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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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noon news on belarus 1, vladislav bundre studios, hello, at the beginning , briefly about the main thing. on
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the side of peace and against war, the promises of the new president of slovakia immediately after the elections. flooding in the orenburg region may cover even more cities; the consequences of a dam break continue to be eliminated. belarusian wrestlers have another ticket to paris for the olympics. the license was won in baku. our country has confirmed its status as a space power. the first female cosmonaut of belarus returned to earth. flight of marina vasilevskaya - a huge step in the development of domestic astronautics. this became possible thanks to agreements at the highest level. in april 2022, the presidents of belarus and russia visited the eastern cosmodrome. then the task of organizing a space mission was set. the ship's star crew.
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belarus russia and the united states can work together successfully. space is a striking example of international cooperation. and as a result, the stellar mission is completed. there is a discrepancy between objects.
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you are our heroine for everyone, i wish all people on earth that they appreciate and take care of what what we have, because it is incredible beauty, that i, one of the first , congratulated marina’s space crew on the successful landing by our president, the head. the state invited everyone who participated in the preparations for the flight to visit belarus. alexander lukashenko was directly involved throughout the entire space mission and provided all possible support so that the first belarusian flight into space took place. and after the crew returned, the head of state shared his first emotions. the emotions are the hardest because the knife sleepless, i watched the undocking of the descent live.
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on the ground with daisies and apple juice, despite the fatigue, after the severe overloads that a person experiences when descending from the iss, she smiled and sincerely thanked everyone for their attention, after landing, a special board delivered our space crew oleg navitsky and marina vasilevskaya to the star city. a meeting in the style of belarusian kindness in the reportage of daria belousova petrovskaya. belarusian flags, loaves, a sea of ​​flowers.
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about friendship and allied cooperation already eight joint space programs have been implemented, and how many more are to come? we are creating a unique russian-belarusian apparatus for remote sensing of the earth; all the scientific experiments that vasilevskoy and yanovitsky conducted on the iss are also a huge contribution to our common work. there were constant reports from the iss and marina reported that all experiments were being carried out successfully, yesterday they reported that... they also ended successfully, the results have already been obtained, they will be transmitted, we will process them, this is interesting data in the field of microbiology and human health, you know, the impact of microorganisms, space on microorganisms, food products and other very
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interesting experiments. for marina vasilevskaya, space flight is a huge experience, and her personal victory, and it is also a huge prestige for the state. the status of the first female cosmonaut of sovereign belarus takes the country to a completely different, cosmic level. incredible expectations, of course, exceeded themselves, because what i saw with my own eyes was something unreal, the earth is so big, powerful, strong, i wish all the people on earth that they would appreciate and take care of what we have, because it is incredible. in the meantime, our star crew is waiting for rest and physical procedures under the supervision of experienced doctors. oleg novitsky, marina vasilevskaya will undergo rehabilitation in this sanatorium in the star city, near a lake, pine trees, fresh air and of course professional supervision by doctors,
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all this will help them quickly regain strength after space flight. a big press conference is already planned for april 9 with journalists. daria belousopetrov, alexander lyubitelev, agency. russia. belarus has always been a space power ; marina vasilevskaya’s successful mission to the iss is another confirmation of our success in this direction. scientific continuity, extensive experience and close work within the framework of allied space programs allow the country to compete on equal terms. russian writer, engineer and specialist in the space industry, dmitry kononykh, spoke about this. belarus never stopped being in space.
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has been on earth for more than a day, and footage of its bright comeback continues to fly around social networks. the stellar mission was followed in different countries, and the support in the comments was enormous, here are just a few examples. to overcome the path to knowledge of the universe together, to build a wonderful future together without
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wars, without hostility, i am happy for my fellow countrywoman, peace and health. with a successful landing, i am glad for your feat, health and new daring for the benefit of the fatherland and the world. great pride for our marina and great gratitude to russia. space brings all earthlings closer together. congratulations, yes it's great to see all these emotions and joy on their faces, just. together and together, we can achieve great success in everything. russia sends, belarusians participate, kazakhs welcome, why not the friendship of peoples. people, look around, we have so much in common, kindness, joy, so many wonderful achievements can be conquered, we complement each other, we understand each other, we have common joys, values, roots. what lively emotions, i just can’t stop looking at them, i’m proud of such people, i congratulate the belarusians on such a significant event. events in the field of astronautics, the whole world and of good.
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in slovakia, the results of voting in the presidential election were summed up, petr pilligrini, the candidate from the voice of social democracy party, won, it is part of the government coalition, well... the leader was supported by more than 53% of voters, the rival ivan korczak, the former minister of foreign affairs of slovakia, gained approximately 47% of the votes have already admitted defeat and congratulated the opponent on his victory. pelegrini is known for his pro-russian position, like the current prime minister robert fitz, he opposes continued military support for ukraine, supporter of a diplomatic resolution to the conflict. immediately after the victory, the elected president of slovakia promised that he would do everything so that his country would always exist.
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so my daughter came and said the dam was collapsing, so we brought her, she left the children with us, at one o’clock in the morning they had already arrived with her family and they said that the whole dam had broken, the water was coming, my aunt, they live on a hill there near the church, they came to my aunt , well, while back and forth at 4:00 at night, the police came.
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residential buildings, flooded a number of areas in the city of orsk, partially blocked in orenburg traffic on the roads, dozens of bridges over a hundred roads in the region are temporarily closed, a state of emergency has been introduced, which today dictates the time of belarus to russia, what kind of team is needed. to win and what secrets does the ice squad of the first have? another look at the main events in the presidential schedule: we catch new footage, exclusive interviews and even emotions. all this is on the main broadcast today. don't miss it, it will be time of the first. catch up with the first one. it's time to collect stones, let's not.
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and how to work when they put a spoke in the wheels endlessly, what the minister should not hear kubrakov, speak loudly, then the minister will come tomorrow for the money, and what should everyone hear, we need to make folk medicine, everyone will say that it’s staged, but this is... in the game , the president’s team, just unearthly emotions, they were worried, well, when your children will be in space, we will understand what it is and what the men in the hockey locker room are talking about, you are very lucky today that you got here, on the ice in the fields we see everything, we hear everything, we will show you.
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third olympic license of belarusian wrestlers irina kurochkina, in a bitter struggle , won a ticket to paris at the qualifying tournament in baku, weight category up to 57 kg , belarus began its journey from the quarterfinals, where it defeated russian olga koroshevtseva, and in a strong-willed half-fight , defeated alina grushina akubiya from ukraine. to win an olympic quota, an athlete. we needed to make it to the finals of the championship, to be honest, i don’t understand it yet, i haven’t felt it yet, because we practically left immediately, after the struggle we flew away, well, i’m... glad that i got a license for the country, for now, well awareness hasn’t come yet, but i had two contractions, and well, each one, if honestly, it was very difficult for me, somehow i had to fight morally and strong-willedly, every ticket counts, every ticket you just have to steal with your teeth, our silver medalist...


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