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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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on sunday, april 7 , i will tell you about the main morning hour. vladislav bunder, hello, watch the episodes. our space
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, she is our space, let’s analyze marina vasilevskaya’s landing in detail. a dam has broken in the orenburg region, populated areas are cut off, people are evacuated by boat. three matches in the final of the third round, how will the belarusian football championship unfold next? our country has confirmed its status as a space power; the first female cosmonaut of belarus has returned to earth. the flight of marina vasilevskaya is a huge step in the development of russian astronautics. this became possible thanks to agreements at the highest level. in april 2022, the presidents of belarus and russia visited the oriental view. then the task of organizing a space mission was set. the star crew of the soyuz ms-25 ship was the most international one. our marina vasilevskaya worked together on the iss for 12 days. russian, native of belarus oleg novitsky is american. all the assigned
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tasks have been completed, it turns out that belarus, russia and the united states can work together. space a striking example of international cooperation and, as a result, a stellar mission took place. there is a discrepancy between objects, accepted.
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our president was one of the first to congratulate marina and the space crew on their successful landing. the head of state invited everyone who participated in the preparations for the flight to visit belarus. alexander lukashenko was directly involved throughout the entire space mission and provided everything.
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um, my responsibility is that god forbid what happened, it’s all your fault. so, of course, i'm glad that everything is fine happened, i watched this footage several times, live, i’m very happy that it’s all over, i thought to myself, well, i won’t play this game anymore. it was the president’s support that helped marina vasilevskaya in space flight. belarus spoke about this in an exclusive interview with a television news agency from. space on the international space station. the head of state watched the space flight of our cosmonaut and her fellow crew members. the president’s enormous work, participation, care and concern for the team were felt at every stage. the friendly crew of the station received oleg noviski and me cordially. provides assistance both in everyday matters and in carrying out planned experiments. i feel the attention and kindness of the entire crew. the project took place thanks to. participation
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of the president of our country alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. i constantly feel the care and support of the head of state, and this helps me a lot in space flight. we met marina vasilevskaya on the ground with daisies and apple juice, despite fatigue, after severe overload, that a person experiences when descending from the iss, she smiled and sincerely thanked everyone for their attention. after landing, the special aircraft delivered our star crew oleg novisky and marina vasilevsky to the star city. how the cosmonauts were greeted in the report by daria belousova petrovskaya. belarusian flags, loaves, a sea of ​​flowers, in the star town of marina vasilevska. oleg navitssky was greeted as real heroes, they are, because space flight is a colossal load on the body. after two weeks in zero gravity, the muscles need to get used to earthly conditions. gravity, so the more experienced oleg novitsky carefully supports marina, who, one might say, is taking her first steps on
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a hard surface. doctors immediately warn those who meet me that they are closer than 4 to me. approaching, the astronauts’ bodies are now very vulnerable to terrestrial viruses, so our heroes, gifting everyone with smiles, almost 5 minutes after arrival, retire to the sanatorium building in the star city. a unique experience, and once again, we are not all talking about the same thing, that this is the plan of the heads of state, countries united by the union agreement, look how symbolic it is: a native of the belarusian land, a citizen of russia and a hero of russia and...
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and other very interesting such experiments. for marina vasilevskaya, space flight is a huge experience, and her personal victory, and it is also a huge prestige for the state. the status of the first female cosmonaut of sovereign belarus takes the country to a completely different, cosmic level. the emotions are incredible,
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my expectations, of course, exceeded myself, because what i saw with my own eyes is something unreal. russia. preparation and flight to the iss of the first cosmonaut in the history of our country marina
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vasilevskaya, was carried out in conditions of comprehensive interaction between scientific, space and technological structures of russia and belarus. this opinion was expressed to our tv channel by a cosmonautics historian and magazine editor.
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that is, they accepted in a brotherly manner in the best traditions of our slavic hospitality, i will say this, in the great sense of the word, yes, any questions, any problems, any requests again, they were immediately interfered with. there was complete interaction on the line, which means ruscosmos academy of sciences, because that in belarus there is not yet a structure that would deal with this, i think that it will appear after this flight, it will be a separate structure, which will be, let’s say , called bel osmosis, yes, but nevertheless, that is, the level of interaction between scientists of the academy of sciences, roscosmos specialists, specialists from the cosmonaut training center, he was the closest, the highest, and we see this result. belarusians are proud and waiting for the thought. vasilevskaya placed billboards and video screens on the capital’s streets and avenues with greetings
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to the first female cosmonaut returning to earth from the iss. our correspondents talked with residents and guests of the city about the emotions our first flight evokes in them. this is great, of course, our country spoke to itself in the person of our cosmonaut, so we are proud of such an event. i think all belarusians should be proud of our people, that... we are so purposeful, especially, well, it’s such a rarity for a girl to fly into space, after all, it’s worthy of praise. do you think it’s great that belarusians can they fly into space now? yeah, belarusians are great, and we as a nation are moving forward, this is great.
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in the orenburg region of russia , more than 150 settlements have already been cut off due to dam breaks , more than 6,000 residential buildings and 9,000 private plots have been sunk, more than 700 rescuers are working on the site, people are being taken out on transporters, motor inflatable boats, about 4,500 people have already been evacuated, including numbering over a thousand children. residents of flooded areas should leave their homes on their own. can not. the water continues to advance in orsk, already several streets, a microdistrict, a square and part of the old city were closed down, and patients from one of the hospitals were evacuated. in orenburg , the movement of cars is partially limited ; an artificial embankment has been erected. residents of some areas were asked to leave their homes. there is a state of emergency in the region . a criminal case has been opened regarding violation of safety rules during construction work and negligence. it is reported that the dam designed to level. the water level in the ural river has already reached 11 m.
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vast areas in kazakhstan are also flooded. authorities do not rule out that the country is experiencing its largest flood in 80 years. a state of emergency has been introduced in 10 and 17 regions. over 46 thousand people have already been evacuated, more than 3,000 residential buildings have been damaged , and australian residents are also suffering from the flood. as a result , the outflow of water was blocked due to some settlements. a person died from abnormal rainfall. the water level in the rivers continues to rise. large-scale demonstration in tel aviv. about 100,000 people took to the streets to mark the sad date, exactly six months ago, on october 7 in the territory the jewish state was attacked by hamas. to protest. demanded early elections in israel and an immediate deal to release the hostages who
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have been held in the gaza strip all this time. there were some incidents; after the agreed action, clashes with police began; some activists tried to light a fire in the production area to block traffic. at some point, a car drove into the crowd of protesters. the driver did not stop until the police detained him. three people were injured from the collision. moreover, during while being dispersed, a police horse hit an elderly man. there are also reports of arrests of demonstrators. the possible suspension of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe does not mean a withdrawal from the agreement for belarus, but it is a serious signal to its western partners. the balance was lost back in the late nineties, when arms parity was violated due to the fact that the countries of the former warsaw pact joined nato. however, the west is no stranger to violating its own documents. in our logic of political actions. contracts have always been fulfilled in the first place, that is, if we sign, we do it, and if we look at how
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the world security architecture was destroyed, then basically our western ex-partners initially always withdrew from all agreements, then we simply had to make reciprocal decisions, that is, they were not the initiator neither russia nor belarus for the most part, the open skies treaty, the americans came out first , please, it turns out nato. european aviation can fly over russia, but russia cannot fly over american bases, which every belarusian should do it for their country, as well as a scripted interview with biden. nato’s bloody anniversary, we’ll tell you something interesting about something important, watch the club editors’ program on the atn youtube channel. orthodox christians today have a great bright holiday of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary; one of the twelve most important dates of the christian calendar is celebrated in all churches and monasteries. annunciation day has a fixed date - april 7. in divine services today they remember
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the gospel event when the archangel gabriel visited the blessed virgin mary and told her good news. she will become the mother of the son of god, the strict pre-easter fast is relaxed at the annunciation. according to tradition, it is on this day that birds are released into the wild. the third round of the belarusian football championship will end with three matches today. the central confrontation will take place in grodna, where last season's silver and bronze medalists neman will take the field against torpedo bilas. in the current draw, the teams did not lose six points. the live confrontation between the leaders... will be hosted by isloch, and the current champion dynamo minsk will play with naftan. all the most interesting things in the review of the tour on the sports channel in 2125. this was the information morning; you can also follow the development of events on our social networks or
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in the mobile application qr code on the screen. more news at noon, stay on the first button.
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karbyshev dmitry mikhailovich, participant in the great patriotic war, soviet military engineer, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, professor, in early june... on june 27, the army headquarters found itself surrounded, in august 1941, while trying to get out of encirclement, the lieutenant general was seriously shell-shocked for the battle in the dnieper region. in
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an unconscious state he was captured. the nazis repeatedly tried to persuade karbyshev to commit treason; he refused to serve the nazis. on the night of february 18 , 1945, in the mounthousen concentration camp, among other prisoners, he was doused with water in the cold and died. for exceptional steadfastness and courage shown in the fight against the german invaders. hero of the soviet union. posthumously.


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