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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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in 1962, the young teacher of native language and literature, ivan iosifavich kalosh, began collecting materials for the future museum. it can be said that since this year the museum's history and museum life have begun to wane. well, the official date for the opening of the museum is 1990, when the museum was added.
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nearby, in short, here they mowed the hay, cut the grass and dried the hay, we lived together in harmony, well, the day off came, we were already going to the village, now there were tvs, now and then, then it was more fun, and i’m so naturally lucky , and i'm dancing, dancing, i'm now, i'm now a dancer, and you stink like... i
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can sing you a song, i’m falling asleep, come on, i ’ll listen, the boys were on their way, their eyes were sawed off along the way, oh, let them be drunk and the fox’s eyes were sawed off. shoi is impossible, oh give a piercing, i don’t know, they love mean meana pіnka, ale ih palyubil, pіnka, as an asable, you are not a paveyman li, geta mai xiabra, the meana has 87 gadu. 85, i am a frequent museum guest, i
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ask them for everything and i try, as a magician , to test them as much as possible in order to capture this desperation, pinkavitsky intangible wealth, and people - well, people are making a lot of money, people are making a lot of money, you know, i ’ve been dancing so much, i’ve been growing up with the dyats of art. i'm sleeping with the directors, and i'm sleeping here , i'm doing pedagogical education, and i know, in a museum without artistry, there's no way to work these days, here i have a theater . colass, and the photographer, and director, daily excursionists are, one might say, spoiled.
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heta kalodzezh yakub kolas, it seems that he is a great dain, and a hundred yashche from that couple, kali the first school was closed. in 2015, for the first time in the history of the museum, a memorial stone was revealed at the honor of the american parochial louise boyd, who was a favorite geographer. recently i visited a certain scientific conference of a geographer in warsaw and asked my friend, who was trying: what can you show me about why we have trouble with ameritsa? no problem, they told her
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gal, go to pinkavicha, go for a walk, to pinszczyna, and everything that i did, i added to my photography. it can be said that luiza immortalized pinszczyna through her photographic haze. pa lesse polskaga periyadu. finally , my husband came after me, the meat-eater, verych valyantzin syamenavitch, who had grown up looking at louise boyd’s album . me, hey, this is my dzid, all this is so tsikavaya gіstory of this photo-smoke, and for the sake of peace, for the greater good, we know in the family album a photo-smoke of dzed from
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youth, as it seems old people, a card for that hour. the men fell on the cards. yashche is a merkavanne, what is that card. and we already have several such stories. zhykhar pinkavich recognizes his relatives in the album of famous american women. whenever i work in museums, i must know what happened before, and the best thing is to seize it and pass it on to your guards. the museum, as a group, is our hour. this is a great space, i have so many magical things that float to the inner world, you know, i crumple, i cry, it happens that i float to their heart and soul. the
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coolest hall, suitable for little ones navedvalnіkaў, this village hut, where you can learn from the life of the end of the 19th hectare, the part of the 20th hectare. kanstancin mikhailavich mitskevich himself is personally selfish in some ways. the other hall is geta shkolny pakoy, klasny pakoy tago chasu. she tells about the life and student affairs of kanstatsin mikhailavich, and the pinkavitsky period about life. and you can use the tablet tago. o'clock, this slate board, in which place dzetsi wrote. the most impressive hall, one might say, is the conference hall, this memory for the sake of justice in the classroom literature, lecturing, called expressions in her path, her way. here you can
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recognize the success of the student kolas. here you will find the most chestnut exhibits, our museum rarities. book of royal records of 1799-1810. there is also a paved and completed pinkavitskaya folk school, as the pinkavitsky school for poor peasants for the people was correctly called. 1915. at the gateway hall there is a library of the museum with books by kolas and great kolas. on some sources there are signatures of famous belarusian writers. our museum karystaetstsa popularity is far beyond the boundaries of the pinsk region. we are visited not only by schoolchildren, but also by the elderly. over the past year , 4 thousand tourists have visited our museum.
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dzyakuyuchy getai pratsi, i began to write more, there that i put the top of the excursion, i write articles on excursions and the museum. saints, who are our ancestors, they have become well-branded and popular in our museums, well, i am a happy man, where is the talent that god gives me, i give to the people where i breathe here goodness, i walking is easy, hell getaga i'm happy.
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let us rule the earth, the earth is saved, our light
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is your name, hail to the peoples of the fraternal union, our beloved mother, slave, eternal life.
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forever our belarus, our beloved, mother, slave, live forever, accept belarus, friendship to the people, the strength of the people is ours. victorious are the paths, our mustache is a clear life,
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the probable joy of our saints, our evil land, our bright land, our evil people's ancestors.
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live panorama in elena sacheva's studio. hello. space weightlessness will be replaced by terrestrial gravity. how to prepare for the meeting of the crew with the belarusian marina vasilevskaya, experts and our correspondents will tell. due to the current imbalance, belarus intends to suspend its participation in the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. the president. representatives agreed to submit a corresponding bill, why nato has turned into a geopolitical tragladite and what challenges threaten the security of belarus, about this and more in the new issue of the editors’ club. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. one more night, we'll see the return belarusian cosmonaut, the first belarusian woman, marina vasilevskaya to earth.
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the tv news agency's film crew is already waiting. report from the scene. personnel generally decide everything, the last two presidential events, the business trip to grodno, the appointment at the palace demonstrates this very clearly, we will start with grodno and expand on this topic. election of spc delegates and a new leader. what issues were resolved at the extraordinary congress of the federation of trade unions of belarus? the world is changing and creating a new economy. belarusians feel trends are moving towards space, atom, micro and bioproduction. i'm alexey avdonin, i'll tell you why. the well-being of nations depends so much on the technology of science. simple economics in panorama. a folk show that you will definitely watch on the first button. the hero transformation show will change your attitude towards sports. even more thrills and insurmountable challenges. details coming soon. heading towards the ground,
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it seemed, they had just been excitedly watching the start of the first belarusian. female astronauts into orbit, for 12 days on the iss and seven science education programs behind. tomorrow we are waiting for the return of the crew with marina vasilevskaya. the flight home is considered more difficult, so a special rescue operation has been launched. our film crew from the kazakh steppe is also ready for the meeting with the latest news, anastasia benedesyuk. this is our geolocation, we are located in petpak dola, translated as hungry steppe, this is still the case. we are 500 km from karaganda. our film crew left on the night from thursday to friday, 10 hours of travel, and not the most it was simple, there were floods and swampy terrain, we even had to pull the car out of the cabin, in a word, everything that the rescue services were prepared for. we arrived normally,
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practically without incident, we are at the point where we have. there will be a camera that will monitor the parachute descent, fortunately the weather according to the forecast will allow us to do this, and what is most interesting is that we are separated from half of the area where the descent vehicle can land by this river, which is full of water today, in relation to the fact that we saw snow during the flyby, of course. left, the water left, those immutable things that were sunk before, they dried up, so when we were traveling, we did not encounter any such supernatural obstacles, but the river is still an obstacle, and it is important for us now to check this...
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for shock absorption when touching the ground, the gamma-ray altimeter is powered, which at a height of a meter from the ground gives the command to fire the soft landing engine. that is, if we manage to remove the contact tomorrow, there will be something like an explosion, it’s the powder engines that fire, extinguishing vertical speed and thereby soften
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the landing of the ship, since they are located at the bottom of the vehicle, when passing through dense layers of the atmosphere, this is covered with a sheet of thermal protection, which is separated by falling, this is from previous landings from some ship, there are a lot of them here in the steppe, like this... such a thing protects the crew and the ship when passing through dense layers of the atmosphere, it gets very hot, burns, at the moment we have an estimated landing time, this is 10 hours 17 minutes 33 seconds moscow name time, respectively 10 minutes before 15 minutes before the estimated time of touching, the parachute opens, we hope that the weather will also be clear in the morning and we will see this process of opening the parachute, respectively 15 minutes in... lifts the descent of the ship by parachute, then landing occurs, that's if the weather will be calm, most likely the device will remain standing vertically, if there is some
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wind, there will be lateral speed, the ship may fall on its side. soyuz ms-24 from the iss will take about 3.5 hours, ground forces, rescue forces are already in place, air support will join tomorrow. the main thing is that rosaviatsiya, roscosmos, and the ministry of defense are all ready for both... a regular descent and an emergency and ballistic one. anastasia benedisyuk, ivan mozgo, tv news agency, kazakhstan. of course, the landing of astronauts, like the launch , is a complex technical process, its entire course is controlled from the flight control center. also, the return to earth will be closely monitored in the star city. scientists test the health of astronauts, because every such short-term flight equated to a mission to the moon. about experiments in space on earth, about complexity. after the landing process, we will talk about rehabilitation with the head of the department of physiology of human gravitational stability of the russian academy of sciences, doctor of biological sciences elena
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fomina. elena, hello. very soon the crew from marina vasilevskaya will return to earth. how will this process be carried out and what awaits the astronauts after? well, of course, the return will be in baikanur, there specially. brigades are preparing, that is there are tents being deployed there, in which, where the astronaut will be met, there are some urgent loads that will be received directly at baikonur, with our experiment we will wait in the star city, our first test will be performed on the first day after marina’s landing, then every day she will have testing, and testing is mainly aimed at assessing her... health, for us now every flight is very important, including also a short flight, because we consider it as an analogue short missions to the moon, it is important to us what
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happens after such a stay in weightlessness, quite short-lived, before, even on such short flights, we did not use means at all to prevent the negative effects of weightlessness, but with marina we are starting a new era, so to speak, this one suit... which allows you to apply negative pressure to the lower half of the body, this is the first time it will be used in the experiment, i have already received information from the flight control center that everything went well, everything went as expected, we are there we simulate a vacuum that is not as great as we do for our cosmonauts, who perform long flights, because they are in conditions for a long time...
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strong direction, and i think that we just tried to draw up our scientific program in such a way that the strengths of both the russian academy of sciences and the belarusian academy of sciences, we could use in this flight, after the flight surveys, instruments developed in belarus will be used, belarusian scientists provided us with these instruments, they now they are already working in an experiment in space flight conditions, we are in a ground experiment now. we have a year-long experiment going on at the institute, and these devices from the belarusian side are also already used there, now we will also use these hss monitors before and after the flight.
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when yuri gagarin flew, but there were still serious other political circumstances, but i, for example, had to be present in the united arab emirates when the arab cosmonaut flew, and we also prepared him, and i saw with what enthusiasm all the united arab emirates welcomed this astronaut, by the way, he also had a short flight, so i think this is very important for the country, because this is
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a transition to a new level. technology, this means that another ocean has become available to you, not only oceans of water, but an ocean of air, in the full sense of the word, because it’s one thing, it’s one thing to just fly on an airplane, and another thing when it’s already a spaceship . thank you, elena, and i’ll remind you that we talked with the head of the physiology department of human gravitational stability of the russian academy of sciences, doctor of biological sciences, elena fomina.
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we are very worried about you, you should know that you are our people, we will be waiting for you here in belarus, we know this, i will not let you down, i did everything possible and even impossible. new faces in the executive branch, the management of banks and concerns, a new
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hospital in grodnoy, a new breath for... this is expected from new top managers, the president has agreed on people ready to work effectively, and it is necessary to understand that to get into this personnel reserve, you have to prove yourself in business for more than one year. there are no random people in high positions in belarus, especially now, katerina krutalevich will continue. personnel generally decide everything, the last two presidents. a business trip to grodno, an appointment at the palace demonstrates this very clearly, we will start with grodno and finish this topic. the working trip had two points: laying the capsule - this is part of the solemn ceremony; at the construction site of a new hospital; visiting the production site of auls grodno glass factory both projects are very
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important for grodno, hospital, this will be the first hospital in the region, attention, with a therapeutic focus, in other words, a clinic for the elderly, which is usually the case for all of us in the not so distant future, we need comprehensive examinations , the hospital will be built in a recreational area next to the neman river, so that people will enjoy going out to be in the fresh air, not to mention the fact that the clinic provides everything from intensive care to telemedicine rooms, the usable area coefficient here is 84%, here there really are no frills. it’s made with wings, this is one post, the second one is for configuring the office space, it’s easy to plan, great, you know, we have to build it in 2 years, why in two: reducing construction is always saving money, china is a good reference point, hospitals there can be built in 2 weeks thanks to modular systems, and the issue of moving part of the second grodno clinic, which is located in the buildings of the bernardine monastery, will be resolved more quickly; this is of course a unique story.


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