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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 6:20am-6:36am MSK

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everything is open and i have so much love , attention to other people, what my parents invested in me, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel, we are finally dying in the new day and we are working on our music, music, what a buzz it is...
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light , pakulki yana is a long lasting change for us, the music inside our skin is with us. dear brothers and sisters, the holy church continues the path of great lent in anxious anticipation of the feasts of feasts and the triumph of celebrations, the resurrection of our lord jesus christ. the custom of preparing easter was established with the first centuries of christianity, it consists of...
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thoughts and feelings in order to understand how to cleanse them, make them better, how to strengthen faith and get closer to god. it is noteworthy that almost always during this period the celebration of the great tenth feast, the annunciation of our most holy lady theotokos and the blessed virgin mary, occurs. this year we also remember this gospel event in the days. during the great
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lent, the feast of the annunciation reminds us of the day on which the archangel gabriel appeared to the virgin mary and announced to her her impending birth. jesus christ, the son of god, who desired to be the son of the virgin mary. according to the biblical text, an angel appeared to mary and said: “hail, full of grace, the lord is with you.” blessed are you among wives. archangel gabriel announced to her that she had found the greatest grace from god, to be the mother of the son of god. mary asked the angel in bewilderment: how can a son be born to one who does not know her husband? and then the archangel revealed to her the truth that he had brought from almighty god. the holy spirit will come upon you, and the power of the highest will overshadow you. therefore
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the saint to be born will be called the son of god. having comprehended the will of god and completely surrendering herself to it, the most holy virgin answered: “all the servants of the lord, let it be done to me according to your word.” the very name of the feast of the annunciation means good news, that is, good, joyful news, it reminds us that the appearance of the archangel gabriel, the holy virgin mary, marked the beginning of the salvation of all mankind, from the sin of eternal death. this is the news that in the midst of such a sinful world, a pure virgin was still found, capable of completely entrusting herself to god, showing sincere and voluntary obedience to his will. that is why it became, as the liturgical texts of this holiday say, a container. god
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came to earth and became a man, born immaculately from the most pure virgin. saint chrysostom, reflecting on these events, calls. her will, but these were decisive words in the history of all mankind, it was with this meek phrase, all servants of the lord, may it be done to me according to your word, that a great work begins with... god's salvation of the human race, through the incarnation of the son of god. the annunciation is taken all other twelve church holidays and even easter began their beginning, just as the sacrament of baptism opens
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the door to the church for a person to participate in other holy sacraments, so the annunciation opens the path to god for all people and the possibility of salvation. the church fathers saw a deep meaning in the events of the feast of the annunciation, and the blessed virgin mary herself was contrasted with the old testament ancestress eve. they said that just as sin and death once entered the world through eve, so now through the virgin mother of god it entered the world. salvation light. foremother eve was tempted by satan, who appeared to her in the form of a serpent. she succumbed to his words, thereby letting sin into our world and breaking the close spiritual connection between god and man. since then, man himself has ceased to be spiritual, but has become carnal, his spirit enslaved by sinful aspirations.
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however, god did not abandon humanity who had fallen into sin. everything changed with the coming of the world savior, this was the beginning. event of the annunciation. the most holy theotokos is an example of all virtues for everyone christian. the feast of the annunciation, together with great lent, refers us to those distant events in the garden of eden, but not just reminding us of them, drawing attention to our spiritual life, the meaning of repentance, which the church talks about throughout the lenten period. some people look at the post. as a time of deprivation, difficulties, restrictions, but this is extremely incorrect, a narrow view. fasting is a time of spiritual upliftment, a time when we can reconsider our way of life, throw away from ourselves everything unnecessary and burdensome, with god’s help.
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help to establish the right state of mind. it is important to remember that the mother of god was in the jerusalem temple, and then. in the house of joseph the betrothed, she learned spiritual virtue by practicing fasting and prayer. and through them, as well as reading the soul-helping literature of the holy scriptures , the virgin mary was prepared for such a great service. it was precisely this spiritual wakefulness of the most holy one that allowed her to correctly perceive the message of the archangel gabriel and put it to rest. the beginning of the salvation of all mankind, this truth concerns us, if lent, we apply passionate efforts towards our spiritual life, then we grow spiritually, master virtues, become closer to god, and easter becomes for
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us our personal holiday and greatest inner joy, but if a person does not make a special lenten... yes, then he does not grow spiritually, in this case, not only lent, but easter itself passes by, as it were. such a person is not able to deeply experience easter joy, to realize what the resurrection of christ from the dead means to him, and often misses the greatest holiday only to external traditions. god created man in his own image. the image of god is ours. resemblance to god himself, our ability to reflect in the heart the perfections of the creator. the likeness of god is the extent to which we have grown spiritually, that is, we have become like our creator. the image of god is his gift to us, and
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the likeness is the result of our spiritual labor. the holy fathers say that the most holy theotokos is the greatest example of acquiring likeness. it is for the aspiration to be like god that the christian is given great lent. a time when we consciously limit our bodily needs in order... in order to allow our spiritual virtues, the best quality of the soul, to flourish. the lord jesus christ said that man is not for the sabbath, the sabbath is for man. in the same way, now we must look at fasting. we were not created for him, but he was created for us, to make us real people, to show our sins and shortcomings. give strength to correct them and bring us closer to god. an example of this is
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the mother of god for us today, the event annunciation. the ongoing great lent encourages us to deeply reflect on our actions, reminding us of the need for close attention to our soul, in a constant pursuit of spiritual growth. like the blessed virgin mary. we must strive to ensure that our heart becomes a container of divine love, that it is filled with mercy, humility, and compassion for others, because only in this case can the grace of god purify and transform us. let us take advantage of the saving time of the ongoing great lent. let this period become for us a time of renewal, transformation of aspiration. to god, a time of careful preparation for participation in the sacraments of the church,
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confession and communion. let us remember that the main hymn of the feast of the annunciation says: today is the beginning of our salvation. today is the revelation of a great secret. the son of god became the son of a virgin, and gabriel speaks of this joy. and we will be with him, mother of god. rejoice, full of grace, the lord is with you. the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary is a truly great event for all humanity, because it was precisely this that became the beginning of the coming of the savior into the world. dear brothers and sisters, may the joy of the feast of the annunciation and the prayers of the queen of heaven herself strengthen us on the lenten path to the bright holiday of easter. happy holiday, gentlemen.
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i’m being sarcastic and foolish, i’ll tell you all about it, then i’ll say it to the frame of the pusnikhaets, the sir’s rebuke to the sir’s.


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