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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 7:05pm-7:36pm MSK

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to simply relax your soul, because you must admit, there is something special in simultaneously contemplating an industrial facility conscious of human labor and the majestic tranquility of nature.
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preparations for the eleventh forum of regions of belarus in russia; large-scale events will be held in june in the vitebsk region. expanding cooperation between belarus and iran last year was marked by an increase in trade turnover by 40%. scientific experiments aboard the iss, marina vasilevskaya continues to conduct research in space. polish fence in
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belovezhskaya pushcha unesco monitoring mission confirmed the negative impact of the fence on ecosystems. the event program is live. in the studio of alena lopo. hello. the vitebsk region is preparing to host the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia. our columnist olesya vysotskaya knows what the key theme of this year will be. the main thing that the economies of the two countries need is innovative development. i visited the northern region of belarus, which will become a hospitable platform for the forum.
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rosatom goes far beyond just nuclear energy. we are talking about projects in the area nuclear medicine, production of electric vehicles, development of infrastructure for radioactive waste disposal, digitalization, and this is not all. as for the center for additive technologies, it will make it possible to create parts for the industry that cannot be produced in any other way. we are talking about 3d printers that print with metal, and such a center, with the support of russian partners, will appear in belarus. one of the directions of import substitution, but still the main direction is the creation of new volumes. sovtechniki, that is, ideally some kind of breakthrough developments or revolutionary, but something new that we create in order to provide ourselves with competencies and a foundation for the future within the framework of this, let’s say, center for collective use, where our researchers and developers could come and create their prototypes, test them in
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practice, and of course those practical tasks of import substitution, the creation of some new parts, components that could later be produced in small series. economic cooperation, the ambassador of the islamic republic to our country met with representatives of belarusian companies, which was the focus of attention. the main aspect is reducing barriers to trade, building logistics, and organizing joint events, including exhibitions, in the near future. to strengthen the foundation
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of cooperation, a number of agreements were also signed in the banking sector and the transport industry. belarusian business is interested in developing cooperation with iran. there are opportunities to intensify cooperation in many areas. this. the development of relations with iran is an important direction of our foreign policy, past
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the year was marked by an increase in trade turnover by 40%. the export potential of belarus is presented in uzbekistan. the usfood exhibition in tashkent brought together almost four hundred companies from 26 countries. what surprised the belarusian food industry? this year, our companies brought a wide range of meat and dairy products, cheeses, juices, desserts, including belarusian enterprises, a special platform for negotiations with retail chains. some products have already been presented on the shelves of uzbek stores. first, we must assume that the country has 34 million inhabitants, of which 70% are young people under the age of...
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residents, well, on the other hand, this is competition, and if you offer products, then they are of exceptional quality. any exhibition and any negotiations of this format, i believe, are very useful for both parties. this is a great benefit for our company, as it provides new opportunities, new potential. introducing our new. dry products - low-temperature skim milk powder and low-temperature instant skim milk, which is suitable for producers of ice cream, yoghurt, cheese, curd products, as well as a line of cheeses for those people who are
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lactose intolerant. belarus is in the top five among foreign exhibitors; for comparison , here are the top five in terms of the number of companies represented at the forum, also including germany, turkey, russia, and china. a quarter of a century to the union state - this is the closest integration in the post-soviet space, based on common spiritual traditions and historical values; this week the peoples of belarus and russia celebrated the day of unity. about what unites us and how the russian house in minsk contributes to the rapprochement of peoples, let’s ask evgeny primakov, head of the federal agency of rossotrudnichestvo. evgeniy aleksandrovich, hello, hello, russian belarusian cooperation is developing intensively, fraternal ties with
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the regions are strengthening, active interaction in science, culture, and education. russian houses in belarus also play a significant role in this. tell us how you contribute to the rapprochement of our peoples? we have a huge number of projects, there are so-called russian houses, they are called that among the people, formally they are all called beautifully, the russian center of science and culture, the most important one is naturally located in minsk. they are a kind of point of attraction for people who come there to different circles, to different seminars, to different conferences, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions, etc., etc., a huge number of all sorts of, as they say now, activities, activities, well, that’s just it , what is being done in russian homes themselves, besides this there are a large number of different programs that are launched from moscow, from the central the rossotrudnichestvo apparatus, exchange programs with...
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the plan of events that we are drawing up between the russian partner and the belarusian partner, the exchange of some knowledge, technologies in the field of not only culture, where to hold a concert, but in the field of, i don’t know, public utilities economy, road management and so on, here it seems to me that the russian regions have a lot to learn from their belarusian partner colleagues, but i was very pleased... not surprised, but pleased with grodno, clean, cozy, comfortable,
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wonderful, beautiful city, low bow to the city authorities, because we have twin cities of the same grodno, this is, as far as i remember, tambuv, it seems to me, vologda, there is also a whole list, right up to sakhalin, so it seems to me that our colleagues should come to grodno and look , how does it work. tell us how to take part in the programs that are implemented through the mediation of rossotrudnichestvo. this, by the way, yes, also. i’ll tell you about these wonderful programs, i encourage everyone to participate in them, you can go to the website in the activities tab, if i’m not mistaken, there’s a way there participant for the new generation program. for example, the new generation is a thousand people every year from all over the world, aged from 25 to 35 years old, come to russia for various internships, we, of course, try to recruit them according to some professional groups, such as programmers or doctors or journalists or something else someone, young people from belarus are actively participating in this program; over the entire
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period of our existence, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds, hundreds of new belarusians have participated in the program. this is an important story and we certainly have certain experience, let's share it, watch, participate, let's go ahead, let's return to the topic of russian centers of science and culture, recently one appeared in grodno, what tasks do they perform and how many of them are there already in belarus? well, we have an agreement on the activities of these cultural centers between russia and belarus, as far as i remember in 2009, the first large
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cultural center, this so-called russian house in minsk opened already in the tenth year. now we have a new one in grodno, which we opened just yesterday and cut the ribbon there, there is a center in brest, there is a center in gomel, i hope that they will open more, they are in demand, we saw this from the number of people who came to the opening in grodno, this is a platform, a platform in demand among local belarusian non-governmental organizations, volunteer structures. e different and some kind of historical memorials, which are engaged in the protection of historical memory and quite social ones, which solve some social problems, this is the place where film screenings take place, there will be a small hall in grodno we have a small city, a small city, a small hall, well, i think that we will find partners, and there will be exhibitions, and
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some interesting seminars, we will bring scientists there from russia and interesting speakers, so for the opening. and at home, when the public gathered there, and, by the way, a good, wonderful singer from the gnessin academy from moscow arrived, there were romances, i told those gathered that our house is your home, this is our common home, so come to the russian house in large , among belarusian children who choose foreign universities, russian universities are a priority, yes, what bonuses are provided for our compatriots and what specialties are most common? we have several programs under which belarusian children go to study at russian universities, this is simply a direct commercial admission there, signed a contract, went to study, and there is an olympiad movement, there is an opportunity to enter through the state belarusian exam simply with some additional, and there is this the same
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quota that was mentioned is the government of the russian federation, 1300 people, almost 200 we had applicants, well, a good competition, mainly these are medical specialties, medical there, right up to dentistry and so on, there are engineering, it interests the guys from belarus and i repeat once again, this is a two-way road, now belarus is making it easier for russians to apply students in belarusian universities, to what extent? i read a few days ago based on the results of the unified state exam, russian students will be able to enter belarusian universities, great, absolutely, somewhere around a thousand places quota for russian students, 1,300 our. i repeat once again, this is important, it is very important for us that students return, make belarus richer, better, more successful, and so on and so forth. it has never been
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a question of brain drain for us. look what our competitors are doing, how to say, competitors from poland, from the united states, germany, britain, and so on and so forth, for them all these educational programs have always been designed, their very architecture was such that they were made for in order to pull out the best, leave the smartest we have them at home, so we have exactly the opposite goal, to prepare the best and return them home, belarus and russia have a common value, a general historical memory, together we defend our interests, to what extent? are young people actively promoting their initiatives? you know, it’s very active, just recently we had a youth festival in sochi, there were a lot of guys from belarus there and, as far as i know from some reviews, feedback, they returned, well, quite happy in such a high spirit, there was many different activities, interesting projects, programs,
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seminars, discussions, conferences, there are a lot of initiatives in the field of preserving historical memory, there are very active belarusian volunteer movements that deal with exactly this topic, we certainly give them platforms, now... the memory train will arrive, i hope, next year, the victory train, our story is also interesting, such a train that travels around we will have a big conference on this topic, russia, belarus will come here, to brest, as far as i know, it should be exactly there, so there’s a lot to do, thank you, thank you, well questions the program was answered by evgenia primakov, head of the federal agency of rossotrudnichestvo. this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue. scientific experiments on board the iss. the first female cosmonaut in belarus, marina
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vasilevskaya continues to conduct research in space. find out more from our columnist elena puntus. the star mission includes seven projects, including detailed photography and video filming of the earth, research on growing plants in space, as well as testing belarusian developments, for example, probiotics. in the future they may used in creating food for astronauts. for this. scientists from the institute of meat and dairy industry of the national academy of sciences have developed special combinations of microorganisms, selected dairy bases, and determined the optimal nutrient medium in which bacteria can develop in space. the samples were made for more than six months; one of the most ambitious tasks was to prepare fermented milk products in orbit. in order to prepare exactly the samples that we sent to the iss with the crew, it took us somewhere around 6-7 months. participation in these studies of 16 strains of microorganisms, biphytobacteria, various species, lactobacilli of various species and thermophilic streptococcus,
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both in a state of anabiosis, that is, luophilically dried, and also in a state of anabiosis, but ready for cultivation on nutrient media, and, accordingly, on milk the basis on which we plan to obtain samples of fermented milk products using. human gastrointestinal tract. we are for the normalization of microflora we plan that the fermented milk product that we will receive in the conditions of the iss will be further studied, we believe that it is...
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experts have confirmed the negative impact on the ecosystem of the reserve. wild animals are dying in barbed wire, blocking migration is a unification of the gene pool, including teeth. the biodiversity of the pushcha was disrupted, uncharacteristic plants appeared in the forest, the seeds of which were presumably carried by construction equipment, the relict forest began to die, and due to a violation of the hydrological regime, flooding. unfortunately, over the course of these years, the polish side stopped communicating with the belarusian side altogether. they pretend that this problem does not exist, all our desires are to call on the international community, and we even proposed to carry out this mission
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together, as always, we understand perfectly well what problems there are in each area, today we have seven areas under control where we are carrying out flooding, and we have already thought through options with science on how to minimize this process, we calculated that this is the amount of damage in belarusian rubles compiled. industry in zhodina, an international championship of mechanical engineering cases was held. who took part in the technical battle? more than thirty students from belarus, russia and uzbekistan competed for victory. this is a future
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specialist. voice assistant based on artificial intelligence, installation of new cylinders for hydrogen samples, the team from the mining university from st. petersburg became the best, the champions got the opportunity to undergo an internship at belaz, we continue to expand.
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overtaken. the parties discussed a lot. expanding the geography of flights, introducing new technologies and tourism products. river cruises, as well as patriotic and border tours, may appear in the union state. for example, a week-long excursion program around the cities of belarus and russia with a meeting point in moscow. the format would be of interest to educational institutions with discounts and benefits for schoolchildren. as for the flight program, the national air carrier is constantly expanding its network of flights to russia.
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belavia planes flew to samara and murmansk.
7:34 pm, as well as on social networks. all projects of our tv channel are on the website. i’m saying goodbye to you. all the best.
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hello, belarus 1 and belarus 24 are on air, the weekly information and analytical program of the club editor, as always on friday evenings with a repeat on sunday, early in the morning we discuss the main topics of the upcoming week and... according to tradition, i introduce the guests who came to us today to the studio on makalonka 9. we start with dmitry aleksandvich zhuk, head of the sb belarus holding today, good evening, olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office mtrk world in belarus, chairman of the belarusian women's union, marat markov, chairman of the board of jsc, the second national television channel, oleg aidukevich, member of parliament, leader of the party, liberal democratic party in belarus, alexey belyaev, dean of the faculty of journalism.


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