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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 9:40pm-10:36pm MSK

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sick people who were not born in the usa, but arrived. i don't know how much our health department and other officials are listening to the alarms we've been raising since last august. in september we had reports from the ambulance . many people have tested positive for tuberculosis. we could have avoided this crisis, just like the emergency, if we had simply administered the vaccine to all those migrants arriving to us. experts indicate that after. tuberculosis mutations are spreading , also due to a lack of experienced doctors high taxes on treatment. but the presidential race is also breaking records in terms of costs. in one evening, biden collected $25 million from sponsors. however, the americans did not appreciate the activity. more than 85% of respondents are convinced that the cost of election campaigns makes it difficult for real candidates from the people to run. meanwhile, some in the media
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have wondered how the us economy has become mired in unprecedented inflation while political elites have become richer. about the machinations of the biden team, author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. let's make america great again - biden promised in the election race for his current presidential post. only by america he apparently meant his clan. and now i'm not just talking about '. western media information about the connections of the us ruling elites with the military-industrial complex. yes, shares of the us military-industrial complex soared after the start of the svo. yes, they write about military industry kickbacks to the ruling elites. but how could this be allowed to happen in the citadel of democracy? what about the system of checks and balances? moreover, in the states there is still something to earn money from, for example, on global financial fraud. in the months following the 2008 financial crisis , the federal reserve received. extraordinary
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powers to respond to financial collapse. now, if you notice a pattern, our leaders are securing extraordinary powers for themselves in the face of a crisis of their own making. well, just like with the soldiers and color revolutions all over the world, they organized, with the wrong hands, they demolished a government they didn’t like, well, for example, gaddafi, they robbed her of rich libya, and now american corporations control all natural resources, and ordinary people are getting poorer, but american... mlitom, apparently, this is not enough, you need to rob not only the whole world, but also your own people. 16 years have passed since the global financial crisis of 2008, during which time officials of the us federal reserve many times suggested that the authorities abandon the emergency measures taken, but the business elites on wall street immediately protested, what kind of emergency measures are these, to release interest rates until limit and print money, maybe it would save the economy usa, but over... 12 years of chaotic work
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of the printing press, inflation has grown so much that even large american businessmen are worried. wage growth and economic productivity slowed, but the private jet market boomed, so asset inflation underpinned the wealth of many of the elite. first we buy things, and then we sell them at a higher price, and we don’t need to produce anything. well, these bidenites are really insolent, right? it's funny what the richest people in the world earn. even at fan meetings biden, obama and bill clinton gathered at the event to raise funding for joe biden's election campaign. the cheapest ticket to this event was $225; those who donated $100,000 could take a photo with the presidents, and for $250,000 they could even take part in a reception within the meeting. and what else is this? for half a million dollars you could get into a meeting in a narrow circle with the current president. the united states, which means to resolve its
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issues, what about the fight against corruption? by the way, this evening in new york biden collected a record amount of $25 million; this has never happened in the history of us election races. the 2024 american elections will go down in history as a drama about financial manipulation, reports the chinese publication xinhua. so in new york alone, biden raised tens of millions of dollars for the election campaign. the people are dissatisfied, there is political agitation now. too expensive. d. democracy and transparency. yes. this is someone bolinovskaya and other information gypsies could learn from. but it seems that the americans are onto something. we funding what appears to be another forever war that will bankrupt future generations. it is absurd that transferring more tax dollars to ukraine is even being considered. this should be completely removed from the discussion and replaced with a desire for peaceful negotiations. it's absolutely ridiculously funny to even try. tell the american
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people that ukraine will repay us someday. our government funds the government of ukraine to the tune of a billion dollars every month, just to his government continued to operate. why is our government not promoting peace in ukraine, the american people are not stupid and are tired of being fed these stupid scam schemes. of course, biden won’t say, guys, we’re sorry, we, of course, forced the purchase of a bunch of weapons from us, enriching the us military-industrial complex, we, of course, bought up the black soil ukrainian lands and sold the ukrainian already american grain at a cheap price, but to ruin russia will take advantage its resources for next to nothing. it didn’t work out, the expenses for several hundred billion, what can you do? of course, biden will not say that, he will come up with new fairy tales about the russian threat, he justifies spending the state budget on nato, ukraine and other military companies, it is unlikely that a change in the power of the clan elites in the united states is possible, it is unlikely that bill
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clinton and obama will come to dinner with other candidates, it’s unlikely that another candidate will collect $25 million in an evening, because even donald trump now has a financial backbone to elect.
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referendum secured the special status of the supreme council, the decisions of the meeting are binding on execution. work is in full swing in the belarusian fields. plans for this agricultural season are at least 10 million tons of grain. weather swings and temperature changes do not make significant adjustments to spring field work. the slowdown is affected by high humidity and rain. the minister of agriculture and food told us about this. this week, due to snow, equipment in some areas did not go into the fields in the morning. if we talk about sowing early grains and legumes without corn, buckwheat and millet, then mass sowing began in all regions, with eight districts, such as zhabinkovsky and
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molarsky, brest region, voronovskaya, grodno region, five districts of minsk, sowing of these crops has already been completed...
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andrey yastrebov will talk about work in the fields. we didn’t stand idle for a single day, first during the sowing season, even despite the night frosts, says alexey soldatenko, a machine operator with thirty years of experience, the ground doesn’t have time to freeze, the sun dries the soil quickly, so the grain growers are in a hurry, now we are sowing spring wheat, well, we have a larger volume, of course, we travel about 40-45 per day somewhere, so that we can already be on the field for 7 hours, of course, we are trying to ensure that our country has over 45 grains of grain this year, the grain wedge on the farm, the rate, as before, is winter, but it also depends on the spring sowing,
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how there will be a common loaf, which means we need to meet agronomic deadlines. our spring village plan this year is 1,124 hectares, at the moment 532 hectares or 47% have been screened out. we've almost reached the middle of sowing, i think within a week we'll all be finished with early gray grain crops. earlier, spring made adjustments to the work of farmers in the northern region we began to sleep. two weeks earlier than usual, this year in the goritsa region over 28 thousand hectares were allocated for grain wedge, the volume of work is large, so up to five thousand units of equipment are working in the fields at the same time, including energy-rich tractors. at the helm of this giant of the fields of the domestic belarusian , sergei dyatlov, an experienced machine operator, says that over 25 years of work in agriculture , he has literally grown to his native land, and is proud that his work is part of the common treasury of achievements. this year, let’s say, we left on april 15th. v this year in march already, which means at the end of march we were already on the field, we are sowing spring barley,
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we work from 6 in the morning until victory. the bet, as before, is on elite varieties of belarusian selection in this field under large onikanovych forests will be cultivated, even last year , when the weather was problematic, it produced up to 38 yield centers. we will have more than 600 hectares under this crop, we have also sown 440 kazimov and barley for the winter, in general we have more than a thousand hectares under... barley, next in line is spring wheat and preparing the soil for new plots, plowing, fertilizing in agriculture, hot season. we are equipped with the equipment to meet the full needs, this year we received help, these are three energy-rich tractors 35-22 belarus brand, we have all the sowing units ready, one hundred percent readiness, as for the provision of personnel, we are always given the shoulder of the region’s organizations, this year it is planned to attract 27 people, two meals were organized in each farm... food, everything to cope with the sowing season, in a quality manner on time, because food security is at stake
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by april 15, the loaf will ensure the future harvest, the grain growers promise. andrey yastrebo, vasiliev, tv news agency. representatives of the central election commission of belarus made their contribution to the landscaping; they, together with the youth council at the central election commission, joined the republican action, we will update the trees at once. activists. led by the chairman of the central election commission , young pine trees were planted in the berezensky district on an area of ​​more than 2 hectares. on site they were provided with equipment and given instructions. the planting itself was carried out both manually and mechanized. as noted chairman of the central election commission igor korpenko, such assistance is creative work for our future, it is very important that young people are also involved in this. the youth council is with us here today. pritsik volunteers who took part and helped the central election commission on a single
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voting day, a total of three dozen young people, it was their initiative, we supported it, i think it’s also for them, firstly, to feel the importance of creative work for the good , the common good for the country, for society as a whole, and secondly, well, it’s educational in many ways, because that today you learn a lot of interesting things, how does the forest live, what worries do they have, what do they do? for me, this action is quite a noble cause, because we are growing a forest, which in 40 years i can show my children, and it will be a noble mission that i am reviving alest in this place, on my land, i grew up on it and want , so that it flourishes and is as beautiful as it is now, i believe that this action is very important for our country, i want to contribute. also contribute to the development of our ecosystem, and nature, but this is a benefit not only for
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, say, the environment, but a benefit for people, so i want my overwhelming contribution to be here too. in total , 30 hectares of area are planned to be greened as part of the campaign in the berezensky district. the promotion itself will last until april 20. the beginning of april is always the most important time for hockey players; final battles for trophies traditionally begin in all leagues. this truth is also typical for republican competitions among amateurs for prizes of the presidential sports club. decisive round for the seventeenth cup brought together the squad of the head of state, the national team of the minsk region. the battles of these rivals are always very stubborn, full of passions and goals scored. of course,
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a fan couldn’t help but come to the final episode. the stands in the capital's olympic arena were sold out. by the way, it was not without... ilya busilka, pavel volchik and artem korkotsky scored goals. the plot twisted even more in the second and third, when arthur obmetka equalized the numbers on the scoreboard, but
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left the third period of the game behind exclusively the hockey squad of the head of state. we have gathered guys, albeit not at a high level, such as in the president’s team, hockey players, yes, but we have a great desire to show that even at this level we can also do something, of course, it’s a shame that the championship is already ending, like has just started, and it’s already the final series, so we’re having fun, we’re enjoying hockey, the coach held a fairly serious meeting for us before the game, we all understand perfectly well that this is the final, that there’s nowhere to retreat, so just
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victory, the support is so colossal that it ’s just very nice. thanked their fans for their support, the smartest fans took home plush gifts, also during breaks in the confrontation , pop performers performed for the audience, and the most active fans took part in competitions.
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awards in baranovichi , the team from the brest region and the squad from the grodno region competed in the battle for third place with a score of 6:3 ; the guests were stronger. alexander kovshik and anton agres were recognized as the best players of the match. it's always hard to win, teams now normal, the amateur league is developing, almost everyone has recently graduated, good championship, nice to play. next year we will definitely correct the situation, so come to the hockey, we will wait, this bronze was the second for the team of the grodno region in the entire history of amateurs. feelings after the match alexander lukashenko talked to
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our correspondent, shared his emotions, watched live, watched it several times and was worried about his children, the head of state said. all day today for the astronauts were in great, albeit pleasant, tension after landing. the astronauts are not allowed to approach, it is also forbidden to send gifts of flowers, the fact is that after a space flight their bodies are very vulnerable, so the astronauts did not communicate with the press, but greeted everyone.
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was short-lived, then the recovery should also be quick. a press conference with journalists has already been planned for april 9. the star crew has an equally important period
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of rehabilitation and adaptation ahead. it takes place in several stages, the most difficult of which is the first a week when the body gets used to gravity again. a cosmonautics historian and magazine editor told our tv channel about the level of mission preparation and what the cosmonauts would face after landing. at this or that station on this or that ship, it still affects the body, weightlessness, it makes its own adjustments, and some have better health, some may have it, that is, each organism is individual,
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so in any case, after returning, all cosmonauts, astronauts and taikonauts, i don’t say this in vain, everyone has approximately the same program, everyone goes through a period of rehabilitation, during this period a lot of experiments are carried out, because the study, let's say so, of the influence of weightlessness and flight on... a person, it goes on continuously, in russia there is an instrument for medical and biological problems that these is engaged, accordingly, that is , as it were, our and your cosmonauts will still have a period of recovery, rest and some medical and other experiments, because this is important for understanding how a person endures a flight, what we should prepare for, when there will be longer flights, including, i don’t remember this word, to other planets, so this is important. officially, space is ours. the return of
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the space crew to earth caused a salvo. enthusiastic comments. apparently, the flight was followed by people in various, including very remote, corners of the earth. despite the fact that all people are different, today they are united by a common pride for belarus. hurray, our people are back, the republic of belarus is moving forward. well done, russia and belarus, glory to our peoples for many years to come, truly unity. thank god everything is fine. belarusians, you probably sent such a beauty into space on purpose. sincere congratulations on a successful flight. i think cosmonautics should be a union. if kazakhstan joins the union of belarus and russia, then it will be ours. the program for mastering the orbit of the earth and the moon must be joint. the joint desire for high technology unites peoples, and the participation of engineers in common projects creates
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highly intelligent jobs. tears of joy and pride for belarus. belarusians, russians and americans are one crew, because on earth you can be so friendly that you can share it, the land is one for everyone, our common home, how nice it is to see everyone together in a peaceful environment, stop these wars, this is an example for everyone how to live together. despite the fact that the flight has already become part of history, viewers continue to watch and review footage of the flight and safe landing with great interest; they never tire of enthusiastically commenting on events that are becoming a thing of the past, but will certainly never be forgotten. there is a discrepancy between objects accepted.
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you are our heroine for everyone, i wish all people on earth that they value and cherish.
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what will please you? another belarusian makes the whole country happy. irina kurochkina performed great in baku and won a license for the olympics. about this and more right now. in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports. hello. irina kurochkina won the olympic license to paris. the bobruisk girl performed successfully at the qualifying tournament.
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the second half was already played more, probably more under pressure, one against the first win of the season and dnepr 1:0 away defeated from lutsk, dynamo brest rises to the intermediate first place, the team of alexander brazevich defeated 4:0 in soligorsk shakhtar. the third round will end tomorrow with three matches. the central match of neman torpedo belas will be broadcast live by belarus 5, the starting whistle is at 16:00. debutant of the first league of the national
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football championship, the belarusian national team. u17 started the tournament with a victory on the field of the minsk football club. squad of pavel evseyenko. in the end, after an error by the visiting goalkeeper , bumprom snatched the victory 2:1. abf reform allowed so young football players are able to participate in the second division of the country, which is a big plus for young players, the commander-in-chief of the u-17 team is sure. for our young team, the very chance to be in this tournament, a huge thank you to the federation, is simply wonderful, but the fact that we took advantage of it in the first round has already pleased the fans, parents, acquaintances, friends, again, those who worry about our belarusian football, for our young generation, i am very happy. here's another debutant. tournament, the reserve team of the dynamo minsk football club lost nives dolbizna 1:2, let's celebrate belshina's victory over slonem 2:0. the minsk basketball club loses in the final home match of the season in the vtb united league to nizhny novgorod,
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for the townspeople this is the thirty-seventh point in the draw, 79:58 the guests are stronger. the most productive player in the men's team is grigory motavilov, he has 17 points, while defender of the belarusian national team vladislav bliznyuk scored five points among the guests. minsk will end the season with away games against runa and mba. alexey protos again without points in regular matches season of the nhl, and his washington, despite alexander ovechkin’s double, performed 2:4 on the road to carolina. belarus's itime was 13 minutes and 36 seconds, during which time he made one shot on target and finished the match with a usefulness rating of -2. washington is still tenth in the east. grace and speed based on the republican center. horses took part in routes of 90, 110, 125 and 130 cm, during which they overcame set
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obstacles consisting of separate wooden parts. athletes from the brest region, from the molodishensky district came to us from zazeri, the number of participants is growing, it can be noted, because we have. by 130 pairs, and our participants are almost 50 pairs higher than the participants, so the desire to engage in this type of show jumping is growing every year. the competition took place as part of the victory cup stage and was dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. that's all for now, love sports, work hard , win, see you in the night's episode of the program.
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dmitry evgenevich, good evening, good evening, we have already talked with the long-lived deputy. is in our parliament in the new
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in parliament, the youngest deputy, the most athletic, the most creative, all these are different people, but dmitry shevtsov, he is not only a doctor, but also the secretary general of the red cross of belarus, can we say that you are our most humane deputy or what, probably, considering the specifics of working in medicine in the red cross are very intertwined things, that’s why i think it’s possible. okay, but the other day one of the well-humane initiatives was implemented, which was still worked out by the previous parliament, the president signed it on monday the law on the responsible treatment of animals, these are some new worthy bills, well, let’s say, in the social, humanitarian sphere, you can expect from the new convocation, maybe these topics have already been discussed, you know, no, they haven’t been discussed yet, while the formation of the commission is underway .
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you are a professional doctor, and a resuscitator, an anesthesiologist, yes, with
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basic education, if i may say so , yes, for a long time, but it’s true, you continue to follow medical news, of course, well, on tuesday the president visited grodno region, well, it’s significant that against the backdrop of a difficult foreign policy situation and against the backdrop of the economic difficulties that he spoke about, and that the west is creating them for us, but there’s no need to refer to this, yeah, we continue to build hospitals. why was it chosen for the message to descendants, well, it was a medical facility, a new hospital, you know, i think this is significant, and the first belarusian woman’s flight into space, this is a significant event, of course, this is a significant event, it is women, the ambassador, that we we fly there for peaceful purposes in peace, yes, again laying the capsule during construction. healthcare institution, but this is probably the most important indicator of the
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direction in which our country is developing in general, in the social direction, as we said that we are a social guarantor, that’s how we work, the president says that we must look after the demographic components of our society, yes, we should develop, including the birth of more children, as not an object of the system. we must build healthcare, this is firstly, secondly, you know, for me this is such an indicator to our neighbors on the other side that guys, you can do whatever you want there, even if you walk on your head, and here we are building hospitals so that our population is healthy, including mentally and physically, they are us they are trying to accuse us of rattling sabers and almost going to take over half of europe, we are rattling sabers, yes, yes, of course, well, you read it yourself.
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he said very significantly, but let them see, on the other side they are digging the earth, on this side they are digging the earth, only here they are digging in order to lay the foundation of the healthcare system, yes.
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convocation, at a minimum i remain in the position of secretary general of the belarusian red cross, but on a voluntary basis, the only place of work is in parliament, but taking into account the fact that this is an elected position, i mean the belarusian red cross, i was elected by the delegates, 120 delegates from the republic, this is an elective position, so before the end , you understand perfectly well that it is no coincidence that i will now promote the theme of the red cross as... the main one, probably today, because it turns out to be such an interesting collision: we seem to have a red cross of belarus, in the international system it was abolished, our belarusian red cross was abolished, this is how it happened, because of what? well, we probably all already know this story,
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the fact is that believe me, not everyone knows it in more detail, then i’ll just tell you first-hand, again, when the accusations first came out. addressed to the republic of belarus that belarus is stealing children from ukraine, yes, honestly, for me it was perceived as, well, nonsense, okay, you know, then, when accusations began to periodically surface in the media throughout the spring, that the children who come to us here do not return, well, alexei talai and i, with his foundation, made a decision why, because alexey italai actually helps children come here, relax, even if on...
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the cross, that's why we decided that we need to firmly put these talking madmen in their place, so we went to donbass in order to show that all the children who are throughout there we came to the republic of belarus for a year and a half, and are now safely at home, so we took a film crew, we went, and all the children who were vacationing there, we went around all of them... without exception, and filmed them all and showed them to everyone, that is in fact , we knocked out the ground for accusations, insane accusations against the republic of belarus, and they had to slander them in any way they wanted, but eavesdropping, stealing children, this is the most serious crime against any country, but
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of course they were offended, i think so, international the red cross was offended, no, our international opponents. yes, i think that they simply had the red cross as a means of further adoption, influence, making some decisions, and of course my trip showed that, unfortunately, there is no red cross in these territories at all, because when i arrived , after all, we were only going to these children who were vacationing with us, yes, that’s why i had a very limited number of gifts for these children there, yes, when you come to a family and... and they see you in red cross clothes or somewhere else they say: oh, a red cross, yes, then i asked, what don’t you have? no, we see for the first time, imagine, the conflict has been going on for 10 years, they see the representative of the red cross for the first time, when this question was asked by my colleagues, with whom i later had
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a zoom meeting on the results of my trip, just to the secretary general of the international federation red cross, president. it was literally there 5-3-5 km from the contact line, we had to naturally blend into the terrain in order not to be attacked by one of the... opponents, yes , so i explained to them that i could not be in a red t-shirt, because this is a very good target
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for a sniper and they told me about it directly, they said we should not go into that territory where life is dangerous, excuse me, but what about those children who live there, and why did we decide that it was dangerous for the life of the red cross employee, and not those who live there, we are not talking about we have to go into the trenches in order to see the conditions. soldiers' residences, more to bring some kind of humanitarian aid, we go to peaceful people, they live here permanently, and you know, i always say, i was honestly ashamed when i arrived there in clothes, in a bulletproof vest, in a helmet, go in front of the boarding school, they were walking, football they were running around, you know, i came all like this, and they have an ordinary life for not two years, for as long as...
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absolutely equal partners with an ordinary voice, with ordinary ones, i can do this, i want to do this or not, yes, within the framework, of course, of the charter, when the international federation red cross, she was the first to write a letter that the secretary general... should immediately resign from his post, or at least for the time of the investigation, yes, then only
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a few days later, perhaps, in my opinion, yes, the investigation began, i again i asked the question, how can it be that you first demand my resignation, and then just start an investigation, but you understand, these inconsistencies, you know, like a good proverb, the further into the forest, the thicker the partisan, the more we ... as secretary general i acted, i explained the situation, what caused it, what, how and where, but the congress, excuse me, did not satisfy
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the demands of the international federation, and he is not obliged to do this, but he considered the recommendation that the federation sent us, it did not satisfy them at all , they then wrote the following, sent a letter, you know, in russian, come to your senses before it’s too late. because if you, you know, in the literal sense, yes, signed by the president, signed by other officials of the federation, yes, that, nevertheless, we believe that you incorrectly considered the issue at the congress, yes, we still insist that shevtsov leave his post, and if he does not leave, then you, then you, yes, then you will be ah-ah-ah, we will suspend membership, then there is. once again, this is an inconsistency, the presence, the presence of the red cross in gaza now is the norm, this is the norm, and the absence of the red cross in
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donbass is also the norm, well, okay, it seems to me that there is no point in commenting further here, you understand this, these are the usual double standards, then in fact it turns out the suspension of membership today, and of the belarusian red cross in the international system, is a loss of funding.
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the money did not even go to those migrants who are, come to us from the middle east, who are trying to get to the target purely for ukrainian refugees, for ukrainian refugees, and there are un organizations, our partners, who actually allocated funds for other categories of migrants, but these were not such amounts, but nevertheless we also helped them, but in this case, when i’m talking about international
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federation of the red cross, funding was allocated for... to help migrants from ukraine, and today they closed this particular assistance for our organization, and for belarus, but dmitri evich, you didn’t stop helping, as i understand it, these si, no, absolutely, there was a monetary, voucher policy, the development of my initiatives, there are other directions, good sensible projects, there are no questions in order to support, help to socialize, help somehow self-employment, develop the ideas of migrants.
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1800 employees worldwide close 26 representation, at least this is the official statement made by the head of the international red cross, okay, in essence we are now talking about what i will tell you more, excuse me for interrupting you, i will tell you more, not only the lack of financial resources on the existence of this large structure, but this is known information, because we communicate not only officially. well, not officially with our colleagues, acquaintances, and so they said that the main sponsors, the main sponsors, well, who are they, these are large tycoons, large corporations, companies, and as a rule, these are western europe and america, yes, allocating funding, money, sponsorship to finance various projects, assistance from migrants, and so on.


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