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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. the stellar mission is feasible and completed, we have officially secured the status of modern belarus.
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i wish all the people on earth that they appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is an incredible beauty that i, of course, we will go to the kazakh steppes to hear the first words of our marina, but not only by space and gravity united, about the central themes of this day will be added by mine. space mission of marina vasilevskaya completed, today we met her in the kazakhstan steppe, as it was, panorama report. from the iss to the ground in 3 and a half hours, after landing in the steppe of kazakhstan, cosmonauts oleg novitsky and marina vasilevskaya, as well as astronauts nasa akhara were taken to the star city for rehabilitation after space flight. 80 delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly.
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about this in today's program. biden is ruining the us while lining his family's pockets. what financial frauds is the american government carrying out, deceiving not only the whole world, but also your people. and how did biden manage to earn $25 million in one evening? over five thousand units of equipment in... among the energy-rich tractors is the largest grain crop in the klinov region, 28 thousand hectares, the working day of the farmers of the goritsky region and about the prospects for the harvest in our story. hockey remains the focus. the final series between the team of the president and the minsk region in the tournament for the prizes of the presidential sports club started in the capital. the results of the game, as well as the main football news: don’t miss the panoramas in the sports block.
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so, 12 days on the international space station, the road there, 2 more days, plus marina vasilevskaya’s preparation for the mission, long training before the launch, this path was not easy, we also experienced together the postponement of the launch, docking and undocking, today the steppes of kazakhstan met the crew of the union , by the way, what kind of alliance is this on board, belarus, russia and the usa, marina was one of the first. our president and head of state congratulated the space crew on their successful landing and invited everyone who participated in the preparations for the flight to visit belarus. alexander lukashenko was directly involved throughout the entire space mission and provided all possible support to ensure that the first belarusian flight into space took place. and the head of state shared his first emotions after the return of the crew. our correspondents managed to record. interview immediately after the end of
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the hockey match in which the president’s team played today. the emotions are the heaviest, because i have a sleepless night, i see. the landing was soft, the device touched the ground near the city of zheskazgan, millions of people all over the world they were following these shots,
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look, now, now just a little bit, now well... now we have the opportunity to see how it was, marina vasilevskaya’s first words on earth, and what made the first belarusian laugh so much astronaut. our correspondent watched anastasia benedesyuk's descent of historical footage, which we will review more than once.
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there are only 20 minutes left until the landing of the soyuz ms-24 crew, everything is already ready, for example, there is a blue bird on the other side, this is a special machine. that very moment, the parachute opened, about 1. m, right now we are heading to meet our marina vasilevskaya, we ran, further about 8 km, we wondered for a long time, so who will see that very touch of the union and the earth
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first, blue birds, a huge special vehicle , such as helicopters, and steel birds, but this...
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oleg navitsky, he is from the cherven and he has conquered space for the fourth time, but our marina vasilevskaya will not be long ahead of hers. in 1042, oleg navitsky was removed from the capsule; he spent a total of 545 days in space. i promised to think about whether space missions will continue. besides, there was an offer. from our president, shouldn’t we wave him and marina into space for the fifth time, only to take with us anastasia linkova, a backup, besides, roscosmos is ready, we always remember our charges, oleg viktorovich, maybe even more literally for us
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a few words, here’s how it all went, how it was to work in tandem with marina, the first thing, maybe they worked very well, as a team, she was well trained, and she even managed to restore a little order in our the official conducted all her experiments and experiments. yes, the academy of sciences reported that the experiments were completed, yes, yes, did they help as promised? well, naturally, you were planned, it was necessary, in any case, i helped, the guys helped in the first time for a person in space and there is a little bit of its own specificity, doing all the work, you look great, big greetings from belarus, we couldn’t with taking into account the fact that you are our first woman, an astronaut, you are our heroine for everyone for absolutely 12 days, we could not come to you empty-handed and to women, to the beautiful...
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the earth is so big, powerful, strong, i wish all the people on earth that they would appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is incredible beauty, that my home is waiting for me, the earth is waiting, very good and it’s nice to feel it, that’s it.
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went entirely according to plan, there were areas of flooded water at the landing site,
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but the landing took place on dry, good soil, and i would like to wish marina the entire crew a smooth flight and our cosmonaut and oleg novetsky to the star city, laura lahara, united the states have not yet said how long the restoration will take, but... usually this is the same number of days as spent on the iss. however, yuri borisov announced at the end of the week that surprises await marina vasilevskaya. anastasia benedesyuk, ivan mozgo, tv news agency, kazakhstan. at these moments, marina vasilevskaya is already in the star city, where post-flight rehabilitation will take place. the crew arrived in the moscow region less than an hour ago, and our film crew went there. and this morning our correspondents worked in korolev in the center flight control, from there there was a live
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broadcast of all the ballistic calculations used for the launch, docking, and descent of spacecraft. tsub specialists were always in contact with the crew day and night; daria belousova-petrovskaya recorded how the space forwarder was being laid from the iss to the ground and even managed to meet our crew in the star city. i can't even believe it. that this morning the first female cosmonaut of belarus was on the iss, and this evening we are already meeting her here in the star city, immediately after landing in the kazakh steppe medical examination, cosmonauts oleg novitsky, marina vasilevskaya, as well as astronaut nasa-akhara were transported by special flight from baikanur to the chkalovsky military airfield, moscow region, from there by bus directly to the gagarin cosmonaut training center, although the meeting was short-lived, the crew quickly waved their hand, immediately s... a dispensary opened at the door, this is a strict regulation of no communication before a medical check, only if the doctors decide that
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the astronauts are feeling good, journalists will have a chance to comment. let us recall that the return of the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft lasted 3.5 hours, at 10:17 the descent module with marina vasilevskaya on board landed in the steppe of kazakhstan, its entire path from the iss to the ground was conducted by tsup specialists, they were constantly in touch with the crew. literally behind it all. dozens of journalists watched the space action, although we had to compete a little for the best seats on the balcony in the main hall of the mission control center, as you can see there are a lot of cameras, well, it’s cramped, but no offense, as they say. everyone agreed the guys are good, friends and relatives of the cosmonauts are here, some saw the landing process for the first time, others for the fourth time, for example, the eldest daughter of oleg navitsky. nevertheless, for everyone who was in the tsup hall today, the minutes of landing were filled with joy and excitement. every time i look at the takeoff, at the stacking, at the landing, and it’s like - half
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of me understands that yes, he’s flying, the other half, somehow no, this is some kind of absurdity, he can’t be on his own, that’s it. but i’m very glad that he returned, that everything went well for them, i hope very good, that's why i'm looking forward to meeting you in person. let us remind you that at 3:30 moscow time, the hatches that connected the international space station and the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft were hermetically closed. at 6:57 a.m. the ship undocking from the iss occurred, and then, for about 2.5 hours, the ship with marina vasilevskaya on board moved towards the ground. before entering the dense layer of the atmosphere, the capsule was separated from the ship by the astronauts. at this time, the speed from 27,000 km/h drops to 750; from such braking, the surface of the descent vehicle heats up to 8.00°. the crew experiences severe overload, body weight increases fourfold. however, experienced astronauts advise relaxing at this time and enjoying the extraordinary picture outside the porthole window. well,
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first of all, let’s lower the apparatus, it will burn, or rather its casing will burn, it burns in a very interesting way, that’s true. everything is on fire, but this, why not inside the fire, and this is inside such a plasma cloud, it, it is bright crimson in color, the casing lights up, it comes off the descent module, rushes past the porthole, this is cool, did marina succeed vasilevskaya to enjoy the views from the porthole window, we find out later that the landing went according to plan, the main parachute opened about 10 km from the ground, however, upon landing the capsule with the crew lay on its side. this is one of the landing conditions, it happens, there is nothing wrong with that. now the astronauts will recuperate in a dispensary in the star city. doctors will observe how muscles react to gravity after being in zero gravity. but since the space flight did not last long, only 12 days, rehabilitation should take place quickly. daria belousopetrovskaya alexander lyubiteleyev, tv news agency, star city,
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russia. i will add some details, in zvyozdnoye, we met with karavay, and also belarusian flags, a sea of ​​smiles and flowers, however, we will also show these shots a little later on our broadcast, don’t miss it, the support of the president helped in the space flight, marina vasilevskaya talked about this in an exclusive interview with a television news agency from space on the international space station. the head of state watched the flight our cosmonaut and her fellow crew members. huge.
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i feel the state all the time, and this helps me a lot in space flight. the attention to this flight was indeed colossal, but the timing and pace of its implementation were also record-breaking, from discussing the possibility of the flight to the return of our cosmonaut to earth in just a couple of years, the presidents of belarus and russia agreed on the implementation of the flight 2 years ago, by space standards this is a record short time. about how the return to earth went. successes of marina vasilevskaya about new status of belarus, we will talk with the russian writer, engineer, specialist in the space industry, dmitry kononykhny. dmitry, hello, behind the space success lies the hard work of belarusian scientists and academicians who worked closely with colleagues from russia, this is undeniable, but how do you assess the scientific potential of our country
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and can belarus now be called a truly space power? you know, when... along with russia, because we are together, we are a union state, and this is absolutely normal, what was abnormal was what happened, so let’s say, this is the norm, and the fact that there will be more such experiments and flights is
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the norm, what was abnormal was that there was such, let’s say, a pause, that’s why i think that, on the contrary, we should congratulate everyone on the fact that normal things have begun , good work. dmitry, we know that you closely monitored the crew’s return to the ground, how the descent and landing went, is that all? worked as usual, we saw that even during the descent oleg novitsky was talking with marina vasilevskaya, how was the descent, what a cool descent, yes, everything is great in general, well that is, these are the negotiations, oleg is great, he encouraged the american, and marina, and everyone else, you could hear the negotiations, in the technical broadcast, the americans broadcast it, well, in my opinion, in this sense , the descent happened well, normally, as they say, we did all this...
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there was just a chat rejoicing, the most important thing, because you understand that marina, having undergone such short-term training, is not several years, as is necessary to prepare such an obscene cosmonaut, yes, such training is carried out up to 10 years, she completed this case, she was not a tourist, she played the role of a cosmonaut-researcher and carried out these medical and biological experiments, biological experiments on board, this shows that, in principle, right here ... belarus was not mistaken, thank you for your opinion, we talked with writer, engineer and space industry specialist dmitry kononykh.
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the first thing vasilevskaya said when she stepped from orbit to earth was that i... saw this incredible beauty. belarus is waiting for our space girl after her flight to in the capital's streets and avenues there are such billboards and video screens with a greeting to marina, who returned to earth from the iss. even despite the gray colors of today's weather. warm words from belarusians. today our belarusian one landed, returned from space, what a feeling of pride, pride, pride. belarus is ours. even though the country is small, which is located in the center of europe, it turns out that it will already be famous throughout the world, in addition to the fact that there is also pride in the fact that the girl went into space, because it
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the first cosmonaut, as they say, from our independent republic, and the belarusians are great, and we as a nation, we are moving forward, this is cool, what a feeling you were filled with pride, coolness, joy, yes, we were very happy for our people, unexpectedly, yes, a female cosmonaut returned from... space landed, landed, yes, everything, everything is fine with her, she takes pride in her, of course, she’s great, she’s brave, decisive, achieves, purposeful,
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space is class, well done, well done, we completed the tasks, well at least you'll have something to remember. of course, we are very worried about you, you should know that you are our people, we will be waiting for you here in belarus, we know that, alexander grigorievich, i will not let you down. do everything possible and even impossible.
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i wish all people on earth that they appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is incredible beauty, space is a vivid example of international cooperation of efforts, it turns out that belarus, russia and the usa can work together, common points of contact
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with western countries necessary before... relationship, i scolded you there, fired you from work and dumped, no matter what you and i have , it is centered on finding a way for us , etc., you must be statesmen, neither i nor you personally are significant in comparison with that , what a sovereign, independent belarus means for us, we must protect it with our labor, blood, sweat and
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our lives, we must... enterprises, for growth and development , all the conditions have really been created, according to the current specifics, said analyst alexander markevich. hello, alexander ivanovich, in your opinion, why does the president at almost all such events emphasize that at the moment it is impossible to refer to sanctions, to the fact that in difficult times it is necessary to give the same result, this, in my opinion, is the most important phrase that order beats class , what
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the head of state meant. why are such accents made? you know, business conditions will never be simple, because there are always elements of competition, some markets are more in demand, others are more difficult to work in, well, we are not the first to have sanctions year have been adopted against us, so we , yes, we have already adapted to them, and these are just such business conditions, so to refer to the fact that sanctions...
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any enterprise, organization, ministry, department, thanks to teamwork, can achieve a little more than even its capabilities, and this is real, an interesting comparison, but there is also an important emphasis, the need, let’s say, not to lose alternative markets, the president indicates that we cannot leave the european premium market, we still show certain positive trends in the economy and cooperation, including with the polish state, in your opinion,
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how important is it to work in russia?
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i saw different product lines from the competition, the british, the americans, everyone there, the chinese too, so we need to get there through professionalism, through a wide range of products, through flexibility, through mobility, that’s the only way, so we need our manufacturers to be mobile and that they receive it in optimal terms and in a language convenient for them, convenient documentation, convenient product line could be adjusted. and a whole range of other small issues are not present in the african market, and this must be understood, but this market provides very great opportunities for our producers to find a foothold there, and of course, this will give not only for
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tomorrow - some kind of result , but for the day after tomorrow, in the future. why do we pay so much attention to the economy today? the head of state always clearly emphasizes that if you don’t want to get into the field... of a real battle, be kind enough to fight in the economy, politics is a concentrated expression of the economy, economic performance affects every person, any spheres of life, they are directly related to the economy, when there is an economy, then you can build a profitable policy , protect your national interests, provide social guarantees, and you can just evolutionarily modernize your policy and the social... sphere and people’s lives, most importantly, we still have to pay tribute to the entire state apparatus that deals with economic issues, one way or another, despite to all threats, we are showing growth, thank you for your opinion, we will monitor the development of the situation, including on the shelves of our stores. thank you that today
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the time dictates belarus and russia, which team is needed to win and what. for the secrets the ice team of the first has, a different look at the main events in the presidential schedule, we catch new footage, exclusive interviews and even emotions, all this is on the main broadcast tomorrow, don’t miss the time of the first, catch up with the first, time to collect stones, let’s not work hard , but how to work when they put up sticks in the wheels endlessly, what minister kubrakov should not hear, speak loudly, then the minister
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will come tomorrow for the money, and what everyone should hear, we need to make folk medicine, it’s okay for everyone, he will say that it’s staged, but this is an active warm-up. the president's team is in the game. simply unearthly emotions. were you worried? well, when your children are in space, we’ll understand what it is. and what do men talk about in the hockey locker room? you are very lucky today to be here. on the ice in the fields we see everything, we hear everything, we will show you. "time is not in favor of ukraine, it is not will be invited to the nato summit, which will be held in the united states this summer, reports the new york times. and, of course, there is no talk yet of inviting
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the country to the alliance, in any form. the summit participants, apparently, will have to rather search for a format for interaction with kiev in order to demonstrate support, but without nato obligations. however, about the reluctance to see." recently, a truncated statement from the white house also appeared, american publications report that the states are offering zelensky to cede territory, in exchange to receive security guarantees, for example, in the format of accession to nato, but with significant restrictions. ukraine for senior partners - throw away a suitcase without a handle. it’s a pity and
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there’s no way to drag it out, and the ratings are falling, support for the quarterly zelensky among his own population is rapidly sliding down, over the last six months the figures have decreased almost twice from 42% to 22, reports the ukrainskaya pravda publication with reference to the results of a survey of the sociological group rating. and where there is an increase in the number of opponents of zelensky’s activities, the increase has doubled . from 9 to 18% in the column most likely not i support, out of seven to 15 i don’t support at all, and ukrainians are not allowed to re-elect the head of the country. how did zelensky cancel the presidential elections, why are the arguments sewn with white threads, the usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution in the faces of ordinary ukrainians, when an actor’s mandate ends, why is she thrown out of the team? even the most faithful friends, in understandable politics
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, see the entire alignment of arbitrariness in the banking sector on monday after the panorama.
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the policy of the head of the white house hits not only the country's economy, but also its health, a hyper-lethal version of tuberculosis has captured 80% of the united states, fox news reports. already, 40 of 50 states have reported an increase in the number of patients. in 2023, about 10,000 cases of infection were identified throughout the country, this is a record for the last 10 years. experts note that migrants are vagabonds, according to them.
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experts point out that after mutation , tuberculosis spreads, among other things , due to a lack of experienced doctors and high taxes on treatment. but they are also breaking records in terms of costs. presidential race. in one evening, biden collected $25 million from sponsors, but americans did not appreciate the activity; more than 85% of those surveyed are convinced that the cost of election campaigns makes it difficult to run. candidates from the people, real


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