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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 10:35am-11:31am MSK

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we’ll throw balls like that into the cast iron, as your mother-in-law said, if it’s kind, kind, maybe, no, she usually said, oh, oh, it won’t work out, otherwise, well, in our village they call it palyandra, but i haven’t started to work, i’m already thinking that it won’t work out for us, in the end it ’s palandrite palandrite, but the result is delicious, you remember how the boules were in their pies, well, all the way. from us we got hotchki and dug up for potatoes and accumulated 100 dishes from potatoes, so squeeze, but not very hard, so, so, so, so, more little bits, booze, once, so, one, that’s enough, yes, yes, we’ll put more flour in there, we’ll add more, according to the consistency required, good, good. while the water is boiling, you cut
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the lard with the cybulle, to fry it, so that you soak it in it, oh, oh, it’s already squealing, so good, so the cibulle is already cooked, and if the simmer has not yet been made of gas, you wake up in childhood, you hear how mom there is a clang-clang, a clang-clang, now with little noises, now with fire, there is such a rumble, like for... yes, as the draft is good, it smells, and when you sleep, and then the smell, it hurts my head, somewhere get out of the border, khmelovets de sometimes it doesn’t happen, everyone goes home from here, behind grandfather fedka there is a reach with a bridge, where there is a spring under the ground all the time, and in the pine trees there is a monastery on a hillock, where our father prays for us, oh! melyo, whoever you
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need once, will return here from any roads, and with joy i laugh and cry here, dear little bundle, god forbid, naturally tears are bursting, that’s right, grandmothers and dimenich said, uh-huh, girls, how are you there’s business there, but i say it’s good, aunt nastya said: it’s possible, as if with that gentleman’s accent. let's go with god you have to cross the need for others and any kind of food, you have to cross it, and if you first say a prayer, so until the work, and then as soon as there are dates, in the evenings the smell of your mother, or
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the rustle of the leaves, i love you like never before, i can’t love in life, i love you like no other. if in life i can’t fall in love, a good song, a song, like it’s boiling here, it’s boiling good, it’s boiling good about you, i said that there won’t be anything from you val, in khmelev’s style, it will be klutsky. what a beauty, i pour it all out, but
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the smell, oh and the buttermilk, needs to be tasted, well, oh well, relish, our culture, our language, our traditions, it’s all priceless, and this is the soul of the people, as long as we remember it all, we appreciate it all and pass it on to our children, then we will live, our people will live, now it’s a village ours is not a village, but an agricultural town, it lives, young people come here, young professionals, it becomes prettier, my village is the most dear place, because here i was born,
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here i got married, here i raised my children, here my school, here is my everything. kuntsevich nikolai nikolaevich, combat participant
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against the nazi invaders. since the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich, the commissar of the second government, courageously defended the city of gomel. 18 the militia, together with units of the red army in august 1941, the battalion led by nikolai kuntsevich repulsed two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar rushed forward shouting for... for our victory, he carried the soldiers with him into a counterattack. he died in the same battle. in 1944, nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree.
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posthumously. dmitry evgenievich, good evening, good evening, we are already there. we talked with the long-living deputy morzulyuk, in our parliament in the new parliament there is the youngest deputy, the most athletic, the most creative, all these are different people, but dmitry shevtsov, he is not only a doctor, but also the secretary general of the red cross of belarus. can we say that you are our
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most humane deputy, or what? it’s probably possible, given the specifics of working in medicine, in the red cross, it’s very intertwining. all things, that's why i think it's possible. okay, but recently one of the, well, humane initiatives, which had still been worked out by the previous parliament, the president signed on monday a law on the responsible treatment of animals. but what new worthy bills, let’s say, in the social and humanitarian spheres, can be expected from the new convocation; perhaps these topics have already been discussed? you know, no, we haven’t discussed it yet.
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in basic education, if so , you continue to follow medical news, to say, yes for a long time, but it’s true, of course, well, on tuesday the president visited
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the grodno region, but it’s significant that on against the backdrop of a difficult foreign policy situation and against the backdrop of the economic difficulties that he spoke about, and that the west is creating them for us, but referring to... this is not necessary, we continue to build hospitals, and why was he chosen for the message to posterity, well, exactly medical facility, new hospital. in the social direction, as we said that we are a social guarantor, this is how we work,
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the president says that we must look at the demographic components of our society, yes, we must develop, including more children are born, if not an object of the healthcare system, we must build, this is firstly, secondly, you know, for me this is such an indicator to our neighbors on the other side that...
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there is nowhere to work, because i have only one place work - this is in parliament,
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but taking into account the fact that this is an elective position, i mean the belarusian red cross, i was elected by delegates, 120 delegates from the republic, this is an elective position, so until the end of the convocation, at least i remain in the position of secretary general belarusian red cross, but on a voluntary basis, you understand perfectly well that i did not do it by chance. red cross, but now i will promote it as the main one, probably today, because it turns out to be such an interesting conflict, we seem to have a red cross of belarus, in the international system it was abolished, our belarusian red cross was abolished, that’s how it happened, because why, well, we probably all already know this story, the fact is that believe me, not everyone knows it in more detail, yes, then i’m just speaking firsthand i'll tell you again.
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and the belarusian, that's all, the entire red cross movement, that's why we
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decided that we need to firmly put these talking madmen in their place, so we went to donbass in order to show that all the children who have been there we’ve been coming to the republic of belarus for a year and a half, and are now safely at home, so we took a film crew, we went, and that’s all... who vacationed there with us, we toured everyone without exception and filmed everyone, showed them to everyone, that is in fact, we have knocked out the ground for the accusations of the insane.
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well, of course, my trip showed that, unfortunately, there is no red cross in these territories at all, because when i arrived, we were only going to these children who were vacationing with us, yes, so i had absolutely no a limited number of gifts for these children, and when you come to a family and they see you in red cross clothes or somewhere else they say: oh red cross, and then i asked, what don’t you have? no, this is the first time we see, can you imagine,
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attacked by one of the opponents, and so i explained to them that i could not be in a red t-shirt, because this is a very good target for a sniper and they told me about it directly, they said we should not enter that territory, where it is dangerous for life, excuse me, but what about those children who live there, and why did we decide that it is dangerous for the life
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of the red quest employee and not those who live there, we are not talking about the fact that we should go to trenches. yes, in order to look at the living conditions of the soldiers, also to bring some kind of humanitarian aid, we go to peaceful people, they live here permanently, and you know, i always say, i was honestly ashamed when i arrived there in clothes, in a bulletproof vest, in a helmet and the children were walking in front of the boarding school, playing football they were running around, you know, i came here all like this, and they have been living an ordinary life for more than two years. for as long as the conflict began, when the illegal seizure of power took place in kiev, this has been going on since 1914. do i understand correctly that it was the trip to donbass that became a formal reason for presenting claims to the belarusian red glue, you had to leave before december, but at their request, well, they gave me different deadlines, the most
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extreme was december 1, and they generally had the right to demand that you leave the elected position. the fact is that in the red cross movement there are three unities: the international federation of the red cross, the international committee of the red cross , the national society, we are partners, therefore equal partners, absolutely equal partners, with an ordinary voice, with ordinary ones, can i do this, do i want to do it or not, but within the framework, of course, of the charter, when the international federation of the red cross, aka. was the first to write a letter that the secretary general should immediately resign from his post, or at least for the duration of the investigation, yes, then only seven days later, perhaps, in my opinion, yes, the investigation began, i again asked the question, how can this be be that you first demand my resignation, and then just start an investigation, yes, that’s it
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you know, these inconsistencies , inconsistencies, you know, good proverbs, the further. they were created more harshly and the arguments were not listened to at all, because we told them that dear colleagues, all the recommendations of the committee that conducted the investigation were implemented 100%, even the issue of considering the resignation of the secretary general, because an unscheduled congress was created. which one of the issues considered being in the post of general secretary, i spoke, i explained the situation, what caused it, what, how and where, but the congress, excuse me, did not satisfy the requirements.
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to help migrants from ukraine, this money did not even go to those migrants who are, come to us from the middle east, who are trying to get into the calf purely for ukrainian refugees, for ukrainian refugees, yes, there are un organizations, our partners, who like since we allocated funds for other categories of migrants, but these were not such amounts, but nevertheless we also helped them, but in this case, when i’m talking about international...
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to develop self-employment among migrants from ukraine, who came to us, and we at the very beginning, as soon as after the first of december the main order came out that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation was suspended, we gave information, now we are also informing that financial support, some projects, initiatives there, this is suspended, but at the same time, everyone who... needs our help, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries, it doesn’t matter, but we provide humanitarian assistance, that is, we are
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ready provide linen, we are ready provide clothing, hygiene products, food, that is, medicine, if there is a need to help, help with employment, help with paperwork, yes, that is, all these things we, of course, include. together with our partners from the ministry of internal affairs, the healthcare system, and others, we are providing assistance on all these issues, as before. dminovich, you see, i was a little interested in this topic, it’s like a small remark, i’m sure that it was also used as a reason, because back in the twenty-third year in june month, in my opinion, the red cross, the international red cross stated that they have a funding shortfall for the twenty -fourth year expected to be more than... billion dollars, so they are forced to lay off 1,800 employees around the world and close 26 representative offices, that's at least this is an official statement made by
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the head of the international red... well , okay, in fact, we are now talking about what i will tell you more, excuse me for interrupting you, i will tell you more, not only the lack of financial resources for the existence of this large structure, but the information is known, because we communicate not only officially, but also informally with our colleagues, acquaintances, and so they said that the main sponsors, the main sponsors, who are they, is this a big one? western europe and america, yes, allocating funding, cash, sponsorship to finance various projects, assistance from migrants and so on, they said, except for belarus and russia, so they say, you understand, every year it is so difficult to knock out funds for belarus and russia, we say, wait a minute, that the ukrainians who are on the territory of belarus are
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special? last year, the european peace foundation , the peace foundation, financed the purchase of weapons for ukraine for about 5 billion dollars, handsome guys, this year they indicated that they are going to double the costs for this shopping, and up to 10 billion. and here’s what it is from your point of view point of view, nonsense or a new
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reality, in which...
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out of what, excuse me, fright are you typing, is published in official languages, then the russian red cross, god bless him, helps in translating these documents into russian and sending them to other national societies, this is not only belarus, but other national societies in the post-soviet space, as a rule, these are
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countries that also widely use... the russian language , yes, but the documents are published in four official languages, so the question is asked, what do you guys want, i ’ll answer this question for you, it’s obvious, they specifically wrote it in ukrainian so that refugees, ukrainians in belarus they clearly knew who this decision was coming from, to deprive them of help, well, here’s a good answer, perhaps, well, look, in the comments on social networks. at least under the information about the suspension of membership, but they write that on the sidelines of the organization there is regret about the closure of one of the most effective red cross organizations in the world , belarusian, but well, this may be true, it really is, but again, this is not the official interpretation , yes, this is actually true, i heard it too, my colleagues heard it, and well, you know, sensible people there are more people, but only... to please
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these various minorities, well, here i mean those who are trying to express a lie to show the truth, but they close it down. they didn’t see the war, yes, there, there are no people there, which means, you know, some kind of red cross came here, well, listen, to anathematize, what else, to show the whole world, so they removed the general secretary from the post, added pressure, removed him from the post of the general secretary,
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you will squirm, the same thing will happen to you, this is not a problem, well, well, we’ll deprive you of funding, again it’s not a problem, so nothing, above, we haven’t financed anything before, but we’ll come up with something else, but there you go. then we’ll turn it on, we’ll do something else, well, well, well, well, well, a game with the head, a show where they fight not with the help of physical force, even with the strongest. in the 22-23 fa cup match between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed
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an unusual red card. its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors. what exactly is its specificity? a show where the main weapon is intelligence. gains, look in the face of an extremely difficult struggle, victory today in an intellectual-sports project, a head game on our tv channel,
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i may be exaggerating a little, yes, but i remember the information that the international committee of the red cross once admitted that after the war it issued documents to a number of high-ranking nazi criminals which allowed them to escape justice in latin america and then even come to europe. at the same time, of course, it is difficult to deny the millions of good deeds of the organization. do you still have hope that...
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within the country, negotiations with various of our large companies, enterprises, increasing membership, including deductions of sponsorship, many interesting projects, yes. all efforts must be directed here, and this will give its real normal results, because you said correctly, this is not just some kind of coloir story, that we are one of the strongest national societies, this is actually so, this is shown by annual international audits, the projects we do, and people come, of course they admire the level work of the belarusian red cross, but such a decision was made, this is not... we will be ready to work, cooperate and continue, and we will be ready, in the event of a change
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in some kind of polarity, points of view, we communicate with our international partners, which means that we we will become worse, we will work but only on a parity basis, what i, of course, what i initially told them back in august, when they tried to prove that the national society is still vassals of the international federation of the red cross, yeah .
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i say again, this is one of the most serious crimes, but no one has started an investigation into the abduction and disappearance, or rather of children, of entire groups of children who traveled to europe, because there are documented facts, there are interviews, listen, and what is happening now among ukrainian families who are now in europe, for this period. 255 children were seized, yes, that's it,
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guys, germany, poland, italy, and sweden, they are leading on this list, how is that? there , children are taken away from mothers, and they are taken away officially, yes, even then where these children are transferred, i agree, it is not just necessary to react to this formally, it is necessary to publicly voice this problem, demand a trial, demand clarification of the reasons. consequences, where did the children go, what is being done with them, on what basis are you confiscating them, even in the last case, when a group arrives, they simply disappear, well , listen, what’s next, don’t you think at all that children in europe are becoming a bargaining chip, so for those for a long time, already for a long time, already for a long time, these are powerless beings who you can manipulate them like kittens, whatever you want, they can be put there on the scales on one
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side, on the other, or simply thrown away, unfortunately, this is so, because over what period of time we have been observing, children’s identity is erased, children of the family are taken away, transferred they are sent to the families of pedophiles, they are transferred to the families of homosexuals, this is a boy, a girl can no longer be called yes yes, so i say, the gender is erased, what is this, this situation yes, if you touch on it a little.
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they installed a machine gun and forced them to go back, is it like going to the toilet and getting a drink? what are you? who is in front of you? well, who cares? so that’s what i’m talking about, just because they were on the territory of the republic of belarus, everything there is scorched earth, no one should go there, we tell everyone everywhere that in
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belarus this is the most terrible place, well, yes, the second after, probably, the dprk, but maybe the first is now in people’s mouths. when people come, they see what is happening here, what a flourishing region, well, they actually have a split personality, they cannot understand, there is one thing, there is another, i come here i came, i saw with my own eyes, it’s not like they’re not digging trenches here along the border, but i think when they come from the other side, they see a sufficient number of armored vehicles that are stationed along the roads, in the forests, in the forest belts, in the crossings themselves, and hello, they're digging here, they think they're burying a tank, he's coming.
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when you were in the most difficult conditions, yes, you worked there at the border, and even more so our friends from poland, they watered so beautifully, that’s right, then someone from the outside noticed your work with migrants, from the outside, yes, they actually noticed international red caist federation, and the president at that time, francesco roca, came and praised the work, then after some time there, about 10-14 days, he already... met - with the president of russia with vladimir vladimirovich putin, where also spoke about the efficient work of the belarusian red cross, for us it was very honorable for the simple reason that on the other side, on the polish side, not only the red cross there was no one except the military and no one
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was allowed to visit the migrants at all, remember that was going on, and with us, anyone accredited can go straight to the border strip. to a correspondent from any country, which is what happened, and australia, and japan, and germany, and the united states, england, everyone, everyone, the british, only then wrote, it’s not clear what, that’s another question, but in any case, please come and look , that’s when the polish border guards poisoned migrants with gas, threw stun grenades at them, yes, at sub-zero temperatures they poured water on them, and even with chemicals, but after all, as you correctly noted, they still haven’t died stopped. yes, fifty confirmed cases over 2 years, when they were killed and thrown to us over the fence, so i know that for many volunteers, your volunteers, this confrontation became so, well, deeply internal, yes, and today you are monitoring this situation on the border , of course, of course, you know, actually, yes, uh, i tried
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to make sure that we have teams at the red cross. quick response in each area is trained volunteers, boys and girls who come to various natural, man-made disasters and as a rule, they help the ministry of emergency situations or someone else, or a government agency, and here we were of course involved, naturally these teams worked, we worked closely together with the state border committee and other departments, and i made sure that each team visited several times. i worked there, firstly, we are giving a break to the previous one, secondly, i saw it with my own eyes, i always, when we held a debriefing, because well, psycho-emotional burnout could be very severe, yes, i always said, guys, look how the world is fragile here a sufficient number of very wealthy people, very wealthy people, who
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are now dirty and grimy and are ready to thank everyone just for a pack.
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principles, yes, yes, humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntariness, unity , universality, yes, and what principles remained with the belarusian red cross, yes, and what was missing from the international one, in your opinion, you know, we still have all the principles , which were there, have not gone away, and what’s more - i, well, it’s not me, but an international one... i think that humanity is is the basic fundamental principle, the most important principle in the movement, although they
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seem to all be equal, and uh, you know, speaking and generally understanding for myself, working in the healthcare system, as a doctor, resuscitator, knowing how much a human life costs, working in the red cross, and you know, i don’t need to be convinced, the most important postulate... of a normal person is helping to save the life of another person, or satisfying his basic needs, food, blood, protection, just, yes, what whether you do it with clothes on, or without any clothes at all, or on your head at all, it doesn’t matter if you’re saving a human life, so everyone else, they still fade into the background. although they all must be fulfilled, as for the international movement, you know, uh, if they are interpreted
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correctly and without double standards, then of course they will also remain in motion, if interpreted, yes, i liked it, in fact, your remark, it doesn’t matter uh, not even in what clothes, it doesn’t matter under what flag you provide assistance, and this is definitely not should become a stumbling block, the color of your flag, and your... sovereignty, okay, look, last year a study was conducted in russia that showed that russians now prefer to trust ngos, non-profit organizations that are created by the state, and we too we come to this, in your opinion, what public initiatives require support right now at the state level, well, of course, assistance in the development of national societies, and... the fact is that, uh, it would be much easier to exist as a national society if
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they could also earn money, but according to the law on public associations, these are societies that cannot provide any services on a reimbursable basis, this, in principle, would help many societies, but the most important thing for me is what i see. .. understand that - we now need a law on volunteers, which will spell out his rights,
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his responsibilities, his capabilities, yes, because sometimes we are faced with the question that a volunteer is ready, trained, competent, ours, on whom we count , ready to come forward to provide some assistance, but he has questions with his main place of work, that is, he needs to ask for time off, write for his own.
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yes, well, as a deputy, lobby for the right of legislative initiative, i think that this will be received with great pleasure, yes, dmitry evgenevich, the last, extreme, near-philosophical question, to be honest, as a result of our conversation, only one question, what kind of red cross do we need, maybe we need a red-green cross, you know, after all... good question, yes, after all in fact, it’s not about the color, yes, although the red cross emblem is protected by the laws of the vast majority of countries, yes, i remember this ambulance scandal, including, yes, in the republic of belarus there is a law that protects the red cross emblem, but the law on the red cross, i would certainly leave it.
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i am happy to see this emblem the way it is, because well, it is internationally accepted, that is, they always see everything absolutely, they are afraid of conflicts, and just the civilian population, when they see a cross, and do not understand the red cross, this is protection, this protection, in the same way, when you provide assistance to migrants who are somewhere in the forest writing sos, help, when they don’t see a man in a red jacket with a red cross, they come out, they understand that this is protection, so of course, and this emblem should continue to exist, it should not undergo any changes, this is something that has existed for 165 years, or even more, but the canons must remain unshakable, and we must, you know, i’ll tell you, probably open the same geneva convention forty ninth year, carefully re-read the articles,
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they are very uninteresting, who talk about how... the red cross should truly work, and then rely on our fundamental principles, seven principles, and not try to put them forward as a purist, when we need to hide some problem, well, or this purist is to reject someone who does not want to obey those principles and those rules that they suddenly decided to establish. beautiful, dmitry evgenievich, you know, i’m simply afraid that if they have not yet forgotten how to read these fundamental documents, then they definitely while there is no desire to read them and be guided by them. thank you for this conversation, thank you very much for the invitation.
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