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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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hello, belarus 1 and belarus 24 are on air, a weekly information and analytical program of the club editor, as always on friday evenings, with a repeat on sunday, early in the morning we discuss the main topics of the upcoming week and, according to tradition, i introduce the guests who came to our studio today.
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well, it will be useful for you, it’s even more useful for us for the club of editors, yes, for me this is a huge responsibility, we expect from you insides in moderation, we will discuss in moderation and big state affairs, where should we start, well, the heads of state are very interesting it was a busy week, the statements that the president made are, of course, worthy of being discussed in great detail, and today we will definitely do this on air on our tv channels, we will definitely uh...
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and stoltenberg this week, you know, the head of nato, too let's talk, this dubious organization celebrated its birthday this week, let's remember what it has done over the past decades, and so he did not hesitate to declare that we do not have any special love for ukraine.
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this is not done out of love, it’s just very beneficial for us, when ukrainians kill russians. let's listen. support for ukraine from nato allies and support for ukraine from the united states is what is in our own security interests. because by allocating a small portion of our defense budgets, we allowed the ukrainians to destroy a significant portion of russia's military capabilities without endangering them.
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i heard something similar and quickly dug into the archive and remembered march 4, 2022, when a special military operation was in full swing.
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to fit into their wishes or desires, we we just understand what we need, how we should live and work, to draw the line, i’ll say it again, we will fight, fight, die on our land, if we have to, god forbid, when the president says something that causes an explosion in the media wednesday, and a year later... and this was not the first time, i now remember the events in the middle east in 2003 , i remember the invasion of yugoslavia, then the president also told the truth, told what was happening, spoke in the state duma of russia, until now this is a performance recently in russia they showed again
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a speech, a speech by the president in the mid-nineties in the state duma, when he said what you are doing, addressing the world, look, you are destroying the middle east, you have betrayed.' but he is telling the truth, but i also want everyone to know what he means, this is true too, it means that he not only wants ukrainians to kill russians, he wants muslims to kill each other, and they did this on in the middle east, pitting sunnis, shiites, allawites, kurds against each other, this also cost millions of dollars, they... very they want belarusians to kill each other, they dreamed about it. in 2020, all events were organized with one goal, so that in the end belarusians would start killing belarusians, a huge amount of money would be spent on this. they really want not only the ukrainians to fight
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with russia, they really want the whole of asia to rise again, so the terrorist attacks that took place recently on russian territory, especially the last resonant one, the president has already said about this. russia, one of the goals of the terrorist attack was to create an interethnic conflict territory of the russian federation. and the most important thing that the president spoke about this week, and the risk that exists for our country, they really want, unfortunately, a big war in europe, but not with their own hands. and they want to drag poland, belarus and other european countries into it, hence all this talk about a unified european army, about militarization, which...
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will be able to develop some of its resources, where it will show its weaknesses, certainly diverts forces and demographic resources , both weapons and ammunition are exhausting with from the point of view of moods in society, because of course long wars never cause a long-term military campaign in anyone, they never cause positive things in any of the population, usually the state, if they conduct some kind of... military campaigns, they calculate finish them quickly so that it is a victorious war that everyone would rejoice at. a war of attrition
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certainly undermines trust in the government, various kinds of social protests begin, this is what everything is designed for, and at the same time, pay attention attention, mr. stoltenberg clearly divided, nato soldiers do not die, american soldiers, because this is the second layer, that is , when we talk about nato, then we must understand that...
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and this is first of all about money, it is not about humanity , this is not about women, not about children, not about anything at all, this has nothing to do with this, so the enemy must always be there, in 2015, when the question arose , from europe, by the way, that perhaps nato itself exhausted, that's how an organization that wears a defensive character, and it may be necessary to reconsider it, because if you look at the points that are required of any country to join nato, there are two very interesting points. one point is that a country that aspires to join nato must open its budget to show its
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economy, and another point is when this country abandons its regular army, that is, its army no longer exists, it uses the services of a good guys called nato, who seems to provide her with protection, but at the same time he it does not provide protection, it ensures that this country ceases to be independent, it becomes dependent, gradually it, as an independent country , disappears from not only the country, but also europe. in general, you said that this is a commercial project, this is also a geopolitical project, because in this way the united states of america shackled western europe and made it not only europe, the fact is that they also change regimes when they don’t like something, look at the latest elections, i want to draw attention to turkey, we know the results of local elections, where the opposition won for the first time in many years, here is my forecast, many experts are already talking about this, they will try to pump up turkey, because nato doesn’t like it there either, the elections are still far away.
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this is not about democracy, this is not about protecting someone, this is a struggle for resources, the whole world needs to clearly understand that to one degree or another. all countries that are not members of the nato bloc, or that do not act as satellites of the united states, are a potential target for nato. this is the story, but even against members nato and the united states manage to use the technology of color revolutions. let's remember the recent story with erdogan in turkey, right? what it is? a member of nato, a member of nato, and the attitude towards it, you know, this is also,
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now nato, it’s also about the financing of fascism and terrorism, well...
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look what tanks they throw in, what are the most modern leopards right away? no, there we were talking about the fact that a variety of modifications, including outdated ones, yes, we are talking about the fact that that, including equipment that was stored in warehouses for years and for decades, in parking lots, because there were satellite photographs of individual tank parking lots of nato countries, which suddenly suddenly began to empty, and there were samples of outdated ones, which were 30-40 years old, they are now quietly disposing of them...
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countries from external attack, so over the entire 75 years of the existence of this organization, no one threatened any of these countries and no one attacked it, and at the same time they created at least 20 such full-fledged world conflicts in which millions of people died, now we will list them, but here one more moment i would like to remind you, just in case, how it all began, the fact is that before creating this organization, there were at least two plans for...
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it was signed in december 1949 and envisaged the destruction of about 100 soviet cities, should were to use 300 nuclear bombs and approximately 29 high-explosive bombs in order to destroy the largest cities of the soviet union and 85% of its economic potential, this was directly written down in this plan, and it was not implemented for only one simple reason, what soviet union...
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the drop in 1957 did not begin only because in the fifty-sixth year the soviet union tested long-range bombers capable of delivering nuclear warheads to american territory, in the fifty-seventh, literally before the start of this new nuclear war, which was supposed to according to the american plan, we tested ballistic missiles that could easily reach any city in the united states. what i mean is that if we turn a blind eye to their preparation today and hide behind only figments, there will be as then, they only understand the language of force,
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once considered by nato countries, as i agree, i’ll tell you more, finland is a country that will fight on the side of the soviet union, in the first plans it was assumed that it would be an enemy of nato, well, that’s just a remark , the last point that i would like to note about this comrade stoltenberg, look how the rhetoric has changed, they initially assumed that they would strangle russia economically once
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he sees that we are sowing fields, that we are living, that we don’t need war, but they lie all the time, so we will answer, the only way to prevent war is to become even
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stronger, there is no other way, and i want to support you, you said the right thing when the usa developed, from war to war, but there was another war, a cold one, and another surge of their power was after the collapse of the ussr, when they took everything from us, people, resources. look what is happening, their job is to make
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us doubt our decisions, to make ourselves guilty of what we are trying to become stronger, even oleg sergeevich said, here we are, no, we will do what we need, not them, we need to stop reflecting on their information... almost 7,000 planes and 2.0 helicopters, there were still being established, now the most important thing, and there’s a lot of things, in 1999 , due to nato’s expansion to the east, the treaty was
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violated, violated. canada, usa, uk and other nato members. in general, nato abandoned this treaty and there is no point in being in it six months ago. him. thus, an arms race began in europe, you see, directly because of ours, i actually wanted to clarify this, because for you, in a feminine way, so that everyone would understand that the suspension of our participation in this treaty is not something -that.
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yes, but secondly, secondly, what is important, in our logic of political actions , the implementation of agreements has always come first, that is, if we sign, we do it, and if we look at how the world security architecture was destroyed, then came out basically, initially it was always our western ex-partners from all agreements, then we simply had to make reciprocal decisions, that is, neither russia nor belarus were the initiators.
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who doesn’t respect us doesn’t and won’t take us into account, let’s look at things soberly, yes, so, so that we don’t turn our left cheek when we are already being kicked on the right so that there are bruises on it, yes, we just need to analyze the entire treaty base relating to state security and see what else makes no sense to us comply, we need to make a decision now, what is ahead of us? we are considering military doctrine, the concept of national security, we now need to analyze the legislative framework, everything that interferes with the security of belarus, at least put on pause, at least, i saw the headline this week, i think it was bloomberg, who noted the seventy-five-year-old nato anniversary in its title, said that it is a defensive alliance, it was created in order to fight the aggression of the soviet union. i remind you what year it was, what
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was this a year? in 2021, about 50 thousand afghan civilians died, i think that there are many more, whoever was counting there in afghanistan. the iraq war, according to various estimates, from 655,000 to 1 million people died. the intervention in libya is the eleventh year, according to various estimates from 15 to 30,000 people.
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the us intervention of its allies in syria is the fourteenth year, according to various estimates, from 585,000 to a million syrians were killed. defense alliance. how many children? died, how many families lost everything after the collapse of the ussr, when those who destroyed the ussr and there in the west, who did everything for this, and then they applauded and awarded prizes, while millions of children were dying in ethnic conflicts throughout the ussr. and, by the way, today it became known that when the ussr began to disintegrate, when interethnic conflicts broke out on the territory of the former soviet republics, today we already know that western intelligence services and money were there, before everyone believed in the early nineties. this is democracy, let’s take the events in the baltic states, remember what events unfolded there in vilnius, that means what events unfolded armenia-azerbaijan, all our brothers who once lived in the same country are now becoming clear, no one is hiding it, the west stood everywhere, money stood everywhere, just as
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they stood for it, i recently saw a video, a runaway, former journalist from one closed rango publications in the video for a minute and a half, all these almost one and a half minutes listed the donors who finance this independent belarusian.
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presents putin with a whole range of new opportunities, including the full military conscription of belarusian men, which we warned about last may, well, i’m just throwing it out there, like stoltenberg’s statement, this is intended for the local public, that well, the west has gone to hell in ukraine, but they need to explain to their people what is happening, i can remind some things for these pseudo-analysts, for us, for those who are watching us , for example, there is such a polish public... television tvp, famous, which has now given one place to belsat, which is subordinate to the polish authorities, here is dude, now tuska, one second they are organizing purges there, look at the material that has come out on polish television absolutely
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recently, grown up, we only need, let’s put it this way, to sort out the great, insignificant part of this evil group, which is the current hubbub in the government of belarus, the information bastard that we have in belarus zoidze silavy reserve? it is not publicly known, but the terms, as well as the named gastric gaps , may be close to the border, the territories of ukraine and the outer border of the ukrainian country may be subject to this is belarusian... the largest regiment of kastus kalinouskaya, the most dangerous ukrainian pharmacy of the armed forces of ukraine, magchyma international legion. as pakazvae pryklad belgarodshchyny, the borders of the union dzyarzhavy zusim not abaronenya. parallel to the interior of the country , the diversified zone will be ready to unravel the most sleepy cells, for example, the nodes of the peramog plan. the invasion is being discussed on state television in a nato member country.
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after all, there is the same information line that
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at the first, at the first stage or in the first line , these so-called knee people will go, but let’s talk about how realistic this is, there are about 100 of them there, we thought, yes, well, approximately one company, although they call themselves a regiment, but note that they still have not come to the term that this is an army, there is a corps, a brigade, a division, at least, at least half, there are 100 of them , as long as there are enough of them, after all, everything else, these will be regular parts, only...
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i’ll go through, i’ll remind you of some more points, you
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remember the it specialist who installed a surveillance camera for macholy, and how the family was actually shocked by the fact that everything, life really turned over, she became completely different when the mother gave her daughter i took a student to a cemetery so that she could bury or tear out these packages with explosives, people have the feeling that their brain is turning off, in fact they do not measure their actions with the consequences, for them everything is life. 15 years are over - this is the minimum that they will receive, this is an article about terrorism, these things, they, unfortunately, we show films, we make these films in order to warn a large number of people, but...
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after after the all-belarusian people's assembly takes place, the country will actually enter into the presidential campaign, this is obvious, never in its life will the west want it to go calmly and well, this is already obvious, even against the backdrop of what was happening in russia, the west tried to destabilize the situation in russia by all means, thanks to the russian special services, thanks to belarus , including, by the way, this is already known, how the belarusians worked , a terrorist attack accidentally happened, yes, yes, but still look what happened. belarusians will not be left alone, we must clearly understand that the presidential campaign in the context of a hybrid war in relations between belarus and russia, this is the apogee for the special services, this is the apogee for fugitives, this is the apogee for everyone, why? this is a very important stage in the development of the country, so all forces will be deployed, we are well
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aware of this, everyone in the country should be aware of this, not only representatives of the special services of the authorities, so they will prepare all means, starting from...
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this is military the component is obvious, it is understandable, but the president is talking about the work of the authorities, the heads of enterprises, and, accordingly , the workers of these enterprises, industries, regions, a word later. it was not said in vain, that is, everyone through their own work, and now i can continue with you, everyone through their work should safely realize this, what they provide safely, everyone in their place.
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this system is aimed at preserving oneself, our system is aimed at preserving our country, therefore every person within this
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system must understand that, on the one hand, he is the basis of life activity, the security of this system, on the other hand, they can try to use him in order to inside this to create a split in the system, just like , look, before the twentieth year, ngos worked, they had a task there, now... executive committee members were somewhere there on courses in europe, they were taught something there, then they came introduce urban planning here and everything else, as a result, in this middle level we got people who are the transmission mechanism between the highest authorities of the population, who are precisely...
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the army in donbass fought with the regular army of the russian russian federation, well, on tv, and when was february '24 a real russian army appeared in donbass, everyone saw it. you just say, now i’m just news, the telegram channel of the mir television company reports that turkey is suspending participation in davas from april 8. i would just like to stay on this phrase once again.
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does his job as it should, and the president talks about this, if we don’t do this, everyone in his place, then we will have blood and life, here i can’t help but remain silent, because moras sergeevich raised a very important topic if we are talking about economy, then this week the president said another key phrase at this point, that there should be no excuses, as happens, sanctions, and not only sanctions, we know very well how many excuses can be made for not achieving results. this means that practice has shown, by the way, these sanctions that were imposed on belarus and russia, why they were beneficial in many areas, and because no one was waiting or looking for any justifications, but they became work and many areas started working even better, because they finally began to work for real in russia, in belarus, they began to create joint things that had previously been slowed down, including within the framework of perhaps a union state, and another
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important point, here’s how... such officials, as marad sergeevich says, they knew that it was not necessary, he used to sit and wait, but until the president arrives, he sits, sleeps, that we will find him much earlier, and we will do this not to politicize the situation, but to in order for there to be peace in the country, can i add about sanctions, that we need to forget and need to work, our film crew arrived, returned from africa, now i don’t want to generalize and put
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a label on everyone, but of course. i called , asking what and how, and i would like to appeal to the heads of our, probably some, but not all, enterprises, listen, well , it turned out very convenient, of course, the russian federation is now absorbing everything it can, and some feel pretty good, but africa is ready to absorb no less, but to achieve proposals in english, and even more so in the language.
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but the president saw the future in this country, its dawn 30 years ago, the first time he got there, he was still a deputy for the first time, and he looked at and was able to look at these. things, this strategic direction, in fact , has been developing for 30 years, now it is bringing results, the same will happen with africa, yes, it takes time, yes, you need to understand, adapt to their needs, mentality, not just all this, but it is necessary do every day, absolutely right, the same moment of making decisions, seemingly not obvious and incomprehensible to many, this is cancellation. let’s just say that we are imposing this lockdown policy, yes, it saved us in 2020, marat sergeevich was absolutely correct in what he said, it saved us, and there have been such decisions that
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the president saw, and maybe somewhere intuitively felt, there have been them throughout the entire his political career is massive, we need to listen carefully, it seems to me that he voiced one of these paradoxical decisions in grodno, when he laid it out in the future, i am sure, it will give this breakthrough result, i agree with you, but in order to live and think on perspective and build social facilities and not dig trenches, we need to do what first? don’t be lazy, don’t be lazy, everyone in
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their place, you know, don’t be lazy to look at the prospect, don’t be lazy, well, excuse me , get up, get out of your chair and go, by the way, this fragment was about the fact that people need to be allowed to liberate themselves, they should, roughly speaking, receive pleasure. every team, every member of the team should have a chance, so you don’t have to come with a saber on your head and...
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this is what i often say publicly: do what you want and as you see fit, i’m not saying there, yes, it’s necessary according to the law, there’s no need to go there, there’s no need to go here, naturally, there are laws, rules, they’ve been in our blood for a long time, no one breaks these laws, but there, where you need a result, you have to go shoulder to shoulder with this law and make a decision, you know, he listens...
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that your suit must be black, the police received the system, which means, by the way, when i came, i can also tell the truth, the president was then i just got elected, and i remember how it was necessary to have a certain amount there are no crimes or offenses there, so that there are no cards to fill out, thank god, when the president came to power he set the task of the ministry of internal affairs in the ministry of internal affairs, this stick system was removed, so it should be everywhere, not papers, not reports, this is the task set by the president, not a tie to drag a person down, not like he has been since eight ...
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when we are talking about africa and about efficiency, and in general, in principle, about the chance that every belarusian enterprise, in fact every leader, now has, let’s take a simple situation in numbers, for example, again, for example, africa, for now it’s just an unknown region, which is actually working with a ton, a ton of opportunities for our capabilities, including, perhaps, look, russia, when the svo started, about 100 brands there left there. or how many major ones there are, or even more than 20% of the brands they owned, the figure was like this, and the losses of western companies in russia were only for about 2 years.
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this is a specific job, but it is assessed completely in clear, real money, which , compared to our needs with our gdp, they are simply, these are such opportunities, anyway, we come to the same thing, there is no need to be lazy, since we returned to africa, look,
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then yes, there is another question, there is also the question of multi-vector, our building of relations with the whole world has always been aimed at a reasonable principle. not putting your eggs in one basket, what the west has now demonstrated, we tried to work with them one way or another, they refused now, they closed, we are now working with russia, but it is clear that we need to diversify and do cooperation in these areas, like after all, africa is one of the promising such vectors where we actually have opportunities, where at the same time we do not have any pre-set closed doors, obstacles, and so on. and it’s always us now , maybe a little for the sake of the moment, but everyone is really focused on the fact that well, the west has closed, we have two close friends here, russia, china, so we will cooperate with them, there are already established economic unions, there is the eurasian
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economic union, there is this one belt, one road initiative, within the framework of which we are working there, but we need to look for new ones, we also need africa, we need to continue to make our way into latin america, which is also... a very large market, despite the fact that it is far from us, india is still a closed country for us today, but it is promising in a huge way since there are enormous resources, enormous money there, we also need to go there, it’s just that the president hasn’t paved the way there yet, so our entrepreneurs are sitting, waiting for something, and all this must be done, it must be a multi-vector activity, because otherwise they’ll devour us, then they’ll close another path for us , that’s it.
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transfer to western countries, can you imagine that all this remains in the russian federation and what volumes and scales it reaches, firstly, secondly, i am sure that there is a whole industry parallel to imports, and to deliver all this, as i i think that this is a whole separate article of economics.
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teachers, the beacon, so to speak, of democracy, who banned all of our media on their territory because we don’t say what they want to hear, head medfrance distinguished himself this week, he suggested that in relation to those people who believe in the media that the terrorist attack in crocus was committed by ukraine, sanctions should be introduced, correctly, you are not arguing correctly about the undermining of the nord stream. russia is funding the interference and also promoting the false media. she blames ukraine and europe for crimes committed by other countries. in particular isis, and this is a crude way to hide the fact that russia has chosen the wrong enemy by ignoring
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islamic terrorism on its territory. and we in europe will be determined to fight this propaganda. france will soon propose introducing a sanctions regime against those who support russian campaigns, disinformation, and the destabilization of our country and the entire european continent.
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he says, i laughed a lot, he says: why do we need more of these belarusian issues, it becomes financial, to the factory, let them go in a taxi, somewhere else, no, they will support the financed company, don’t worry, yes, and good news, president kyrgyzstan japarov signed a law on foreign representatives, on foreign agents, a scandalous this was the law for them, in the sense that it is a normal law, scandalous for western countries, a non-governmental organization working in our country for 30 years has never been registered, has not reported to anyone, he wrote, now... will not start working openly, will not mess, as before, but he wrote so diplomatically by the president
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of kyrgyzstan, not as openly as we do, but apparently they haven’t squeezed kyrgyzstan to such an extent, i can translate into russian that all these organizations are always supported by the west in order to carry out a coup d'etat in the country at the right time; there were three or three revolutions there, all of them were done with the help of the american ambassador at the expense of all sorts of funds.
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varta is normal, said quote: lukashenko is undermining democracy, the main thing is to use the word democracy more often because of his words, that he is preparing for war to ensure peace, look, he is undermining democracy because of his words, imagine how he turned upside down triangle, these are screams from the minds, they were probably targeting us all here also for words, but this is, so to speak, part of democracy, freedom of speech about what a person is. you know exactly why, but we don’t, it was all good news,
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if you want, i’ll add, remember, exactly a year ago in march the georgian dream, yes, when she submitted a draft law to parliament. about foreign agents, which was copied from the american one, yes, they were accused of exactly the same thing. the good news is that, according to rumors, they are now planning to introduce double2, so they have introduced, they are not planning, they have introduced for consideration, then let's see now how much howling there will be about this, and soon there will be a rally, which will, as always , be led by a representative of the us embassy, ​​who is very concerned about democracy, no, no, he is still buying cookies, in the end, as always, from us .
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by the way, every single question was according to the script, it went through dozens of times through many managers, editors, seriously, i acted according to the script, i was told not to deviate, since there were a lot of them, well, now i immediately remember what interviews the president of belarus gave recently, by the way, every time western journalists, the first thing they wrote on their social networks about what they heard, didn’t even ask me questions, how many times? came to the microphone, asking questions to the president, like other deputies, and we, well, we, the president never knows what we will ask, such is the wrong democracy you have, recently a ukrainian propagandist, mr. gardon, also recalled how he was interviewed, our fugitives asked him, and he told them how he interviewed alexander grigorievich said: “yes, i don’t seem to have any questions, here’s to the press service, because they
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said, talk about whatever you want, ask, you only have timing, that’s all.” in exactly a week, goodbye, about the unique features of the most ancient belarusian churches, the vault, we can notice
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the development of the gospel plot, in particular.
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the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting at home. babryus is not the most expensive city in this country in belarus, probably something is being done in this city. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights, because the city is called a bridge, which means...
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oh, how cute they are, yes, a boy and a girl, a couple so tiny, watch on the tv channel belarus 24, game. a show where they fight not with the help of physical force, let them be victorious. in the 22-23 fa cup match between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card. its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors. what exactly lies its specificity. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you are the first to answer, but the topic will have to be changed: saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, name the city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia.
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saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavel. absolutely true, but activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica. absolutely true, in a difficult, extremely difficult struggle, today he wins, see the intellectual and sports project "game head" on our tv channel.
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sunday, april 7, i will tell you about the main thing by the morning hour, vladislav bunder, hello, watch the episode.


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