.5 to 400 people, including 400 children. about 10,000 people were injured during the war in afghanistan 2001-2021, about 50 thousand afghan civilians died. i think that there are many more who thought there in afghanistan. iraq war. between 655,000 and 1 million people died. the intervention in libya is the eleventh year, according to various estimates from 15 to 30,000 people. the us intervention of its
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allies in syria is the fourteenth year, according to various estimates, from 585,000 to a million syrians were killed. defense alliance. and how many children died, how many families lost everything after the collapse of the ussr, when those who destroyed the ussr and there in the west, who did everything for this, and then applauded.
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alarming material appeared, i saw it, they picked it up a little, we found it in the original, the american robert lansing research institute released its
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analytics, this is what they say: according to a european intelligence representative, the kremlin is now working to manage terrorist attacks on belarusian soil, the kremlin to blame the kolinovsky regiment, a unit directed against the lukashenko regime, which is fighting against russia together with ukrainian troops. did you hear the message? the kremlin is preparing terrorist attacks, preparing terrorist attacks, what else is there, forcing alexander lukashenko to speak out against ukraine officially or not, thereby violating his constant resistance to surrendering belarusian sovereignty to russia, creating conditions for destabilizing belarus and taking full control over the country, scenario lukashenko's overthrow is becoming increasingly likely. against the backdrop of the lack of visible prospects for russia’s further advancement in ukrainian battlefields and the transition to a patrician war, which has been ongoing since 2023,
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analysts over the past 2 years have pointed to signs that russia is preparing to absorb belarus and bring a puppet regime to power, in turn, this is , by the way, what the west is doing here 30 years, by the way, this in turn will present putin with a whole range of new opportunities, including the full military conscription of belarusian men, which we warned about last may, well... i’m just throwing this out as a statement stoltenberg, this is intended for the local public, that well, the west has gone to hell in ukraine, but they need to explain to their people what is happening, i can remind some things for these pseudo-analysts, for us, for those who are watching us, for example , there is such a polish public television, the famous tvp, which has now given one place to belsat, which is subordinate to the polish authorities, here is dude, now tuska.
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the highest geta regiment of kastus kalinovskaga, taxama, unprotected ukrainian pharmacy of the armed forces of ukraine, magchyma international legions. as pakazvae pryklad belgarodshchyny, the borders of the union dzyarzhavy zusim not abaronenya. parallel to the interior of the country , the most dormant cells will be ready to open, for example, the nodes of the “peramoga” plan. on state television, a party and a nato member are discussing the invasion of belarus using this selfie regiment. moreover, we all
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remember that in november 1923 in kiev, under the auspices of the cia, at the expense. soros foundation, ukrainian special services, our running extremists, the ukrainian state carried out a seminar at which they discussed that it was necessary to enter the territory of belarus and overthrow the state by armed means, you remember, we had a sound from there, after all, we have our own well-wishers there, but well, it’s good if, it’s good if they’re just lying to their own people they pour it into your ears, and if they cook it, no, they’re not lying, you have to take these things seriously.
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there are obvious parallels with how the rdk operates, that is, the russian volunteer corps, that ’s what it’s called, yes, on the territory, on the border with russia and ukraine, because in fact, it’s not for nothing that this term pr appeared action or pr regiment, yes, that is, a selfie, yes, a selfie regiment, that is, in fact, and as shown by documentary footage that has already been filmed online, they were ukrainians themselves, these are regular units, sabotage groups of ukrainians, yes, they are invading mercenaries from poland and other european countries, invade the territory of russia, and all this is promoted and promoted on this video, mainly by a small group of those who call themselves vyrs, or rather they are called vyrs, so the fact is that we are going the same information line as on the first one, on
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the first stage or in the first line will be these so-called... kalinovtsy, but let's talk about how realistic this is, there are about 100 of them there, we thought, yes, well, about one company, although they call themselves a regiment, but mind you, they still have not come to the term that this is an army, there is a corps, a brigade, a division, at least, at least half, there are 100 of them, how long will they be enough, after all, everything else will be regular units, the only question is, whose, polish, ukrainian, french or someone else, yes, they are now are really preparing for this and...
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i was actually shocked that everything, life actually turned upside down, it became completely different when the mother took her student daughter to the cemetery so that she could bury or tear out these parcels with explosives, people have the feeling that their brains are turning off, in fact, they don’t measure their actions with the consequences, that’s it for them, life is over, 15 years is the minimum that they will get, this is an article about terrorism, these are these things they are, unfortunately, here we show films, we...
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we must clearly understand that after the completion of the election cycle, uh, after the all-belarusian people's assembly is held, the country will actually enter into a presidential campaign, this is obvious, never in the life of the west... this is the apogee for the intelligence services, this is the apogee for the fugitives, this is the apogee for everyone. why? this is a very important stage in the country's development. therefore, all available forces will be used.
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we are well aware of this, everyone in the country should be aware of this, not just representatives of the government’s special services. therefore they they will prepare all sorts of methods, starting from the introduction of a fifth column under the guise of anything, ending with terrorist attacks, extremism and those things that we just watched.
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guys, everything is focused on finding a way to bring us down. whatever relationship we have with you, i scolded you there, fired you from work and so on, you must be
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statesmen. neither i, nor you, personally mean anything compared to what a sovereign and independent belarus means to us; we must protect it with our labor, blood, sweat and our lives. you see, here they are looking for this moment, yes, they are looking for any reason, and this reason can only be one: to convince us that we have an internal split, and god forbid we achieve this split, and terrorism in this regard is the most effective tool from their point of view tactics and their strategies. we need to clearly understand that in the twentieth year there was a rebellion with... external money, with external money, it was financed from abroad, the fact that now they have raised rhetoric about kalinovsky’s regiment is just a cover for introducing their forces here, their
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sabotage forces here groups and committing terrorist attacks with their hands on their money in order to shake up our society here, and the president talks about this many times, god forbid we start with each other now, then we’ll go yep. it’s easier to overturn, but look at what he said back there, because our security is a military component, it is obvious, it is understandable, but the president speaks about the work of the authorities, the heads of enterprises, and, accordingly , the workers of these enterprises, industries, regions, the word then it sounded not in vain, that is, everyone does their own work and now i can continue you and everyone owes this with their work...
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there with weapons in their hands or there arranging obstacles to ensure that nothing happens here in terms of some kind of terrorist acts or some kind of military action, this is work in its place in terms of the economy, in terms of ensuring that this country really develops normally in the right direction , including economically, so this is really the task of each of us, every manager who comes to work today, every head of enterprises, and then the president talked about what people should true democracy is what, this is when a person gets...
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makes people come to work and feel that they are needed, that they are important, that they are busy, that they really come to to do something so that a person is satisfied with the work that he then develops their country, so there are a lot of really correct messages here, colleagues, what else would i like to enjoy in what he does, yes, when to pay attention, well, -first, let's remember an ancient, ancient message to all non-revolutionaries, sharpe's training manual, one of the important key moments of the commission. to win over to one’s side, that’s what the president was talking about, that is, the question is not that when the system of public administration works, that someone was personally offended or forgotten, the question is that this system is aimed at preserving itself, our the system is aimed at preserving our country, so every person within this system must... understand that he is,
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on the one hand, this basis life activity, the security of this system, on the other hand, they may try to use it in order to create a split within this system, just like, look, before the twentieth year, ngos worked, they had a task there, now ivan mikhailovich we are a representative of the local government, yes, the local council of deputies, but we worked, there were such eu programs, when...
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the real russian army appeared in the donbass, everyone saw the parade, serge, you just say, now, i’m just news, here’s the telegram channel tv company mir reports that turkey is suspending participation in davas from april 8, reaction, you can say it, treaty, treaty, i would just like to dwell on this phrase again, because the president never speaks just like that, let us analyze the phrase when he speaks with labor, sweat, blood , and if life is needed.
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our economy by declaring a lockdown, but we would not have risen, let’s speak frankly, economically, and then there was a moment to declare a general strike so that the largest state-owned enterprises would go down and then millions of belarusian workers would remain
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without a piece of bread, this is the real basis for splitting the country, the real basis, now we are talking about even such things.
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because no one was waiting or looking for any excuses, they began to work and many areas worked even better, because they finally began to work for real in russia in belarus, they began to create joint things that had previously been slowed down , including within the framework of, perhaps, a union state. and one more important point,
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just so that there is no what marad sergeevich says, and he says the right things, over these 4 years we have adopted a huge number of laws on...
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the western colonies are essentially the cap, but well, there is clearly a tendency to get rid of this, not everyone has enough minerals, if allow them to get on their feet and begin to develop their production, they will, excuse the word, not support us, they will give us the opportunity to engage in production, a delegation from the south came, i worked with 11 ministers, it was their first time in belarus, they were like. they are delighted they in general, and you know how the conversation was structured, they don’t just buy and sell, they, it’s not just
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sudan there, not just other african countries, they say, we like that your president raises the issue when interacting not on short-term cooperation, on creating something long-term, that we will teach them something, develop them, open some kind of production, set up bases, they like it, because they are used to the west coming, stealing, taking away. there was a lot of ridicule, what is china, it’s not a developed country, it’s still
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something, but the president saw the future in this country, its dawn, about 30 years ago, for the first time, he was still a deputy for the first time, and he considered, was able to consider these things, this is the strategic direction for essentially 30 years it has developed now and it brings the same result. he spoke correctly, saved us, and there were a lot of such decisions that the president saw, and
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maybe somewhere intuitively felt, throughout his entire political career, we need to listen carefully, it seems to me that this is one of these paradoxical decisions he voiced in grodno, when the foundation was being laid for this hospital, a clinic that is being built, he said the following phrase there : they are digging the earth there, but the bodokoks are fortifications, and we are digging the earth, but we are building the foundation for the hospital, we are investing in the social sphere, we are investing in development, this vector of creating conditions for life, regardless of any serious threats there, and military threats, it will give in the future, i am sure, it will give this breakthrough result, i agree with you, but in order to live like this and think about...
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there will be a chance, so you don’t have to come with a saber to the head and chop there, these are not the times, you need to have a head on your shoulders, then people will follow you, and if someone didn’t finish work somewhere, well, give him a chance , though time is pressed, no one will wait for him to turn around, you ran, he is lagging behind, well, you need to explain to him that you can’t lag behind, he will trample, as i said, but give a chance, you... become high-level leaders , people want to live normally and breathe calmly,
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they should not tremble from morning to evening work and after work.
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and i remember how it was necessary to have a certain number of crimes, there were no offenses, to fill out some cards, thank god, when the president came to power he set the task of the ministry of internal affairs in the ministry of internal affairs, this stick system was removed, so this is necessary everywhere, no papers, not reports, this is the task set by the president, he didn’t want to drag a person down for so long, it’s not like he ’ll sit in his office from eight to eight, but he didn’t go anywhere from his office, the result is important, look, we started in africa, we ended efficiency and results, which is one thing same.
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african leaders, african states are sweeping the french, germans, british americans out of the african continent with a broom, because niches with specific living people are not being vacated there.
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they have closed, we are now working with russia, but it is clear that we need to diversify these areas of cooperation; africa is one of the promising vectors where we really have opportunities, but where we do not have any then pre-set closed doors, obstacles, and so on, and it’s always us now, maybe a little for the sake of the moment, but everyone is really focused on the fact that well, the west is closed, we have here... there are two close friends, russia-china, so we will cooperate with them, there are already established economic unions, there is the eurasian economic union, there is this one
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belt, one road initiative, we are working there within the framework of it, but we need to look for new ones, we also need africa, we need to continue to make our way into latin america, which is also a very large market, despite the fact that that she is far from us, india for us today it is still a closed country, but it has great promise.


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