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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 10:55am-12:01pm MSK

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fight follow fashion trends in the cultural life of our country, alina nevoina was with you remember, being cultured is fashionable, see you in a week, until new cultural meetings. we meet people worthy of admiration. before getting married, i asked my wife how many children she wants? she says: three, i say, okay, i say, come on, i say, at least, no less. to date. the lord had mercy on
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our family and gave us six children. it’s not for nothing that i used to love mutik as a child, honey, daughter, four sons, but this is the case, when it happened to me. they will talk about themselves and their hobbies. since childhood, my parents have given me a very diverse interest in sports. i just love to run, and i love to skate. my mother always went to the skating rink with me as a child, and they will also share.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up
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a satellite dish azerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, we have a busy broadcast today, several high-profile important topics at once, and also there will be a great lineup of experts in the studio, well , alexander artamonov, alexander gernovich are in touch with us right now, hello, good afternoon, greetings, if you allow, this is the topic we’ll start with, it’s fair to say that... we have common things today
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are minsk's enemies near moscow? i think that, of course , we have common enemies, due to certain, i would say, geopolitical constants. nothing can change here. once again, i am completely and completely, this is not a politically correct speech, these are my deep, deep convictions for the right of peoples to self-determination. and just i welcome that belarus is following its own path.
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what the west will do for belarus , as i understand it, so i don’t see why there is an exception, if it treats our civilization this way in general, and the concept of our civilization, i include serbia, which is very far territorially, it would seem from belarus, well, actually russia, i would like to ask this question about some of the most recent recent events. here is an israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria, we saw such a new round, here in iranian mit immediately declared that washington must answer for the israeli strike, very soon news came about a strike on an american base in southern
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syria. but my question is this, germanovich, here is the palestinian-israeli conflict, it can become such a joker in the deck that ultimately can turn the global chessboard over, if not... colleague, i just think that we are really present at promotion of interests, do not think that i am obsessed with this issue, no, great britain, which is now reconstructing its colonial empire zone influence, including if the dollar leaves and the rise of a new currency, it will most likely not be the pound
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sterling, and i note that this even applies to china, which means we will return to the middle east, but if the dollar leaves the scene, the chinese may have common interests. with britain, here you need to be extremely, extremely careful with your assessment of who is the enemy, who is the friend, there are allies, as far as the middle east is concerned, i have said and will continue to say, no matter how anyone treats israel, israel in this case, as it is now customary to use such a term: non-actor, i am now i’ll explain what i mean, israel is engaged in the destruction of the gas sector, of course, of its own accord in accordance with its ideology, but the question is. what and how prompted israel to take such actions, you will now say, of course, october last year, the question is not this, but how it turned out - the electrification of the border was turned off, excuse me, why is a system that is absolutely similar to the russian fopsi shmoematai, this is an 820
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security system , government communications, interception, decryption of israeli communications wiretapping, which is considered one of the best in the western part of the world, really one of the best. the nsa is consulting with them with the us national security agency, they didn’t know anything, didn’t know anything, weren’t in the know in any way, and so on, the idea is already clear, why the question is being asked in israel, they’re even asking a little, and then it’s clear that then, when this conflict was asked, everyone perfectly understood how israel would react, because this is a country, an army across the border, a barracks country, there are no civilians there, it’s just that all the military men and women, they are all, as they say, cradles. the fact that at any second the war’s exhausting phase can turn into a hot one, that is, it has transitioned many times. moreover, there are three different concepts, i just suggest everyone, to start with the terminology to run around in your head, especially since belarus has its own relationship to the jewish issue, there are jews, there are israelis, there are jews, in
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this case people living in israel are jews, israelis, jews, there are also a million arabs there, by the way, with israeli passports, but that’s a different question, but i i understand perfectly how and what will happen... a person professing judaism, a jew by blood, with a weapon in his hands is doing, absolutely confident, convinced of his right to repeat what happened, excuse me, in the era of joshua, when netanyahu, together with the minister defense by gallant, they also quote the texts of the old testament, that is, they take it and quote it directly during work meetings, by the way, they quote it illegally, because the fiery slab did not descend from the sky and the voice of god, again, as i understand it, did not come, that is, at all- that's flowery, but i don't i confess.
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i would say that in fact there is now some unpredictability on the part of iran, because i was very surprised when israel hit the embassy. inside ksir, just for those who understand, there was actually the head of alkuts, that a state within a state, this is still a separate structure there, but the conversation about iran reacting strangely, iran just doesn’t want war, the question is, but for israel it why, but israel needs to deal with the gas sector, okay, we agreed, he will deal with it with the help all of sahal and we have now supplied additional fighters, a most powerful army for the middle east, everything is clear, but
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at the same time go after iran, and why even if i want the destruction of iran in the future, that is, here is the proof, this is called through the third term , through some kind of thing , so to speak, here is a thing, proof that we are dealing with an external player, an external player wants a conflict, and absolutely rightly so in the middle east, it suits him, what the palestinians can do to her, nothing, naturally, as it were.. hamas react, again it’s clear, hezbollah can, hezbollah, because it is entirely under the control of the ksr, can enter into a conflict at the behest of iran, or may not, iran can react, i remind you, the data is little known in russia, that in fact the zone of destruction of missile weapons iran is 650 km away, this is the area of ​​​​responsibility of the iranian missile forces, actually they have hypersound, confirmed, it’s just confirmed that they have it, china has not confirmed it, they have it, but... no one saw where they used it test site, but iran has one, iran is still responding like me
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i understand, through the kussites, and it will be very interesting how iran will behave further in response to this provocation, for some reason iran does not want to respond to it yet, it will respond somehow, in this regard, i will say one thing, redrawing the world, the borders of the world through its neighbor east, most likely, the most likely scenario before my eyes is an outflow with an outflow from... whether i want it or not, because i observe very well and see what is happening in turkey with the great turan project, i understand perfectly what armenia is, suddenly , let's be surprised together, it turns out that armenia is still in the sphere interests of the vatican, the habsburg family, and quite unexpectedly macron, and where is macron, where is armenia, but macron. declares, i am now quoting macron’s speech on the first television channel, there are two french
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journalists present, bernardo alyapi and his colleague, journalists, and so, and bernaro boulot and his colleague were separated by lyapiy, lyapiy, a french woman, and so, and macron declares, declares at the end of march, and russia is interfering with me, it is destabilizing directly from the french bor calqua in listen carefully, moldova and in the caucasus. in armenia, even more precisely, in africa. it’s interesting how mr. macron views geography broadly. it turns out that a knot has been tied in the caucasus in which the interests of all major players are represented. france, by the way, is the second nato country in terms of innovative technologies. turkey is the second cleanest army, and france is the second country in terms of technology. and now it turns out that these, all these loaded guns, they won’t fire. well, due to the fact that, after all, we are talking to you with a certain belarusian-russian. i'm
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monitoring the situation if this flares up in the middle east, we are naturally interested in saying the following, well, in this case we support iran, because there is a trans-highway route, this concerns belarus, quite actively, because it is a unified transport system, it can, which causes a lot of tension in western europe in the usa , completely make unnecessary this southern main route running through the soviet one.
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russia and belarus have a strong technologically savvy population, such an engineering school that we really are. everyone we put in difficult conditions what the americans cannot do, despite hundreds of billions in the most literal sense of the word, because they never built a rocket power plant, even according to our drawings they can reproduce the royal rds. 180 engine, and yes, indeed, i am sure, we will explore both mars and the moon, especially since there are agreements with china on this matter, in this case, regarding belarus and its role, and i will note, yes, ways can be slightly different, but even within the unloved, ardently unloved united states of america, which it seems like a single state, they actually even have different constitutions, protection of internal borders and their own armed
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structures, national guards and so on, they find compatibility with each other, although in principle this is an alliance. thank you, we will continue in a couple of minutes with the guests in this studio, stay tuned! belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history. this is truly the oldest building, the most important shrine of our region, a temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 12th century. the columns also have rich literary history. many poets, writers and publicists lived and worked in this area, and
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these communities never forgot about their famous native, yakubi kolos. unique sights. meet literally at every step. if you , like me, are planning your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley with stones. the architects' idea was to lay out the number of stones that corresponded to the age that felix derzhinsky lived. this is the oldest pharmacy in belarus. and now there is a museum. pharmacy museum, everything is clear. and the blue-eyed souls are people.
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lazutkin, i greet you, well, this is the time that surrounds us, what time we live in, which means the attack of the bespollotniki in yelapuk, a batch of hexogen hidden inside the icons, just think about it, they tried to put 70 kg of explosives in the icons, as experts say, the power would be enough to blow up a five-story building, there is no need to say that the threats are general, on ont we showed a film about the struggle kgb with ukrainian saboteurs on the territory.
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and economic damage, there is catastrophic, now it is necessary to show that the war has come to every home, in fact, yes, that is , striking the civilian population, industrial facilities, this is what they now want to do in order to create panic, a certain element of discontent to russia, and most likely the presence of tactical nuclear weapons, everyone understands that, again, there is no longer a classical
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military threat, it one way or another still has a modern component, and different from what it was before. but this factor also probably forces not a direct influence, but such a spot in the form of a terrorist one, that is, by indirect actions using hybrid methods, to rake in the heat there with the wrong hands, to create some kind of saboteurs under the guise of belarusian nationalists there, although they will naturally be controlled by the special services western, that is, to show that no, no, we don’t directly want war, but in reality they will fight with such vile methods, andrey, what do you think, look, here we are we watched a good film, which means... what can be said from the form by the content, that is , the form is like this, it is serial for the common man, so a portion of information is given back all the time to the old heroes, then simple examples show that yes, there is a military there threat, difficult to eat. things, but there are simple, absolutely stupid methods of recruitment, how they find people, and if a relative from ukraine writes to you about some reason, asks for some contacts from you or passes you on to someone else, you need to contact him
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work and communicate, this is the simplest thing that an ordinary person needs to endure, geopolitics is far from many of our citizens, well, these things are simple, everyday, they are understandable, and this is all in a very accessible, sometimes even playful form , well , such an entertaining counterintelligence, and what was very important in terms of content was there, that is , here is the man who blew up tanks on obama, yes, carried out a terrorist attack in russia on... he said that they gave him, which means the organizers, 6.00 dollars for execution of this terrorist attack, tajiks in sitikholi kroku well, we received about the same amount there, 5-500 dollars in terms of dollars, the question is, who pays the same for essentially the same action, this is not direct evidence, but if you add 2.2 it is clear that the operation needs to be planned if you have many of these operations, a certain budget is laid down for the commission of each such act, this is one of the proofs of the trace in the circle. ukraine, this is very important. there is military tension, a terrorist component, but we also understand that information and psychological operations are becoming tougher. straightaway after the crocus, we saw how telegram
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was flooded with messages addressed to our schoolchildren that terrorist attacks were being carried out there, that even pavel durov had to get involved, i don’t know how truly effective this method will be, but on the other hand, without it, without it the tool won't work here either. the fugitives do not hide the fact that funding is being cut. but at the same time they admit that they will not spare money for strict financing programs, that is, you need to keep in mind that they will try to find a weak point from all sides, well, you need to understand that this is a terrorist attack, if it is carried out in belarus, conditionally, yes, it will not be popular, it will not affect anything, some kind of hanger is needed, that is , an organization that will take it upon itself, well, in russia isis allegedly did this, that is, we need this to be done even there, not by some belarusian battalion, but by something else, like some belarusian unit within azov, that is, they will find some kind of effective responder to order. so it will then be highlighted to perform such actions as explosion, murder, because it’s one thing to blow up an airplane and take it yourself, but we are heroes, so we took a military target or a tower there, they undermined communications and wire, but these are
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slightly different objects, when it comes to blood, they will have to attack someone - this should not be pinned on zelensky, not on gur, not on the sbu, yes, not even on those belarusian structures that have some kind of prospect for them, on something else new, when something new is like this appears, this will be a sign of the preparation of some kind of scheme with such a belarusian terrorist attack, colleagues, in general i agree with the previous speakers, but so that we understand the process in general, in the twentieth, twenty-second year, i said that the task was, especially in the twenty-second, to involve russia, that is, in a military operation in ukraine, that is, to pit ukraine and russia, this was the first stage, i said it 100%, it will not be a short-term operation, 90% of russian experts said that this would all happen very quickly, i said 100%. the task was to delay it, so weapons were given step by step, the task was to involve as much as possible the russian federation in this process. the first stage, the united states implemented its plan 100%, the only thing is that they did not manage
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to collapse the russian economy like a house of cards and it turned out to be more stable, the system itself, to its credit, the russian federation is quite effectively carrying out this operation in the context of the fact that they were able to mobilize resources, managed not to undermine socio-political stability. the second stage, the task now is to involve europe. therefore, it is stupidity, utter nonsense, if someone thinks that americans cannot there is enough money to finance this company, they will pay 2.3 trillion dollars in the next 10 years only to veterans of the war in afghanistan and iraq, they spent several trillion dollars on the war in afghanistan, so for them this is a pittance, but the task is today playing and manipulating public consciousness, plus the presidential campaign to shift the responsibility to europe, to drag europe in, this requires destabilizing the situation.
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is experiencing the pre-war era, well, how was it, which means the journalist asked: is it inevitable war between nato countries and russia, the answer is dimly: we have not faced such a situation since 1945, i know this sounds devastating, especially for the people of the younger generation, but we must mentally accustom ourselves to the new era, we are in the pre-war era, this is how a neighbor sets up, which means, look, there was always a word in the beginning, any decisions, also the gay community according to...
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both from macron, and from tusk, from a number of other politicians, but you need to understand that the anglo-saxons have a main line, a task save global dominance, the only way to maintain global dominance is war in europe, another option, europe is ready for war, europe, unfortunately, is not fully subjective, the principle of divide conquer, that is, a number of politicians can... will be involved through a proxy war, through the involvement of only a number of armies, the armies of europe, then others will catch up, that is, the task today is to shake up the situation as much as possible, to finally bring the situation to the point where the russian federation is free of socio-political instability the task is so that they cannot press the nuclear button and subsequently involve europe , depleting russia as much as possible, depleting the bloc that unites around russia, to come here as a country that will restore, make money from it,
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so you need to understand. the situation is very complex, very dangerous, our task is to prevent europe from being drawn in, all these statements of such a tough militaristic nature directed towards european partners, they are stupid, everything must be directed towards the anglo-saxons, today it is necessary to clearly indicate that if today the russian foreign intelligence service could prove that the united states directly organized these routes, then it would be necessary to do the following: declare that in case of repeated actions on the territory of the russian federation they will be cited. the strategic response forces are in full combat readiness; in case of repeated actions, a nuclear war may start, there will be no other way, as long as we are imported into europe, they will wipe their feet on us, the economy will be put on our shoulder, and everything may come to this, because socio-political instability, as you know, there is such a hepotitis with a gentle killer, it little by little takes over the body, uh , structures are destroyed, while the russian internal troops and so on manage to contain the situation while the economy is working,
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but then it can all collapse in a snap. the mood in poland is different, that is , the majority of the poles really don’t want to fight, we need to work with this, including with the population, tell poland that we don’t want it either and they just want to make you the second echelon of cannons throw meat onto the territory of ukraine, but it’s one thing for the population, we need to work with them, another thing for the elite, they have their own interests, they really have little subjectivity, especially polish ones, in this sense, preparations
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need to be taken into account...
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those who lived before us and those , who may live after us, come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer, people now come here in large, large crowds to worship and, as it were, come into contact with the mother of god, this is such a living prayer here is happening, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years, look at the spiritual and educational... projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. we definitely use it after cooking, as well as after any meal. it is thanks to him that our dishes
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retain their beautiful appearance for many years. while science has not yet given us those household cleaning chemicals that we use now, housewives most often dirt and rust were also removed with... using vinegar. let's share interesting facts. liquid dish detergent has an ancient history. more than 5.00 years ago. according to scientists, it appeared completely by accident. in russia in the 19th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, and birch. and in europe at the end of the 14th century, charles vi approved an entire guild of vinegar-auvars. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary so that... the surface molecule of the active substance can perform its function, if the environment is acidic, for example, then the molecule will not perform the function of a detergent, see the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel
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and about it. poland, that is, this is part of a general information campaign that is now going on in europe, it’s all about ammunition, so at the first stage they put everything they had there, now we need to buy new supplies from the americans, public opinion is being formed around this, after the last ramshtein, who was there a month ago, was given the task of forming this opinion through this is a constant war scare, they will most likely lead people to believe that we are increasing military spending, belarus is reducing it, it shows that we are building clinics there, hospitals, and they say that since there will supposedly be a war, it means we need to produce and buy ammunition from the americans . this is all about this, they are like a parrot and have been repeating the same thing for the last two weeks: there will be a war, let’s produce weapons, and even now look, andrey, they took only one phrase out of context, they put it in the title: lukashenko is preparing for war, although we will now listen carefully to him, he said absolutely the opposite, by the way,
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russian partners in all telegram channels also posted one point: in order for the gun to fire, it must first be loaded , hung on the wall, and for in order to start a war, you must first accumulate weapons, accumulate armed forces on the border, and then how...
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no, we do not see a tendency for them to appear in the near future, once again, he says that there are no threats, but at the same time drg, from gur and from the sbu, colleagues, what he doesn’t say during military operations, there is such a concept, information war, fog of war, no one tells you the truth, not a single politician in the world tells you 100% the truth during a military operation, of course, there are some issues where leaders are forced and must... talk about some topics that are detached from the military operation and, let’s say, convey 100% reliable information to the population, but you understand, the first forest or the head of intelligence or the head of the foreign ministry listens to the whole peace, there are military plans, there are plans
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for the redeployment of troops, you can transfer troops under the guise of a training exercise, you can finance, so to speak, grain supplies, transport weapons and so on, so you have an intelligence officer and a leader, especially the main one...
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well, yes, we all understand that this is bad, the arrival of new french interventionists, but the french are playing their game in europe, it is clear that they will not be able to help ukraine, even if they send the entire foreign legion there. the french are fulfilling their tasks, what are they? the french want to become the number one violin in europe, they give a slap on the nose to the germans, who are not subjective, and the french will show that the real power in europe is us, they give a slap to the anglo-saxons, because they understand. trump comes, there will be a different attitude towards europe, well, europe
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will be pushed towards another set of american interests, including the conflict in ukraine, so the french want to grab glory, they want to grab the opportunity to influence the situation in negotiations with russia, and why does the ukrainian side need this and the anglo-saxons, who are also behind gur and the ukrainian elite there, so they don’t want something new subject with which russia may come to an agreement. faster than with the curators of the zone of division of the former germany into eastern, western, the french would have their own sector of responsibility, that is, it is possible, including on the territory of ukraine in the event of defeat or if the parties are forced to negotiate and ukraine in will not completely lose its sovereignty, but part of the territory may fall under the zone of external control, even if ukraine simply retains part of the territory as sovereign, but there...
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naturally, i would generally play ahead, but since they want to play here, well, there is france, italy, communists ahead of the curve, then what does it mean to play not with us, defending on our land, on theirs, so that they feel what we are experiencing here, because when will we to defend ourselves, well
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, we will wait all the time for them to implement and proclaim their plans for dividing our territory, i agree here that it is necessary to show that guys, if you... countries, including, like belarus, are forced maneuver because they are partially under external control, and partially dependent economically and politically , etc., so the situation is very complicated, here, you see, no one knew how the confrontation in the cold war would end, at certain stages of history the soviet union could have won, by the way, when the americans lost and crashed in
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iran, that means they were kicked out of vietnam and so on; at these stages there were historical moments when the soviet union was in the lead. historically, in this case, not a single politician in the world will give you a 100% scenario for the development of this situation and the outcome of this situation, but our task is to do everything in order to still remain as a subject of international law, i mean the space of a union state, and to return ukraine to the fold of our foreign policy in the context that it should be a zone of peaceful cooperation, that is, we must still consider ukraine as our partner, this is what the president spoke about when they laid flowers on the sladiminomovites in memory of those killed in st. petersburg, the victims, that is, of the siege of leningrad and so on, then he said that that’s it, we hope that there will still be peace here on our territory and we will cooperate, yeah, andrey, then let’s
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talk about this quote, you can laugh, of course, he is far away, but in general he is seen in the western media as a respected expert. recently, in an interview with an american publication, the politician said that kiev hopes for the gift of babbling, this is a quote from zelensky in negotiations with trump, that is, they are already considering this option, moreover, the little sycophant calls zelensky the greatest trader in history, what is the president selling so skillfully, but it must be added that the little sycophant in this case is the greatest sycophant in history, since they weigh such things, well, they are all political strategists, that is, these are people who really seem to be now in ukraine they define something like this.
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well, why did it happen that we are somehow stupid, they are somehow smart, nothing of the kind, that is, there is a special political environment in ukraine, where people like podaliks come to power, absolutely unprincipled, absolutely cynically, who changed 10 masters there, but who learned everything during this time, he worked in belarus, fighting the country, but his assistant, adviser says, let’s say, he’s not the greatest military commander or hero or
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leader there, look, he says the greatest trader in history, well, it’s just a compliment, the strongest country is what it is. but even a terrible military story has been very difficult to sell lately, firstly, because people are tired of it, secondly, because zelensky has competitors in this business, and thirdly, because the united states is obviously switching from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth, look, the general director of the german concern ryan metal, armen peperger , in an interview... in the pacific region than in europe. that’s what i was talking about, that is , the german military-industrial complex is turning on, he’s talking about money, give
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money, we will produce more tanks. eh, macron fusses, says: no, our military-industrial complex is more ready, the french one is already loaded, we produce everything, it’s the germans there who depend on the americans and so on, that is, they they understand that now they need to snatch it, when america is busy with other problems, to snatch leadership, this, of course, is money, yes. they hope that as a result of control there in part of the territory of ukraine, they will be able to compensate for this, but we are talking about an era when americans are no longer in the first roles in europe, these are fishing rods for the future, and ukraine here is just a bargaining chip, an excuse in order to get more bonuses for the future, the fight is about this now, maybe closing the topic of ukraine, this is important for us, not because we look there and dedicate it to ukraine.
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there is nothing in the main law, but the question of legitimacy hangs up, it turns out that in may the deadline, well, you can call it that, for subscriptions to the series servant of the people, it expires, here the question arises, we see how zelensky is already beginning to defend even the closest, close circles, not only the military, will he sit in may, will they give him the opportunity to survive this period, or is there a problem, i want to finish what they said, i am 100% sure that the united states is not leaving europe , the main line will continue,
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regardless of whether it is trump or biden, the united states is not leaving europe so that everyone understands, and the pacific campaign will run in parallel, so here they will maintain their, how to say, spheres of influence, regarding zelensky , of course, here is such an original option, here in the constitution, firstly, there is a conflict in the constitution, on the one hand, if he continues... his powers, he has the right to continue them until a new one is elected, on the other hand, there is a case of military conflict only the rada can continue its powers, but the president does not have such rights; in theory, he should hold new elections, knowing the love of ukrainians for internal political struggle, and seeing how today, even during a military conflict, very different political groups do. sharp statements, and somewhere some political movements are starting, we see reshuffles at the level of the military leadership of ukraine,
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carried out by zelensky and where he is quite strong figures, who, including in some context, could be his competitors in the elections, removed from office we can understand that it is certainly impossible to rule out some kind of political crisis in ukraine, but the field has been cleared as to who zelensky’s kudi people see in order to have an alternative. in ukraine, the leader will be the politician who is supported by washington, today zelensky is supported by washington, money is given by washington and europe, sanctions, including from washington, understand, everything is much more complicated, washington plays the first violin in europe today, and there is no need to be naive guys, to think that they are going somewhere into the pacific ocean, they the operation was brewed, they organized it all, they are the main beneficiaries and there is no other option other than war in europe today to preserve the dollar and control.
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and we see that, let’s say, his closest competitor, who was tipped for such a role , is a loser, he accepted the rules of the game, he went into the shadows, agreed to the post of ambassador, which means there is no go-ahead to change zelensky in the near future, who will take his place when this happens, this is where the moment is so unnerving for him, because really in the fall or there in a few months, they might say, well that's it, your time is up, a new person joins.
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he said that he was full, drunk, and had tobacco on his nose, which meant that zelensky was quite happy with us on the ukrainian internal circuit, his personal qualities were a weak leader, who should continue to lead there; on the external circuit we would talk to the americans, that is you as a subject do not interest us at all, that is, this is essentially the line that will be further implemented in relation to ukraine, for example, in negotiations, that is, only with the americans, so karl santacker came, he was told that again, we are not discussing only ukraine, there will be a big deal there from china to iran,
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belarus and everything else, we will discuss this all together, this is our security. only after that will we make some decision on a peaceful settlement there, that is, while this is all quite far away, while zelensky is the de facto leader, they will come up with something about this far away, i’m sure some kind of scheme, i don’t know, martial law, something else, this will all happen, well, then we need to look at russia’s actions, if they want those the negotiations themselves, they recognize him there in any status, if they don’t want negotiations, then this will be a reason for zelensky not to conduct them, yeah, well, let’s move on to us now, we often talk about what we have... discussing russian topics and what is happening there, these are our topics, because we, we said before, have a common history, common economic projects, large cultural projects, humanitarian ones, but today it is also a common threat, the day before was the day of unity of the peoples of belarus and russia, there was a reason for this talk, and the topic is generally heard constantly, but if we talk about what is good, we have a common history, a common present, what
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should the common future of belarus and russia be like, huh? first of all, you need to understand that we have entered a new era, yes, and what should our common place be in this new era? there are already at least two new centers of power: the united states is actively fighting to maintain dominance or at least dominance in the western world, china has appeared, it is building its own sphere of development, but the task, relatively speaking, is between these two poles, still maintain...
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maximum economic cooperation, political, cultural, but the development of two sovereign states, which, within the framework of this union, a union state, make each other stronger, this is a more attractive model, which is a centripetal force , in the future, as alexey says, after the end of this conflict, this turning point in the international, we will be able to become an attractive force in
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the territory of our sphere. prospects for cooperation with us if we are within union state, we will demonstrate an unattractive model for external partners, it will be weak, it will disintegrate, that is, the only correct approach, which we have been voicing in belarus for 30 years, is a union of two sovereign states, this is where we should be, this is what we should be, two strong economically, politically , states that complement each other and make our union stronger, the president has said more than once in interviews very often, including with our russian colleagues, that two states, one fatherland,
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let’s say how all this will happen there, well, we need to prepare some kind of ground for normal friendly relations in advance, show that we can work well, here’s the economy, we cooperate, we don’t deceive, we don’t cheat, this is the main element of our future normal interaction
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applied on earth. alexey is of course stronger in philosophy, he will tell you that there will be some new blocks and everything else, but we simply cannot say today exactly how this will all happen, and here are the people, with they already need to establish certain contacts today, well, i thank you for participating in the program, for the thoughts that you voiced here... that’s all for today, dear tv viewers, we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenku, who said that medicine treats people.
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am i an adult, we are propagandists, what we
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propagandize: the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes, sovereignty and independence of belarus, and, naturally, the head of state emphasized many times that power for him is serving the people. and prosperity, by prosperity we mean peace and security, from our lack of war to calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals , smart kindergartens and much more. am i satisfied with what we have done and built? i'm happy and i'm sure you are too we are happy, we built as best we knew how, to the best of our ability, we... were sincere about this construction, our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power proceeds carefully, without breaking anything, will everything work out for the new generation, probably not, but
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the main thing for the president now is that they don’t have a catastrophe, because after a strong government, the probability of this is still slightly greater than the statistical progression, propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, a high city, according to the chronicles this place was called since the 15th century. and the sights. there’s a lot here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high, and we’re starting to get acquainted and setting off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills, power mills, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside. i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during during the church service , large wings appear in the chapel. in some places it is very picturesque
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, similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to the icon tadeusz agininski. consider that you have not visited sinoy if you have not tried the spring water. people come for her from neighboring districts and villages. they believe it has healing powers. watch the program "cities of belarus" on the belarus 24 tv channel . belarus 24 tv channel presents. food it has never been simple. at all times , people wanted to eat deliciously and live well. a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine. now the world, may it change, will be divided into before and after. it’s cooked in chicken
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broth, and well, in belarus this recipe has been preserved, it’s a hunter’s recipe. duck in a pomirski pot resembles a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also acquaints the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area. stove, slab, what a medieval slab looked like, ceramic, lined with brick box, a fire was lit on top, but a large metal sheet was placed on top. in the 18th century, the gypsy baron jan martinkiewicz built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in the surrounding area in a gilded carriage. let's draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country in the food anywhere project. there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. watch
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every sunday on our tv channel.
12:01 pm
noon news on belarus 1, in the studio vladislav bundrest, hello, at the beginning briefly about the main thing. the final.


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