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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 4:40pm-6:06pm MSK

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now this is the dynamo stadium, there used to be a market downstairs, and bicycles were sold there, so we didn’t buy a bicycle there, i was happy, in general i was just jumping to the seventh heaven, this is the first memory, the second memory from childhood, my brother from america brought me a very cool new york rangers jacket, i haven’t slept in this jacket yet. what kind of pets do you have or have had? i have always had cats, right from childhood - now my mother has a cat, i now have a small york, very smart, but very harmful, i also have a york, but they are harmful harmful, but if you squeeze him a little, he immediately moves away. next question,
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please, purple sector, andrey, what cinema do you like best, which actors can you name from both belarusian and foreign cinema? i really like all these soviet films before the new year, they always create a very cool atmosphere. every new year, or before the new year, i watch all these famous comedies that are already 50 years old, but as for foreign ones, everything is probably standard, some very cool series, which is all rumored, or films there with actors, jim carrey is very cool. well, with those with those
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, he’s also very cool, so is clooney, in fact , i wouldn’t single out a lot of people right now , which is my favorite, if they made a film about you, who is the name of the actor who should play, borunov , borunov, yes, yes, yes, he’s cool too, great, he immediately imagined borunov on skates. what genre would the film be in, well, comedy, i hope, tell me, did you have an event in your life that turned it 180°? was such an event 2 and a half years ago, i met a person, as i believe and think, that this is the dearest person to me. thanks for
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your answer, what would you tell your eighteen-year-old self? what would i tell my eighteen-year-old self? it’s bad that for 18 years i didn’t have the brains that i have. 35, yes, i would probably say, just work and enjoy life, i have a question: what kind of music do you listen to and do you listen to music in the car? and i always listen to different music depending on my mood, i can listen to some rap, i can listen to the king and the jester. if
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this is some kind of everyday day, then it could be some popular songs on the radio, but how do you like the music of our generation, in a nutshell, to each his own, each generation, each generation has its own heroes, that ’s why you have your own heroes, i have my own. hello, my name is alisa, what other talents do you have, what do you enjoy doing in your time? free time, and hello, well, i can’t say that these are talents, yes, but in my free time i can play the guitar a little, a neighbor taught me as a child, that’s actually what i do i’m slowly improving, and i really love technology, i mean cars and so on, atvs, something like that, well, something like that, there’s actually not a lot of free time, so when you manage
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to find some... sometimes days, sometimes it’s either some kind of travel, or calmly playing the guitar at home. can you play something for us now? play? well, you can try. listen to what i say, i endured, but today i
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’m leaving, i said, calm down and close your roses, that’s all. on a date with you, this signal means that it’s time to ask questions to the hero expired, andrey, now you have to choose the best question of this program? in fact , there were a lot of cool questions, thank you guys very much for these cool questions, but i want to give this guy a prize, introduce yourself, tell me what class, what school you study in, hello everyone, my name is vlad , i am 14 years old, i study in the eighth grade of gymnasium number 39 in the city of minsk. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best
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question receives a special gift from our guest, go to the site. andrey, now you have the opportunity to ask children have their own question, i would probably like to know what happiness means to them, what does it mean? what makes me happy is spending time with my family with those people who make me comfortable, i consider myself happy when i go to school, and hang out with friends, go to the same hockey games with them, and also root for the team, and that’s very cool for me, i want to say that happiness for me is the realization that there are people next to you who are ready to support you, understand, with whom
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you can share not only something sad, they will support you, and the fact that you make you happy, they will also... be sincerely happy for you, just like you yourself, this is to find the work of your life and make progress in it, as well as spend time alone with yourself. wow cool! andrey, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. thank you very much for so many very cool questions, i can see from your answers to my question that an excellent generation is growing up that values ​​​​its parents. who clearly knows what they want, so i want to wish everyone good luck in all your endeavors, good health to you and your families, well enjoy this life. so, belarusian
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hockey player, center forward, captain of the dynamo minsk hockey club, andrei stas, today is visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you, andrei at the entrance to the site. thank you, this is where i ask you to stay. andrey, how do you like our children's audience? very cool, really liked it, very, very nice guys and there were some very tricky questions. what question seemed completely unexpected to you today? unexpected, unexpected, perhaps there was a question. as for the director, that is , they called, they didn’t call the parents, i never wanted to worry the parents with any of their problems, so there was no question of calling the director or anything like that. today you managed to answer 62 questions,
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tell me, if we call you again, you will agree to move, be sure to invite. i ask our young audience, do you think that our hero was at his best today? frank, honest with you, whoever thinks so, raise your hand, i think that's enough an open, cool guy, i won’t remember his age - he communicated with us on an equal basis, and i think that he answered all our questions quite honestly and openly, well , at first it was noticeable that he was a little shy, but rather he was during the program he opened up more to us, i especially liked the moment when he picked up the guitar and played agatha christie, i really like these songs of the old generation more, and i just remembered them.
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andrey, please tell me how you would comment on this remark? well in next time i’ll have to come with the children to be completely open with the girl, so that it’s easier for me, so that the guys don’t have any objections, we’ll be waiting for you in this fun company. andrey, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. but i’m surprised at the homely, homely atmosphere that the guys create, interesting questions,
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cool guys, i just want to wish this team and program as many broadcasts as possible. andrey stais was a guest of the program today 100 questions for an adult, see you in a week. in the next issue! dear participants of the program, today our guest is the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, natalya korchevskaya, welcome! what's the most
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uncivil thing you've ever done? how well is our education valued abroad? could artificial intelligence replace creative professions in the future? there are show business stars studying at your university, and you make excuses for them during exams? do you think you have talent? it seems to me that you have a very stressful job, how do you relieve stress? 100 questions for an adult, if everything doesn’t go according to plan, then we’ll replay it! we confidently step into a new day and do it
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to the music of our own, the music that sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere in the sun, in timid movements, at the tips of our fingers, music inspires, compels... and opens thousands of roads for us. music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside each of us.
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to you. those living under the sun with faith in happiness and peace, and those who are in a mortal struggle with fascism survived and won.
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we are forty-fivers, we are also called pto, and more often gunners, the guys got close. the good ones, it’s true, sometimes fight among themselves, but all these clashes are no more than child’s play, compared to the evil that fascism brought upon our land, death lurks around us, and we don’t think about it, neither i nor they, we cannot imagine that we can die, although
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this is destined for all of us every second in war. now i’m going to annoy you, but come on, what is it, what is it, what is it, what is it, that you ’re cramped in the cop, explain what’s what, get up, lie down like at a resort, clean the shells, laznyak, watch, why are you one-eared, what are you doing, do you need a separate invitation, get up, well, do n’t push, don’t harness, why, why, don’t harness, rise, i say, clean the shells , order, before you have time to shake, rise, rise, and what are you doing, net, three of us will manage.
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listen, lukyanov, you were a hairdresser before the war, or what? no, before the war i studied architecture, but i thought i was a hairdresser, you hold the rag very delicately, but you are very strong, it won’t tear, don’t be afraid, architect! and here i'll give you another job. you show this card with a bird, the full calculation of the gromotei, an architect,
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a football player, a teacher, you know, the card is one disgrace. this is where i see the master, look, and the tank is like a tank. as if alive, that’s how we live, a small gun crew, we’ve been stuck
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in a narrow trench for 3 days, ditches, and i know by heart everything that’s in front of us, every blade of grass, every sheaf that the hands that raised it cannot touch, quietly . but try to lean out. on these hills the enemy has dug in and lurks, with hundreds of eyes piercing into every hollow on our land. he is waiting, we are waiting, we are waiting for the order ahead. in the meantime, we look forward to the darkness of the evening with worries other than during the day. maybe today lucy will come from sanrota,
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yes, but what? nothing, girl, what are you, what? lyuska is not harmed, not me, but someone else, not you, his lip is torn, but well, pigeons, ready.
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who runs every evening? lyoshka, who else? so what? what, what? why are you worried? what are you? what? is it okay, what are you interested in? and why? i can’t be interested, i’m very nervous, nervous, they would decorate their face like that, no
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i'm afraid i'd get nervous, why, there are no girls here, and i don't care about the girls, it's not about the girls , i'd write home, just translating the paper, it's not about the girls, would he be at home? why can’t you hear it, there are no krauts, and there are no missiles,
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it’s being replaced. whether? yes, there is not a single mine, it has been silent for 3 days, why? that the war is over, we’ll be home soon, the war will end, i’ll invite you to visit from your kolyma. why, kolyma? yakutia, well, yakutia, yakutia, you have permafrost, but here in kuban they are now harvesting bread. dawn to dark they work until they sweat, melons, watermelons, cucumbers in bulk, we’ll set up a table in the garden, blow up the samovar, well, you understand the rest, my daria amelyanna loves guests, we’ll hand out a bottle, let’s remember how they were in the trenches during the liberation in belarus.
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it smells like flowers, yes, now in kuban they harvest bread, it’s dawn until dark, you work hard until seven o’clock, that’s right, you understand rural life, you understand, lie here, sleep, eat on the side, love in the war, that’s for sure. what
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the hell exactly did ponimazh kill my japanese grandfather, my german father, and then cripple my brother styopka, came over him without any hands, now i, well, there’s nothing to say here, if we don’t destroy this fascism, then who will it be, so you say war is war, but who were you before the war , private?
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all the runts, this is the last war , there is no more war, don’t think so badly, commander, to hell with him, i’m ready for anything, just so that you fools don’t have to slurp, everything also slurped, easy-going, brothers slavs, in you look, look, you understand, you’ll finish the game, nothing, two deaths... will not happen, but one cannot be avoided, wait, who’s coming? friendship artillerymen, no way, comrade captain, why there is no sentry, it’s because we’re all here, no one is sleeping, comrade captain, yeah, everyone is here, whoever is watching the enemy, they’re coming out, we’re all watching, comrade captain, so how long have you been sitting on this firing line, on this fire, on this fire then... captain, we
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've been sitting for three days, like at a resort, kilometers from the germans, what a kilometer, they're knocking the needle out of our hands, nonsense, that's it, roll the gun to the edge of the wheat field closer to the road, how is this, how is this to the road? that's how it usually is under the noses of the germans, they will cover us, perhaps, if we don’t dig in properly, keep in mind that the area is the most vulnerable, so that the road will be blocked like a bottle, okay? is anything expected? perhaps this is how you need to report to the lieutenant, report, keep in mind, guys, you will lead a lot... the message is clear, petrov, you will stay with me, i obey, i
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went to the platoon commander, look here, you understand. bosses, they just need to order, he doesn’t give a damn about your head, why are you saying that,
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you need to think a little, think, think, of course, don’t think about it, that’s what he ordered, that’s it out of stupidity, you won’t even get to berlin with such commanders, the commanders have nothing to do with it. the commander orders, but the subordinate thinks it’s unfair, a common thing in war, he orders, yes, if the order is correct, i understand it straight away, but if not, then you can’t prove it to me, whatever one may say, why prove it, war is not jurisprudence, the result is important here, wow, prudence, “wow, how smart you are, you should have told all this to the battalion commander, maybe he would appoint you as a commander, that arguing with you is not on the merits, you will think that it is not on
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the merits, what a smart guy, you think i’m stupider you, and i of the institutes"? the man did not surrender, you are still a travel bastard, you yourself are bastards, go to hell, whoever is going, your s... yusya has arrived,
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good evening, boys, hello, lyusya, petrov, give everyone 3, 4, 5, 6, that’s it, okay, pavlik, a letter for you, nerochki, i’m for you...
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well, what are you waiting for, the chevarts have been amazed, let’s collect everything, weapons, things, shovels, quickly , quickly, it's over. the sanatorium, hear the commotion, and where is the traveler? the traveler fox went, how did he go? you didn't allow the siege? well, wait, just let him show up. guns, to guns, drag them to the guns, everything is yan’s bow. don’t forget the shovel, quickly, quickly, move, move, move, quickly, quickly, stop, quietly, the dogs are buzzing, why are they making noise, they took it, they took it.
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but the football player is still not there, but i’ll give it to him, just let him show up, he didn’t threaten, he gave it a long time ago, and don’t tell me, you know, they dismissed him... “he doesn’t obey anyone, i won’t let anything go this time, you see, he’s stuck to the girl, and lyuska looks, she won’t send him away, people, it’s okay, she’s a smart girl, she won’t let him, she’s smart, i’m not smart, ugh.” " oh you look, what a big guy he is, you have
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to look at that, otherwise a smart woman, by the way, also chooses, much more biasedly than any man, then it will be too late to choose, and i’m looking for you there, so, so, that means , we’re still swarming, well, well, the parasite showed up, where he was hanging around, who allowed sniffing, what are we? here to work for you, take a shovel, and why are you shouting, all this is nonsense, take it, capitulation, it was a liar, everything worked out, but the girl is first rate, scolded, a scoundrel, take a shovel, i say, i gave you a handkerchief, tomorrow again will come on purpose, what are you doing, are you asking me there? he'll make a face, what is it, what is it, you understand
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, what is it, well, put it aside, i'm ordering it, put it aside, i say, put it aside, the convulsive madman, or something, swim, i should set up the fire here, set it up, i say, we've finished the game, bullshit, the firing line was opened, 3 o'clock dawn is soon, and well, at breakfast, willow. marsh
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lukyanov, what is it, what is it, what is it, i cannot forgive what happened there, neither to him nor to her, and how could you do this, where are all these beautiful ones, these faithful and blameless ones, and what to believe now? forgive me, please, maybe this is none of my business, but don’t really believe this zadorozhny, it’s not about zadorozhny, still,
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still, the main thing now is not this, understand, the main thing is the war, if you can... bear with it is it? you know, but i don’t want to tolerate it the way you tolerate it, okay? if i were you, i would have punched this roadster in the face a long time ago. you know, laznyak, i’ve seen so much, i’ve understood so much, there’s a naked person there, all his contents are in the soul, you can’t hide behind medals, positions. and you say you’re a traveler, but i’m already used to everything, but how are you were you captured? just, just wounded, hit,
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it seems you were an officer, right? yes, lieutenant, commander of a sapper platoon, and then, then?... a penal company, somehow he remained alive, a private, who were you before the war? i graduated from a pedagogical technical school, they wanted to teach, but they didn’t have to, they’re buzzing, it seems like it’s going to start today, there won’t be anyone to smoke, guys, i don’t smoke, friend, well, that’s it, thanks, let’s go
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quickly, i’m already hungry. you're a lark!
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well, they dug and dug, and they moved to another area, yes, something really quieted down, oh well, for now the point is, by the way, the answer should be written, while the point is the point, you know. i’ll do it, thank you, and after the war i
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’ll invite you to visit from your kolyma, yakutia, yakutia, yakutia yakutia. and what if they set a table in the garden, a half-liter, my gift amelianna loves guests, here a half-liter is not enough, if only they had realized, you know, we’ll write it down like that, yes... ar i’m alive. i wish the same for you, markel, ivanovich, zhaltykh, and
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the number, so that you know, the number, but brother, the main thing. why write a lot, the main thing is that he’s alive, the rest isn’t interesting to him, he should do it more often, but there’s no time, you’ll just drool on your pencil, order, back and forth, now a machine gun, now a transporter... now the german infantry is grabbing you by the chest, and then the tanks, oh, and morocco with them, and everywhere you have
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to be in time, yes, you have to be in time for everything, and for this you have to live, live, as i didn’t notice this word before, to his wife pchelkin from 5 b confused everything, a certain form of the verb. yes, now this is very definite.
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why nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, report! where is the helmet, why without a helmet, petrov’s helmet, quickly, well, let’s go there, petrov is at gunpoint, i said, calmly, well, take it, then, so, took it, took it, son-in-law, unfold, sister of the frame, frame, i say, quickly, machine gun, child, also, also load,
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quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, so, so, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, armor-piercing, tank lead, sight four, fire, sight more than two, fire, doesn’t hit, cholera, take him, the devil won’t hit him in the face. fire petrov, hit
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the tracks, hit the tracks, fire, there is one, fire, petrov, fire! stop, you bastard, i'll shoot you, look, the tank is at you, turn to the left, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly! sheaf comrade commander sheaf interferes with the terrible
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sheaf of what?
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code, agony, petrov, agony, agony, petrov, ah!
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lyoshka, charge, lyoshka, well, they tell you, charge quickly, but damn, dig, flow, quickly, quickly!
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brothers, let's get away. petrov, give command, you are the commander now, come on, lyosha, bandage your hand.
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just don’t leave him, it’s better to finish him off, shoot him, okay, we won’t leave him. thank you, to the head, to the head, it’s better to do it right away, it hurts, be patient, commander, so let’s rush, but no, there’s no order, you can’t go back, what an eccentric,
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what do you want? what do you want? like what, to our own people, and the gun, that gun, the gun was hit, it he’s shooting, shoot with a shotgun, idiots, what ’s the point of sitting here until a heroic death, shut his throat, shut his throat, the devil will blow your mind, well, well, get lost, to hell with you, this commander. cross-eyed bastard, why petro is a bastard, why is he a bastard, you yourself are a bastard, you can’t throw a gun,
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you didn’t run away from the yellow ones, you didn’t run away from the pipe, you tore off the tro. kergen olurun tol ayakqallıqdır. kamanjir, kamanjir. in the dnieper he died, the fish remained, on the red hill he died, the fish remained, on the ors he died, he remained alive, he died here,
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he was completely lost, and peter, why is this, and the commander, what should i do? what to do? you have to stay on the road at all costs? should we not let them pass? what to do? petrov, stand? yes, why do you say that? you think, petroblegkom, well, where should we sit? until they take you prisoner, or what? if there had been heroism, then it would be just stupidity, they would get killed, no one would know, they would write, they disappeared without a trace, or even
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better, they surrendered into captivity, the yellow ones didn’t step down, the petrob didn’t step down, the yellow ones, the yellow ones, well, the yellow ones, he doesn’t care now, we still alive, well here, at least take it! you could say he accomplished heroism, he knocked out a tank, but no one will even know what’s the point, and lukyanov, if not a hero, is under fire in the forest, and they consider him a coward, and loznyak, kryvenok, lukyan, yes, probably lesha, you really said, there must be a compass there, it is necessary, whoever will go, i will go, tell the battalion commander, the yellow ones are dead, lukyan is brave, a good soldier,
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i need a reward, and what to do with the guns, the order must be left, petro will wait for the order, it will be very good. .. wait, lyosha, go, i’m going around.
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where did you let him go? the battalion commander went for by order. who did he send, who did you send, like who, lyoshka went, but why lyoshka, he’s smart, fast. you think he will come, but he won’t come, he must come, i gave him the order, he will come, okay, wait.
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laznyak, germans, transporters, i can’t, laznyak, come on, load, i was shooting.
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where is the lie-down, oh, lie-down, there is nothing all around, there will be a lot of shooting, it’s a lie, you have to dig deep, it will be bad. you then rushed at the roadie because of the lyusin.
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guys, guys, lyoshka is coming, there's lyoshka coming.
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well done, lyoshka, oh well done! lyusya, lyusya, lyusya, really, lyusya, why lucy.
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no, the last one. leave, leave, shoot the shells, leave, the battalion commander ordered, why did you come here, why did you come here, that there were no soldiers, we are surrounded,
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don’t you see what you’ve done? commander, hanging, commander, look, yanop's bow, lucy, are you there? i didn’t see it, but i saw it, i saw it, he was wounded, like he was wounded, like that, badly, but no, just one scratch, like a scratch, but he
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received the order, i went and scratched him. so he immediately came to our sanatorium, well, he stayed, he was afraid for his own skin, although what could we expect from him? i'll kill you. laznyak, roll me a cigarette.
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hold it.
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the day drags on for a long time. if only we could live until night, at night, maybe we would get out of this hole, if only we had enough patience, if only we could resist, my dear, my dear, i love you, you hear, i love you.
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drink, drink, be patient, a little, be patient, lyusya, why, where are we, lie, lie, you can’t. i’m going to die, so what, we’ll fight it off,
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they’ll take you to the hospital, everything will be fine, why lie to me, well, i wanted to live, that’s all. i was afraid of death, how stupid! laznyak, laznyak, proplenta, remember, he lied, he surrendered himself, yourself, do you understand? listen, listen, laznyak,
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i’m drinking, how are you doing this, lukyanov, huh? crawling, don't shoot, maybe he has water, shrimp, don't shoot, mensch. menschen, menschen! there is no water,
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there is no water, he is dying, vasya, he is dying, no need, vasya, no need.
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vasya, vasya, va, vasya, vasya, oh, what are you, what are you, vasya, alive, vassenka, my dear, vasya, oh, what are you, what, what, well, what are you, vasya, vasya, vasya, well, tell
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me, vasya, what’s wrong with you, vasya? well, tell me, tell me. i don't hear that vasya, vasya, it's nothing, you know it's nothing, it will pass, it will pass, don’t be afraid, the most important thing is that we are alive, vaska, vasya, drink, drink, drink, drink.
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lusa laznyak, where?


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