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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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the tenth graders of our country continue to fight for the title of winner of the show, i know in my parallel, we are missing one more player to participate in the super final, he will be determined in the next program. see you later, bye! is it true that an adult normally has four canines? i think there should be four of them if everything is in place, two on top and two on the bottom. why do people need fangs at all? grabs food, i think, comes straight to the store, how come let's grab it, well, yes.
2:41 pm
let you love like a flower in the field, like yavar is young, there is a flock over the crayfish, like a patched bird, that is alive in the wild.
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live for a long time, dear daughter, let me love you. a place where we laugh and freeze in admiration, the pinnacle of extreme sports, a unique opportunity for co-creation between artist and viewer, the belarusian state circus is so mysterious and so...
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from viewer to artist and from viewer to viewer. the special energy of the circus spectacle directs and involves the viewer to actively participate in the entire circus performance as objects of clown jokes, to be assistants to illusionists as partners in other genres. the birthday of the belarusian state circus is considered to be february 11 , 1959. it was on this day that the first performance took place in minsk. this is the only one. a circus in the world that has five
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interchangeable arenas. a real cultural and architectural pearl of belarus. it is designed in such a way that its arena can host not only traditional performances, but also programs of various levels of complexity and different directions, including water and ice. artists of the belarusian state circus are winners of prestigious awards at professional competitions and festivals in russia, france, hungary, singapore and monaca. the circus museum contains a unique collection of exhibits from all over the world. we will talk about the features of circus art, as well as behind the scenes, with the guide of the belarusian state circus, anastasia tumanova. anastasia, good afternoon. hello. you are a tour guide of the belarusian state circus, but not an ordinary one. in the past, you are a circus performer and aerial artist. gymnast. we went through this difficult one, but...
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before i myself began to invest efforts in this profession, in this activity, that is, i first had before my eyes the example of my parents and that is, a kind of feeling of the circus as an outside observer, i really loved to watch i could
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watch all the performances 100 times, i’m sitting in the hall watching the same performance, that is, you were immersed in this topic, and immersed in this topic, for me somehow it wasn’t like that, well, it’s obsessive.. .is to do something, but in this, it is not just a beautiful picture, this is a lot of work into which you need to put effort. anastasia, we are in the circus museum, where many unique exhibits from all over the world are presented, and we are ready to hear more about them. it’s very interesting for
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the audience, as they say, who comes to the museum, but perhaps this is a photograph of what the circus was like before, before our circus, beloved by everyone... we are walking now, our old circus stood in gorky park, it was semi-permanent, the so-called circus, it stood somewhere on the site of the monument to maxim gorky, a little higher, there along the embankment into the park , it was a favorite place for menchan residents, just during the war this circus was destroyed, it was bombed and burned down, but what’s most interesting is, a year later, already a year after the war...
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... it opened, the apparatus was airy, she stood, read, and then the picture seemed to change, on this apparatus the artists flew into the air, of course, these are old posters, yes, from the century before last, the last century, that is, they are also interesting, well, to look at, because it contains such information here, according to such posters, in which city, what line-up of artists performed, since in the next city the picture has already changed completely, other artists came to... sketches, many, many provided some models, layouts, but this is exactly the hat, why? because it’s like a magician’s hat,
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you know, when you take out the ears of a hare, and you don’t know when it’s all over, what else he can get out of the hat, the circus shows its, at the same time mysteriously and at the same time everything on... how the circus lives today, what groups are you inviting? we invite many groups, we try to constantly update our programs, and today, we invited to our spring program of the spring season, which is called the rhythms of africa, arts from ethiopia, a wonderful program, wonderful artists, before that we had a circus of yakutia, it was also a great success artists, we know that the building of the belarusian state. the circus is a pearl of belarusian architecture, please tell us more about the arena and interesting facts: yeah, yes, indeed, the circus was originally built in such a way that it was already it was amazing, and the unusual dome was 42 m, this was during the first construction, but the circus had
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a reconstruction 13 years ago, where exactly a huge mechanism was added under the circus that moves the arenas, now there are five of them in the circus. they are located on underground floors, that is, it turns out to be an arena on which the artists perform, this platform, it essentially hangs in the air, different arenas, the most basic one.
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we really are now standing in the most reverent place of the circus, in front of the curtain. it is
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this curtain that opens every evening and releases another artist in the manege. we we are now in the stables of the belarusian state circus, and it was also rebuilt so wonderfully, it was after this reconstruction, firstly, that it became very spacious. it can contain several attractions at the same time. now, in addition to horse rides, we have dzhigit horses, yeah. ponies, that is, this is a completely different number, then we have camels, llamas, visiting animals, we can also accommodate here, the premises of the minsk circus are very adapted for different animals, and not only on this floor, where the stables are, but even lower floors with animals, there are large animals at the top, like tigers, there are rhinoceroses, there are elephants, the animals are distributed over three floors, is it possible to become a former circus performer or is it still a circus? remains in your soul forever, you know, of course, even when you stop your
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artistic activity, you still seem to be attached to the circus with all your gut, that it turns out, it turns out that you still watch the artists’ programs, you’re already somewhere with the look of a professional, that is, you notice some nuances, this work, this holiday, well, that is, all this together, it is so absorbed into you that you already somehow... understand this from the inside, this is like your own, that is, you understand this, this process, probably , so there are no former circus performers, that is, in any case, even a person, when he leaves this, that is, he tries to help young artists, it’s still such an endless cycle that turns out to be a circus, the circus affects all our feelings, so you come to a performance, the music is wonderful. the color is bright, wonderful, the acts are fantastic, amazing, here is a person who always
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comes out in high spirits after circus performances, how many genres are there in the circus, yes, how many different acts, animals, clowns, the air flew, there is fearlessness, someone is jumping over the fire, here and this, of course, cannot but surprise, cannot but delight and amaze. circus is an art of the greatest precision. trick is the primary expressive language of performance. performing a trick of any genre requires incredible skill from the artist. with your body, the highest degree of skill,
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endurance and love for your work. the soviet school of circus art has received worldwide recognition and has trained professionals of the highest level who perform tricks that are unique in terms of direction and technical performance. in the process of preparing the performance, the artist forms in his mind a certain imaginary idea in which it unfolds. and the conflict between the possible and the impossible is resolved. a distinctive feature of the belarusian circus is the partial mixture of genres: klaunaada goes to paired with dressura, balancing act with janglerova. circus remains the most understandable and close form of art for people speaking different languages ​​and living in different countries, because circus is always and everywhere a demonstration of the physical strength of beauty, the unity of spirit and body - an opportunity to touch what seems unreal. as the great clown yuri nikulin said,
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the public. she is the most important thing for us, we rehearse, rack our brains. when we come up with new numbers, we worry and suffer when something doesn’t work out, all this for the sake of the audience, for the sake of the respected public. enjoy cultural romance and follow fashion trends in the cultural life of our country. yulia burlo was with you, remember, being cultured is fashionable. see you in a week, until new cultural meetings.
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editors' club, well, the super idea of ​​the western world, it has existed for several centuries, it is to defeat russia, we can remember a lot of wars and everywhere this ideology, it already seems that in western european countries in the aglo-san world it is transmitted with mother's milk, that model social life, which developed on...
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on civilians, the soviet army was in afghanistan, it was, but what did the soviet union do there, it built plants and factories there, paved roads, treated people, leaving there, left a civilized society, the americans came, how many times drug production has dropped in afghanistan, not even significantly, the civilized world without ridicule without irony is us, don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel, don’t touch me, damn it! wil, jump in the car, they're chasing me, help, oh, hurry up, hurry up, there's such a cute one, look, and musya, who, my bride, is on my side, and i want to warn you, your return will be very difficult, i’m not afraid, well, my dear, now come on, tell me
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how, when, under what circumstances, you started collaborating with germans, how did you end up on the farm?
3:00 pm
space is ours, a new space chapter in the history of belarus has been completed: our marina vasilevskaya has returned from the iss to earth.


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