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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 6:25am-6:46am MSK

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in favor of obtaining a military education, not only representatives of the stronger sex receive military science, and what specialties do girls choose today? yes, the results of the latest admissions campaigns demonstrate that the popularity of studying at universities among girls is growing from year to year, for example, last year the competition for the specialty of practical psychology in military affairs was more than five people per place, in legal work in the military sphere there were eight people in place, so what?
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belarus, which is confirmed the interest of other countries in training their military personnel in military educational institutions of our republic. first of all , receiving high-quality military education at any level from tactical to operational-tactical allows us to train officers practically. kazakhstan, uzbekistan, and myanmar. can belarusians also receive military education abroad? yes, the training of belarusians is subject to citizenship.
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cathedral of st. michael the archanel in ivyantsy. fear of the architectural emptiness that will bulge out into the dark grates of the enchanted exterior. mastership of baroka, which became a sarcastic adkazam to the pious adrajenny. unrastinic plunder, which has fallen in all the time of our... static statement, which secrets are taken by these grandiose illusions of the ascetic architecture, the architecture of belarus. in 1702, the capital of minsk, theador antoni vankovic , requested the evangelicals of the order of the franciscans and allocated a plot for the establishment of a monastery. the collection
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began only in 1740, financed by his future nephew, uladzisla vankovic. stone towers of kascel i the cloister was discharged onto a hillock, as if it were covered with stones and coal. budaўnіkі did not fall into the turmoil of the river raki volma in this area, so she jumped and the monastery, so long as agaroja did not flood. kali will appear ideal. temple of the baroque era for the french, this would be a basilical temple without a transept, hutchey for everything, navat without vezh, such all the great ones are conservative and cold, fallen and descendants, it seems that from the 12 ancient temples, the temple this is the way it is, and it’s completely off - this ivyanets temple , the ivyanets cathedral, which is here and the transept, which is may three naves, like two vezhy, memory of what... there are tsikavy, velma such plastic
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pediment, jumping in such a phase, which is the de facto role of the pinak, all the harmony, that is... what is just the pediment of the transept and the altar hour this is how you spray the halogen the idea of ​​the main façade brings us to the thought that some great stern admyslovites are working here, and all the government knights here are leading us astray from the people, such a dead end, because after the document , the architects would have been myastsov’s admyslovs ec architect chakhovich. who is he? church of st. michael the archanel. add your own basilica papyarochny transepts, which is in terms of latvian roofs. on the tanks of the façade there are five-tiered barucha vezhas, which are attached to a two-tiered fronton. the collection may have a very simple planning in russia.
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prostaugolny apse, presbiterium, covered with tanky secretions. for ab'yomna-prastoravay kampazitsyi budynka, naadvarot zha is characterized by shmat. scenes on the lower cover, yes there is paustara, and maybe two meters, but here is a pachatak baroque, and then we fall, all the scenes are tanner, and this gives not only to us the design, the economy of the material does not increase
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only, at the same time, the artist’s image is expressed, where the size of the details is visible, these details are jumpy, thin, and the silhouette gives a tsikavy. and a perfect slimmed shape with a forged roof at the top of the dachshund velma jumping, but this is an extreme condition, the state of every church at that time we know, and all the halls are going out at the temple, it’s just dawning on you when you ’re going out, let's go to the right place, niche, know the windows are right from the balconies, there the gety are right from the beasts, and the skins are beastly. the geta of the front velmi are folded, the geta is not curved, it’s such a simple, not a spider’s shape, velmi-velmi it is laid out, for the senior master this work is not so folded, but still such a form of sustrakaetstsa is rare.
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the baroque style is inspired by high-quality architecture, and it emerges from the ideas of the eternal. and not only capture, but also create exquisite patterns of architecture. baroque is characterized by unusual scales. parts and windows are 10 times larger for the chalaves' growth. the basic rules are endlessly repeated, duplicated and passed on. neurasstic congestion, which falls and protects all terms of expression. there are already few special columns, and that’s all.
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hello, hello, my name is svetlana, alexander, it’s very nice, you are the senior coach, you are valery petrovich, yes, and they told me that we know each other, oh, how young i am here, always irresistible, you are the secrets of a good mood, how many groups, only their wives, oh well, you have such a positive face, as if that’s why women fall in love with him, yes, accordion, handsome, so calm, it seems, and many more interesting and educational stories, we participated in olympic games in tokyo in the twenty-first year, a man from australia became a bronze medalist in eventing, he was 63 years old, until now he is preparing for the olympic games in paris, now he will be 66 years old, and the children, well, my daughter is four years old, well like this, when in the stables, when in the kindergarten, well
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, you’ve already put her on a horse, and she ’s been on a horse since she was three weeks old, it’s amazing, sometimes it’s hard to work with him, that is, he can be a good man, yes, and you? i tolerate all this, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, i was still looking for some traits, i say, she’s a hooligan, she says, no, she’s not a hooligan, she’s a good girl. they say that god gave the polishuks a piece of heaven on earth , this area was surrounded by a large ridge, it divided the swampy area in the south, and forests, vugs, and arable lands in the north, calves were driven over 120 kg in the spring, and in the fall the collective farm took 300 350 kg each, a variety of herbs, it is very useful, they got better in the eyes, they... everything shone in the fall, but they themselves create paradise with their hard work
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and incredible thirst for life, raspberries, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, honey, everything my own, otherwise it’s the grace of god, in the morning at 4:00 i enjoy life, silence, birds are singing, nothing, well, i’m just resting, the sun has not yet set, it’s just starting to rise, oh this is beauty, this is... haloin façade of the tsarka, on which the main accent is formed, flanked by two built-up carpet curtains, which are completed with a bathtub. and it’s interesting to the figured stepped pediments, which were created by the age. their
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vertical, dynamic design of the padded chairs is enhanced by narrow and high arches with slick crabs. the aphrodisiac façade has roman architectural designs, moreover three-winged campasians, in which a large part of the basilica is decorated with a pilaster system, and a mountainous part. three-cornered pediments. the openwork of the façade was given to the skeletal fronts and fronts along with the deep niches. in 18 centuries, belarusian architecture, sacred architecture, was ideal in this style. if there were more european trots at the time, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained enough strength to give out our stuff. what is vilenskaya baroka? sennya, of course, there are apalages of this
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terminus, others seem to be that this miphalagema was created by the belarusian and polish descendants of the 920-30th years, but not yet no. nelga say that our baroque is dirty, and all the lynxes of our abaroka are irritating the hell of europe. no, in no way, there would be agulny here. pecan text, which satisfies the meat traditions, is translated directly from the lak version of baroka. the roofs of the nave of the temple consist of cylindrical slabs with strippings. haras are placed above the temple babinams. for the stage this is characterized by the design of the plaster and wide cornice pavements, the decor of which is embellished with a woven dary cord with handmade matting. façade gallery. for the décor of slabs, the installation of ceiling lamps and
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the installation of ribs on decks, the characteristic features are geometrical ornamentation. baroque style is filled with composition, theatricality and unpredictability. here, wiseness and exaggerated ematization added to other planes of strictness, symmetrical and prostalinean forms, the style of the era of adrage. scenes are decorated with elements. kali the history of baroka in belarus and the history of kali yanno pachynalas, y geta is so very deep, and all here in ivyantsy gety monastery, kali svaravsya, yon memory, geta pachatak 18 centuries, ale tu lby it’s a recent day, i remember it well, and this is a farce , this is an extraordinary job, so that the price goes to the abaronians. water for the enemy , and as we look at the monastery, we look at
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the agaroo, the tall, deaf abaroge, and i speak a new rude way. geta gillweed vezha, u poўnym sensee getaga words. the cores of the body are adjacent entering the side of the temple. they are similar in terms of two-pavement budynaks, covered with hipped dakhas. the pieces are placed in the middle of the frame, reflecting architectural accents. yana is a three-part campasi with four rusty sides, arched beams, completed with winged fronts. there is a lot of jumping around the center of the lower façade tier, in which case, like the bottom of the tanks, the entablature is placed behind the lower tiers and the ones next to them, and then the wide pediment is covered. akno,
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mixed at the rupture of the fronton, decaravane to the plastic parts, which... is significant protruding forward. attachments of the front, which constitute a special treatment of the baruchnaga exterior, are completed. the decorative central part of the façade's hall, including, i would say, the most important element of the cornice. extraordinary, kali yon torn ў baroque, geta sustrakaetstsa. curved, there will often be such carnies. here you can know the cornice, which is not too wide, the cornice is overhanging, right and curved from the bottom, and the beast is ugly as it would be great, and i would need to know, i would need to solve such a riddle, i'm sorry, but not like that, if i respect
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that he is such an adzinok, i need to be respected, and if i respect him... of course, that this is rare sts . the most important aspect of baroque architecture can be considered as a tendency to change the tectonic part with the anti-tectonic part. if the architecture of classicism will be based on clear visual fundamental elements and parts, in which case they are based, then in the baroque style, these adnosins are inconceivable, vertical contrasts with garyzantalyami. luras with abacus, triglyphs with metopes. the fear of the void is characteristic of baroka's doilism, and this is not just a jumping metaphor, but a pasta principle, a form of creation. the vastness of the architecture, the flatness of the design or the ceiling, the detailing in such a way that the design of the gardens is expected. the venetsky cathedral is paustae ў 18
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stagodzi. yes, by the time of baroka in belarus the prices have already dropped. sherag herd zmyanitsa, uzbagatsіtstsa i priystsi all yes getaga so called stage of vilenskaga baronka. at 16 stagodzі asnovўnym, asnovўnym the ideologists of this style were the jesuits. we say pra ezuitska baroka. yana first, jan velma fashionable in these styles. in 17 stagodzi baroka was robbed of the so-called sarmatsky. geta baroka gill ardenoў, damіnіkantsaў. the franciscans were timidly noble, jumpy, cold, fashioned churches, just because of such national implications, such a nostalgia for chivalry, as if it were no longer a thing, and in the 18th century they were patched up for centuries, uniyak baroques, and dozens of churches. ў і klіshtaroў, famous baruns, bytsen, zhyrovichy, berazvedchy , here you can call
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saproud masters of architecture, the truth is not all the yans are left behind, so eighteen... in the 18th hundred years of the rays there is a union, and the kali paraunovatsk, vilensk baroques and the production of all our cascels in javintsy, then we don’t know all the unnecessary elements, but the solution is what, this kascel, which belongs to the order of the franciscans, and the yans, as if they did not work like that in the 18th century, were so necessary, they all followed their traditions, the yans were large, let’s say, cohesive, yana in this place and, i agree with the law. gather another worldly creature the vines of the budynak of the temple are vykarystovaya as the edge and the salting workshop of the dry cantor. the old school, and then the experimental and research workshop of the minsk design and construction
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technical institute, softened up at the former cloister. in 1990, there was a cathedral of st. michael archanel. the yevians would be returned to the catholics. we confidently step into a new day and do it to the music of our own, the music that sounds inside each of us. it is everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips, music.


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