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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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live news in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch the episode.
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the ground is ready for landing, just over an hour remains before the landing of the soyuz s-24 ship with marina vasilevskaya on board, at 9:30 tsup will begin a live broadcast of the descent. rosaviation, roscosmos, ministry of defense, full readiness to meet the crew. in place of gravity , our film crew will tell you the details. in orsk, russia, a dam broke on the ural river. more than 500 houses are flooded, and an emergency evacuation of the population is underway. elections of delegates to the supreme council continue in belarus at the extraordinary congress of the federation of trade unions , 80 people were elected. belarusians are looking forward to the return of the crew with marina vasilevskaya from orbit. the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft has undocked from the international space station and is currently heading towards the ground. there is just over an hour left before landing. together with the first cosmonaut in our sovereign history on board. captain, also a native of belarus, oleg
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novitsky and nasa representative laurel ohara. by the way, an american like marina had a space debut. the flight home itself is considered more difficult, but the crew is positive. this can be seen in the smiles for the memorable photos of the last day of the expedition. preparations for the return were carried out in orbit still deep at night by our earthly standards; everything was monitored in the star city, in the mission control center. first, how the hatches between the ships were closed. and the russian module ks rassvet. the tightness was checked 2 days ago, the satellite phones were also recharged , the equipment was stowed, and undocking was already done this morning. there is a discrepancy between objects. accepted. so that the landing goes smoothly. in the kazakh steppe has all the necessary services on duty, covering the areas of two settlements at once. the assets of the federal air transport agency,
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roscosmos, the ministry of defense, the federal medical-bilgil agency are fully prepared to ensure landing, both a conventional standard descent and a ballistic emergency descent, all forces of the facility have been deployed to the appropriate basing points and will... act if necessary, as is being prepared , meet the crew, our film crew and anastasia benedesyuk are working on site. nastya, good morning, where are you now? good morning, studio, we are still in the field camp, the overnight stay went well, we are all waiting for the crew with our marina vasilevskaya. snow birds arrived here at night, these are special machines, what is their feature, the specialist will tell you, we asked about everything, the only thing i note is that for more than 30 years they have been meeting unions, and... they can
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move in a swim, there are special mushroom propellers, they are located there are two at the back, on the other side there is a reconnaissance bird, it is studying the territory to pick up the falling frontal protection in a timely manner. truck rescue vehicles, which means we have two types here, their crane is designed to evacuate the descent vehicle, and the interior, respectively, is for evacuating people and delivering the group. we also visually determine the emergency frequencies at which the beacons of the descent vehicles operate, today the weather is good, today it will be clearly visible, and, in principle, the moment of opening the decrease. at a reserve site in the town of arkalyk, 500 km from where we are now we, too, are working with bluebirds, but... again
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, i already said that there is severe flooding there, so we still hope that the landing will be here; who will arrive at the union first, bluebirds or helicopters, again, time will tell, there were different cases in... thank you anastasia, the landing is the same exciting stage as the launch, we feel it in minsk, we are waiting for the details of the star trek finale in our next issues. at 9:30 the tsop will begin a live broadcast of the descent, usually it takes place automatically. mode technique all takes over the procedure. the entire journey - undocking from the iss and landing in the steppe of kazakhstan - is carried out by professional specialists from the flight control center in the city of korolev. our film crew works there. daria, good morning. colleagues, good morning, good
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frosty morning, it’s -2 here. now we are in korolev, near moscow, near the tsup building, it is from here that the center’s specialists control the return of the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft . dozens of journalists came to cover this important event for our country, i hope we have enough space on the small balcony in the main hall of the tsub, from where the live broadcast will go, let me remind you that the soyuz spacecraft undocking from the iss took place at 5:54 am moscow minsk time, it is the same for us, the day before we recorded an interview with the doctor, the cosmonaut, hero of russia.
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so this is part of the flight, so she will see something that she did not see, well, firstly, the launch vehicle will burn, or rather its casing, but it burns very interestingly, it’s like that, you look, everything is on fire, but this is not inside the fire and this is inside such a plasma cloud, it is a bright crimson color, the casing that lights up, it comes off the descent module, rushes past... this is cool. the entire flight from the iss to the ground will take about 3.5 hours. according to ballistic calculations at the center, the descent vehicle with the crew should land, and possibly splash down, since there are now severe floods in the steppes of kazakhstan at 10:18 moscow time.
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therefore, we wish the crew, this is our heroine, marina vasilevskaya, also our native of belarus oleg novitsky astronaut nasa, akhara, easy landing. good health and a speedy return home, colleagues, thank you, daria, we will watch with excitement the descent of the space crew. the launch of the first belarusian cosmonaut to the iss brings belarus to a new technical level of development. this opinion was expressed to our channel by the zaf department of physiology of human gravitational stability ras, doctor of biological sciences, elena famina. according to the expert, marina vasilevskaya’s flight highlights the opportunities in belarus to compete on equal terms with others developed countries, i think this is an expansion of borders, you know how important it was for russia when yuri gagarin flew, but there were also serious other political circumstances, but i, for example, had to be present in
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the united arab emirates when the arab one flew cosmonaut, and we also prepared him, and i saw with what enthusiasm the entire country, the entire united arab emirates, welcomed him. a short flight, so i think that this cosmonaut was very, he also had, by the way, it is important for the country, because this is a transition to a new level of technology means that another ocean has become available to you, an ocean of air in the full sense of the word, because it’s one thing to just fly on an airplane, and another thing when it’s already a spaceship. while marina vasilevskaya was conquering outer space, the stars also became closer and...
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they worked harmoniously, but preparations took place throughout the week. everything needed to be checked, everything needed to be installed, connected, we listened to communication sessions with the iss several times to understand that our equipment was capable to do this, we even communicated with radio amateurs via transceiver to understand that they could hear us too. the youth participated with great enthusiasm in the preparation of this session, well , as for the technical part, here, of course, our specialists, faculty members and students helped in the organization and setup.
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marina vasilevskaya successfully conducted experiments on the iss, from experiments with lactoferin to studying bacteria and their influence in space, this is only part of the entire space program of belarus. i would say that this is one of the elements of our, in general, well, loudly say the space program because it includes.
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the president of belarus agreed to submit to the house of representatives a draft law on suspending the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, but this does not mean our country’s withdrawal from the agreement, and the armed forces are not yet going to stop. are neighboring countries, but they are located in ours, in our region, and we,
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of course, must take into account this development of the situation, not to mention the fact that poland suspended its participation in the treaty, a number other countries, so the president makes such a decision in a timely manner. the twentieth year became a crisis for the treaty, when many western countries suspended its implementation, citing the coronavirus pandemic; from 2022 , almost all countries of the nato bloc began to ignore the implementation of certain points. eu countries do not accept inspectors from belarus, thereby violating the terms of the agreement. first of all, these are the czech republic and poland. conditions are being created that make it possible to build up weapons and military equipment uncontrollably. back in november 23 nato's north atlantic council did. a statement of the intention of the alliance member countries participating in the treaty to suspend its operation. russia also withdrew from the treaty.
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turkey will do the same on april 8. the suspension of the treaty with nato member countries and their allies actually means the termination of its functioning. ukraine will not be invited to the nato summit, which will be held in the united states this summer, the new york times reports. and of course, there is no talk yet of inviting the country to the alliance in any form. participants summit, apparently, they will start searching. a format of interaction with kiev that would demonstrate support for this country, but would not bind the organization with any obligations. the other day , a leak also appeared from the white house; american publications reported that the states were offering zelensky to cede territory in exchange for receiving security guarantees for ukraine, for example, in the format of joining nato, but with significant restrictions. obviously, ukraine has finally turned into a suitcase without a handle for the senior partners, it’s a pity to give it up, and drag opportunities. no, in the russian city of orsk, a dam on the ural river broke,
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more than 500 houses are currently flooded, an emergency evacuation of the population is underway, the first footage has appeared showing a large-scale hydraulic accident, in a matter of minutes, two gaps appeared in the monolithic sheet of platinum at once. the dam was built. 10 years ago to protect a nearby highway, the cause of the accident is unknown, perhaps it was caused by heavy rainfall in recent days. the so-called old town of orsk suffered the most, and there are risks. elections of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly continue in belarus; the historic people's assembly will determine the future of the country. the day before, at the extraordinary congress of the federation of trade unions
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, 80 people were elected delegates; they will join the meeting and become the voice of the people. will represent the interests of different segments of the population, nominees, leaders of trade union organizations at all levels, activists, honored workers of labor collectives from healthcare and education to industry and agriculture. before all i care about, of course, is the youth. that is, we really want them to work here in belarus at our enterprises, so that they don’t disperse, don’t leave, so that they are satisfied with everything, decent wages, a good social package, that is, this is the main thing, probably, for what. we need to continue to navigate, the most important and main issue is the effective productive, high-quality work of enterprises in the economic sector, which will allow people the opportunity to work and earn money, this is the most important thing, of course it is necessary to look at the issues of youth politics and its implementation and look at the issues that are promoted by
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the trade union federation in belarus, these are issues of labor protection, working conditions, issues of preserving social facilities, the union. the elections of delegates to the supreme national assembly will last until april 10, no later than the eighteenth, the results will be summed up by the cycle. let me note that the maximum number of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly is 1,200 people. issues of motherhood and childhood, vaccination and the activities of screening centers, as well as the consolidation of women in solving demographic problems. all these topics were discussed the day before by representatives of the primary organizations of the belarusian women's union at the republican scientific and practical centers at... a meeting with the chairman of the council of the republic. in a confidential conversation , they talked about family for more than two hours: how to involve men in raising children and how to raise patriots? the potential of such meetings is great, since it is possible to discuss plans for the implementation of projects that are important for the health of the nation. the campaign for women's health and the health of the nation, which we are now promoting our
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republican scientific and practical center, it is aimed at early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms in women. promotion it's cool to be a mom, which. here is a very active one, in which the republican scientific and practical center mother and child participates, it is aimed at popularizing the ideas of motherhood, childhood, increasing the birth rate, we are now meeting with students of higher educational institutions, a meeting was held with regional higher educational institutions, where we had a conversation with students about the importance motherhood, about issues of delayed maternity, about problems associated with...
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public transport. employees the measures are aimed at prevention with the participation of the capital's traffic police and are aimed at suppressing traffic violations committed by bus drivers. particular attention is paid to the technical condition and legality of the equipment of vehicles carrying passengers with the adoption of the necessary administrative measures against officials responsible for the technical condition and operation of vehicles. the traffic police will conduct raids using secret control using video recordings. choir, painting and writing. the sanurus musical chapel has prepared a mystical performance dedicated to the inner world of vangog. the experimental performance took place in the upper town concert hall, where the music of bach and dbc of contemporary belarusian composers transported them into
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the atmosphere of the work and life of a unique artist. we combine choral timbres with solo, instrumental ones, including organ, violin, and woodwind instruments, there will even be several choir works with sounding glasses, and this is very, by the way, since it is the sound of the glasses that creates this cosmic starry atmosphere, and we know some of the most famous paintings. literary material, a representation of the letter vangogh wrote throughout his life to his brother theo. the open championship continues in brest.


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