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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 2:20am-3:10am MSK

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and then they didn’t take you somewhere, yes, you were left to rot, well, just judging by the numbers, it turns out that they are paid, if a person is on the front end, they are paid approximately 130-150,000 hryvnia, well, that’s more than 3,000 dollars, this is if you live to see the payment until the end of the month, this is also a nuance, yes, of course, of course, so no one bothers about this, but before you go to fight, because as i understand it, they have nothing to fight with, but they say, what should you do...
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how wounded people are transported across the border by ambulance and taken there by plane such evacuation, let’s say medical , has been taken care of at the moment, well , probably for about a year, if not a year and a half, i haven’t watched such videos, well, you see, apparently it’s simply not profitable for them to demonstrate all this, then it was profitable now for some reason it’s not profitable, too , moments, and maybe maybe there are no those who now they are being treated there, maybe they have all been there for a long time , but they left, they distinguished themselves, they distinguished themselves, yes. look, by the way, if we touched on this topic, just today on our favorite telegram channel zhs premium they published quite interesting information, one, let's say, a terrorist regiment, a regiment, on the territory of ukraine, poland, it is not entirely clear where it is based, this unit of about 15 people probably published a photograph that they allegedly handed over 150 drones to this unit, and this was the first.
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this is simply crazy, i’m not only talking about this regiment, which doesn’t exist, yes, but also the borderland, because it seems to me that stealing money like that is even indecent, even in front of your own people, who are dying and who are being sent to meat, all people understand this, but today there is no mechanism for those who remained there to rebel and declare this, because people today are afraid of very serious reprisals from the sbu. relations, therefore, and
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as for this regiment, well, what can we talk about here, if there are 15 of them, why do they need 150 drones, well, in general, yes, it seems logical, yes, that’s why they showed it, yes, they divided the rest, sold everything fine, great, look, it’s interesting, the situation is unfolding with the sending of western troops to the territory of ukraine, by the way, let’s first discuss a little something else, literally on the other day, whether you were following the situation or not, a polish general committed suicide. somewhere suddenly by accident, before that, several american generals killed themselves by accident, somewhere in the mountains, someone will break their head on skis, someone will crash on a private plane, that is , there are somehow too many such accidental deaths, in particular regarding this death of the polish general, an interesting story: the day before there was a publication in one of the telegram channels that a blow was struck at the decision-making centers. to the territory of ukraine, just wait,
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in the near future information will appear that one of the high-ranking european military officers, something happened to him once again, that’s what happened, this polish general, literally a few hours later the news surfaced that he died somewhere in unclear, let's say, circumstances, in your opinion, this situation does not respond in any way to the news.
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here we are conducting some kind of exercises, they believe in their authorities, they don’t believe their word at all, so when they say that supposedly we that we must protect ourselves, from whom i want to say that firstly, you cannot protect the poles, you are part of nato, from whom, from
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little belarus, will you protect yourself, well , people are not the same and stupid, they are also slavs, they also understand all the processes, despite the fact that we have some... people without professional education in the military sphere understand that there is a simple rule: in order to carry out, say, offensive actions, it is necessary to create a group that is larger in number three times his potential opponent or enemy, so in order for belarus to be able
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to somehow create a threat to the polish state, poland now has an army of almost 200,000 bayonets. belarus needs to create an army of 600,000 in order... let's say, to exert some kind of influence, and even just create a hypothetical threat for the poles, it is necessary to create 600,000, we currently have an army of 60,000 along with civilian personnel, with cooks and with all the people who provide, how we scare them in general, there are few of us, yes, but we are in the shadow, so just look at what, let’s say, moment, you can, without even picking up a calculator, assume that 2000, well, three times more. than 60, so who creates a threat to whom, who is currently ready to introduce these offensive actions, and whether belarus is pursuing a defensive policy, including in the military sphere, or not, it seems to me that everyone must answer for themselves
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by taking in the hands of a calculator, including our polish neighbors, these numbers that you gave, they are simply visual, and it doesn’t even take long to count we have to, look, let’s move on to the same thing... regarding macron’s statements on the introduction of his personal troops, some kind of soldiers, probably, his wife bought him into the territory of ukraine, well, apparently soldiers, because he doesn’t feel sorry for human lives, so here he is the other day he said that in general, if the russian federation then strikes at these soldiers, in general this does not in any way indicate that it is necessary to include the fifth amendment of nato in... to send in american or polish troops there, and so on, that this is what it is personal responsibility of him and france as a whole, why did he suddenly take so much fluff on himself, does the conditional parliament allow him, and the opinion of the french, he asked
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about this, are the french ready to fight for other people's national interests, or are there french national interests a little bit - let's say at a remote distance. from paris, what do you think about this? of course, there is, today in ukraine there are interests of all eu countries, everyone who surrounded ukraine , the french will not die in vain, no, they will to die in vain, most likely the french will not get anything, but it’s a slightly different story, because today ukraine has already been divided, in fact, this is not an absolute joke, it was divided, the question is simply how much, how much russia will allow to take, but otherwise, that they... today they are behaving like mongrels, snapping at russia itself, but at the same time they are already waiting for what will happen, when this ukraine will surrender, this is certainly happening, everyone has already outlined a piece for themselves, somewhere in behind-the-scenes conversations we've already discussed all this a long time ago, we just didn't talk about it heard in the public sphere, and as for
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the opinion of french citizens, by the way, i recently spoke with a french woman in the donbass, in donetsk, you chose an interesting place for a discussion, two girls are discussing geopolitics. during the fighting in the donbass, this is some kind of script for an interesting film, but in general she is a very interesting journalist, a person, because she’s already literally on march 26th, let’s just not talk about it, because it’s an interesting magazine. will be imprisoned in france for she has been in donbass for 8 years, because she once just began to talk about who was actually shelling the donbass and after that she began to pose a danger to the national security of france. when i also voice my discussions with colleagues from europe, i try not to name names, because i know that at the moment, let’s say so, freedom of speech puts so much pressure on their shoulders that then the majority ends up in the dungeons of the kazimats, there is something like this, she told me... we were discussing exactly the moment that macron is going to send 2.0 of his soldiers,
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his soldiers, yes, because he is, as it were, his personal soldiers, and to send them to the front, to ukraine, she said that again, this is so, in general the situation is as follows, it’s just that in this way he wants, let’s say, to bring his presence into the public field there’s already a soldier there, well , legalize it, yes, legalize it. the fact that there are french and polish troops there, that’s what we were talking about, that the general died in an unknown place, but
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died, yes, you know, we must give credit to the french, they really are, well, noble warriors, i’m saying this without sarcasm, enough a serious military school and so on, and it seems to me that the military leadership there has natural questions, why do our soldiers come conditionally in zinc coffins, all this is done anonymously, without any awards,
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people are written off under various pretexts, these are
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the territories of france plus or minus exactly the same as the same thing, well, if the generals are being written off, why not write off five, ten, a hundred soldiers for some kind of exercises and so on, random military operations, i think that this is done not only in poland, not only in france, but in other countries of the european union, when the scale, let’s say, becomes larger, then, probably, people will begin to take to the streets, although, in the sense of taking to the streets, they are not heard, they are simply started to be dispersed, driven away, like this ... by the way, you can scream as much as you like, but we will pretend that you don’t exist, you don’t exist, we will do everything in our own interests, we will send our personal soldiers to die, so what are we talking about here, look, i’m interested in your opinion , but at the moment everyone has actively begun to discuss illegitimacy zelensky, who by and large has expired his presidential powers and today is in a rather incomprehensible status in general, what kind of person is this, but is he again a comedian from block 95 or has he never stepped out of this role at all? and he simply played the role of the president, but here even the role seems to have ended, you know, i
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’m more concerned about another point, why the european union, why america, they shout about his illegitimacy, why don’t they call on him to hold elections, why do they say that it is not democratic that he is a usurper, that he dictator, why are they silent, because this is different, you know, recently ukraine , in my opinion, entered almost the top of the list in terms of democracy and the development of democratic values ​​in the country. just while i was driving, i read the news that in one of the regions on the territory of ukraine a priest and church parishioners were killed, well, that’s how...
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where zelensky is depicted, in some kind of apostolic costume, i saw an icon like that, but i i didn’t quite understand, it was lying on the ground, but you saw it, yes i mean it i saw when he just swears and says that these are the leaflets, these are the icons, and the icons were distributed at the front, he says: you are mocking us, people are dying here, and you give us this, excuse me, shit, that you're handing it out here, he threw it away and urinated, well, completely. i just think that a separate group of people are being taken for fools, you know, at the front, again, looking at the videos that people publish, ukrainians from the front line on tiktok, a logical question arises, because, for example, a severe conflict between the older and younger generations is clearly visible, when
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men are sitting, supposedly 50 years old , and some, well, i’m sorry, youngster, twenty-year-old, approaches them. asks: oh, listen, grandfather , how old are you? oh, the man answers him, and he says: so maybe you also served there in world war ii? he’s like: no, but my grandfather fought, he’s like: oh, you say you’re red, he starts to incline him according to cases, that’s the same thing, the same political situation inside, inside the organization itself, let’s say so, because militarized, i want to call it less and less lately, but terrorist more and more often, the russian federation, including we saw, just the other day a film was released about how terrorist attacks are organized on the territory of the republic of belarus. the information and analytical project “current microphone” was broadcast on the belarusian radio television channel belarus24. with you is the presenter andrei
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sych, as well as our guest, journalist ksenia lebedeva. see you. review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth final stage of the season of the world cup ...
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we are at the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university, i work here at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations since 2014 all day long, this is a coffee and confectionery first coffee confectionery eastern to belarus, as always we work here in lebanese, we always talk to people, how
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to drink this coffee, how to eat these sweets, how right it should be that they give this... viewers around the world have access to watching the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and
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festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sporting and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active ones. energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to
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understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. the mission of the first belarusian woman cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya on the international space station ends 12 days later and seven scientific and educational programs are behind us. on april 6 at 6:52 am the crew of the soyuz ms-24 will undock from... minsk time we are waiting for marina vasilevskaya to return to earth,
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the belarusian will return home after undergoing a rehabilitation course. the consulate general of belarus is planned to be created in vladivostok, this was discussed at the meeting of our ambassador countries in russia dmitry krutov with the governor of the primorsky territory oleg kozhimyak. we agreed on package deliveries of belarusian equipment. local woodworking production; the connection of our companies to large-scale shipbuilding projects in primurye was also discussed; this task was set by the leaders of the two countries. many new product items, at least from belarus, and beef and metal structures, fittings, varnishes, paints, several machines, special purposes, clothing, transformers, lighting equipment, this includes preparation and...
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that is, there are indicators of need, which is especially important now during the period of sanctions pressure, we see that the volume of supplies of belarusian products has increased significantly, and we separately considered the issue of allocating land for construction. note high competition among russian regions for the right to open the first belarusian national trading house. in belarus , the composition of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation was determined. eight representatives were elected in each region in minsk. so on the list candidates from the capital are representatives of various fields - healthcare, education, the media, current senators. the proposed senatorial candidates were unanimous. the vote was secret. the voting results will be transferred to the central election commission, which will register members of the council of the republic and issue a certificate of election. the meeting
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of the central election commission, at which the results will be summed up and the date of the first meeting of the eighth convocation will be set, will take place on april 9. all senators are equal to the new composition of the chamber representatives will become delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly in its new constitutional status. the deputy corps today formed permanent commissions. solved organizational issues necessary for effective work. previously , curators for each commission were named; today their deputies and composition were chosen. there are 14 standing commissions in the deputy corps, each responsible for its own specific area, from the economics of national security to the social sphere and youth policy. the main thing in the work of permanent commissions - preparing bills for consideration by the national assembly, working with citizens' appeals and organizing parliamentary hearings. taking into account the work already done in the previous convocation, indeed, like the president, he repeatedly raised questions and said that give me the economy, yes, the economy must work,
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the well-being of our citizens depends on it. the economy will work, the well-being of our citizens will improve, accordingly, we will not think about some, excuse me, not entirely correct thoughts, then - for today at the moment, it is really necessary to further improve legislation in this direction, and this is, first of all, not to slow down the pace that was set by the previous convocations. a design center for innovative developments has opened at the institute of physics and technology of the national academy of sciences of belarus. modern conditions make it possible not only to simulate new device prototypes. mechanical engineering, but also to carry out calculations. this is important for longer and higher -quality operation of the equipment. it took six months to prepare the center. new powerful computers and calculation servers allow solving complex mathematical problems, and thanks to vr glasses, designers can test the equipment before its production. in addition, the center allows for training of enterprise personnel, because we can visualize this equipment in 3d in 3d.
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the use of drones by individuals protects storage. in the near future, the equipment will join the fleet of military units of operational formations. another batch is being prepared for transfer to the belarusian military academy. practice has shown that civilian unmanned aerial vehicles can be freely used in the interests of the army for reconnaissance, monitoring the situation on the training battlefield, and searching for objects. simpler models of quadcopters will be given to military-patriotic clubs. they will
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also receive them. since the birth of the russian poet mikhail lermontov. the work was re-read by twenty-six-year-old academic theater director david razumov. mascarat is the third production of his career. the play was staged for a little over 3 months. poems by lermontov fit into our time, modernized with light accents. there is some kind of thread in this that connects both the time that was 200 years ago and today, on the contrary, shows that essentially nothing changes, i don’t like
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tragic endings. in my opinion, when we keep the audience in suspense throughout the entire performance, then at the end we must give him a light of hope. the first official screening of the drama is today, the main role of arbenin is played by andrey senkin, viewers over 16 years old can see the masquerade. about unique features of the most ancient belarusian churches. on the whole, we can...
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year quality for our enterprise is an opportunity, even an obligation, to pay more attention to the quality of products, because high-quality products are competitive products.
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i came to the minsk tractor plant in 2004 after graduating from college and knew firsthand what it was like to work on the land, and better. tractor belarus is an assistant to the agricultural worker, so the choice was obvious. minsk tractor plant still in the soviet union awarded the quality mark, which imposes a degree of responsibility that we currently bear to ourselves, setting the task to produce a quality product. the products of the minsk tractor plant are competitive, we are ready to compete with other manufacturers of tractor equipment, which is what we basically do. when. i see the finished product, i see a belarus tractor, of course, this evokes a huge sense of pride in my native enterprise, and of course for the republic of belarus, because we make good, high-quality product, we expect confident work from the company in the future, stability first
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of all, modernization, improving the level of qualifications of our employees, and of course reliability and stability. for me, my work, first of all, is confidence in the future, self-development, self-realization. they say that work should be to your liking, if you go to work in a good mood, then you will do your job well. help the doctor, and he will help all of you, we
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are in the grodno regional puppet theater. in the honored team of the republic belarus, on its stage, we love it as our home, because this stage of ours is our home, through which we express our emotions, our lives, our dreams, our hopes and, of course, our love for our audience. this is a theater, or rather a theater building, very mature, it is 250 years old, the only one. these were, as it were, permanent corpses that worked for a long time, and if there was no permanent corpse, then various other theaters rented it, so i know that the warsaw puppet theater worked here at one time, our russian theater named after
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gorky, the most important thing is that there have always been performances here, life, energy, feelings have always been created here, and for 250 years different different spectators have come here, sometimes in such magnificent... completely different people, others are modern, but they also feel, they also look and they want to come in carriages, and now 250 years have passed, to go to the theater, despite our information age, the internet and so on, because a person needs an exchange of feelings, as they say, thoughts, emotions, they are probably not enough, that’s why we have almost always full halls and not enough tickets, we came here, there were still dressing rooms...
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where i am sitting there is an orchestra pit, that is , initially, when it was built 250 years ago, it was built as a musical theater, that is , here they danced, sang, basically there was as if it were a modern opera and ballet theater, so the orchestra sat here, music was played live, and they sang and danced there, so puppet theater is such a wide range, all theaters can be shown in our theater, we belong to it, of course very...
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when you enter just before the performance there will be... this action, that action is called a performance, in which you worked on your role, the whole company worked, of course, the director, artists, many, many services that work for this performance, so that it is shown, told, lived and conveyed to the feelings of the mind of our viewer, and it turns out that you are the last link in all this, everyone contributes drop by drop here, some more, some less, and you are an artist, the last link that through you... as a guide , this is all already underway, plus, of course,
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your feeling and vision of that image and completely of this performance, so when before the performance there is some kind of awe, excitement, it can be more, it can be less, but if it’s not there, it’s bad, it ’s a bad bell, sometimes it happens, but it doesn’t turn on , but it should turn on, it should turn on, something clicked, something happened in you, and you went, you went, you are no longer you, you do not belong to yourself, you already belong to this matter.
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with whom very often many, many things happen, we had a new year's play, which means i played atamansha, oh, a dramatic role, one might say, as we call the living shot, the black office is when you are not visible and the living shot is visible, so the director entrusted me with such a role, this was the image of the ataman, as in the bremen town musicians, i had three robbers, which i commanded, naturally i had a suit, well, a skirt with peaks there and there
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was a black wig and they put on a wig for me, it was such a black bob, that’s it, i didn’t recognize myself, and me, especially who it was, what it was such an artist, well, in that wig, like in the cartoon in the bremen town musicians, ponytail, he played the role, why do i speak it, the ponytail, well , that means rubber bands and it’s worth it, naturally i’m with... i’m happy to play the role, i command these guys, we have a stage going on, it’s no longer with them, they hid, got scared, baron munchausen, and we fight with him, my last scene, who wins, who wins, we had natural swords, iron, everything, built a picture with swords, ringing, iron, iron, knock, here we are fighting, fighting, in the end he owes me prick, hit, miss, hit, miss, hit miss, and it hits, but somehow i'm dancing i turn around, he gives me the last injection. i turn to the viewer, and i need to fall beautifully, die, suddenly i feel
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that i have, and he touched me on the tail, hit my tail with a sword, i still don’t understand, but suddenly the wig rises, flies in the other direction, i fall beautifully , as if killed, not yet understanding the other way, and together we fall so beautifully on this stage, we fall, i look at and there must be an etm, that is, a blackout, and i’m usually in the dark with my... he thought that he hit me naturally, and i wink at him, everything is fine, everything is fine, but i myself think, where is ztm, where is ztm, there is no ztm, how can i leave the stage, i mean, i look, my wig is there, i feel that there is something wrong on my head, i think, i have to leave, okay, since i have to leave, that means i’ll pretend. wounded, i mean, i came up with the idea that i was wounded, and i think,
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but the wig needs to be taken away, i get up, in the hall, when the wig fell and we fell, there was a pause in the hall and everything was like that, and the auditorium was silent, i was in this in the silence i turn around, stand up in the hall, suddenly there is laughter, and i understand that my all these curls that last all day long, all the invisible ones stick out, more invisible ones are falling off me, they look, probably to the audience, that it turns out that the king is naked, that is, i have curls and invisible ones, and my wig is there, then they are heard applause, and i realized that they were happy that i, they also apparently thought that i had been injected naturally. they clapped, and i crawled, wounded, crawled, crawled to this, that is, a wig, i took it , crawled into the wings, the actors sour, the audience laughed and clapped, this is the story when the audience
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gets up from his seats, gets up himself and they applaud, and you bow once, let's go backstage, they clap... clap, this is how you understand that it's not in vain, it's not in vain that you give up your health, i'm not afraid of this word, because each person lives his life, his emotions, his tragedies, his dramas, well, that’s how a person works, but we load our nerves, our heart, our organs many times, many times, like we wear out our entire, entire emotional, nervous system, that's it, we wear out a lot, a lot, because every time we... force ourselves to enter into this, into this, into this, so that, as i say, this is chemistry, then when they applaud and these glances, these smiles, then you think, it’s not in vain, for the sake of such performances, for the sake of such connections, it’s worth and work for a year, and two, and 40 years, as i have been
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working for more than 40 years, so that this miracle will save us. they are dedicated to their work. oh, komvol is the soul of art. this is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. our
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job is an art, creating high quality fabrics with substance. wool are ready to share knowledge, the basis of life safety, in my opinion, this is the most important knowledge in a person’s life, show one day from my life, i love, honestly, i love my job, i really love it, in production, receiving tape, yarn, this the tape comes into contact with the hands of our creators, these are workers...
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this is a glove puppet, of course, it ’s old, and our show has been running for a long time, they are already outdated, it’s not modern, others are already making them, different ones, and these without a nose and without eyes , and stylized, different, different dolls, but we cannot write off this performance, well, our children love this performance, they come to it several times, as soon as the three little pigs appear on the playbill. the whole hall laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs, but he is so cheerful, first of all he is in poetry, the poems are well remembered, there are a lot of songs, a lot of dancing, here are the three little pigs - that’s one. yes, the second team we have is a wolf and a crow, so this is a glove doll, you see, i put it on my hand like a glove, it is very simple, each
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doll has its own base, like a person the spine, the most important thing is not to break the spine, because with it the head, arms, legs, the spine is the main thing, this is the stick, this is its main basis, that is, everything, the head is on it, so i work, you see, it simple, i’m working, here i have my hands, you see, it’s... all the movements of my fingers, so fine motor skills, i can do whatever i want, i can sit down, hello, it’s silent, oh, okay, don’t be afraid, that’s it i work with it, the children really like it, for example, oh, oh, we haven’t seen the wolf, oh, oh, ah, i’m not afraid,
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i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, now i ’ll take a doll, i’ll take a doll called a rope, it came to us, um, from there, italy, from there on those islands, why is it called a cane, firstly, it’s the top one . the artist works with it like this: at arm’s length behind a screen, screen, you can’t see me, you see, i have to keep an eye on the nose all the time, because we people don’t pay attention, we think that it’s us who are looking, we want to go there, we we want to go there, completely different from where the nose wants to go, that’s where we look, that’s where our nose is looking, we are looking there, our nose is here, and we are here, our nose is there, and we are there, so in the doll the doll is looking with its nose, and we always... tell our young artists, watch your nose, where your nose is going, so i must look at her, and where will i go there or what, i should
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feel coordination, forward, don’t step on anyone, nothing, so this doll is a top rope doll, because her hands are on canes, that’s where the name “cane” comes from, this doll there are also some of medium severity, but there are also very heavy ones, there are light and here the sprouts are still nothing, so... i already have to work with my hands, so i bow, let’s say, hello, right now, hello, oh, oh, but the hairstyle is good, good, it’s like a person to me, that means i can already do the walk for her, so where is my cinderella, now we’ll try to communicate with cinderella, and we invite you here. i’m not asking, here you go, become so, don’t be shy, you will be cinderella, not even as if, but cinderella,
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that means cinderella, as in the fairy tale, we remember to the stepmother, not very, not very, she is her afraid, right, right, that means you are entrusted with one phrase, okay, mother, let's rehearse, okay, mother, well done, smart. okay, mother, now i will talk to you, when i give you a task, you will answer: good, mother, good, mother.


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