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tv   247  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 3:55am-4:21am MSK

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catholics turned to the military with a request to transfer the temple to them. the verkhnedvinsk region was one of the most affected during the great patriotic war. deep bullet and shell holes, like cuts on the red brick walls, indicate that the temple witnessed fierce fighting in the territory of saria. that he survived is nothing short of a miracle. it’s hard to believe, but in 198 a cafe bar was almost opened in the temple. one local figure made such a proposal. a new page in the history of the shrine - july 8, 2011. completion restoration of the church, the dormition of the blessed virgin mary was marked by a significant event. at the entrance to the temple , the first bronze monument in the region and the first monument in belarus dedicated to the saints and noble princes peter were installed.
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patrons of family and marriage. another important relic is kept in the church - an icon of saints with particles of their relics. the sarensky church is included in the orthodox christians venerate them as a state list of historical and cultural values ​​of the republic of belarus, as a monument to the sacred architecture of the national significance. welcome to belarus. the best projects of the tv channel are waiting for you, we will get acquainted with economic news, draw up a gastronomic map of our country, talk about the beauty of belarusian nature and quality education with a couple of students from the middle kingdom. shkulov and zhodina will become cities of electric buses. these modern machines are already in the capital and regional centers. on average there are at least 150 of them, but so much for the whole city.
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for 2 years of its work, it organized participation in over 300 international exhibitions. these are more than 50 countries of the world, the enterprise notes that in recently, there has been an increased interest in events in the countries of the middle east and the african continent, as well as in china. the next event will take place in zimbabwe. belarus will present its potential in food production in the mechanical engineering and pharmaceutical industries on a large scale. we'll talk about the most notable events in the economy in the "sphere of interest" program.
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belarus on april 7, a new project starts on the belarus 24 tv channel. food has never been simple. at all times, people wanted to eat deliciously and live well. let's figure out what it is real ear. ukha is not a soup if there are no potatoes in it. ukha is a fish soup if it contains potatoes and some kind of cereal component. now the world will change, she will share before and after. in which a fire was built, but a large metal sheet was installed on top, on which the whole thing was prepared, and of course there was a hood, the pipe could stand, let’s find out what smoked beaver tail tastes like, i would compare it to, you know what, take a piece of lard , take a piece of... carp, you know that kind of fish, and just
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combine them into one product, let's go to gastronomic tour of bykhab in the program food anywhere, these and other projects. on air on tv channel belarus 24.
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almost 5.5%. over the past year, enterprises of the ministry of industry traded $6.5 billion and thereby exceeded the maximum level for a decade by more than 7%. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the hosts of the travel show
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know exactly how to behave when visiting. babryus is one of the most expensive cities in this country in belarus. maybe?
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in our show, cheat sheets will not help participants, is it true that demarcation is the process of marking the state border on the ground. yaroslav, what do you think? i took as a basis that in the word demarcation there is, well, a root from the word marking, which can lead to the fact that this is really a process of marking a state border, but what kind of process is delimitation? here you can only rely on your own strength - 10 to the 15th power + 8 - it will be 1:00, it doesn’t matter how many zeros there are, but at the end there will be eight and we have 1 + 8 = 9, and that’s gone far, it’s just possible, in short, please tell me what you are getting at, a game
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that will not leave anyone indifferent, i chose option b, i don’t know such a bird, but i know a rifle that has a whitefish at the beginning, oh... this is his theme, this is it everything is military, he’s good at it, look, it’s an intellectually entertaining project, i know, on the belarus24 tv channel. my eldest son, the school bastards , were encouraged to compete in a literary competition, for which i love my daughter,
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i have been prasaic pains and thoughts zryfmavat, vosto z getag atrymala, for that... i love my village, because i was born in it, because my ancient, ancient family has taken many roots here, there are a lot of remarkable things here... just see manage everything, there is a railway, there is a museum on the shore, it’s enviable to live in our village, it’s a stone’s throw from the city, not everyone is laid out and beautiful, there is such grace around, i love my village so much, a refuge from the bustle, here in the vastness of the ancient ancients everyone starts my me'.
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i live in the world and lived in the world, in the world of the meeting long live me. i myself was born in the village of lyshcha. so, when the stuttering woman got married, she moved to pinkavichy, and as she slept in her home, abradave the veselny song, there is a joyful day there, and my husband and i are glad, and the whole thing was so that i fell in love not only with my husband, but with me ila and pinkavichy, vos this may be another day. yakub kolas, sometimes in his own way in pinkavich, non-stop travelers to the shores
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of pina, any fishermen, anyone who just looks at the crayfish and gets excited. your own adbachanaga, he will pack in the trilogy on the rise particles and blocks of palessia. let's start reading. the adhonny coast of pina is filled with teas and seagulls-soul sponges. the american louise boyt, in polish hours
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, came to us at pinkavicha’s, and watched with her husband how this man’s joint was hot in the vadze, yana velma was married to this, where is my father and at that hour there was already a lawn mower, so on the very right , the people of the village dug up reserves of hay for the winter for... i guess we all believe this. my father
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is polish, and my father is belarusian. well, since i lived on palessia, then i’m flying to my own home palyashuchkay. there, because i didn’t sleep well, they knew i was dripping the bulb, it was the end of the summer. there was just such a beautiful couple, and all life, all their dyatsinstvo, they took me with them to the pali, to the balots, to the forests, where i learned to feel the naval light, and the gods all floated on me, as on the itaratara, yak to the master of words, i wrote and lyshchy. our literary works of art and writing in pinkavich's world
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are at their peak at the present time . shi i mean sustrel such joy khatsela with you fell in love with you in the joy of zen boundless jumping with clouds belarus may, independent, the mother of happy and kind people, healthy and kind people live with us at pi nkavichah.
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our origin is not simple, our origin is garad, the main mass of the population is working in pinsk, but also in the pinskavichs, there is a great scale of business, so there is everything to do with it. spіnkaўtsy are heta chickens, it’s true, at the same time tsikavastsya and hetay on the right three times went down, but that’s all roina. edge asnounay guys, the skin bastard and the gaspadar have their own little chick. the sonnya pinkavichi are old and new. new zabudova warehouse quarter with 500 plots. now a non-official name has appeared for vasilka’s yago. the forest area is inhabited, the forest area
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is in the process of development. who wouldn't have a good life at pinkaichakh? isn't it worth it to buy gold leather here? there are all kinds of things here for comfortable living. the pinkvichs have a large school, a school, lepshas, ​​and the brest region has a kindergarten, a post office, a cultural center, center for creativity and youth in the pinsk region. the pinkavichs of our daily life have everything for a happy life. in 2009 to the centers. in the creativity of children and youth of the pinsk region in which we are located, an important event took place: the opening of the museum of pioneer glory of the pinsk district. a visit to the museum of pioneer glory includes the pinkovichi tourist route. our museum is popular among children not only of the pinsk region, but one can safely say throughout belarus. it's not
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just children and adults who visit us. the most interesting exhibits, in my opinion, is. list of the mother of the pioneer hero kolya goishik with the children from the tovog secondary school in the pinsk region. our museum also greatly values ​​its gratitude to the red army soldier filippovich dmitry in the battles for the complete encirclement of berlin. nowadays the museum exhibition back to the ussr is especially popular. the guys not only touch museum objects of that time. but with pleasure they sing the songs of the pioneers of the soviet period, they sing horns, they drum, whoever said that there is no pioneer, let his conscience torment him,
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the memory of the dear pinkavichs of the vishavichs has already been dealt with. i’m the only one who said, i’ll tell you the great fall of the veshavik roof, it was this long ago, but in the days of practice the sea races, the death of cows, horses, dzetsi became weaker without a baby, without a creature ashka, the women have sunk little and the sky, and have appeared all the time an old man from the village, who... ordered to weave oak roofs overnight and on them hung a handbrake of new jumping shoes, but no one could understand this practice, because weaving a handbrake overnight was not soft. i took on this work marya vishaulyanka. i wove a handbrake into the wound, and the wound fades on these months
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of oak roofs, on them the handbrake, the jumpers are new, and that old man suddenly appears, the pestilence subsides. scenes, and from these hours there are hundreds of roofs, like sleep in the abductor. of course, i’m fond of the forest, and if i had been in a hurry to go anywhere for the meat, i wouldn’t have done this, because i feel all the punishments that are troubling me, and i know, but i remember a couple of joys ў з mayo the top, not dziva, that the birds, the birds... the light is flying in the spring, pinsk summer. trokhpavyarkhovy ptushyn katedzh tsi buslyanka - geta hello s sami. sudau kinkavich. trokhpavyarkhovy bird cartage care for the route thread. vandrouki welcomes you to our visit to the pinsk region. on the first and other
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pavers the quaters of verab'i rise. and the vuslys are now in the know at the resort. you and i are marching on the streets of yakub kolas. you know, that's more than 100 years ago. on the streets of the pakroa church service and our young jumping mentor kanstancin mikhailavich mickevich. and it’s not just a service, it’s sleeping there with the king's choirs, where, after the end of the inaugural nyasvilian seminary , they were getting a sheet of music and books on the skryptsy. that's all there is to it, like the first sustra of yago.
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our pinkavichs, our historians have ours. in 1926 he painted the ilinskaya tsarka. it’s
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a pity, yama uzho that tsarkva. in 1964 , atheists dug it out. in front of all the rightful faithful, there is now a great task for the nobles: to know the records of the ilyinskaya tsarka, unfortunately, i don’t weed the pakul. lost, well, it’s attributed to skirmunt, and what else i would like to tell you is that about our church there is a very famous icon of the exaltation of the cross, this is a donation of the icon
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to this particular church, the pinkovichi church, the church of the intercession. our folk literary and regional knowledge museum of kolas has the most interesting aspect of the pinkavichs, who learned about the past months of the former folk school, which seems to be the weight of the salayan school. a polish school was working here at the watch of the polish acupuncturist. in 1939 , the belarusian pratsavat was pachala. school, and in the 51st year a new two-story school was built, the 52nd year is named after yakub kolas. in 1962, the young teacher of native
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language and literature, ivan iosipavich kalosh, began collecting materials for the future museum. it can be said that since this year the museum's history and museum life have begun to wane. well , the official date of the museum’s opening is 1990, when the museum used to be a former school. it is clear that such a nobleman, kalosh, did not come to the pinkavitsky land. eight, on the contrary, pinkavitsky youngsters, sevast kazlou, although they study at the garad school, and also have a history pinkavich. you are already 87 years old, how lucky are you to get such a bargain, how lucky are you,


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