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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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a delicious healthy breakfast that will give you strength and vigor for the whole day. friends, cook with us the real breakfast of a champion. bon appetit, bye-bye. bye bye.
8:31 am
maxim, by what conducting trick can you be recognized even from the last row? the only thing is my face, because i conduct my concerts myself, so the audience sees my face, then the orchestra sees my face, that is, unlike other conductors, whom everyone sees from the back in the hall, they also see me with my face.
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my guest always chooses from two options the one that is more difficult, he likes to leave his comfort zone, take risks, experiment, journalists call him the new finberg, does this comparison offend him now...
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it was interesting, i continued this tradition when i was already graduating from secondary school, ninth grade , and my parents offered me either a culinary college or a music school, i don’t know what drew me to a music school, i said, well, let’s go to a music school somehow, well, i ended up in a music school, and i didn’t get into the trumpet, but into the instrument oboe, such a woodwind instrument with valves, all my life until today i have been playing this instrument, despite...
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you can see that there is a certain pattern, why then this happened, then we don’t understand why, why us they turned to the right, not to the left, and then you turned, you turned, you look, oh, it’s good that they turned me there, gave me that tool, as if from above, and i ended up where i ended up, that’s why fate probably exists, and i try to somehow follow fate, to hear some hints, intuitions, you were guided by something when choosing the oboe, well, first of all, there wouldn’t have been a set of oboe that year, so the instrument, as it were, at least breakfast, let’s eat the oboe straight, yes, but you had to start from scratch, yes, and i asked, what is an oboe, when they offered it to me, that is, there was another interesting story, i say, i don’t know, i don’t even know such an instrument, well, just think, there are exams, then, well, you thought, i say, let’s go, gab,
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what’s here already, that i don’t want to go to school come back, let's want to study, all musical music, from scratch, yes, my peers who entered, they have already been studying the instrument there for 5-7 years, they are already kind of... so relaxed, that's it, we got in, we're in school in we are learning miniglinka, but i just started from scratch, i remember i studied the instrument for five to 6 hours, and that is, 4 years were so fruitful and i didn’t have an exam in my first year, even in winter, they told me so, considering that you’re a loser, come on - when you study for a year, we don’t give you anything, you don’t take any academic exams, and in the summer you have a year will pass and you pass the exam, so i passed the exam, they gave me a five on a five-point system, then in the second year of study... i also got into the republican competition in baranovich, the competition of wind instruments took second place even there, the kicker, that is, it is considered one and a half years of studying the instrument, i have already become a laureate. when did you realize that you wanted to become a conductor? well, this profession has always suited me, especially
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i very often went to the philharmonic concert, and gennady manchenovich pavatorov, such a conductor wonderful, and he was the main conductor of our symphony-philharmonic orchestra and we constantly went to concerts, i with the scores. i walked, i watched, they were playing, and i was watching in real time, and i was fascinated by his profession, what he does, how he manages the orchestra, it’s not just a stick that he beats, something, he’s some kind of magic happens, some kind of chemistry when he just moves the baton they play, why they play the way he shows, the way he wants, that is, i think it’s interesting why conducting is such a subject at the school we had, well, of course, we are passing through, we are still young, young guys, but we study, we study, but when i had already graduated. and i really wanted to enter the academy of music, well, in the haba class, accordingly, i entered the conducting class and really wanted to get into the class of such a legendary teacher, unfortunately, boris ipanovichudakov, honored artist of the republic of belarus , had already passed away in the ninety-first year of his life ,
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military conductor, retired lieutenant colonel, well, it was legendary, everyone wanted to get to him, all the conductors, many of them passed his school, he really studied, he did...
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on belarus on our tv channel, well, at
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the beginning of our conversation we mentioned that you were faced with a choice about the culinary college of the music school, and well, we already understand that you made a choice of sides music school, but cooking remained - along with you, and what is your favorite dish? you know, i don’t have a favorite dish, i just like to improvise, the thing is that i don’t cook according to a book, so you open the recipe and start, it just occurred to me, i really like cook babka, for example, yes, why do i cook it? i fry farsem with garlic and onions, with carrots, fry it, then mix it with potatoes at the end, when the babka is almost ready, i already came up with this myself, i really like it, i have pieces of lard i put half the babka on it, and part of the babka butter, when it melts, it completely saturates the babka, it turns out the most delicious, most tender,
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just a product, i can already smell it, well, i just like to experiment, i like to cook chicken in its different manifestations, or maybe there is some kind of signature dish, yours, no, there is no signature, that’s what cooking is in my soul, you know, it is preserved even in music, i always like to tell such a story, imagine, you come to a restaurant, take a menu , allow the waiter, ask: waiter, what’s in this dish? he tells you that here is the most tender lamb, it is with such and such a sauce, there is a little lettuce under there, there is whipped cream on top, there is also cognac sprinkled there, our receptors are already working, that is, for us fantasy, we imagine it, what it looks like, that is, we are already fantasizing when this dish is brought to us, that is, we are waiting right now when you eat it and you understand, yes, this is... i drew it for myself and really we enjoy it, or vice versa, it didn’t live up to expectations, sometimes
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it’s like, but if they just bring us a dish, eat it, well, yes, it’s delicious, that is, we didn’t expect it, the music is the same, so i’m like almost all concerts, i see my concerts myself, because i tell the public is like a waiter, that’s exactly how i see it, what’s the highlight of this work, and well, plus it’s also communication with the public. i can say something, someone sneezed, said, and be healthy, and we are starting, that is, improvisation is going on, improvisation is going on, you know what you are going to talk about, but there is still improvisation going on, and people, they are accomplices of the concert, accomplices of the event, here they directly participate, i communicate with them, and you imagine, and you, by the way, maybe some of you know, they are already participating, they lived in their eyes, they they answer my questions, that’s all, there’s a movement, i think this is what it should be like when they leave after the concert, right away. so they go and discuss how it was, that is, emotions, they forget about some of their problems. well, we'll get back
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to conducting again. eh, here are your first performances as a conductor, how successful were they? and you know, it’s an interesting fact that prompted me to take the conductor’s baton in my hands. and at one time i created such a team, well, he’s like a minsk classic, minsklassik orchestra, chamber orchestra. and i thought for a long time that this was a concert dedicated to music. and i thought for a long time whether to conduct or play, i played this concert on the oboe, as i remember now, that is, i held the oboe, that is, i did not go to the front stage, and there was the next concert, where the polka by yagan strauss was already supposed to be, the polka on the hunt, exhausted polka, where at the end there is a pistol that shoots, as if imitating a hunt, a decoy that quacks instead of a duck, at the end a duck should fly out, which seems to be killed. this is how the polka ends, the traditional strauslov polka, which is performed all over the world, these are the traditions, i
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had a dilemma, how to conduct here too or what? and it so happened that at that time i was still playing as a one-piece in the presidential orchestra, it turned out that the chief conductor, the next conductor got sick, well, can you imagine, at the same time one was on sick leave, the other, and there was an urgent need to record some piece there - a demo to record such a demo -version, and the director of the orchestra came up to me, i found out that how would i... record this piece, of course, here i am i realized that yes, that means i had to, that is , fate, everything is fate, and i already took the conductor’s baton and played the strauss polka, there was a complete sensation, especially with this duck, which flew out there, a fake duck like that under a real pistol, but from then on i haven’t parted with this business for a while now, what, in your opinion
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, is the fundamental difference between a musician and a conductor, and in fact there is a big difference, the fact is that
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they decided to leave, but isn’t it some kind of cherished dream for any musician, to play the best orchestra in the country, well, i didn’t work for a long year and a half, a long year and a half, long, good, long year and a half, for me they were long, you know, after all , the chief conductor is the second conductor, they have a difference, after all, the chief conductor is in the first roles, and he constantly works with the orchestra. and let’s say the second person is the person who is next to you, who, if there is no one in charge, as a rule, he helps, this is an assistant, this is that person, this is a consumer, probably, but i am not a consumer, at my core, it was a little difficult for me it was a bit of a hard adjustment, i’ll tell you now, so i made the decision, after all, i will probably be the creator, but there is an example at
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the academy of music, where everything worked out successfully for me too, so thank god that... has the opportunity to choose him, at that moment you could have assumed that you would be offered to lead the finberg national orchestra ? probably not, because, in principle, when i was studying, i was a student, i constantly went to concerts of this group, and for us, for students, well, i speak for many students, for us it was something unattainable, the best musicians worked there and our country continues to work, this is from numbers. service artists in the republic of belarus there for 30 years, musicians work in one place for 20 years, some of them even have the same entry in their work books, so this is a group that has developed a tradition, there is a very strong tradition there, and there is a turnover of personnel, as we call , it is very small there, so a strong powerful team, which does not change its focus, the emphasis on
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national music, on propaganda, popularization of the best achievements of national music, this is the main task of this group, and of course... well, it was just you know how an altar that you can’t even just look at it, when it happened that mikhail yakovlevich did not become, well, as if some cultural figures i knew also called me, maxim, you should call the ministry, go knock, it’s you have to, i’m not persistent by nature, by nature i’m not a persistent person, i don’t get into trouble, as you know, a smoke-stained ram, then... beats, beats, beats will get to something, no, i’m probably not like that then i’m a photographer, i’m doing my job, and now the judge, who, he’s probably a little higher, let him decide where i should be, and well, that’s it, then they called me from the ministry, that you know, we are considering you as other candidates for the position, i was pleased that at
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least my candidacy was being considered , then they call me literally a month later, tomorrow is a meeting with the minister. you see, it happened that, well, again , yes, as they say, here from there, at that moment mikhalyakovich and, in principle, i was already here, i was ready, that is, i have something to say.
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creative friendship should be between people and love, kindness, how would i position myself in such a way that i communicate with musicians, well, in fact , this is how i can, i ask them, i do not demand character in any way, everyone knows that.
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ah, there is progress, there is already movement in that direction, as i see, how i want to develop the orchestra, what i want to do with the orchestra, because it is very difficult to do in a year, a thousand programs or something else, well the orchestra needs to somehow restructure it a little to suit itself, to suit its own way, to suit its own vision of the issue and continue to move forward with it, that is , based on the traditions that it has laid down mikhail yakovich vberg, this is very important, because the national component is the basis of our team. after your appointment , the press called you the new finberg, this comparison offends you, no, i
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treat this with humor, of course, you understand, here is mikhail yakovich finberg, when he created the orchestra, mikhail finberg, not a people's artist, not a professor, nor the winner of the state prize was simply mikhail finberg, the musician who created the band, and you know, it was like everyone got on the boat. let's go to the ark where for 40 years, which they were a band for 35, 35 years when i came, so they came to the point where they became the best band, mikhalyakovich has, well, all the titles that can only be had in our country, our orchestra has all the titles that, that is, let’s say so, this became the richest boat, a boat, and of course, as if a young man came, who in his age, he just started and...
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rasokha is a boy walking with long steps. how was it received in the orchestra? how long did it take to gain authority? it is clear that a change of leadership is such a painful period for the collective, in fact, because for many years, for 35 years, they have become accustomed to one thing, they are already conservatives, who have become somewhat ossified, and something else. no worse, no better, no, different, a completely different approach, for them, of course, somehow new, a wonder, that is, we got used to it, got used to it,
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we, they recognized me, firstly, no one knew me in the orchestra , i’m an orchestra, i didn’t know a musician in the orchestra, we never crossed paths with them anywhere, never, and naturally, they recognized me in every action, they saw me, that is, i recognized them as people, as musicians, as something, that is , well, such a process, it is partly still going on, although it seems to me already. we have passed the line , as if there may be some kind of mutual misunderstanding, sometimes grinding in, you already know everything , as if grinding in already exists, the work is already good, such high-quality work, but still, as if there is a moment you feel that it was then like this comparison it will always be and as i say, well, in words it’s useless to tell something that i am like this, only through actions, deeds, concert programs, then i don’t want to prove anything to anyone, i just want to do it. because i feel it, not the way he says, you have to do it like this, like it’s always been like this, it’s been like this, why now, my friends, well, that was then, well, this is a normal process, i’m using humor
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i relate to this, i... little people, i understand them, because i would say the same thing in their place, i would be sitting there, i would say the same thing to another leader, they say that with your arrival the composition has changed significantly soloists, is this true? yes, that's true, but that's not it so that it changes, it is updated just a little, you can say so that it is clear that development cannot happen without some kind of renewal, too, if there is a long-term stagnation, as it were, then conservation, complete conservation is even difficult. then do it, therefore, of course, and the vocalist is the face of the orchestra, in any case, i am interested in working with those guys who worked under khamil yakovlevich, finberg, and of course, we have recruited about four new vocalists, artists, young, both girls and guys who are really bright, well this it’s not just my whim, i want new soloists, no, we just really
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carried it out. we had monthly auditions for almost a year, we held auditions for vocalists on a certain date, 10 people came, five people every month, but we heard those whom i would like to see in the orchestra, that is, i would like to see you in orchestra, so i said this after listening, and people we are happy for this is a dream for us too, that is , it coincided, admit there were no offenses on the part of the old-timers, because the arty people are offended... and you know, i’m basically, well, an orchestra player myself, i played for a lot of years, and i also tinkered with this idea, you know, that musicians, as a rule, are always dissatisfied, no matter how good or bad it is, it’s still a priority, well such musicians, you know, they are such a specific people, and they are happy with the stage, when there is a concert they feel that they are emotional, oh, how great, here they are...
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traditions are great for them, because such a group, you yourself have already admitted, that this is really some kind of outstanding team with its traditions that have developed over so many years, and which traditions will you keep and will not touch under any circumstances, and firstly, one of the traditions is the discipline of the team, so much so - there’s no need to even talk about it, that is, the musicians are hyper-responsible, this firstly, secondly, these are super-professional musicians. these are the honored artists of the republic of belarus, these are, let's say, people, this is the backbone of all the people on whom the orchestra rests, probably everyone who plays in the orchestra is super-professional people, these are, you know, the best units of our country, here our best asset is that he works, and my task is to preserve and create conditions where they will receive a decent salary, where they will realize themselves, which is important for creators, musicians, and
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performers. what you like and get this pleasure and just go and do, go and do in pleasure, this is the meaning of life at my age today. thank you very much, thank you, this was the meaning of maxim rossokh’s life.
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live news in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch the episode.


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