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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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i wish all people on earth that they appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is incredible beauty that i am. space is a striking example of international cooperation of efforts. it turns out that belarus, russia and the united states can work together, common points of contact with western countries.
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everything is concentrated on finding a way to overthrow us, no matter what kind of relationship we have with you, i scolded you there, fired you from work and so on, you must be statesmen, neither i nor you personally mean anything in comparison with what it means to us sovereign, independent belarus, we must protect it with our labor, blood, sweat and our lives,
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alexander lukashenko personally sets the pace of economic development of belarus, international business trips of the head of state open the most difficult doors. all conditions have really been created for our enterprises, for growth and development, analyst alexander markevich spoke about the current specifics. hello, alexander ivanovich, in your opinion, why does the president at almost all such events emphasize that it is impossible to today, referring to sanctions, to the fact that in difficult times it is necessary to give the same result, this, in my opinion, is the most important phrase that order beats class, which is what the head had in mind.
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strangled or such unacceptable obstacles are being made, in my opinion, this cannot be done, and the results of the work of our economy are that, despite the forecasts that were that we would go to minus 2% of gdp, then they were adjusted, that there is 0 ,2 pluses will be, in the end it turned out to be 3.9, because the economy is really thanks to the fact that they work people who rely on common sense, on...
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therefore, any enterprise, organization, ministry, department, thanks to teamwork, it can achieve a little more than even its capabilities, and this is real. an interesting comparison, but also an important emphasis: the need, let’s say, not to lose alternative markets, the president indicates that we cannot leave the european premium market, we still show certain positive trends in the economy and in cooperation, including with the polish state, in your opinion, how important this work is.
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and a whole range of other small issues are not present in the african market, and this must be understood, but this market provides very great opportunities for our manufacturers to find a foothold there, and of course, this will give not only
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some result for tomorrow, but for the day after tomorrow, in the future, why are we paying so much attention to the economy today, the head of state always clearly focuses on the fact that if you don’t want to get into... the social sphere and people’s lives, the most important thing, you still have to pay tribute to everything to the state apparatus that deals with economic issues, one way or another, despite all the threats, we are showing growth, thank you for your opinion, we will monitor the development of the situation, including on the shelves of our stores. thank you that today time dictates
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for belarus and russia which team is needed to win. and what secrets does the ice squad of the first have? we catch a different look at the main events in the presidential schedule, new footage, exclusive interviews and even emotions. all this will be on the main broadcast tomorrow. do not miss time first. keep up with the first. time to collect stones. let's not be confused. died, but how to work when they put a spoke in the wheels endlessly, what minister kubrakov should not hear, speak loudly, only the minister
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will come tomorrow for the money, and what should everyone hear, we need to make medicine people, everyone, i’ll say that the production, well it's active. the president's team is in the game. simply unearthly emotions. were you worried? well, when your children are in space, we’ll understand what it is. and what do men talk about in the hockey locker room? you are very lucky today to be here. hit. on the ice in the fields we see everything, we hear everything , we will show you. time is not in ukraine’s favor; it will not be invited to the nato summit, which will be held in the united states this summer, reports the new york times. and, of course, there is no talk yet of inviting the country to the alliance, in any
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form. the summit participants, apparently, will have to rather search for a format for interaction with kiev in order to demonstrate support, but without nato obligations. however, but reluctance. it’s a pity to quit and there’s no way to drag it out, and the ratings are falling, support for the quarterly
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zelensky among his own population is rapidly sliding downward; over the past six months, the figures have decreased by almost half from 42% to 22, reports ukrainskaya pravda , citing the results of a survey by the sociological group rating. and where there is an increase in the number of opponents of zelensky’s activities, the increase has doubled . from 9 to 18% in the column, i rather do not support it, from seven to 15 i do not support it at all, and ukrainians are not allowed to re-elect the head of the country. how zelensky canceled the presidential elections why the arguments are flawed white threads? usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution in the face of ordinary ukrainians? when an actor's mandate ends, why leave the team? they abandon even the most faithful friends, in an understandable policy, the whole alignment
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of arbitrariness is in the banking system, watch on monday after the panorama.
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the policy of the head of the white house affects not only the country’s economy, but also its health. a hyper-lethal version of tuberculosis has captured 80% of the united states, fox news reports. already 40 of the 50 states have reported that their number of patients has increased. in 2023, about 10,000 cases of infection were identified throughout the country, this is a record for the last 10 years. experts note that migrants are vagrants and are to blame. according to their data, 76% of all patients are people who were not born in the usa, but
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arrived. i don't know how much our health department and other officials are listening to the alarms we've been raising since august of last year. in september we had reports from the ambulance . many people have tested positive for tuberculosis. this crisis we we could have avoided the same thing as scoria if we had simply administered the vaccine to all those migrants coming to us. experts point out that after mutation, tuberculosis spreads , among other things, due to a lack of experienced doctors and high taxes on treatment. but the presidential race is also breaking records in terms of costs. in one evening, biden collected $25 million from sponsors, but the americans did not appreciate the activity. more than 85% of respondents are convinced that the cost of election campaigns makes it difficult.
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apparently meant his clan, and now i don’t only about western media information about the connections of the us ruling elites with the military-industrial complex. yes, shares of the us military-industrial complex soared after the start. yes, he writes. about kickbacks of the military industry to the ruling elites, but how could this be allowed in the citadel of democracy, what about the system of checks and balances, especially since in the states there is still something to earn from, for example, from global financial fraud. in the months following the 2008 financial crisis, the federal reserve was given emergency powers to
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respond to the financial collapse. now, if you notice a pattern, our leaders provide themselves with extraordinary powers in the conditions. crisis that they themselves created, well, just like with the soldiers and color revolutions around the world, they organized the demolition of a government they didn’t like with someone else’s hands, well, for example, gaddafi, they robbed her of rich libya, and now american corporations control all natural resources, and ordinary people is getting poorer, but apparently this is not enough for the american elites; they need to rob not only the whole world, but also their own people. since the global financial crisis of 2008 of the year. 16 years have passed, during which time officials of the us federal reserve many times suggested that the authorities abandon the emergency measures taken, but the business elites from wall street immediately protested, what kind of emergency measures are these, to let interest rates go to the limits of printing money, maybe this saved would be the us economy, but over 16 years of chaotic work of the printing press, inflation
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has grown so much that even large american businessmen are worried about wage growth. economies were slowing down, but the private jet market was booming, so asset inflation underpinned the wealth of many elites. first we buy things, and then we sell them at a higher price, and we don’t need to produce anything. well, these bidenites are really insolent, right? it's funny what the wealthiest people in the world make, even at fan meetings. biden, obama and bill clinton gathered at the event to raise funding for joe biden's election campaign. the... cheap ticket to this event is $225, those who donated $100,000 could take a photo with the presidents, and for $250,000 bucks, you could even take part in a reception as part of the meeting, and what else is that? for half a million dollars you could get into a meeting in a narrow circle with the current president of the united states, which means you could resolve your
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questions, what about the fight against corruption? by the way, biden collected a record amount of 25% this evening in new york. dollars, this has never happened in the history of us election races. the 2024 american elections will go down in history as a drama about financial manipulation, reports the chinese publication xinhua. so in new york alone, biden gathered dozens million dollars for the election campaign. the people are dissatisfied; political agitation is too expensive these days. d. democracy and transparency. yes. this is someone bolinovskaya and other information gypsies could learn from. but it seems that the americans are on to something. guess we're funding what appears to be another forever war that will bankrupt future generations. it is absurd that transferring more tax dollars to ukraine is even being considered; it should be taken off the table entirely and replaced with a push for peaceful negotiations. absolutely it's ridiculously funny to even try to tell the american people that ukraine
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will repay us someday. our government funds the government of ukraine to the tune of a billion dollars every month. just to keep his government running, why isn't our government promoting peace in ukraine, the american people are not stupid and are tired of being fed these stupid scam schemes. of course, biden won’t say, guys, we’re sorry, we, of course, forced them to buy a bunch of weapons from us, enriching us military-industrial complex, we, of course, bought up the ukrainian black soil, sold ukrainian, already american grain at a cheap price, but ruined it. it didn’t work out for russia to use its resources for next to nothing, spending several hundred billion didn’t pay off, so what can you do? of course, biden will not say that, he will come up with new fairy tales about the russian threat, justify spending the state budget on nato, ukraine and other military companies, a change in the power of clan elites in the usa is unlikely, bill clinton and obama are unlikely
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will come to dinner with other candidates, it’s unlikely that another candidate will collect $25 million in an evening, because... even donald trump now has a much poorer financial rear of his election campaign. even more about politics in our telegram channels. preparations are underway for the people's assembly in belarus. 80 delegates to the entire belarusian people's assembly were elected today by the republican public association belaya rus. as noted, these are delegates from all regions of our country, a professional. the pool of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly is balanced, balanced by region, by professional group, by age, as the president said, both
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a person from the land and a person from the student audience, a teacher, a doctor, a scientist will be represented, so belarus will be complete and multidimensionally represented at the all-belarus people's assembly, the requirement for delegates is simple , follows from the very essence of the all-belarusian... because there will be other media leaders there, there will be an opportunity to really make proposals and discuss those issues that will subsequently strengthen our security, including number in information terms. the seventh
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all-belarusian people's assembly will be held on april 24 and 25. let me remind you that the constitution, which was adopted as a result of the republican referendum, secured the special status of the supreme people's assembly, the decisions of the meeting are binding . work is in progress. in the belarusian fields, the plans for this agricultural season are at least 10 million tons of grain, weather swings and temperature changes do not make significant adjustments to spring field work; the slowdown is affected by high humidity and rain. the minister told us about this agriculture and food. this week, due to snow, equipment in some areas did not go out into the fields in the morning. if we talk about sowing early grains and... legumes without corn, buckwheat and millet, then mass sowing has begun in all regions, with eight districts, such as zhabinkovsky and maloritsky, brest region,
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voronovo, grodno regions, five districts of minsk, sowing of these crops has already been completed. our leaders are the brest region, which has already sowed more than 85%, they will soon will be completed not far from... this indicator, 77% has been sown - these are the minsk and grodno regions, unfortunately, the gomel region is a little behind, the mogilev region is reaching a certain pace, well, the vitebsk region, the northernmost region, will be completed, as for other crops , they have already started sowing flax intensively, literally, if not for these weather conditions, probably within a week the brest region would have completed sevlina, started sowing sugar beets, intensively entered this... rodno region. about the harvest prospects in this year, technology in the fields and personnel in the defense industry, as well as the reclamation of our strategic
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crop, flax. watch the main broadcast of the interview with minister sergei bartush this sunday. food security is one of the most important tasks. farmers fish every fine day in order to complete the sowing campaign on time. andrey yastrebov will talk about working in the fields. did not stand idle for a single day, first during the sowing season, even despite the night frosts, says alexey soldatenko, a machine operator with thirty years of experience, the ground does not have time to freeze, the sun dries out the soil quickly, so the ridge growers are in a hurry, now we are sowing spring wheat, well , our volume is larger, of course, we need to sow about 40-45 hectares per day, we arrive at about 63, so that 7 hours to be already in the field, of course, we are trying to ensure that our country has grain, over 4,500 hectares of grain this year on the farm, the rate, as before, is winter, but it also depends on the spring sowing what
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the total loaf will be, which means we need to meet the gronomic deadlines, we have a plan for spring sowing this year 1124 hectares, at the moment 532 hectares or 47% have been weeded out, we are almost at the middle of sowing, i think in a week we will finish sowing early spring grain crops, early spring has brought... in the northern region , they started harvesting 2 weeks earlier than usual. this year, in the goritsa region , over 28 hectares were allocated for klin grain production. the volume of work is large, so up to five thousand pieces of equipment are working in the fields at the same time, including energy-rich tractors. at the helm of this giant of the fields of domestic belarus, sergei dyatlov, an experienced machine operator, says that after 25 years of work in agriculture, he has literally grown to his native land, and is proud that his work is part of the total collection of achievements. that year. let’s say we left on april 15 this year in march, which means at the end of march we were already on the field from 6 a.m. we work until victory, the rate is the same as before.
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brovar will be cultivated for elite varieties of belarusian selection in this field under large onikanovitches; even last year , when the weather was problematic, it produced up to 38 centners of yield; we are employed for this crop there will be more than 600 hectares, we also sowed 440 winter barley for the winter, in general we have more than a thousand hectares under barley, next in line is kir wheat and preparing the soil for new plots, plowing, fertilizing in agriculture , during the hot season we are equipped with equipment to meet the full needs , this year we received help, these are three energy-rich tractors 3522 of the belarus brand, our sowing units are 100% ready, as for the provision of personnel, we are always supported by the organization of the region in this year it is planned to attract 27 people, two meals a day were organized in each farm, everything to cope with the sowing season, high-quality on time, because food security and the weight of the common loaf are on the eve, until april 15 the groundwork for the future...
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they gave instructions, the planting itself was carried out manually both in a mechanized and mechanized way, as igor korpenko, chairman of the electoral commission center, noted, such assistance is creative work for our future, it is very important that young people are also involved in this. youth is with us here today the council, pritsyk and the volunteers who took part helped pritsyk on a single voting day, a total of three dozen.
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young people, it was their initiative, we supported it, i think it’s also for them, firstly, to feel the importance of creative work for the good, the common good for the country, for society as a whole, and secondly, well, it’s educational in in many ways, because today you learn a lot of interesting things and how does the farm live and what concerns do they have, what do they do? for me this action is quite a noble cause, because we we are growing a forest, which in... 40 years i can show my children, and it will be a noble mission, that i am reviving alest in this place, on my land, i grew up on it and i want it to flourish and be as beautiful as it is it exists now, i believe that this action is very important for our country, i also want to make my contribution to the development of our ecosystem and nature, but this is a benefit not only for, say, the environment, but a benefit
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for... people, so i i want my overwhelming contribution to be here too. in total, in the berezensky district, as part of the campaign, they plan green 30 hectares of area. the promotion itself will last until april 20. the beginning of april is always the most important time for hockey players. all leagues start traditionally. in the final confrontations for trophies. this truth is also typical for republican competitions among amateurs at the invitation of the presidential sports club. the decisive round for the seventeenth cup brought together the squad of the head of state , the national team of the minsk region. the battles of these rivals are always very stubborn, full of passions and goals scored. of course, on a fan couldn't help but come to the final episode.
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in the stands of the capital olympira. the scenario of the meeting really matched the final, no one wanted to concede, the teams went into the first break with the score 2:1 in favor of the home team. ilya busilka, pavel volchik and artem korkotsky scored goals. the plot twisted even more in the second and third, when artur obmetka equalized the numbers on the scoreboard, but the third segment of the game was left
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exclusively for hockey. squad of the head of state, almost immediately after the second during the break, nikolai lukashenko distinguished himself, then artyom antonenko increased the advantage of the president’s ice team, after...
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the players in their teams, by the way, the olympic freestyle champion alla presented them with prizes. let us remind you that the final series in the amateur league lasts until two victories of one of the teams. the next match between these rivals will take place in a week on saturday. according to tradition, the winners of the match thanked their fans for their support; the smartest fans took home plush gifts. also during the breaks there is a confrontation for the spectators performed. native performers, and the most active fans participated in competitions.
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and today the winners of the bronze medals were determined in baranovichi ; the team from the brest region and the team from the grodno region fought for third place with a score of 6:3. the guests were stronger; alexander kovshik and anton agres were recognized as the best players of the match. it’s always hard to win, the teams are normal now, the amateur league is developing, almost everyone has recently graduated, it’s a good championship, it’s nice to play, we’ll definitely fix it next year situation, so come to the hockey, we will wait, this bronze was for the team of the grodno region. the second in the history of amateur hockey competitions, the squad also has three silver medals. before going on the ice, a sleepless night and worries, after the match alexander lukashenko talked to our correspondent, shared his emotions,
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watched live, watched it several times and was worried about his children, the head of state said. today's entire day was a huge one for the astronauts. and pleasant tension after landing in the steppe of kazakhstan, marina vasilevskaya and oleg khonovitsky were taken to the star city, belarusian flags, loaves, a sea of ​​smiles and flowers, however, the doctors immediately cooled the festive fervor of those greeting them, the cosmonauts cannot come closer than 4 m, flowers it is also forbidden to give gifts, the fact is that after a space flight their bodies are very vulnerable, so the astronauts did not communicate with... with the press, gave everyone greetings and smiles and disappeared into the doors of the dispensary where the rehabilitation, today, today i was the first to congratulate marina from the head of our state,
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from the president, the first to convey congratulations to the president of our country alexander grigoryevich lukashenko on her return, we are waiting for belarus, all of belarus is waiting, you know how at the start everyone was worried, seeing off, everyone was well pending. so today everyone is waiting, they were waiting for the return, thank god, everything went well, safely, successfully, the astronauts are in a very good mood, i believe that in a few days they will fully recover. marina vasilevskaya and oleg novitsky spent 12 days on the iss, now doctors will monitor how their muscles react to gravity after weightlessness, since by space standards the flight was short, the recovery should also be quick. a press conference with journalists has already been planned for april 9. ahead of the star crew. an equally important period of rehabilitation and adaptation
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goes through several stages, the most difficult of which is the first week, when the body gets used to gravity again. about the level of mission preparation, about what awaits the astronauts after landing, cosmonautics historian, editor of the vostok magazine path to the stars, ruslan titov told our tv channel. the flight was at the very, very highest level, this once again emphasizes that... that the cooperation between russia and belarus within the framework of the union state and specifically this issue of the manned program, it was at the highest level, i think that this is truly an example worthy of emulation, and this is how cosmonauts, astronauts, taikanauts must work, no matter how many days they try in space on one or another different station and on this or that ship, it still affects the body, weightlessness, it makes its own adjustments, and some have better health, some may have... that is, each organism is individual, so
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in any case, after returning, all cosmonauts, astronauts and taikonauts, i don’t say this in vain, everyone has approximately the same program, everyone goes through a period of rehabilitation and during this period a lot of experiments are carried out, because the study, let’s say so, of the influence of weightlessness of flight on the human body, it goes on continuously, in russia there is also an instrument for medical and biological problems that deals with this, accordingly, that is, as it were, our and your cosmonauts await... a period of recovery, rest and some medical and other experiments, because this is important to understand how a person endures a flight, what we should prepare for when there are longer flights, including, i don’t remember this word for other planets, so this is important. officially, space is ours. the return of
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the space crew to earth caused a salvo enthusiastic comments. apparently, the flight was followed by people in various, including very remote, corners of the earth, despite the fact that all people are different, today they were united by a common pride in belarus. hurray, our people are back, the republic of belarus is moving forward. well done, russia and belarus. belarusians, you probably sent such a beauty into space on purpose, sincere congratulations on a successful flight. i think cosmonautics should be a union. if kazakhstan joins the union of belarus and russia, then our program for developing the orbits of the earth and the moon must be joint. the common desire for high technology unites peoples, and the participation of engineers in common. one crew, because on earth
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you can be so friendly that you can share it, the land is one for everyone, our common home, how nice it is to see everyone together in a peaceful environment, stop these wars, here is an example for everyone how to live together, despite the fact that the flight has already become part of history, with great interest they continue to watch and review footage of the flight and the successful landing, they never get tired enthusiastically comment on events that are becoming a thing of the past, but will probably never be forgotten. there is a discrepancy between objects, accepted.
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people on earth, so that they appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is incredible beauty that i am. this was the information picture of this saturday, once again we congratulate marina vasilevskaya, the entire crew and of course us, the mission is accomplished, belarus is in space.
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the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko's presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite that we were able to save them.
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van, say hello, i’m vasily, i’m your dad, where did he even come from, maybe he’s not a father at all, you think i ’ll just give the boy to a man on the street, go about your career, dance, and just forget about it, i wanted to adopt him, oh, here it is, and i tell you, it means i’ve mixed up all the cards, yes, it’s good that your father was found, mom, and mom, maybe we can reschedule his move to us until he gets used to home-cooked food, i’ll... i won’t send you anywhere, or you accept everything as it is, find an approach to it, or we break up, in in this case, i’ll ask you to come with us to the department, stop, what does it mean to drive, you understand that we have a final tomorrow, what is it, you know, and the fact that a six-year-old boy disappeared, you understand that, but you wouldn’t be jealous , if your son called someone else’s uncle his dad, and ignored you, i would
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take a closer look at this uncle, watch the series, i choose you on the belarus 24 tv channel . for us, textile workers, the year of quality is, first of all, high-quality fabric. i have been working at our company since 2016, i came here at the most critical stage, a large-scale process. this enterprise's factory has a history since 1958, our plant today is 3,560. working, this is 1,700,000 linear meters of fabric per month. we
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have been processing long fiber for 93 years, during which time we have produced over 2 billion 750 million linear meters of fabric; if all this fabric is sewn into one roll, the globe can be wrapped around the equator 86 times. for the last. this is what the president of our country gives as souvenirs on behalf of our state,
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the products of our plant. arshan plant in the year of quality is, first of all, a modern enterprise that sets itself the task of renewal, which sets itself the task of fulfilling not only quality indicators in our products, but this is, first of all, quality in everything. we understand perfectly well that linen is our wealth, it is what distinguishes us from all those peoples who live next to us, because only flax fiber is inherent to us, belarusians. we'll talk in the next few minutes. only about sports. hello. irina kurochkina won olympic license to paris. the bobruisk girl performed successfully at the qualifying tournament
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in baku. in the weight category up to 57 kg, thanks to her high rating, kurochkina began her performance in the quarter-finals, where she defeated russian olga kharashavtseva, and alena grushina akobia from ukraine in the semi-finals. for our team, this is the third quota for the olympics. previously , they won the right to perform in paris. this is the first quiz of the season. the guests scored two quick goals against the yellow-blues in the third minute, abinur norimbed opened the scoring,
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midway through the first half, timur pukhov scored from a free kick. in the second half, andrei ponyukov converted a penalty to reduce the gap for borisov, but a minute later pukhov scored a double. gomel with four points rose to intermediate sixth place in the standings, the same number of points and seventh place for ubate, for whom this was the first defeat. we didn’t have any game advantage today, we won due to execution first of all, secondly, due to the desire of a madman, we needed this victory as air, despite the good, i think, quality of play in the previous two rounds, we didn’t get any points, plus a huge thank you to these guys who came today , supported us, drove us the whole game, made a lot of mistakes, lost both the opponent and the opponent, and let them score, so and they brought this penalty to themselves after mistakes, well, here, as they say, we’ll sort it out.


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