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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 10:05am-10:36am MSK

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again the day will rush by in worries, in a hurry in business as always, only the joy of meeting you, everyday life will not be overshadowed, never, never, never, girls, the majority, for some reason sit in ambush. catch a hockey player, marry him, give birth to many children, what kind of happiness is there, tell life, to rejoice with you, i will not forget how, there is only you nearby, nearby, you will be, nearby, you will be!
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and you know, i have television happiness, three different heroes and my child, the evening, despite the good fatigue, is surrounded by silence, as if claiming that joy again did not pass away , side, side. to enjoy life myself, to rejoice with you, i will not forget how, if only you are nearby, nearby, you will be, cool, enjoy life by yourself,
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good ranitsa belarus!
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a year of quality for our company is, first of all, the continuation of the production of our products with a high quality standard. i came here a long time ago, about 8 years ago, i have been working in the numerical control area for only 2 years. my responsibilities include from. production of body rings, lids, watches, there was some small dream of making something that people use, that people will love, that i use every day, we have maintained a full production cycle of our own mechanism, we produce both quartz and mechanical watches, for the last year we sold our watches to more than 52 countries around the world. this is a high-precision device,
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it consists of 120 structures, that is, if one of the structures is made poorly, of course the clock will either rush or lag behind, we would all like the time to be always accurate, products of our watch factory, naturally high quality, we always want, by the way, belarusian to be synonymous with quality. my native street, my little farm, my khmelevo, i always walk here with great love, everything is here, every corner is dear to me, every blade of grass, every tree, i remember everything here, here on this street i learned to ride... on
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a bicycle , how many falls there were, how many bruised knees there were, but i did it, i ride a bike, super, like a racer, i still love riding a bike. here is my favorite parental home, which, to fortunately, it’s not empty now, my beloved brother dima lives here, i always have it when i go here. somewhere around the turn i already have emotions, a feeling like this, my heart clench, memories, although i ’ve lived here all my life, except for studying, traveling and that’s it, then i’m always here as if i was born, and
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i was born behind the stove, i was stove, for some reason i was in a hurry to come into this world, i had to get out urgently, and my mother was not taken to the maternity hospital, and we had a medical assistant. here is a man of his business, she then came running, it was february, it was very there is a lot of snow, she is considered my umbilical woman, we had a ritual, umbilical woman, when there were no maternity hospitals, the neighbor’s grandmother there, or some kind of relatives, they came, ran, or rather, who went there when, what, they cut this umbilical cord and... this was considered a relative, that is, anna nikolaevna became, as it were, my relative, she accompanied me throughout my life, due to the fact that i work in the field of culture, and my colleague natasha and i decided
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to resume ritual, here is an umbilical woman, a woman already in years, who has a good fate, a prosperous woman, she... bathed the baby for the first time after being discharged from the maternity hospital, then before baptism, and it turns out that people’s relatives are increasing, so natasha and i decided to resume, i was 28 years old, she gave birth to a second son, and natasha and i decided, that means, i will be a woman for her newborn son, the traditions are such, prayer, books were laid out under the bath, in general, that... the child was smart, healthy, they gave him a bath, but the most interesting thing is that at the moment when christina, they take this woman in a brechka, well , a wheelbarrow, let's say, and they drive it around the village, put it
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firewood, a nice blanket on top so that this woman would feel uncomfortable sitting. she treated everyone who came out to meet her. well, with the music , in general, it all happened fun, uh, i treated all the residents, that’s who is standing at the gate, please, we treat you, sausage, pies, we wished the newborn happiness, health, all the best, of course, then at the very last moment we drove into the yard where the baby was born, and they rolled out this grandmother right there, well, they drove through the gate and you... turned out of that chaise, she rolled, that is it turns out that this grandmother took on all the difficulties so that the child’s life would be easy, free, and happy. the most interesting thing is that when i was 34 years old, we
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came in with my grandson sasha, i had a six-year-old grandson at that time, and he said, “girl tan, buy me a simple pencil, and he r, well, he spoke so interestingly, and people who didn’t know our family connection, like this, they looked and thought, young woman, what is 34 years old, we have this wonderful connection, it continues to this day, the most beautiful place on mine": here we fished, here we collected duckweed for our domestic ducks, when it was freezing, we played hockey, we
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didn’t have skates, some had these snow maidens, and when we were little, we did, well, , we break the stick from the willow. they tied it with laces and drove it, they drove it at speed, well, here i was carrying the fish with my brother, well, or rather brother pascal, i was little, but about 5 years old. i was pulled out like this pike, he said, take it home, i was afraid that she would bite me, i wrapped her around me, this place, it’s magical, i when i come here on my bike, i stop, it’s beautiful now, it ’s simple now, i just feel bliss when spring comes, when everything blooms, when the swans fly in and... you come here, enjoy it, and the trees just come to life,
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then in the summer there are opticians, well, in general, it’s a pleasure, a piece of paradise, where it’s pleasant to be, where you remember your childhood, where you remember all your friends, well, happiness, i walk along my native streets, along my hop-shop and... every house reminds me of someone. baba vakhnovka lived here, vakhnovka, because she is from ivakhnovich, this is the brest district. she got married here, she was a very wonderful grandmother, we remember her very often, she very often sat on the bench. i remember when on big holidays, okay, when it’s a weekday, they all worked, when on holidays all the shops are busy, and you walk like on a catwalk. i have to say hello to everyone, say christ at easter,
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right, left, when i was little, it was difficult for me, now i understand what a happiness it was, how many of them there were here passing by this bench, now it ’s here, aunt zhenya lives here, and there was also a neighbor nearby, aunt zhenya, they are sitting on the benches, they can’t see it from afar, i’m walking, they don’t recognize me, i’m beautiful, my hair... i knew recipes, and the house of my
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grandparents, my mother’s parents, here, too, i once walked, in general, through the village, through the house, this is definitely all my relatives, because my father is local, my mother is local, our hops, that’s the name , there are such options, there were a lot of hops, now there are hops on that house, there barn, there in the cellar, and in general, when you approach our village from zhabinka, hops simply intertwine all the trees, well, this is one option, that it’s hoppy from a large amount of hops, the second option is that pan khmelevsky lived here, and i don’t know which one is correct, but the indigenous people, i want to say, the khmelevtsa, how to describe them, they are very...
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not all are cheerful; our people’s character is a catchy song; we have grandmothers when i came here to work ; the only thing that was us five. there was a lot of work, and when we sat down at the table on holidays, she
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sang songs to me, she, of course, instilled in me this love of song, i really love local songs, i began to study them, i went into the culture , not only consciously, it was an accident, i understood that i love to sing and dance very much, my dad loved to dance, he once danced with this partner of his, also ours... a village woman, so you have to dance a village polka, so that you put a vase on your head , and the water won’t spill, no, without bouncing, oh! like this, he danced very beautifully, in general, mom sang, dad danced, it’s clear that, well, we all have my brothers and sister, we all sing, we all dance, we love it all, in
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our... studios gathered 100 brave guys, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should what does a person do to achieve success? he thinks that artists are... the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are
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an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta is like the 790th reptiles, rach paspalitaya knew, and with this we say, it happened and was known, ending with the floating style of baroka. i eight gistarychny the krynitsy here are taking us away from the people, it’s such a dead end,
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because in the future the architects would have been myastsov’s admyslovites. architect chakhovich. who he is is unknown. glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus. if there were more european trots in the past, then just at the 18th century we scored higher. we have gathered enough time to give out our own and aryginal things. on our tv channel. everything in our life does not happen by chance, as my friend says, god leads us, leads us and leads us out, i am like that by nature, i need movement all the time, i need to go somewhere, communication with people brings me joy, happiness, of course, inspiration comes from my
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village, our people, and i want to revive.
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we have enough strength for everything, we and so, so and so, so that the forgery has begun to rumble, let’s dance krakow!
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my love for children is my collective monstrance, but children perform, but i also want to, i’m like my husband says: actress, i want too, here is our folk group, the theater of humor khmelyuvsky volotsug - this is also my life, hello!
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according to the stories of our local grandparents, a gentleman lived here in this place, there was a master the estate, it was fenced with a linden alley, and accordingly this place was called lybki, and there was an oak alley perpendicularly. alley and there was a club there, our whole childhood also passed here, i visited each of the linden trees, somewhere here i can’t show you where there was another
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master’s chapel, that’s where my parents’ house is, there was a kennel there, there was a tavern here too, of course , it doesn’t look like that now, it’s a wonderful place, just for relaxation, as it’s fashionable to say now. this is a special place for our melevites, for visiting people, for me, in particular, the most beloved, most dear place, since childhood, as a little girl, i ran here to the church of the transfiguration of the savior in our village khmelevo, my mother led me by the hand to communion, the temple was built 172. to that cat, there is an icon of the mother of god of czestochowa in it, there is a legend, that on the territory
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of our khmelev there lived a landowner, he had a wooden chapel, in this chapel there was an icon of the mother of god of cestokhov, but when there was a fire, everything burned down, the landowner was very worried about the icon, when he came to the ashes, there there was nothing left, he dreamed of the mother of god, who said: you must build a temple, he dug up a scroll from the ashes, which was preserved, so everything burned down, the light of the icon survived. he took this scroll, harnessed the horse to his harness and began driving around the outskirts of our
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village, rode for a long time, for a long time, on this mountain where we stand, the horse stopped rooted to the spot and did not move, the landowner realized that there should be a temple here, from the moment when the temple was built, it... was never closed. in 2000, when he came to serve a monastic priest, father seraphim, brothers began to gather around him, the holy transfiguration church was transformed into a monastery, a monastery. those childhood memories that i have, now in adulthood, it’s perfect. the sensations are already different, the soul rejoices, but all this is not conveyed, i cannot convey my state of mind, everything just freezes, listen...
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you pray, i think, for khmelev, it’s not only me, i probably think so, everyone thinks, that this is the most important place in our life.
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of course, i love my hops immensely, geta is still a little place, where the real palishuks live, our palesie is my love, this is mine. pride, we are cheerful, open, kind, hospitable, talented in the end, well , the shoval went, went and i think, since aunt nadya had potato dumplings, i cooked a lot of things myself, i just made dumplings from dough, i tried it from her , and you don’t sleep right now?
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yes, i tried to tell you about such a tasty one with potatoes in pure form, well, then purely from potatoes, you’ll tell me , of course, i’ll tell you about potato dumplings, that’s an old recipe and i’ll just be shy take a third of the potatoes well, like this, and add a little bit of flour there, a good bit of flour, and shape the egg into balls like this, and we’ll throw them into the cast iron, as your sweetheart said, if it’s kind, kind, maybe, no, she usually said, oh, oh, it won’t work out , or what, what, what, in our village they call it palyandra, it hasn’t started working yet, i already think that we won’t succeed, as a result, palandrite palandrite, it turns out delicious, remember how they had pies for the whole
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village. from us we drank shuks and dug up potatoes and made a thousand potato dishes so squeeze it out, but not too hard, just a little bit of booze once, that’s enough, and then we’ll put some flour in there at a time, we’ll add the required consistency until there ’s water. boil and cut the lard with the cybul, so that you can fry it, so that it is soaked in something, oh, oh, it will already squeak, so good, so the cybul, and if there was no gas cooker, you wake up in childhood, you can hear how your mother is banging, banging - the mud, then the chigunchik, then the fire, there...


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