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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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i'm sorry for the task, someone else's flock, dear, someone else's flock, dear for your own flock, a mountain of crying! stele of fog in the valley, stele of fog in the distance, oh, wide forests on the viburnum. oh-oh!
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start your day in an unusual way, for example, scientists recommend changing your hand when brushing your teeth, this activates the areas of the brain responsible for creativity and... creativity, but we will start our day actively in the company of the titled belarusian biathlete olga nazarova, when we were at the competition, we had qualifying competitions, and it was -40 in novosibirsk, we were, and we were waiting for the frost will subside, but you need to train, dress warmly, run in to exercise on skis, the skis squeak, as if they were nailed to the snow, well... you go, train.
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all types of pumpkins have beneficial properties, so you should choose based on what dish you want to prepare. our femur will rotate in the joint and rise up, outward. at the same time , our pelvis remains immobile, movement occurs only with the leg. by the way, there is also sea buckthorn tea here, here is sea buckthorn tea, i don’t have any questions for it, the main thing is not add sugar and everything will be fine. olga’s grocery list includes a lot of vegetables, and not only that, but we’ll choose the freshest and highest quality products in the hypermarket. to buy a good zucchini, choose a young fruit, better just under-ripe than over-ripe, up to 80 cm thick. feel the peel carefully, it should be tender, it’s fresh. without
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cracks, it is necessary to say separately about the stalk, in zucchini, the tail should be green, unlike bagach crops, pumpkin, watermelon, melon, in them it should be dry. whole zucchini will keep well in refrigerator for about 2-3 weeks, just don't put them in a plastic bag or wash them beforehand. choose a pumpkin. a high-quality fruit should have a dried tail. visual damage on the surface of the pumpkin is not terrible, the main thing is to make sure that there are no rotten areas on the skin. all types of pumpkins have beneficial properties, so you should choose based on what dish you want to cook. the sweetest are nutmeg, they are ideal for desserts, creams, sauces, other types of pumpkin are best suited for side dish let's move on to the citrus counters.
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such a popular fruit as orange has long ceased to be exotic. in grocery stores, this citrus is presented in a good assortment. to choose the best quality orange, use our tips, look at the peel, the color should be uniform and bright, this is a sign of ripeness. a sweet variety of orange, usually with a smooth peel, with small patches of red. when buying an orange, touch it carefully; the fruit should not be soft or deformed, and sweet, tasty oranges are heavy, so choose fruits that are... jelly and be sure to smell the orange, ripe fruits have a distinct aroma. so, our choice is made, it's time to prepare the breakfast of champions. olga, good morning, i’m very
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glad to see you in my kitchen today. good morning, masha, good morning, dear tv viewers and me. i’m very glad to be here today, i’ve already slept, done my exercises and am ready to start breakfast, breakfast of the champion, breakfast of the champion, yes olga nazarova, belarusian biathlete of russian origin, two-time bronze medalist of the world championships, european champion, eleven-time world champion in summer biathlon, born in omsk into a sports family, started skiing at the age of 2, switched from cross-country skiing to biathlon at the age of 15, won at the age of 18. her first gold medal at the junior world championships, at the age of 22 she moved to belarus, competed as a member of the national biathlon team for 10 years, after finishing her career she remained in the sport, works in the biathlon federation, for the first time in history she became the first woman elected to
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the ibu technical committee. three children, hobbies, photography and fitness. olga and the most important question: what are we preparing today? today we will have a french style breakfast. this is clafoutis with goat cheese and vegetables and we will make a very healthy delicious sea buckthorn tea. sounds delicious, can't wait to start. for a french-style breakfast you will need 150 g of pumpkin, zucchini, bell pepper, a sprig of mint and a pinch of chameleon. also prepare three eggs: 250 ml low-fat milk, 125 g whole grain flour, 50 g of parmesan and 100 g . you will also need olive oil, for healthy tea you will need 100 g of sea buckthorn berries, an orange and a sprig of marinade. let's start preparing our breakfast, where do we start? masha, i will ask you to make an omelette, we need eggs, milk and
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whole grain flour, and i will take care of the vegetables, cut the pumpkin and prepare our vegetables for baking. begin! oops! olga, i know that you are a very busy person, but... nevertheless, is the morning still your personal time, or does it also pass in such chaos? well it's morning it’s not my personal time, because i have two schoolgirls, we need to quickly get ready, sleep, eat, leave on time and not be late for school, so i get up somewhere, depending on what kind of breakfast i have planned, i get up, probably, well around six, maybe from 15:6, if something more complicated needs to be done, then a little earlier. i do a little exercise, i’ve already trained myself, i drink a glass of water, i’m already preparing breakfast, and the girls have been taught to do exercises, girls, unfortunately, it’s difficult for them in the morning, because they want to sleep and really have a lot studying takes up time, but in the evening we
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try to do exercises, because children really have to sit a lot at school at the moment, their posture literally. in a month and a half classes at school, in the first quarter i can already see that there are times when my daughter’s posture misses an exercise, because sometimes in the evening and this affects you right away, so we still try to allocate time in the evening for physical activity and do a small set of exercises, but keep our muscles toned, especially our back smooth, so that there would be no problems in the future, mom and dad took their students to
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summer training camps, we went to kazakhstan and lived in such spartan conditions, we had tents, well, they were very good, there was a sleeping tent inside, there was also such a shadow on top hallway, here we are... nets, we put these nets there in tents, and for 20 days we had a full-fledged training camp, in the forest, in tents, and next to a beautiful large clean lake, that is , there were a lot of impressions, we immediately started biathlon engage or have attempted to engage some other sport? well , i didn’t try to do another sport, but the only thing is that, of course, i didn’t start doing biathlon right away, i started with cross-country skiing, i probably already switched to biathlon when i was about 15 years old, that is, well, this is such an optimal, well, a good age , because in principle, if we are talking about the long term, and if... for our athlete to get good basic shooting skills, so that everything is in
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order, and he joins the national team, then, in principle, from the age of 12-13 - it's such normal age, when you can take a weapon in your hands and work purposefully to hone some skills, when the athlete is already matured, when the athlete is already able to think, and the child is already mature at this age for shooting, but in any case, before you start shooting you need to stand confidently... i’ll show you a complex on how to work out the gluteal
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morning joint exercises, now i am a muscle, because this is the main muscle that is involved in our gait, and in order for us to be effective in everyday life, so since we have been sitting a lot lately, our muscle is switching off from work, we need to devote 10-15 minutes to working the gluteal muscles, we need to work our gluteal muscle in those positions. in which it works: the first is hip abduction, the second is external external rotation and the third is hip extension, let's start with abduction, for this we need to lie on the mat, put our hand under our head, immediately do axial extension with the top of the head up, level our spine, and our feet are under our pelvis, we pull back a little barrel like that. we align our sides so that our sides are even from bottom to top, take
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a few breaths and exhales, tense our abs, press our lower leg into the floor, with the outer part of our thigh, do such a spreader and raise our upper leg, we begin to abduct our toes upward, while our pelvis must remain motionless, there is no need to make too big swings, because then we have you... this is external rotation, we also place our hand in support, the elbow under the shoulder joint, press the palm into the floor and grow on the elbow, axial stretching the top of the head up, our feet under the buttocks, knees in front. now we align our barrels from below to above, our barrels should be the same, breathe a couple
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of breaths, exhale, strain your abs. next, what we will do, we will abduct our leg, our femur will rotate in the joint and rise up outward, while our pelvis remains motionless, our lower back is motionless, with us movement occurs only with the leg. and the third exercise we will do hip extension, for this we need to get on all fours, place our hands under shoulder joints, then we also do axial extension with the top of the head up and it feels like our leg is slipping out of the pelvis backwards, our two air bones look exactly at the floor, we leave our leg until that moment. so that there is no movement in the lower back, that is, such movements should no longer
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exist. start your morning cheerfully, positively, with a full charge for the day. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far away she, well, just like that, right a meter away. so that yes, it is in front of the house, today we will walk through real swamps, so through the swamp, yes, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, an uninitiated, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact, this is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys,
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40 minutes have already passed, not that the birds, it seems to me, even...
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got out to belarus somewhere at the age of 20 , as far as i know how difficult it was here’s a change in climate, and situation, and well, in siberia there’s a lot of snow in winter, in belarus there’s not always snow, well, as for snow, it was really probably not quite familiar to me, because i’ve already been accustomed since childhood to getting up in november on skiing and riding until the end of march, when i moved to belarus, it was unusual for me that...
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it was -40, i’m shocked, we will bake the whole pepper, put it next to the vegetables, well, our vegetables are ready, we send them bake in the oven until half cooked, let's go,
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mash, take... mint, cut it and add to omelette mixture, and i'll do the zucchini. okay, it will be done. olga, your career took off after moving, and the most awards came in the summer biathlon. does this have something to do with belarus? well, in a certain sense, of course, yes, because when i arrived in i got married, i had support in the form of my husband, and we trained together and went to training camps. and i probably got just that peace of mind, that point of support, yes, when you can, you have a family, and you can calmly do what you love, you practically became a mother right after we moved to... belarus, how difficult it was to combine motherhood and a professional career, because many athletes just give up having a family and
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having children during their performances, and do it after completion, and you are the other way around? well, i probably had a slightly different story, i was a very promising athlete at the new york level, having made the national team, i received retraining, and somewhere during the year i realized that... i didn’t seem to feel my body, it’s hard for me to do a load, i recovered a year later, i got married, we decided to have a child, but it happened so, then, after all, i really like it, this is my favorite thing, i’ve lived with this since childhood, i ’ve been burning with the thought of this since childhood that i want to become an olympic champion, it was such a transcendental dream, a goal, and my husband says, why not, let’s try here, that’s it... here you have the opportunity not to go through such a series of selections, you can calmly prepare for the main competition , in principle , really, having received this
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an opportunity when you are not feverishly trying to get there, you get in, you don’t get in, when you are already emasculated then you can’t run, i already got that opportunity when you approached the main start and you can show yourself, as they say, in all its glory, and indeed , it all worked out, judging by the awards won, i...
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will fulfill your dream, which you have been pursuing there for many years, and masha, please stir the cheese into the omelette mixture, well, our vegetables are ready, i’ll now take care of the peppers, peel them, i'll take off the skin from it, and the mouse, and you continue to goat this prepare, olga, all people are different, everyone has their own temperament, some need to be motivated by sticks, others by carrots, and which category do you belong to? well, to a certain extent, of course, carrots and sticks are sometimes good motivation, but you know, if we take, probably, our lifestyle in general, sports,
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then i can say that probably since childhood there have not been such moments that i want, i don’t want , and there you somehow think, i want to do this, i don’t want to, if let’s say there is a start, and especially a responsible start, then you no longer even think about how you feel there, yes, that is, you need to run. this habit, probably from sports, left over, yes, when, it probably helps in work, because here there is no there, can i do it or can’t, that is, there is a task, yes, and you need to do it everything, and you already take it and do it, that is, i see the goal, i don’t see any obstacles, well, mash, the time has come to assemble our wonderful dish, hello, today we are sorting out another breakfast, assessing its usefulness and health
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taste qualities. i can immediately say that this breakfast will be really very tasty, today on our agenda is clafoutis with vegetables and goat cheese, and let ’s say, in simple terms, a casserole with vegetables and cheese, and what do we have here, zucchini. pumpkin , in principle, i don’t like this combination, because when we stew pumpkin, when we cut zucchini, again we stew them too, we very much raise the glycemic index, that is, from a good vegetable and they turn into a not very healthy, tasty one, but not a very healthy product, like carbohydrates in principle, there are no such things that will give us energy here, that there is still a large amount of cheese, both goat and ordinary, accordingly, there will immediately be a very high fat content on... our dish, and the fat content is not even very good, because after all cheese is a saturated animal fat, and it creates its own charm, because it’s really
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very tasty, but unfortunately it’s not... you can’t overdo it during the day, but here it’s well added to make it tastier, which i like is availability of vegetables i always say that the more vegetables, the better, because these are our vitamins, minerals, fiber, by the way, there is also sea buckthorn tea, i don’t have any questions about sea buckthorn tea, the main thing is don’t add sugar and that’s it it will be good, but it’s really enriched with vitamins, which are really very good, plus a lot of antioxidants, which, for example, will help you in the winter, yes, not to get sick and support your immunity, basically i wouldn’t recommend the main dish for breakfast, of course i would like something more substantial here, add some kind of side dish, maybe not make a casserole of vegetables, but somehow just cut them up for a side dish, in general, just make a slightly different breakfast if you want to recharge your energy you have a working day ahead, this breakfast obviously won’t give you the vigor that you would like, we’ll leave it for the holidays for...
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a weekend breakfast, once a month, then please, while our clafoutis is being prepared, we ’ll make sea buckthorn tea , uh-huh, masha, i'll ask pour sea buckthorn into your teapot and cut off a slice of orange, okay, but for now i’ll take care of our herbs, rosemary, oh, olga, you ’re on the ibu technical committee. the only woman, that’s how difficult it is to work in a male team, well, you know , we probably have, so to speak , a good balance of men and women in biathlon, yes, and here, probably, the point is not that i work in male team, and here it’s even more about responsibility, and firstly, the technical committee is developing
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the rules. competitions, but makes these rules, develops competition rules that are as convenient as possible for athletes, and for venues, and for television, so it is very important here, especially due to the latest trends in gender equality, that a woman’s perspective is very important, and on everything that happens, so to speak, that is, a woman’s opinion, because there are a lot of women in biathlon, and if we are talking about the technical committee, then until this moment there were only men there, and of course... very own opinion, and here there is already such an even balance, yes, that they know the female point of view , male point of view, it adds up and produces a good result. well, now all we have to do is add boiling water to our herb, yeah, how long should our tea steep, but of course, we need about 5-7 minutes and the tea will be ready.
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first of all, cut the pumpkin into cubes, place it in a baking tray, add a little chameleon, sprinkle with olive oil, salt and mix, put pepper next to the pumpkin, and send the vegetables to bake in the oven until half cooked. prepare an omelette mixture, beat the eggs with a whisk, add milk, whole grain flour, salt, pepper, sprinkle with ground paprika and mint leaves if desired. and add to the omelette mixture, add grated parmesan cheese. tear the goat cheese into arbitrary pieces with your hands. prepare the zucchini. it needs to be chopped and fried a little. peel the baked peppers and cut them into small cubes. place the previously prepared vegetables in a baking dish, pour in the omelette mixture, add goat cheese and bake in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes while
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the clafoutis bakes. prepare sea buckthorn tea, pour sea buckthorn berries into the kettle, add orange juice and rosemary leaves, pour boiling water over it, leave for 5-7 minutes, the breakfast of a champion is ready, your loved ones will definitely appreciate this dish of french cuisine, bon appetit! well, masha, we have such a beauty, a delicious healthy breakfast that will give you strength and vigor for the whole day... friends, prepare with us a real breakfast of a champion, bon appetit, bye-bye, bye-bye.
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today at 4:00 am, without the fifth definition of war, perman first.


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