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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:21am MSK

11:30 pm
and support, okay, that's it, break, anya, ambulance, convenient, that's great, well, if anything happens, call, okay, i think we can handle it, the main thing is don't rush things. well, good luck, are you comfortable there? now we’ll get home, you’ll see your room, we ’ll prepare a whole box of toys for you there. vanka, tomorrow we’ll go with you to the workshop, meet uncle oleg, we work together.
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he has a son, mishka, but this guy will be friends, mom, yes, son, mom, he’s going to see mom, she’s prepared something delicious for you, mom, you’ve driven her away with your rehearsals, nikita, stop it, i just forgot to have breakfast, again, anya, i’ll go soon in my car, don’t be afraid. “lie down, i’m fine, sir, my blood pressure is low, they said, well , lie down, you’ll fall again, so, come on, come on, be brave, here we are, oh, come on, why are we wearing clothes?” yes, hello,
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vanya, i’m very glad to meet you, vanyush, vanya, vanya, what are you looking for? mom, buddy, here you go, mom, mom! well, let's go to the table, come on, sit down, both of you, hungry, thank you,
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vanka, vanya, you, where are you going? vanya, you stink, oh! i hate hospitals, don't there was no need to call an ambulance, well, actually, i ’m responsible for you, sorry, it’s just that every holiday as a child, every holiday i was put in a hospital, you said that dancing helped, yes, then it helped, and before that i was intensively treated by doctors, that’s all , now you... heal
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, what did they say, rest, sleep, increased nutrition, right, damn it? plays with toys, what now, will you look for another mother for him, who the hell are you, what another mother, well, think that he’s calling the guy crazy, his mother is some kind of crazy, you solve this now, please, what can i decide now, rigin, what can i decide now? we just have to be patient and
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wait until he gets used to us, you know, do you love me? well, of course i love you, what are you doing, stop it, why are you crying, take the bedside table too, after the divorce, i have tension with the furniture, it’s screwed down, then we’ll cast lots, because the only closet i have is not empty at all. i’m struggling with this, recently in milan i even deposited my credit card in a hotel safe, okay, come on, i’ll soon, bye, yes, i’m not alone, yeah, well, congratulations, you’re cool,
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anya from tyumen, listen, let's just wish each other good luck. am i guilty of something to you? okay, come here. everything is bullshit except the stage. there will always be men and why do they constantly quarrel? is it true. come on, go. don’t miss your chance, friend, oh, man, you’re hungry, and why
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doesn’t this feed us, yes, let’s demand, we have the right, yes, food? food, you see, thank you, we asked for everything, there is food. stop it, you'll break the plate. i'll rush, forgive me, i taught you. don't knock, okay, later. vanka. that's enough, vanya. lord, you're acting like a savage, don't, don't, you do you think this is normal? vasya, i ’m asking you, thank you, bon appetit.
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an infatuated person is vulnerable, he’s just never seen this movie before, and in my youth i watched it often, only with age i realized that such love does not exist, well, it’s just
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a beautiful fairy tale, no, right? “no, yes, love, it’s, well, in everyone, it just needs that one person for it to manifest itself, the naive thoughts of a naive, beautiful girl, stop it, i’m not just talking about love between a man and a woman, that’s when vanya was my first since he called him mom, vanya is not love, you 're a skeptic disappointed in life, you realized that you're a skeptic, repeat, skeptic, who's a skeptic, i'm a skeptic, yes, i'm
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a skeptic, hmm, i think i feel the taste of love again, did you eat grapes, yes, that's right. “tomorrow is your last day, i understand, we only have two rehearsals left before the semi-finals, i’m listening.” we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. the land is pragna, nasychaetstsa volgatsu, kab adradzits zhytstsyo again, and that means, let’s give it a try. we don’t throw away the vandrons at all, for our own sake. nowadays we live in cash from the past. this is a folklore expedition for you and me.
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it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is
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create a non-trivial route. the treasury building was built in 1807, and during the battle with napoleon , a french hospital was located here. and that's it, guys, we can also see the alyaksei church, which is known from the grounds of the white kovel castle. the most important thing is to be open.
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look at those little eyes, who is musya? my bride, for my part, and i want to warn you, your return will be very difficult, i’m not afraid, well, my dear, now come on, tell me how, when, under what circumstances, you started collaborating with the germans, how you got to the farm with the right hilda, comrade, we would like tickets, we want to go home, we have no strength, we have a child , svritsem foraging. maybe you can take a walk with me, but he lived here for 3 days and then went to the front under a different name,
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under what? pavel levchenko, you promise that i ’m rooted, watch the series, i’ll be back on the belarus 24 tv channel . well, son, my workshop, you’ll see later it will be yours, we’re fixing a car, not a toy real, great, oleg where, oleg, i like it, why are you silent, say that yes, son, a socket wrench, and you know, when you can’t reach the nut bolt with an ordinary wrench, then... they throw it like that, hop , and they drag it out, i understand, but try, hello everyone,
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hello, oh, with the assistant, hello, who else, my son, vanya, meet me, well, hold the crab, buddy, my name is oleg, and you can call me uncle oleg, i’m itching, okay, i see, how do you like daddy’s workshop? mom liked it, that means mom regina, van, you what, what, i starred, right? it’s okay, we’ve passed, you ’ve already completely taken him over, he’s getting used to it 2 days a week for now, vasya, oh, vasya, not vasya, but dad, vasya, with character, a guy, yes, mom,
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mom! anh, why did you come? i told you on the phone, i can’t give you his address, what if he feels bad there, were you even there? don't worry, he's doing fine. i’ll just check, inga, i need to know that he’s okay, please, but i don’t understand that you’re rooting for vanya, but that’s not possible. he is now in the family, playing mom is over, he has real parents. and now it ’s called that, it’s interesting, all loving wives get pregnant from others, i told you that this is your child, and this miscarriage is on your conscience, i slept with diakov for your sake, he financed your productions so that you could create with us, oh, our new muse, and
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can she really dance? ir, it’s time for you, girl, don’t flatter yourself, he’s just using you, no, why, she ’ll really dance karina instead of you, yes, yes, let’s see, i don’t pay attention, it’s simple. envy, oregen, it’s a shame that kind of money to lose, there’s business for half an hour, i won’t be left alone with him, well, why not, he ’s playing calmly, look, well, regina, it’s true, i ’ve already missed out on so many orders, well, now you’re
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a father, you’re being mischievous. where then tell me the money for the wedding, we’ll take it, okay, just be connected, i ’m somehow uneasy, well, everything will be fine, vanya , vanya, come please, i’ll be there soon, yeah, stay with mom regina, and i’ll come soon, okay, i’m on business, let’s go. how are you, mom, you know that
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there is no mom, i might not want to either, but i have to be your... mom, come on let’s try to be friends, you have no choice, vanya, you will definitely never have another mother, well , he couldn’t have thrown sand at you on purpose, well , it happened by accident, yes, get him away from me.
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do you even know what's on his mind? vanyush! i, too, danced in my youth, and they said i was talented. yesterday i sat and thought about how it would all have turned out if i hadn’t given up like that. why did you quit? yes, well, you can’t make a living by dancing, although some, of course, even calmed down, like your girl, zotova
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called me yesterday and said, vanya is already in the family, she seems to have calmed down, she’ll thank you later because you saved her from someone else’s child. hello anechka, your exit is coming soon.
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mother! she’s not sick, maybe she’s feeling bad, bad, now i’ll feel bad, that’s what happens, boris, when i personally find myself professionally, and what is she doing? just hold on to me,
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look, nikita is handsome, he pulls her out. vasya, you were in the nursery, he ruined all the wallpaper, furniture, everything was drawn with felt-tip pens, mom, regen, please turn it on, there’s a girl dancing, a girl, yes, vasya, did you hear? what did i say, i heard, mom, but there is no moms, your mother died, van, what are you, no
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need, van, vasya, well, how much can you talk to him, shut up, manyush, well, are you worried, relax, nothing depends on you, for the final we have to choose only six dancers, five of whom will be chosen by the jury, and one will be saved. tv viewers, boris, do you want to say something to the contestants? well, there is probably nothing more painful than
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waiting for results, it would be a shame to fly out without knowing the reason, it’s my father’s fault, of course, over the past weeks we have probably become one big happy family. unfortunately, with someone one of you will have to say goodbye today.
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mom, anya, they didn’t save you, you stayed in the competition, i don’t care, i won’t go back there, what are you saying, what happened, it’s all over for me, mom... and you won’t consider me a failure if i come back like this? for me you have already won, well, then decide for yourself, thank you, you cross out all my efforts, you allow him everything, forgive everything, i just want vanya to be treated kindly, but you see that he is
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unusual, sick, vasya, your child is sick, don’t say that, go to him if you love, he’s healthy, so i still have to love him, because i’m an empty place for him, because he throws sand at me, you don’t owe anyone anything, but what’s the point in this if my child causes do you feel this way? do you want to cancel the wedding?
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now regin, well wait, regin, are you going to remain silent, well, i’m sorry, i probably got excited yesterday, you said what i think, there’s no need to apologize, regin, well, you understand me too, i didn’t i can choose between you, but don’t force me, but i’m sorry, there’s no other way it will work out, either you send your abnormal son back to the orphanage, or i
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’m leaving, think until tomorrow. anna showed up, say thank you for leaving me in the competition, thank you, it seems to me that i didn’t give you the right to control my life, you fool, do you think it’s possible just like that
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? to go to my mukhasran and win the competition, get the main role, yes, no, i didn’t think so, you decided everything for me, you decided as it was convenient for you, yes, i wanted to make you a star, and i asked you about it, well, yes, i gave it money so the boys can find his dad, what's in it it’s bad that you set me up, well, you ’ll come running to me, i succeeded.
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how's it going buddy, would you like some ice cream? vania.
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quality for our company is , first of all, an increase in the model range to fill the sales markets and satisfy our consumers. i came to the minsk atlant refrigerator plant in 2001, in the refrigerator assembly shop as an assembler. today i am. head of the refrigerator assembly department. in 2001 i was 19 years old, probably for myself i decided that i would like to see how a large production works. and, probably, i still wanted to work,
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to see how our industry was developing. in 2001, we had about six product lines. today there are about 20 products and practically. production of these products, production over the 20 years of my work here, in principle, it has been automated by at least 30%. we have mastered a lot of work techniques, but also automatic equipment. quality and from the introduction of this equipment to improved by an order of magnitude. when we release a new line of any of our products, in any case it is natural to be proud of both ourselves and ourselves. both because of the enterprises, but also the most important thing is the team that produces this product. in the future , we are introducing an extensive line of refrigerators, this is the primary task as the head of the implementation of these new lines
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of refrigerators, but again, i repeat, this is process automation. when we have at least 50-70% of our production automated, it will make our life easier. our brand. people respect and appreciate the fact that this company has been operating for a very long time, so just for the name atlant people are ready , in principle, to purchase our equipment. present tense.
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necessary to get a very long time to work, today you can without any problems just get this information with one click, and in the context of both construction and design work, but are there any plans in the future
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to develop similar interactive maps for other countries, in in principle, when we formed the task, we assumed that direct cooperation in the field of construction services will spread and... services, in your opinion, why today are our builders so in demand abroad, in which countries are they represented, first of all, how much of this is russia? yes, today, our builders are in demand, everywhere, of course, the closest region is the russian federation, about 82% of services, the amount today is 790 million us dollars, are services. provided directly abroad, if previously
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the dynamics were completely opposite, then today we can say that export, it really is exported outside the republic, what is our advantage, is that we have preserved the old soviet school, today we are developing our construction industry in different directions, this includes digitalization, this is in the field of design norms and standards, this is in...
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this is for people in need of improved housing conditions, lately we have been developing quite well, this is rental housing, in 2023 we built about 316 thousand of it, in the twenty-fourth year the plans are also quite intense, we plan to introduce 4.4000 km of housing. of which 1,400 are for those in need, 355 thousand are for
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rental housing, for a list that is directly defined by documents. hello, i’m vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city, i can’t imagine my life without high-speed internet, an electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of a coffee shop, lato machiata, every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing life in the city to the village, all their lives they dreamed of living in a village. and raise pigs, but in at the very beginning of the journey, swine fever happened, all
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their pigs died, our heroes did not give up, found a new calling for themselves, what they chose and how they live now, we will find out today, hello, hello, hello and prosper, my name is alec, alik, okay, this is my wife maria, maria, so alik, maria, what’s your name, manya, mania, hello, i’m vasya, hello, hello, dear, i can do this. listen, you have a very interesting story, a story in which failure grew into something unexpected, interesting, pleasant for you, what you are doing to this day, and about the history of this, well, let’s call it that, we can already talk about it, failures, we will definitely talk today, we will talk about what all this has grown into, you have been here for 10 years, well, 11 , i’ve been in lushki since 2005, yeah, actually, but we moved in from 200. i suggest starting with a tour of the house, please, let’s go,
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welcome, an awesome solution in terms of organizing the interior space of the house, because we came in from the street, yes, we see everything, we went up the steps and went into the house, but then inside the house we went down to the ground floor, that is, we are now, well, you can say so underground, yes yes, we live in the basement, this is very, this is very cool, and going up to the second floor, it doesn’t look as threatening as on the second, you’re like would be at the same level. you stay, but at the same time you end up on an additional floor, it’s very cool, it’s like half a floor, half, in the summer there’s always no more than twenty there, that is, it’s always comfortable here, in the winter it’s nice everywhere. where it’s heated, it’s clear, well, of course, everything is electric here, here there’s electric heating, that’s it, so here we have it first floor, there is such a large living room, yes , we watch tv, relax, you have a kitchen there, we go to the kitchen, second floor, what are the sleeping places, the entire bedroom is sleeping, a wardrobe room, a wardrobe room, three bedrooms it turns out, one ours,
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look, and two rooms for guests, now the grandchildren have come to visit, yeah, and your children, well, sometimes they stay there, yes. when we bought this plot, the house was half ready, and the plot was completely bald, the trees we bought were 230 cm in size, these are the same pines that, yes, which were 20 cm each, which we brought here to the site in our pockets, that’s all, all, all, all the pine trees - that’s all that ’s here, it’s all created by us, that’s good, large pines stand at a short distance from each other friend, it would seem that they are shielding you from the street, from the roadway, from the neighbors, they are wonderfully hidden, a living burn, why do you need a fence, why do you need a gate, well, first of all, these are petocides, there’s all that health, cool, mood, well, the fence is needed a little to limit the space,
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because when we moved here in the morning i wake up, a man comes, a neighbor, and he has a hangover, well, there is such a problem in the village, it’s a little clear, well... well , i always have a reserve, the man is feeling bad, i need to help him out, i once helped him improve his health, the next morning he was with me again at 67, the next morning again at 63, well, i also can’t say, screw you over there, that’s how it turned out to be a fence, i now have a gate from which you can always go out, but only to go in by invitation, that is, you call me, i invite you and i let you in, if there is no invitation, we won’t come in here, this did the neighbor help right away or did it stop? well, you’re not sure, well, it just happened , it happened, that is, we just don’t know about the fate of our neighbor, yeah, we didn’t refuse him, we helped him, and then yes, and then he just stopped hitting wish, perhaps he found someone who did not have a fence,
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they made his task a little more difficult, by the way, our film crew was not allowed in right away, we had to stand on the street for some time. construction of a pig farm, once again, well , how many 3-4 km is here, well, once again it touched him to work, they also brought him here, well, together with the builders on transport, beautiful places, hills, forests, speeches, well, that is , i touched him again, well, in 2005 they invited him
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to a permanent job, this is the third, third hint and he is you, well, he moved out after 6 years. we moved here, this move was easy, well, well, after all, you are there, that’s how long you lived in the last place, in a previous life we ​​lived for 20 years somewhere and here with us, if you move, then to have a home and a place it was no worse, so that it would not be a pity to lose microphone, well, you burned your bridges, you no longer have that house, we sold it, oh, we sold it, and we sold it so successfully, then we began to communicate closely with these people, that is, usually how you sell something and.. ..
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not a pine, no, this, this is a heroic cedar, it has five khvains from one place, look, count, an ordinary pine has two, i have two khvains growing from one place, and he has them again at once, this is a khedr, and we bought it when it was really tiny, tiny, and we had to deal with it for a long time, i don’t know where to plant it, because it has lumps, huge lumps like this grow and bear fruit for 100-150 years, most abundantly, that is, the first fruits will come in 100 years, right? well, there will be cars in 100 years, the cone will fall, they will leave a dent, yeah. we decided in the yard, we immediately thought, the children will run, the great-grandchildren will run, it’s also in their helmets, they won’t run around, or what? we decided
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to make a canopy and let the cones fall on the canopy. if alik decides something, it will be impossible to stop him; this can be read especially strongly in the story of how our heroes met. we will tell you about...
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our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy. watch the project, a sign of quality on our tv channel. tv channel belarus 24 presents, food has never been simple. at all times, people wanted to eat deliciously and live well. a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine. now the world will change. will be separated into before and after, the fish soup is cooked in chicken broth, yes, well, but in belarus this recipe has been preserved, it is
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a hunter’s recipe, duck in a pot is worldly reminiscent of a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also introduce tv viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area, a stove, what a medieval stove looked like, ceramic, lined with... brick, a box in which a fire was lit, but a large metal sheet was installed on top. in the 18th century, the baron, the gypsy baron, jan martinkiewicz, built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate and its surroundings in a gilded carriage. we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country; the project includes food anywhere. there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area. and maybe throughout belarus, watch every sunday on our tv channel, how did you meet?
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oh, well, we’ve known each other since childhood, actually since something like that, yes, yeah, marusya came to visit her grandmother in our village in every possible way... she ignored this comrade, because he was terribly annoying, marusya was harmful, grimy, the whole life proves that i didn’t give him any seeds, i remember, he remembered, i don’t remember, her aunt worked as a storekeeper, she always had seeds, yeah, in her pocket, so, well, but we didn’t have one, aunt of the storekeeper, kluzhchik, yes, yes, yes, and we go there to get the cows, they used to gather in the village, they’re all young, well... small riffraff, grandmothers, grandfathers send everything, go bring the cow there, well, we go there and we’re there girls always click sunflower seeds.


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