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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 12:15pm-12:40pm MSK

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the third olympic license of belarusian wrestlers, irina kurochkina, in a bitter struggle , won a ticket to paris at the qualifying tournament in baku. in the weight category up to 57 kg, the belarusian began her journey from the quarterfinals, where she defeated the russian olga koroshevtseva, and defeated alina grushina akubiya from ukraine in a strong-willed semi-final match. to win the olympic quota , athletes had to make it to the finals of the championship. to be honest, i haven't yet.
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today the fight for licenses at the qualifying tournament in baku will continue freestyle athletes. previously , vanessa kaladinskaya and abubakar islakhanov booked trips to paris. my colleagues will continue the sports talk, and we will update the information at 3:00 pm. stay on the first button. yegor sharongovich set a new belarusian record in the nhl last night. by the number of
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goals scored per season. the calgary forward scored the thirtieth goal, which beat the achievement of mikhail grobovsky, who made 29 accurate shots, but this did not help the lights win. the flames suffered their third loss. row, losing at home to edmonton 2:4. sharangovich took part in both scoring attacks, opening the scoring for the home team in the twenty-third minute and earning an assist point in the forty-seventh minute. belarus spent time on the ice. 21 minutes chalked up two points, made three shots on target and earned a utility score of minus one. calgary is in twelfth place in the western conference, with 76 points. the football weekend ends today with three matches of the third round of the belarusian championship. the central confrontation in grodno, where last season's silver and bronze medalists, neman and torpedo belaraz, will meet. in the current draw.
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good afternoon, on the central region news, we, olga kalairova and sergei lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of the week in the life of the minsk region. so, watch today's program. live with people’s problems, pass them through yourself and bring them to the level of legislative initiatives. the region elected a senator to the council of the republic. the heavy
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equipment league is reaching a new level. amkador presented five new products at once. we'll see innovation in action. we will also find out how road repairs in the region are progressing. the speed of large-scale work, more than fifty settlements over the weekend. in program navigation and field route. the pace of sowing is also impressive. what's in the greenhouses? let's take a harvest excursion. and traditions that intertwine with modernity. let's feel the magic of ancient images. the minsk region will be represented in the council of the republic by eight people. in borisov , representatives of the upper house of parliament were elected this week. 400 people attended the meeting of local councils of deputies elected representatives from all over the central region. they met with the candidates for the council of the republic, and then, by secret ballot , determined those who would represent legislative interests in the national assembly of belarus.
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and the representatives will become delegates of the all-belarus people's assembly in its new constitutional status. in the year of quality, great attention is paid to the roads of the region, including small rural streets. their large-scale renovation continues in the central region. every weekend work is carried out in more than fifty populated areas
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points in the minsk region, this includes grading, backfilling, and patching of road surfaces. everything for safe and comfortable movement. if we talk about the borisov region. we also took into account the opinion of the chairmen of the village councils, they suggested on which streets they receive the most complaints from the population, they also took into account what was received, what kind of appeals were made to the soup housing, in the city of borisov, respectively, too, we worked in the village of ostrov, borisov district and did bedding and profiling on unpaved roads, and we also carried out work in the village of demidovka, borisov district, grader worked there, we also did bedding and... along the streets of the city of borisov, not only the improvement of roads, but landscaping, a tree planting campaign also unites residents of all districts of the minsk region, like as a result, more than 3,500 trees have already been planted. the heavy special equipment league is reaching a new level;
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domestic new products for the 2024 season were presented by amkador. five innovative units rolled off the assembly line at once, including a crawler excavator with an increased bucket capacity, universal all machines are assembled according to modern standards, electronics allow only one operator to control the equipment, each model is focused on performing a wide range of work, we improve comfort for operators, the most important thing is people today, a person should be comfortable, we create new conditions for them, air conditioners, music, comfortable seats, ergonomics, the world is changing, we adapt, we provide the best solution here. plus safety, safety of the cabin from falling objects, from tipping over, that is we pay a lot of attention to this, and of course fuel efficiency and energy efficiency. today amkador is a leading manufacturer of high-quality special equipment; last year alone, 11 new
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models of agricultural machines were created. derzhinsk, krupki, molodechno-logoisk. production and assembly shops are concentrated throughout the central region. in the spring navigator and field route, the sowing rate is several times higher than last year, so the entire crop harvest in the minsk region is already ending, more than 250,000 hectares are next in line corn and about 40,000 sugar beets. well , so far the spring relay is on in the region’s farms, and the harvest in the greenhouses is good. cucumbers and tomatoes are collected, eggplants are ripened. food mix in the story of elena vitko. sochi. rosy, aromatic, tomatoes from the first harvest -200, that’s how much is already in the basket of the minsk vegetable factory, they expect a generous 60 kg per square meter, in total tomatoes grow here on 6 hectares, the biftomat is so big, large, juicy,
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that means it’s xantera, more we have securitas and altadena, and of the new products, this our tomato, merlis carpal, which will also go on sale, also... differs in fruit, size and, of course, the amount of sugars. ripe fruits are collected every other day three times a week, plus care procedures. only in the workshop of protected ground above. the main plantations are cucumber. this year , modernization was carried out during the winter period. we changed artificial lighting and fully fulfilled the instructions of the head of state to provide our country with cucumbers in the winter. we increased the gross production of cucumbers to 50% in winter period. and now you see a short-fruited cucumber. the burn variety, spiky cucumber, we also have a summer rotation, the second rotation, where
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we grow tuberous cucumber. on average , they produce about 9,000 tons of vegetables per year; this season they have already collected more than a thousand tons of vitamins. the factory’s harvest mix also includes green crops, here, for example, lettuce grows, and nearby there are dill and parsley, arugula, basil, the products are collected daily up to 3,000 cups, a month - that’s 80.100,000 pieces, they plan to expand the line of greens, type the assortment is complemented by leafy iceberg, there are also onions on the feather, in order to get not only maximum taste, but benefits, a special microclimate is created, high humidity and temperature, eggplants, for example, are grown in mineral wool, and nutrients are supplied through drip irrigation. to protect the eggplant crop, we use, uh, entomophages, we have environmentally friendly products, we have our own laboratory where we grow. this is selusa, everyone believes that eggplant is a vegetable, from a botanical point of view it is a berry,
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a blue berry, uh, which is rich in vitamins such as vitamin c, vitamin a, folic acid, uh, b vitamins, which also means it contains minerals, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, such an invaluable fruit weighing from 400 to 600 g we have already collected one and a half tons, peppers are ripening nearby, yellow, orange, red, waiting for the harvest in... at the end of april. the company also deals with open-ground vegetables, but it’s too early to talk about that. the sowing of early grain crops is now being completed in the fields of the central region. the farmers have at least 38 thousand hectares of sugar beets in line, plus 250,000 corn. last year turned out to be super , voluminous and fruitful. we collected 650,000 tons of corn grain. of course, our ambitious plans generally include reaching a million tons, but this is in the distant future. not this year and not next, but today the structure of sown areas in the minsk region is complex,
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we know how much winter crops we need to sow, how much corn, how much for grain, based on the needs of our livestock forage. fertilizing winter grasses , adding organic matter and closing moisture in the soil. more than 10,000 pieces of equipment are used in the region every day; the spring relay race is planned to be completed in early may. elena vikkoya and dmitry garkusha, news central region. and continuing the agricultural theme, a specialized forum for schoolchildren was held in fannipol. the thematic platform brought together almost 200 students from agricultural classes from all regions of the minsk region. representatives of colleges and universities spoke about the advantages of the profession. young farmers learned about the features of admission, and also saw modern technologies that support specialists in the agricultural sector. today there is activity in agriculture. digital technologies have been introduced in agriculture, which means that these technologies today allow
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equipment to move in an autopiloted state, in this case we see that equipment is moving along the navigation lines onto the field, which is quite difficult to control, if we transfer it to an autopiloted state, then through satellite systems, equipment moves with an accuracy of 2.5 cm across the field, no matter what distance, i generally... since childhood i decided that i would be an engineer, about agriculture i know farming firsthand, i am a rural resident myself, my parents work in agriculture, well, already in the third generation i will work in agriculture, i really like agricultural machinery, i love repairing it, disassembling it, assembling it, my mother works in in this area, that is, let’s say, we are going into dynasties, in elective classes in the agricultural class we are told about plants, animals, soil, we understand and the importance of the agricultural industry in the economy of our country we understand that there should be
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targeted training of children, we, of course, focus children on this profession, primarily from rural areas, and already at the final third stage of general secondary education through classes with an agricultural focus, now almost... schoolchildren are studying in agricultural classes in the central region, specialized areas are open in every district of the region, and interest in such electives is growing. many enterprises and institutions traditionally begin training future specialists at school. benches, the ministry of forestry decided include preschoolers in the career guidance process. the central region is at the forefront of such an eco-initiative. over the past few years , more than twenty green associations have been opened within the walls of kindergartens in the region. forestry, even with the prefix preschool, is an important and responsible activity, starting from
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an impeccable appearance and a symbolic oath to education with a nursery. respect for the environment, how young conservationists help increase common wealth, material by alexandra goiton, this is what gives them there is some pleasure and pride that we can bear such a title of preschool forestry. the green asset of preschoolers in the berezinsky district is on the path of spring improvement; for almost six months , the pupils of kindergarten number two serve an important honorary mission, they are young defenders of nature. they all took an oath to preserve nature, forests, animals, birds, then at the end of this event a memory lane was laid for the opening of the creation of this
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forestry. the gardening season of putting things in order, young foresters began with landscaping. space around our kindergarten, we have taken care of new apartments for migratory birds, eco-houses for starlings and tits are ready to receive new settlers, we do the highest quality work, thorough, in principle, just like we do in our own forest, we don’t sit on nails either , we just tie it up, we also have our own technology, that is, in any case , nothing suffers from us, the birdhouses in the kindergarten area are installed in a special way, they are attached not to tree trunks, but on poles, this method is more environmentally friendly, we have us school.
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by the way, the aesthetic appearance of the kindergarten is taken as an example in the berezensky district; its design is exemplary among all educational institutions. to be closer to nature, the pupils of this kindergarten do not have to go far. an eco-trail literally surrounds the building, a green route leads children to a bird town, a flower garden, a vegetable garden and even a weather station. at the experimental site, children measure the amount of precipitation and... the direction of the wind, for example, now it is north, the students know everything about these stops, each stop is marked some specific sign on which something is drawn, or it’s a green pharmacy, or it’s a vegetable garden, or it’s an oak tree. each group has its own garden bed where they plant tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, and potatoes. the eco-format in
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education and raising children is supported in borovlyany kindergarten number three, with the opening. preschool forestry, a start was given to new useful initiatives, the forest is ecology, and environmental education is one of the main directions for our children, so it was decided to create preschool staircase on the basis of our kindergarten, and of course, when children put on a uniform, this is already a solemnity, this is already a responsibility, wearing the same cap or tie with the symbols of the boravlyansky farm for children is also very important and expensive, we are planning to organize another resource center specifically for environmental development. .. this is a future potential that can become a forestry worker. we have a lot of professions associated with a thrifty attitude, protection, in general, of the republic’s natural resources, so all this work is aimed at from the time they were little, like a plant from a small seed, they were already getting used to life, with nature. such a large-scale
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educational eco-project has become a real brand of the minsk region. more than twenty kindergartens are open. school forestries, and with it the philosophy of caring for the environment and natural resources is expanding. the lily of the valley is silvery, the air is clean, clean, and there is a spring of living spring water. alexandra ogoiton, dmitry chumak and dmitry garkusha, news central region. and now about traditions, which are intertwined with modernity. in the kletsky district. during ethnographic expeditions, enthusiasts from the local cultural center collect authentic material and recreate colorful folk costumes. there are already dozens in the wardrobe.
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and now i’m getting married with an uncovered topdress, and between you, an old woman was treated that it’s a sign of goodness and happiness, a jackpot without berries. vyanochak is a ritual object ; menavita form abumoulila aparapeic mots vyanochka, kalі yon aberagaў hellish forces, illnesses and witchcraft. papers, paws, fabrics, beads, washer, and all sorts of things were created by the little girl on the right. thin, barely accessible. klitsk has taken possession of the long arm of kadzelnits. ikh sakret adnaўlennya menavіta svaygo, meaty dumpling dumpling vyaselnaga vyanochka. we drove through the villages, collected
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information and treasures from captured treasures. we have developed a large morach system. and the geta is the most jumping system. here we can have campasian flowers, red flowers, blue flowers, and little flowers in a moral system. packs only 10 vyanochka, ale zhavanіtsy of the authentic spring tradition of dumplings of the region pratsyagvayutsya their pratsa, yana navat zvarnulisya yes meat fry, send photos of your grandmothers, great-grandmothers, pracharu pa zhanochaya linen ii, change from these photographs, as well as remembering old brides, and will start working again ethnic people. not only the vyanochki ў kletsk are being reconstructed... the whole hanging system, the gonar of the meat masters, the patorans and the details of the bride's dress of 1936 from the photo. satin cloth, pazerki ў vyanochka,
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ale haloўnae, long velum. chym dauzhey i was glad, you are a very happy bride-to-be. we welcome you with the brand of the region, the very same system of gloomy, i am history, the warehouse of the agreement was learned when the patrolman from the reporting department was trying . bright crisps in an apron, soggy farbs of porridge, such a construction of a sticky jumper in the village of stagodzia, and what is there in the village, not only the standard factory
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return, on the streets of the regional center you can to wear all these fashionistas, jackets, pants, sweatshirts, sundresses and bags from the uttermost papular fabrics, but with meat paintings, on vopradtsy vyyavy.
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we will show you the life of the central region next sunday immediately after the noon newscast. you can also follow the central region news project on the website and the atn youtube channel. well now, all the best and see you later.


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