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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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the last two presidential events , a business trip to grodno and an appointment at the palace , demonstrate this very clearly. we will start with grodno and expand on this topic. the working trip had two points: laying the capsule - this is part of the solemn ceremony; at the site of the construction of a new hospital, visiting the production site of the auls grodno glass factory. both projects are for... but very important for the hospital, this will be the first hospital in the region, attention, with a therapeutic focus, in other words, a clinic for the elderly, which is what they usually mean in general, in the not so distant future, we all need comprehensive examinations, the hospital will be built in a recreational area next to the neman river, so that people would enjoy going out to be in the fresh air, not to mention the fact that the clinic provides everything from intensive care to telemedicine rooms, the coefficient of usable area here is 84%, here...
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money, a good reference point is china, where hospitals have reduced construction - this is always a saving , they can be built in 2 weeks thanks to modular systems, secondly, the issue of moving part of the second will be resolved more quickly grodno clinic, which is located in the building of the bernardine monastery, this is of course a unique story, certain... there are difficulties with the placement of new modern diagnostic equipment, which simply has nowhere to be installed, bathrooms, showers, oh, i wish, i wish, here are the buildings themselves, a real hospital is adapted for a hospital, this is a monastery building, this is a hostel building, therefore, if reconstruction is carried out here, then a very small number of beds will remain, our institution, it is located... one might
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say, on the first line from the neman, and if a tourist center is located here, we already do not have enough hotels, there are not enough tourist places, and this will be very good, a reasonable approach, of course reasonable, one of the reasons, the governor is a professional physician, is it possible to build such a hospital without being a professional physician, probably yes, but definitely with much greater effort, and of course with the involvement of professionals, this is a very important point, it is impossible to understand everything, but you need to be able to create teams that can solve such problems, and of course... you can delve into everything, provided that the person wants to leave something behind. we have big plans, we will do a lot with you, but most importantly, we must make sure that our children, based on what we have done, do more. hence the president’s request, demands, sometimes an ultimatum, the gradation changes, but frugality. this is really true. belarus is a country without rich resources, it was created virtually through labor, here at work. each of us,
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no matter how pretentious it may sound, were as rich as they are in the emirates or in russia, we would probably have already tried several options for our development, listen, they have oil, gas, gold, rare earths, other metals, uranium and so on, they can easily shut down this nonsense, they can make a u-turn and preach a different policy, by the way, what russia is doing now, it is moving away from that frantic market economy, you remember, we repeated them all...
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and this money is needed earn money. investment projects are also connected with local and republican budgets. money is invested, it comes back , earnings begin, it is spent on the social sphere, the circle is closed. auls is a new production site of the grodno glass factory, more connected with the country’s money, but with the local innovation fund, they produce glass containers of almost any design, request forms, there is also a question of personnel, this project had to be calculated, thanks precisely to the president.
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there are no forests south of a certain parallel; the world needs these products, starting from slats there are floors, baseboards and furniture, but we can’t sell them. dmitry gorodetsky, deputy chairman of the brest regional executive committee, became the first deputy chairman. now there will be personal observation; ex-mayor baranovich and mikhail batsenko also joined the brest regional executive committee. so, whether a leader worked in small towns or not can be seen immediately from the roads and... to the bloggers gathered in the executive committee. batsenko managed to work with the media sphere. this is a very good indicator of the openness of power; never before in baranavichy have opinion leaders been so united by the executive committee. this can be seen from events in the city, the development of sports, some dance schools, regular
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youth events, and so in baranovichi they don’t really want to part with botsenko. this is not an exaggeration. now baranovich understands me, but they believe that replacing maxim antonyuk, and he came from the construction industry, will be equivalent. you come to power in these difficult times and you agreed to lead the relevant areas, i am grateful to you for this, order beats class, there will be discipline and order, some shortcomings will be compensated, people want to live normal and breathe calmly, they should not tremble from morning to evening at work and after work, create a normal atmosphere in the team, give...
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it’s your brains, and this resource is inexhaustible. now the presidential personnel register will be updated, there will be many changes in the branches of government, in general, we still maintain a policy of opportunity, in this country you just need to want it. my name is katerina krutalevich, and we have only partially completed this topic. the role of the development bank in the country's economic sector needs to be strengthened. this. said prime minister roman golovchenko, introducing the new chairman of the board to the team. on the eve of the appointment of sergei stolerchuk, the president agreed; the government considers the development bank to be a key financial institution. it is strengthening its role in the country's economy and showing good results in the main areas of activity, which are determined by the
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development strategy. over the past 3 years, i think you have observed all this, each in your own area of ​​​​work. an honest path of transformation from a credit and financial institution into a full-fledged one development institute and takes an active part in supporting decision-making on a wide range of socio-economic development of the country. to solve the set tasks, a number of subsidiaries have been created in the bank, this is an agency for servicing and re-engineering, this is an agency for foreign economic activity, work on the creation has been completed:
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diversification of exports and the search for new markets remains an urgent task. to do this, you need to take a big step in promotion, for example, create new sales centers, of course, do not forget to invest in development enterprises. the most important result of the work of the state is its effectiveness. this opinion was voiced in the next issue of the club editors program. as experts noted, the sovereignty of our country today is serious work not only for officials, but also for every belarusian. only together. we will stand, you see, they are looking for this moment, yes, they are looking for any reason, and this
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reason can only be one: to convince us that we have an internal split, and god forbid we achieve this split, and terrorism in in this regard, the most effective tool in terms of their tactics and their strategy, we need to clearly understand that in the twentieth year there was a rebellion. with external money, with external money, it was financed from abroad, the fact that now they have raised rhetoric about kolinovsky’s regiment is just a cover for introducing their forces here, their sabotage groups here and committing terrorist attacks with their hands with their money in order to to rock our society, i want to draw attention to the president’s words that everyone in their place must protect their the country was bleeding with sweat, and this is not only in...
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it was developing normally in the right direction, including economically. and also the bloody anniversary of nato 75 years. why the organization has turned into a geopolitical tragladite and what challenges the security of belarus faces is not only about this. in the new issue of the editors club, watch today after the panorama. the president of belarus today agreed to submit to the house of representatives a draft law on suspending the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, but this is not means our country’s withdrawal from the agreement, while the armed forces are not yet recruited.
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weapons. attack helicopters. restrictions were introduced in the so-called flank zones, where the amount of military equipment was prescribed and you can also see these numbers on your screens. for control, there was a system of information exchange and mutual inspections. after the collapse of the ussr, the dissolution of the organization of the warsaw pact countries, parties to the treaty on conventional armed forces. europe became only 30 countries, although the agreement should have been signed all states in europe. some
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states fell apart, like czechoslovakia, germany united, a number of countries began to come under the jurisdiction of nato and join nato, and the balance was accordingly upset. in order to maintain this balance, it was necessary to adapt the agreement to existing realities. in 1999, already 30 states signed this agreement, but unfortunately ... only four ratified it: belarus, the very first, russia, kazakhstan and ukraine. this was exactly the starting point, non-signing is adapted to everything already, well, most likely approaching the collapse of this agreement. why? there was no control over the number of personnel armed with military equipment. unfortunately, gray areas have emerged. these are states that were not included in the davs, for example, estonia, latvia, lithuania. and they, at their discretion, could increase both the number of weapons and the number of personnel, including
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foreign countries, what we are seeing today are battalion-tactical groups turn into brigade troops, not only nato troops arrive, but also the united states of a separate group, that is, the balance is upset, but it’s not just a matter of balance, it’s also a threat to the national security of the republic of belarus, and it’s a matter of destabilizing the situation in the eastern european region. well, a violation of the european security architecture in general. the twentieth year became a crisis for the treaty, when many western countries suspended its implementation, citing the coronavirus pandemic. and since the twenty-second year , almost all countries of the nato bloc have gone to ignoring the implementation of individual points. eu countries do not accept inspectors from belarus, thereby violating the terms of the agreement. first of all, these are the czech republic and poland. conditions are being created that make it possible to build up weapons and military equipment uncontrollably. back in november twenty -third, the north atlantic council of nato made a statement about the intention of the member countries
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of the alliance participating in the treaty to suspend its actions. russia also withdrew from the treaty. and today they are leaving this treaty and building up their own weapons systems, we we cannot calmly look at this process, and i, probably, as a person who understands what national security is, am increasingly convinced that apparently the time has come for us to reconsider our attitude towards this document and think about what fully
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meets our national interests . the suspension of participation in the treaty is not an attempt to begin to build up military power, and the restrictions provided for by the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe are not violated by belarus, for example, the number of personnel is almost 40% lower than this allowed by quotas for our country, a multiple increase in weapons is also not expected in the near future. at the same time, the west not only does not comply with previously reached agreements, but also does not hide its military ambitions, building up its weapons and making increasingly aggressive plans. us ground forces launched the largest exercise in europe, defender-24. the maneuvers will last until the end of may. more than 90 thousand soldiers from more than 30 nato and partner countries will take part in them. american warships have been sent to the region. the stated goal is to evaluate the bloc's ability to quickly deploy forces from north america to
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bolster european defenses. the swedish military is conducting exercises on the island of gotland in the baltic sea. after the country joined nato, this territory became a strategic object of the alliance, with plans to create a nato base on the island and station foreign troops there. today we announced the start of exercise steadfast defender 2024, which begins next week and runs until the end of may. exercise steadfast defender 24 will be nato's largest exercise in recent history decades, in which about 90,000 military personnel will take part. sweden. germany does not lag behind the general military trend. according to the head of the ministry of defense pistorius, it was decided to radically reform the army. the main goal of the reorganization, which has not been seen since the cold war, will be to ensure the readiness of the country's armed forces for emergency situations, including war. for everything, about everything
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next year an additional 6.5 billion euros will be required, but will these get it? against the backdrop of militarization , scandals are breaking out more and more often, the country's special services are finding out why a military contract worth over 230 million euros was not fulfilled. we are talking about the construction of a factory for the production of drones, which vilnius so dreams of. the first drones were supposed to enter the polish army back in the twenty-first year, but in the end the deadlines were postponed five times. now
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it has become clear that the polish national trait is to blame: corruption and nepotism are among the violations. settlements using fake invoices, large advance payments, issuing payment cards without receipts and lack of control over purchases. but the most interesting thing is that part of the money went to purchase a huge amount of elite alcohol. latvia has its own problems, the authorities unexpectedly decided to accustom citizens to a healthy lifestyle. in the country, due to sanctions, residents of high-rise buildings will soon have to climb stairs on foot. it turned out that almost a third of elevators are in houses. preventive maintenance, it got to the point that the lift broke down even in the most prestigious house in riga, where the country's former leaders live, this forced the eighty-six-year-old
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ex-president of latvia to temporarily leave capital. however, of course, the elevator will be replaced with a new one, made in the west, but for ordinary citizens there is no extra money. elections of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly continue in belarus; this is a historic moment; the people's assembly will determine the future of the country. svetlana chernova talked with those who are entrusted with the mission of representing the interests of the belarusian people. leaders of trade union organizations at all levels, activists, honored workers of labor collectives in various fields, from healthcare, education to industry and agriculture farms, enterprise managers. the federation of the trade union in belarus elected 80 delegates who will join the supreme council, become the voice of the people and represent the interests of different segments of the population. the updated
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constitution, a project that belarusians supported in a referendum on february 27 , 2022, endowed the all-belarusian people's assembly with serious powers to approve the main directions of domestic foreign policy, military doctrines, national security concepts, socio-economic development programs, etc. and... the requirements for delegates are no less strict, these are people who in their lives, in their work activities, in practice, have proven that they are better, by their work, by their attitude towards the country, by their patriotism, these were the main criteria and main conditions , and this was the most important point when we considered, put forward and proposed, i consider it my goal to represent the interests of not only my region, the workforce and the people as a whole, but also... in particular working youth, i consider it necessary to create all possible conditions for young specialists so that they secure
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their jobs, both in private organizations and in public ones. i have to speak on behalf of teachers, one of the most progressive groups of human society, where teachers bring concentrated intelligence, knowledge, experience and the best human qualities. their contribution to the development of human society, our civil society, raising worthy citizens of our republic. and today at the extraordinary congress of the fpb a leader was elected yuri senko. the new chairman has devoted 33 years to the civil service, served in the customs authorities for many years, and has gone through a professional career from a customs inspector to the chairman of a committee. in 2020, he was appointed ambassador of belarus to the prc. yuri senko outlined a number of tasks that have been set for the trade unions and will be carried out without delay. this is work with young people, a mission to consolidate society, representing the country in the international arena and the main support of the working people. to our employee, a trade union member who works
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in production, do not think about whether he knows exactly the basics of labor or civil or administrative legislation, he must fulfill his job duties, the task is to protect his interests, to create conditions without any. or violations of the law, this is the work of trade unions, trade unions cope with this task with honor, today they confirmed delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly and from local councils of deputies of the minsk region during a meeting of the session of the minsk regional council of deputies. 60 people represent all spheres of the economy and social sphere of the minsk region. among the delegates are cultural and artistic figures, doctors, teachers, heads of organizations and enterprises, the youngest is 24 years old, and the oldest. 64 delegations of the belarusian people's assembly is a great responsibility, i, as a medical worker, see myself as a main role there, this is like the development of a further
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healthcare system, this is accessible and high-quality medical care, but the delegate must be an active patriot and show all the active ideological work position as a citizen of the republic of belarus, the elections of delegates to the supreme council will last until april 10, and no later than the eighteenth the cycle will sum up the results. let me note that the maximum number of delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly is 1,200 people. svetlana chernova, yulia khmel and roman filyutich, telenews agency. parliamentarians will also take part in the all-belarus people's assembly. now the deputies are engaged in active organizational work. lower chamber. parliament has formed the composition of standing commissions, this week they have already announced curators for each, today their deputies and composition were chosen. there are 14 commissions in the deputy corps, comprising an average of seven.
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nine people, each responsible for their own specific direction, from the economics of national security to the social sphere and youth policy, but the priorities in lawmaking are the same, ensuring the protection of the interests of both the state and citizens, let me remind you, at the head of the tasks of the standing committee, preparing bills for consideration by the national assembly, working with appeals from belarusians and organizing parliamentary hearings. the most masculine commission was the national security commission, which included representatives of law enforcement agencies. the head of state clearly indicated that today nothing is more important than issues of defense and security, national security, therefore, within the framework of the all-belarusian people's assembly , the approval of several such global conceptual documents, the concept of national security and everything related to military doctrine, and of course, the commission our national security department is already involved in this work in the near future we have to clarify all
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the regulatory and legal acts that will be needed. is very important for the education of patriotism and the development of our country in general as a country that cares about its own and young families, about children who may still be in socially dangerous situations, so this is the main direction on which we will now begin to work; deputies are expected active work, constructive initiatives and specific proposals, noted the speaker of the lower
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house, igor sergienko. this month , people's representatives will hold a meeting where will consider bills that are already at a high level of readiness. belarusians are following the path of progressive development of society and the state: space, nuclear energy, microelectronics, biotechnology - these are the areas that can rightfully be called sectors of our new belarusian economy. what results do advanced technologies provide , why does europe, on the contrary, abandon its science. alexey avdonin will reveal hidden relationships. economics author's column simple economics for your attention. hello, this is simple economics with alexey avdonin. as you know, only the progressive forces of society are capable of
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truly scientific knowledge of the world and... its transformation, we, belarusians, are following the path of progressive development of society and the state, creating our own new economy. space, nuclear energy, microelectronics, biotechnology and radionuclide therapy are areas that can rightfully be called sectors of our new belarusian economy. in march, belarusians, thanks to the efforts of our president and the leadership of the russian federation, implemented a long-standing dream, launched their national one. an astronaut into low-earth orbit, but space is not only a dream come true, it is a big economy. more than twenty scientific and industrial organizations with a staff of about 4.00 people successfully operate in the space industry of belarus. there are now four of our belarusian satellites in orbit. space information from the earth remote sensing system is in demand in all sectors of the economy. it
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gives opportunity. weather, state of forests, fire hazard situation, study climate changes, predict crop yields, monitor the land fund. based on the results of space activities, we create advanced goods and services, communications, navigation, energy and government systems. the positive economic effect from the operation of satellites at the beginning of the twenty-fourth year already amounted to about $44 million. another direction of the new economy is nuclear energy, but for us belarusians our own nuclear power plant is no longer a dream, but an integral part of our sovereign economy. belarusian the nuclear power plant allows replacing up to 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas. annual savings in fuel costs in the belarusian energy system are more than $1.5 billion. now the share of gas in the country's fuel and energy balance is gradually decreasing from 95 to
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65%. thanks to. relatively cheap electricity, there is an increase in profits from the sale of belarusian products, its size will increase by more than a billion dollars per year, since the commissioning of the nuclear power plant, the foreign exchange... burden on the economy has decreased by more than 700 million dollars, for comparison, for this amount you can purchase about a thousand mri machines, build 15 million square meters of housing with state support, or repair more than 5.00 km of roads. belarus is moving further in the field of nuclear technology; on march 25 of this year in sochi, at the atomexpo forum, it signed a comprehensive program of russian-belarusian cooperation in the field of nuclear non- energy. on the territory of belarus , the possibilities of creating a multi-purpose research nuclear reactor and a complex of laboratories will be explored multifunctional radiation center, nuclear medicine and radionuclide therapy centers. interestingly, while belarus and
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russia are actively developing a new economy, the european union is destroying its advanced scientific centers. in march, the europeans, to please the united states , decided to remove russian scientists from... the hadron collider project. it’s clear, sanctions, confrontation, but something else is important. the americans themselves are creating such a complex, and they simply do not need competitors from europeans. but without scientists, the union state cannot europeans and americans have not advanced their colliders and fundamental physics. as you can see, we are following a progressive path and creating our own future. it was simple economics with alexey avdonin. the participants of the new season of the show heroes transformation are moving towards their cherished dream; the project itself has gone to the people, because its participants are people of different ages and
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professions. the organizers announced the global casting back in november last year. hundreds were ready for real viewings and fighting under the guns of television cameras, but they passed only 48 people. the joint project of the presidential... in the new season, on the first button, the already familiar project, the heroes are transformed, and will do it, as always, in a stylish, fashionable and energetic way. you've already
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seen teenagers defy the laws of gravity and even snatch stars from the sky, in the most literal sense of the word. this time the heroes will not just be from our time, from the next door, everyone could take part in the casting. sports for. all this is really the motto of the presidential sports club, it was he who laid the foundation for concept of this third season, any person, starting from an accountant, from a teacher, including a locomotive driver, could truly feel this kind of television magic, let’s put it this way. i won't reveal the whole picture, i'll just say one thing that will be very interesting. hundreds of questionnaires went through the creative team’s journal, the total is only four dozen in the project, just as a butterfly turns out of a caterpillar, so from ordinary people with their own complex history, but a flexible frame , a hero will turn out right on the project. i am professional in no sport
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didn't study. i will never believe, guys, that these biceps, look, that they are amateur, how can this even be? it just happened in nature, or what? well, maybe for myself, i train for myself. for my own pleasure, let’s say, with sports i’m always at ease, like a fish, i swim in it, in any simple sport, i just like the active lifestyle itself, every day is scheduled, but i like it, cameras are everywhere here, at the speed skating rink in the minskana stadium a real laboratory was opened, completely belarusian product, which quite possibly will become a favorite sports series, stories with ordinary people are very good, sorry for the tv slur, it comes to our tv viewer, we get huge shares. and television viewing, this is great, because completely new people, ordinary people, are revealed to the audience , everyone sits at the tv screen, in this ordinary person who got on the screen on the belarus 1 tv channel and maybe won this show, to see himself, he understands
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that i can do this too, this is an example for him, and it fascinates people. the show consists of four challenges of different levels. in the first, participants test their strength, endurance and speed. on the second and third, there is a confrontation between two rivals. requirements, because we have both
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children and adults participating, we have a safe extreme sport, we also had very difficult stages, the whole body hurt, there were a lot of bruises, aches, but our team was so motivated to win that everything was cool, the team leaders will lead their teams on trips around the project, as if through the desert, each team will have its own the coach, which means his own tactics, strategy and even mood, the organizers took care of the motivation, the winning team... put on a biker jacket and jeans to really light up the sports arena, without
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the cage whip they will try to win your spectators' attention with their bare hands. i caught myself thinking that oh, how i want to become a participant, because sport goes with me through life, or i go with sport through life, i watched how this or that equipment was tested today, i want to try it myself. adrenaline rush. blood excites, but it seems to me that adults will have adult emotions, this will be a real challenge, so it’s very interesting to see how well they will cope with this challenge, new episodes of the show will be filmed right up to cosmonautics day, and after that the team will go into space a journey through post-production, tv viewers will see the new season of the project this fall, nina mazeika ilyapochka, tv news agency, waste chalk quarries, better known to us as... the belarusian maldives for the first time in history became the venue for a bright
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an exciting sports competition in the endura spring stage of the for seasons tournament. more than 380 hindu athletes from belarus, russia and lithuania entered the competition. over the course of 3 days, athletes will compete in five classes from professionals to beginners. as the guests note, the competition helped open this part of belarus as another tourist route. we are probably the most frequent guests from russia who come to the belarusian championship, because, well, this race is the most soulful for us, the most lamp-like, the organizers, who go to all russian races, to international races, they have such, such an amount of knowledge that from one ravine, from one quarry they can make a very interesting track, and how we always come here with great pleasure, very hospitable, we are here ... we meet once again here is the first race this year
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in which we are participating, it is here in belarus. it seems to me that this location, it cannot but delight, or simply, well, it’s so beautiful here, i say, it seems to me that anyone here will find something for themselves beauty, maybe even someone here will like it, just calm down, come to your senses, have a good time, amazing, everything is great, well done guys, everyone is driving great, we are waiting for our dmitry bolosovich, look how excited the boys are, in principle, here.. .first of all, well, those who came from a lot of places, so we go ourselves, the slides arrived here, the coolest location, yes 100%, i also think belarus, endurance, the fact that they fell, sat down and then drove on, everything is fine with them yes, survived, survived, friends, as it seemed today’s prologue, the organizers tried glory and not only perfectly prepared the event itself, but also offered the participants: a rather difficult route, but
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these athletes do not know how to give in to difficulties, so all the most interesting things await fans at the weekend. and these days the flocks are hosting an international freestyle wrestling tournament, and republican competitions have opened in memory of law enforcement officers alexander and anatoly markovich. children from 11 to 15 years old compete for awards, and athletes from russia and kyrgyzstan compete with the hosts on the mat. for many of them this is at all. first international tournament in my life. details of the first competition day in the report by alexander yakubovsky. children's struggle, passions in cabre, the most that adults can't get enough of, a palette of emotions, from the joy of victories to the bitterness of failures. there are such
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guys, such moments for which you can praise one, you should, or rather, you need to praise one, and you owe the other for these same moments. scold, because children are very different, very different and each with their own psychology, with their own character, be patient, don’t look at the time, are maximally immersed in process, coaches from their workplaces give valuable advice, and often even address tips on the move, because working with the younger generation is always meticulous work, it is these specialists who lay the foundation for future victories in the largest international competitions, including the olympic games. any coach, he is first and foremost a psychologist, because if the coach does not find an approach to the child, well then he should not work, there is no need to choose one individual from a group of children, you need to work with everyone equally, it’s just for everyone to find their own approach, champions
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are not born, today young men from 13 to 15 years old took to the mat and many of them have already gained valuable experience, and those who are older for... my grandfather sasha, i didn’t find him alive, a prize-winner it turns out that he is a world champion and a world champion, his brother is a european champion, so i kind of look up to them, despite my young
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age, some of the participants in the wrestling tournament. for 10 years now, having once tried themselves on the mat, they continue to move towards their dream, often ran at school, and so that the dacha went to fight, and then the dream of becoming a champion appeared, i used to go in for swimming, and well, i gave it up, i didn’t like it, i burned out, and literally the physical education teacher told me: i have friends, go try to work out, so i’m here i’ve been staying for 5 years already with minor failures.
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for now, we can only dream about such competitions, but there is no doubt that we will hear about many of them in the future, and you can see them live tomorrow in stayki , children under the age of 2012-2013 will compete. alexander yakubovsky, maxim kembel, alexey young man and dmitry golovach. telenews agency. and this is the information picture for friday, april 5th. our broadcast will continue with a discussion in the editors' club. heads of leading media discuss. the most notable events of the past week, i’ll say goodbye with this, have a good evening and a pleasant weekend, happily.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing,
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hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who
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live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day. because we do belarus is closer. the information picture on friday will be complemented by sports day. hello. two matches of the third round of the belarusian football championship took place in minsk. the derzhinsky arsenal was hosted by vitebsk, and minsk, smargon. details from maxim kembel. from godyaev, but another shot on goal and the score becomes 1:0, an accurate hit into the far corner and
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the arsenal players open the scoring, an accurate shot from outside the penalty area by evgeniy sakuta brought arsenal ahead, it happened in the tenth minute of the meeting, after the guys missed a goal alexandra pavlova went to look for luck at the other goal, but they managed to find the key to sanko’s possession only at the end of the first half, the author of the goal, ruslan teverov, plays great from the bottom, a good turn... a rebound from krasny and it still becomes 1:1. the second one there turned out to be goalless; the final numbers on the scoreboard were 1:1 and arsenal and vitebsk had not yet tasted victory in the new season. it was a difficult game, after the goal was scored, we probably didn’t behave quite as we had planned psychologically. well done guys scored, but after that they sat down and started playing more on retention. and of course, this blurred everything, probably the impression of the game, because of course we planned to play more. in aggression and number one, they closed the first game day of the third round in the major leagues minsk and smargon. in half number one, the fans
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saw three goals, evgenia maloshevich scored for the townspeople, jonathan john and kirill leonovich scored for the bears on the right half-flank, leonovich, a shot on goal 2:1, in favor of the guests, this was an accurate shot from the townsmen captain kirill zabelin with penalty kick mark, thanks to which minsk equalized the numbers on the scoreboard, but 3 minutes later lianovich scored again and scored an assist. the double plus everything set the final score 3:2 , smargoni wins and scores his first victory in the championship.


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