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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 10:35pm-11:31pm MSK

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year is expected to be more than half a billion dollars, and therefore they are forced to lay off 1,800 employees around the world and close 26 representative offices, well, at least this is the official statement made by the head of the international red cross, okay, in fact, we are now talking about what i i’ll tell you more, excuse me for interrupting you, i’ll tell you more, not only the lack of financial resources for the existence of this large structure, but... after all, the information is known, after all, we communicate not only officially, but also not officially with our colleagues, acquaintances, and so they said that the main sponsors, the main sponsors, well, who are they, these are large tycoons, large corporations, companies, and as a rule, these are western europe and america, yes, allocating funding, money, sponsorship assistance to finance various projects, assistance from migrants, and so on. and they said, except for belarus and
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russia, so they say: you understand, every year it is so difficult to knock out funds for belarus to russia, we say, wait a minute, that the ukrainians who are on the territory of belarus, these are special ukrainians, these are other ukrainians, others, yes, they say, well, you have to understand us, most likely, in the twenty-fifth year there will be no help, what scoundrels, let's be honest, well, even here this is not official information, but it has. i understand, yes, but obviously, in essence, we are talking about another sanctions pressure, but along a humanitarian line, but the president on tuesday just indicated, yes, that there will be no discounts on sanctions, leaders have been appointed to solve these problems, yes i am i see that you are solving them, then let’s talk a little about other financing, yes, the european peace fund, last year, the peace fund financed the purchase.
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they are awarding the nobel peace prize, which starts the war in iraq, i ’m talking about barack obama, it’s like, what are you guys doing? well, you know, when you hear from a doctor about split personality, it already looks like a medical diagnosis. well, you know, unfortunately, yes, more and more often we have to say these things, depending on the position and behavior of some people who call themselves politics. here
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look, dmitry evgenievich, the documents when stopping the work of our red cross were drawn up in english, russian, belarusian and ukrainian, well, this is official information, yes, and despite the fact that the official languages ​​of the organizations are different , english, french, spanish and arabic, even russian is a technical language, then aren’t the ears too much?
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god bless him, he helps in translating these documents into russian and sending them to other national societies, this is not only belarus, but other national societies post-soviet space, as a rule, these are countries that also widely use the russian language, yes, but documents are published in four official languages, so the question is asked, what’s wrong guys, well, if you want, i ’ll answer this question for you, it’s obvious, they specially written. in the ukrainian language so that refugees, ukrainians in belarus clearly know from whom this decision comes, to deprive them of help, well, here’s a good answer, perhaps, well, look, on social networks, in the comments, at least under the information about the suspension of membership , yes they write that in on the sidelines of the organization there is regret about the closure of one of the most effective belarusian red cross organizations in the world, but well, this may be true. really so, well, again, this
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is not the official interpretation, yes, this is actually so, i also heard it, my colleagues heard it , yes, well, you know sensible people. more, yes, only to please these various minorities, well, here i mean those who are trying to express a lie to show the truth, and shut everyone’s mouths, they naturally wanted to show that the guys, well it’s not the goal that i went in camouflage clothes, it’s not the goal that something else happened, the goal is that i went that... yes, where a priori you can’t go, we don’t recognize these republics , well , i mean europe, america, the movement, yes, it turns out, we don’t recognize them as an independent republic, there are no people there, well , of course, they haven’t seen war for 8 years, yes, there, there are no people there, which means, you know, here
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some red cross went, well, listen, to anathematize, what else, to show the whole world, they removed him from the post of general the secretary was put under pressure and removed from his post. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. high city, according to chronicles, this place was called since the 15th century. there are a lot of attractions here, i’ll try to tell you about them all. it's high
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and we start dating. and we set off on an exciting journey. by the way, there used to be several units in the city. water mills, provos, and a little later even electric mills appeared. assures that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside, and i also met witnesses who wished remain behind the scenes, but they assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is, the road between sina and shklovo is very picturesque in places, similar to an english park, this is an entry from catherine’s diary, here once then there was...
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belarus is just space, they should be belarusian, they should be modest, there was no self-confidence, although we set the task that if you are already selected and you get into the cosmonaut corps, then you should withstand everything, you can’t leave the race,
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no matter how difficult it is for you, our industry has reached near-astronomical rates this year, growth in january was almost 5.5%. over the past year , the ministry of industry's enterprises traded $6.5 billion, thereby exceeding the maximum level for a decade by more than 7%. the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. i may be exaggerating a little, yes, but i remember the information that the international committee of the red cross once admitted that after the war it had extradited a number of high-ranking officials nazi criminals, documents that
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allowed them to escape justice in latin america and then even come to europe, and of course. countries are still trying to destroy in every possible way, when we have now switched to
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humanitarian tracks, sanctioned humanitarian flights, this is not only the red cross, it has now been added, sport first of all, olympic international olympic, well, here the belarusians, the russians must compete under a neutral flag, but the israelis are not responsible for the actions of their policies, guys, when americans bomb without un sanction. yes, that too, well, that’s how i’m an artist, i see it that way, because all these things are written there, you know? they are indicating, so no, i don’t believe in these fairy tales, we really must build our work, we must build our relationships, believe me, there are still many points of contact in the development of the belarusian red cross within the country, negotiations with our various large companies, enterprises.
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secondly, not to give in any way to everyone who is trying to denigrate us, yes, because this is
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that, i say again, this is one of the most serious crimes, but no one has ever started an investigation into the abduction and disappearance, or rather of children, of entire groups of children who traveled to europe, because there are documented facts, there are interviews, listen, what is happening now...
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creatures that can be manipulated like kittens, whatever you want, they can be put there on the scales, on one bowl, on another, or simply thrown away. unfortunately this is so, because over what period of time have we we observe that children’s identities are erased, children are removed from their families, they are transferred to the families of pedophiles, they are transferred to the families of homosexuals, this means that a boy can no longer be called a girl, yes, yes, that’s what i say, the gender is erased, this is what this situation is, yes, if you touch on it
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a little with the moldovan children, who were not allowed in by lithuania and poland after the tour, okay.
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no, they weren’t even allowed to get off the bus for a whole day, when the adult escort got off, they didn’t put the machine on , they were forced to go back, it’s like going to the toilet go, have a drink, what are you, who is in front of you, well, who cares, so that’s what i ’m talking about, only because they were on the territory of the republic of belarus, everything there is scorched earth, no one should go there, we ’re there everywhere we tell everyone that in belarus everything is the same...
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i remember very well your overnight stays on the border with poland, yes, then, when you were in the most difficult conditions, yes, you worked there on the border, and even more so our friends from poland, they flew so beautifully, that’s right, then someone from outside noticed your work with migrants, from outside, noticed, in fact,
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the international federation of the red cross, the president came for a while, who highly appreciated the work, then after some time there, about 10-14 days, he already met - with the president of russia with vladimir vladimirovich putin, where he also spoke about the precise work of the belarusian red cross, for us it was very honorable, and for the simple reason that on the other side, on the polish side, not only the red cross, there was no one at all except the military and no one to migrants was allowed at all, remember what happened? and australia, and japan, and germany, and the united states, england, only then they wrote something incomprehensible, this is another question, but in any case, please come and look, that’s when the polish border guards
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poisoned migrants with gas, threw stun grenades, yes, at sub-zero temperatures. i tried to make sure that we have rapid response teams under the red cross, in each region, these are trained volunteers, guys and girls who come to various natural, man-made disasters and help, as a rule, the ministry of emergency situations or someone else, yes, a government agency. and here,
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of course, we were involved, naturally, these teams worked, we worked with the chain of the emergency situations ministry, with the state border committee, other departments, and i made sure that each team visited there several times, worked, firstly, we give them the previous one, and secondly, i saw it with my own eyes, i always... when we held a debriefing, because well, psycho-emotional burnout could be very severe, but i always said: guys, look how fragile the world is, there are a sufficient number of very wealthy people, very wealthy people who are now dirty and grimy and are ready to thank everyone simply for a pack of hygiene products, for simply providing them with water. i’m eating blood over my head, even if it’s a logistics center, but in any case, yesterday they were still absolutely wealthy people, going
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to germany at the call of angela merkel, and what happened to them, so that everyone could see how ambivalent the policy of european states is towards to those whom they even they call you over, that’s all. and so it happened, we now see this in the example of the belarusian red cross on other things, so this is a very important thing in terms of psycho-emotional in terms of our youth seeing all this with their own eyes, because of course the pictures presented are very rosy, yes, very good, very happy, please, after this you won’t be fooled by democracy and the people who worked there with great enthusiasm. you can no longer carry out the cross. dmitry evangelich, well, international multiple the cross, it is based on seven fundamental principles, right? yes. humanity, impartiality, neutrality,
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independence, voluntariness, unity and universality. what principles do the belarusian red cross still have, and what do you think the international red cross has lost? you know, we still have all the principles that we had. have not gone anywhere, and i, well, it’s not me, but the international movement believes that humanity is the basic fundamental principle, the most important principle in the movement, although they seem to be all equal rights, and you know, speaking and generally understanding for myself, working in the healthcare system, as a doctor, resuscitator, knowing how much a human life costs.
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be fulfilled, as for the international , they fade into the background, although they all should move, you know, if you interpret them correctly and do not make double standards, then of course they will also remain in motion, if you interpret, yes, i really liked your remark, it doesn’t matter not even in any clothes, it doesn’t matter what flag you are under. help, and it definitely shouldn't become a stumbling block, the color of your flag, yes, your sovereignty, okay, look, last year
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a study was conducted in russia that showed that russians now prefer to trust ngos, non-profit organizations that were created by the state, and we are also coming to this conclusion, in your opinion, what public initiatives require support right... now at the state level, well, of course, assistance in the development of national societies, the fact is that it would be much easier to exist as a national society if they they could earn money, but according to the law on public associations, these are societies that cannot provide any services on a reimbursable basis. in principle, it would help many societies, but the most important thing for me is that i still see this in the development of volunteerism, because
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not a single national... society in our country can exist without volunteers, they showed brugia, and this situation, when all public associations, the belarusian union of women, the belarusian women's union, volunteered for the belarusian red cross, belaya rus, trade unions, everyone and just people came, yes, who brought a large amount of products, food, hygiene, everything else, and we must understand that we now need... a law on volunteers, which will spell out his rights, his responsibilities , its capabilities, yes, because - sometimes we are faced with the question that a volunteer , trained, competent, ours, on whom we count, is ready to come forward to provide some kind of help, but he has questions with his main place of work, that is, to him you have to ask for time off, write at your own expense, but it turns out that a volunteer is
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a person who is selfless. helps, but he helps not only disinterestedly, he is still left without money at the moment when he helps someone, that is, in fact, we are punishing the volunteer, these issues still need to be resolved, therefore, of course, a law on volunteering, yeah, it exists in the russian federation, because we are now talking not only about the belarusian red cross, but correctly, as you said, about all our national societies, public associations.
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maybe we need a red-green cross? you know, it’s a good question, yes, in fact, it’s not about the color, yes, although the red cross emblem is not protected by the laws of the vast majority of countries, including emergency services, and in the republic of belarus there is a law that protects the red cross emblem. yes, the law on the red cross, so of course i would gladly leave this emblem as it is, because well, it is internationally accepted, that is, they always see everything absolutely and the chain of conflicts and just civilians, when they see a cross, they understand the red cross, this is protection, this is protection, just like when you provide assistance to migrants who
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are writing sospomo somewhere in the forest. this emblem should continue to exist, it should not undergo any changes, this is something that has existed for 165 years or more, but the canons must remain unshakable and we must, you know, i’ll tell you, probably open the same geneva convention s... seven principles, and not try to put them forward like a purist when we need to hide some problem, well, or this pure one should leave
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the one who... the desire to read them is guided by them. thanks for this conversation. thank you very much for the invitation. today , about 120 enterprises in our country receive tourists, of course, the flow of tourists differs from enterprise to enterprise, we can say that the main flagships of industrial tourism are mechanical engineering, food and light industry enterprises, there are enterprises that receive tourists in very
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large flows, for example , such... too about 10 thousand tourists visited this factory, well, all enterprises of the food industry, sweets, such as griffer, condensed milk, were visited by about 40,000 people, in general we estimate the flow of tourists to the enterprise in the range of about 2000 people in 2023, growth is noted for all enterprises flows, but what are the most unusual excursions to take you to... what are they today? for me, as a lover of industrial tourism, i myself often visit enterprises; the most unusual are not so much excursions, but additional suggestions that you can try as
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part of a visit to the enterprise, for example, there is such a granite enterprise, it is located in mikashevichi, as part of an excursion you can dive to the bottom of one of the largest... some board games as part of a visit to the enterprise, quests, this all sorts of tastings, master classes, every person will find something for themselves when visiting the enterprise, well, for sure
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, it’s enough for a belarusian to just get on such an excursion, but how can a foreigner get there, how to quickly book such an excursion from abroad? is it possible yes, for belarusians, industrial tourism is more of a tool for popularizing our brands, a tool for building trust in our products, not all belarusian enterprises will be of interest to a foreigner, they are interested in those enterprises that glorify our country throughout the world, uh, firm contracts have already been concluded with these enterprises; their excursions are available on online booking sites. there are package offers; industrial tourism is also used in our tourism when receiving a delegation.
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hello vasily, hello vanya, i'm vasily, hello, i'm vasily, your dad, good afternoon, hello, let's get acquainted, hello vanya, i'm your dad, van, say hello. i'm vasily, i'm your dad, i, vanya doesn't make contact very well, let him get used to it, it's a game, you have to catch up, well, try it, but
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hold on, well, be careful, let me talk to him, i myself. what now? well, what? he will fill out the documents and take vanya into his family. where did he even come from? maybe he 's not a father at all? do you think i'm just a person with will i give the boy back to the streets? he and vanya’s mother were married, well, it’s clear he’s a good man, but he didn’t know anything about the child, even if he was the husband, but what does that prove? where has he been all this time? listen, calm down, i'm completely for you. i don’t have to explain anything, well, understand, it
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will be better for everyone, and for you first of all, go about your career, dance, and just forget about it, but he’s not a kitten, he stroked it, he forgot, hello, my dear, i met dad, vanka, you’re a smart guy, yes, you need to give him a chance to get to know each other, vanka, here you are, you scared him, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to, vanya, i... i'll come to you again soon, okay, come on, vanyush, well
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, see you, goodbye, vanya, hold on, go, take it to to your room, anya, you probably need to take a break from communicating with you, you know, he should get used to the idea that he has a father, and your presence only distracts him, please, well, if he is really dear to you, then you make the right decisions, sorry.
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you're trying in vain, now no one except rusanov cares about him, nan, well, they returned you to competition, why are you gloating all the time, why is she better than me, are you tired? we got up and are working, hello, you work here, i just see that vanka trusts you, tell me, how is this possible, the boy didn’t have a father for 6 years, suddenly he appeared, they gave him a car, yes, and who are you, his mother? who?
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well, not biological, of course. vanya calls me that, it’s very interesting, and for a long time, but what does it matter? i had enough time to love him as my own. how cool, more details, please, more details, please, i wanted it adopt. and i mean, i messed up all the cards for you, yes, now it’s clear who turned him against me, do you even think what you ’re saying, but there’s no need to think about it, idiot, that you don’t approach vanya anymore, what do you feel , your leg on my back, it’s funny, but it hurts, so... “i want to see the feelings
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when you dance, i want to empathize with you, nikita, you move well, but you know what you’re missing, there’s no awareness of it enough, just ask him, he doesn’t even know why he’s here, borya, but you have enough of everything, but what you decided to pay attention to me, i’m an idiot, rudeness is your only talent, borya, nikit, wait!” oh, vanya, what a gift, if someone gave me such a gift in childhood, i could only dream of such a toy, because vanya, you are a good boy, but your father
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gave this to you, take care of his gift, it’s good that your father... was found, mom, and mom, and dad, it’s good, but dad is our man, man, maybe i should talk to him , with my father with this, well, do you want to go there together? why, you are his son, and who am i, well, my little one, you i’m so selfish, vanya will have a family, i can’t
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give birth, i feel bad. he will have real parents, and i was so freaked out, that’s it, everything will be fine, where have you been, hello? the car sits under the windows for 2 hours, the phone doesn’t answer, oh, there was a reason to drink in the quiet time, there was, there was, i swear, i saw my son, well, i swear to my son, well, drop the phone, you’re not drunk enough to be delusional, i’ll tell him i found it,
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can you imagine, bought him a car, gave it to him, but he didn’t take it. ay, ay, funny guy, i swear, will you help me? well, he weasel, now it’s possible, well, mother, i’m not his mother, well, well, you’re a woman, which means, right? this doesn’t mean anything, i don’t doubt you, you just understand, order is order, but now you can safely begin to act, the results of the dna examination are in your hands, a certificate from the maternity hospital too, so marina
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gennadna, when can i pick it up for myself? , vasily alekseevich, let’s agree right away, patience, patience again, inga valerievna. van is watching, yeah, as soon as he's ready, then, okay, go to vanya, uh-huh, because i’m also not into cranking, okay, thank you, vanya, well, there’s only one here, let’s go, maybe i’ll show you the car, you can sit behind the wheel, but don’t be shy, jump in. oh, well done, so what, i like it, mom, be the theme, son, and dad will have a
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new house. but you shouldn’t feel sorry for me, i want to train in such a way that there is not a single thought about him in my head, i like your attitude, this is the attitude of a winner, go ahead. children have been talking for a long time,
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he will be silent, but no, he will speak, i think, just later, it seems to me that in his he will, yeah. why are you so biting today , and there’s a lot of fuss before the wedding, uh-huh, regin, i wanted to ask, maybe we can reschedule? no, well, not for long, of course, now we’ll just move vanka, we need to let the guy get used to it, we’re already together, regina, maybe we can reschedule his move to us until he gets used to home-cooked food, regina, are you serious right now? yes, that’s how selfish i am, i’m tired of waiting, okay, well, of course, we won’t
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reschedule anything, okay, we forgot, the hosts of the show are right at home, they know exactly what ’s needed. there is some amazing bridge, look kai, such a beautiful, huge bridge, wow, yes,
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it’s really big, and also share their vivid impressions, oh wow, hello, we are a tourist from venezuela, traveling around belarus, we have a gift from the people’s republic of china, a sculptural composition of the afu doll, and how cute they are, boy and girl.
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what is wrong with you! i bet on you, they usually bet on horses, right? anh, in order to move on, we need
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a victory, well, how can i convince others that you are better, irina, if i don’t see it myself, you must win, there’s nothing wrong with you, now about... i just grabbed a little, i was probably overtraining, he will completely drive you, did you even eat today, what do you all women find in him, let this be our
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little women's secret, he was married three times and... all his exes hate and love him at the same time, they themselves told you, his ex wasn’t crazy about this at all, well, when he left her, why do you need his life, live yours, he’s old, why do you need this, no, you don’t you're right, and in general you're behaving like an offended teenager, and what if you there was such a father, you would understand me, listen, but try to make friends with him, or what? but he ’s used to you always being rude to him, and you just come up and ask for help, i don’t need his help, i don’t need anything from him, what’s going on with your production, how are the sponsors, diyakov thinks, the others refused, you’re right, she’s nobody doesn’t know, we need a resounding victory, yeah, bravo, anya, bravo, are you sure that there will be one?
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she’s kind of lethargic, and the semi-finals are coming soon, everything ’s fine, the kid’s father just found him, he seems to be worried about something else, that’s how he is i found myself, what can you do for the sake of art ? here it seems like a smart woman, and then bam, it turns out she’s a fool, a shadow, don’t worry, i don’t need problems either, especially since a stranger’s kid is cheating at home, i understand, i just thought that you were in love, i’m not crazy, okay, well , i hope that at least the first place will not leave you, and support.
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okay, that's it, break, but no, hurry up convenient, oh yes, great, well, if anything happens, call me, okay, i think we can handle it, the main thing is, don’t rush it, well, yes, good luck. are you comfortable there? now we’ll get home, you’ll see your room, we ’ll prepare a whole box of toys for you there. vanka, tomorrow we’ll go with you to the workshop, meet uncle oleg, we’ll work together with him.


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