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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 1:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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thank you, according to the esteemed jury , nikita volnov won the dance class show. congratulations, but that’s not all, the opinions of the jury and tv viewers differed, the audience award goes to anna rusanova,
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i invite the stage, dear jury, boris, well, i’ll probably congratulate the winners again, well done, only you know how difficult it all is got it. we watched with excitement your serious struggle, but a competition is a competition, yes, the strongest wins here, come to us next year and dare,
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this is an intellectual show “i know.” game for those who want to pump up their brain and test their knowledge, or get answers to all questions. and we will definitely help you with this. but first, let's get to know the participants of the game, their support group, teachers. vladimir ilyenko, gymnasium of the city of gantseviche, class teacher-informatics teacher, tatyana anatolyevna gurman, alexey gavrilyuk, secondary school number 3 of the city of ivanovo, deputy director for academic work oleg mikhailovich maksimovich, denis shalubkin, secondary school number 29 of the city of vitebsk named after pimenov mathematics teacher elena semyonovna orlova. elizaveta kuznetsova, gymnasium number 2.
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vitebsk class teacher- english teacher olga aleksandrovna koshaleva. nikita mishakov, gymnasium of the city of buda-koshelova, english teacher yana gennadi. ksenia uvarova - gymnasium number 56 of the city of gomel named after the vishnevsky class , head-teacher of english natalya leonidovna ladynskaya. sergei proborshch. subbotninskaya secondary school geography teacher denis aleksandrovich furilov. evelina deko. secondary school number 49 in minsk is cool head-teacher of labor training anna vladimirovna ezerskaya. egor karlovich, kletsk gymnasium, class leader, teacher of belarusian language and literature, zhanna aleksandrovna makretskaya. victoria tatarzhin, dolnonovskaya secondary school named after slobodchikov and deputy director for academic work, teacher of russian language and
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literature anna stanislavovna tarasova. margarita mardvinova, timkovichi secondary school named after kuzma chorny, deputy director for academic affairs natalya nikolaevna. welcome you to the studio today, you the best, you are already winners, it is important that excessive excitement does not prevent you from enjoying the game, from new acquaintances, from communication, from the atmosphere of the studio, good luck to everyone and an easy game, good afternoon, guys, we are glad to welcome you here on our
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playground , at this second, somewhere in the teachers’ room, my colleague, yulia pertsova, is already communicating with your teachers, yulia, over to you, philologists, mathematicians, history... geographers, the teachers’ room is only worried about chemistry and biology, our guys can confidently answer to all questions. good luck everyone, and let's go on our great intellectual adventure. vasya, start the first round. the first round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. eight. players with the most points advance to the second round. the first question of the first round: is it true that a rational fraction is equal to zero when the denominator of the fraction is equal to zero, but the numerator is not zero. time?
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alexey, you were smiling, which means you are in a good mood, which means you are ready to chat. well , i think no, because... the denominator can’t be zero, you can’t divide by zero, but alexey is the winner of the mathematics olympiad, oh, it’s not so long for him, yes, yeah, but where should zero be, well, so zero, above, above the numerator above the fraction line, below the denominator, the denominator cannot be zero, therefore, on the contrary, if the numerator is zero, then the fraction is equal to zero, everything is more or less clear, and as they say, you can’t find fault, everything should be the other way around, there may be a zero in the numerator, but not in the denominator. the correct answer to our question is no. the second question: is it true that noliboki forest is included in the list of unesco world heritage sites in belarus. time!
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denis, how did you answer this question? i answered no, because i believe that belovezhskaya pushcha is included. yes, he answered correctly. well done! well done! will say that it’s ugly, mm, beautiful, i think, beautiful, but not enough, apparently, well, to the list of objects the belovezhskaya pushcha is included in the unesco world heritage site, but the liboksskaya pushcha is not there yet, and therefore the correct answer to our question is no, the third question, and it’s true that the autobiography is written from a third person, time.
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that the author is writing about himself, but i have never seen it written in the first person, have i ever read someone’s autobiography, have i read it. so how was he? well, most likely it was. you most likely just read some article that described a person’s life, and therefore it could have been written that chekhov was born there, he graduated from school, he entered and so on, but if we are talking about autobiography, well, the word itself speaks for itself, you know? is there someone who answered this question? yes, well, except for elizabeth, there are.
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to our question: an autobiography or a description of one’s life is written from the first person: i am a people, i am a student, and so on. the correct answer to our question is no. fourth question: is it true that an adult normally has four canines? time. denis, what do you think? well, i think...
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not right now, but already in the age of supermarkets, markets, shops, where you just go
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you come and buy food, as a rule, it’s already prepared, cut up, etc., we appeared a long time ago, and therefore food, sometimes it would be necessary to tear it with these very teeth, and so the fangs perform this function of capturing the gap food, well, by analogy with predators, from which we have not gone very far, the correct answer to our question, and the fifth question: is it true that the city is a worm? formerly called abbot. time. vladimir, how did you answer? i really don't know the answer to this question, but it seems unlikely to me, so i answered no. and how are you so interesting? i don’t know the answer to this question, but i think it’s unlikely, you’re a distrustful person, probably, maybe. your answer is clear to me. okay, nikita, how did you answer? well, i think so, yes, but... i’m not really sure, and you don’t know either, but you think, yes, you see how different you are
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and yet you are together, this is great, but where is the worm? ? well, at least the region, i understand, i’m not bothering you anymore, excuse me, please, i got excited, asked some nonsense in the minsk region, but until 1923 was it really called abbot? correct the answer to our question? yes, sixth question: is it true that the writer vasily shukshin played the main role in the film? kalina krasnaya, based on his story of the same name. time! evelina, i answered yes out of intuition, since, unfortunately, i am not very familiar with this author. well, at least just pour balm on my ears, but did you even hear it? well, of course i heard. well, that is, like shukshin, i read something somewhere. a good artist from this. row, well , not an artist, of course, but yes, okay, someone
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can tell me about shukshin, well, in two in words, i don’t require a biography, but an autobiography, which is always on me, yes, i just, who is this, what is this, why is this, well , there is someone who is sure of the question, oh-la-la, he was a writer, director, actor, he was just the director and actor in kolin krasnaya, which was based on his book, the correct answer to our question: yes, the seventh question: is the mass of the same body on the moon really less than on the earth? time. pure water, physics. ksenia, am i sure you can help me with this matter? i answered: yes, because mass is the force with which a body is pulled towards the earth by gravity and on
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the moon the gravity is less than on the earth. ksenya was wrong, body weight should be the same, yes. now the weight will be less on the moon, it will be less on the moon, sure, no, then tell me how mass differs from weight, weight is attraction, now you understand your mistake, the mass will remain the same, the mass is a constant unit, but this is like your quality, you have there is some certain mass, where you are not thrown, where you are not taken, the mass will remain the same, this is the gravitational influence, the same the weight we talked about in the case of the moon.
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salts seem to be well found in belarus, perhaps in belarus there really is the largest place, well, deposits of this selvinite, okay, so why is it sylvinite, well, what is it made from selvinite ? i don’t know, sergey, maybe you know, fertilizer, fertilizer they make it from it, really, so what then really turns out to be one of the largest deposits of sylvenite in belarus or not, well, i answered no, although i’m not sure, not now... i wasn’t sure right away, sergei knows, but not asked for venite, well, now he will know, he will know, of course, sylvenite is really the most important raw material for the production of potassium chloride, which is used as potassium fertilizer, and its largest deposit is called starobinskoye, the correct answer to our question,
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the ninth question: is it true that the heroic poem should i give arkady kulyashov a prescription? the past of the myastsovo fishermen is highlighted in the supratsi of the polish settlements. time. alexei. alexey should have been called to physics. i knew that you were strong in physics, why should i? we have an intellectual show. i chose the option, yes. we just trusted everything. this poem was written by maxim tank. arkady kurishov is indicated here, i think that children, of course, will not pay attention here, but you read it, didn’t read it, nikita, as you answered, i answered yes, because, like in a history book, i read about the uprising of the polish fishermen, so why did they rebel, all the fish came to us, what was the reason for the polish
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uprising of fishermen, belarusian fishermen became against the poles. because it seemed like there was a ban on fishing, that’s it, that’s it, i’m not finding fault, vladimir, as you answered, i immediately answered no, but i thought that the norochan uprising took place during the german occupation of belarus, but then i remembered that yes, it really happened before the polish occupation, so i answered no, but the answer is yes , so you hacked our computer, were you able to answer back how this happened, no, what button?
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arbitration is possible and mandatory in arbitration is mandatory or vice versa, i don’t remember, so wait, here we need to, here we need to decide, well, i answered no, you answered no, yana, what do you think? i answered yes, you answered yes, that is, it’s normal, and it will do, okay, who can explain, denis, please, i think that mediation is
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the transfer of something between countries, and a binding decision refers to arbitration, and what are they there they pass information between each other, perhaps information, an interesting opinion, now let me try to explain it on my fingers so that it is accurate. it’s clear that mediation and arbitration is the involvement of a third party in your own, for example, conflict or dispute side, during mediation, you turn to a third party and say: listen, please, tell us, which of us advise, recommend, which of us is wrong, the third party looks, listens and says, you know, it seems to me so, but it’s up to you to decide, of course you, that's when it's arbitration, a third party watches, listens and, like a judge in an ordinary hearing, in the final verdict... was chiang kai-shek
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the leader of the chinese communist party? time! elizabeth, it seems to me that i heard about this man in china, i answered yes, but then... i realized that what kind of communist party is in china, and what kind of party can there be in china? well, come on, everything communist doesn’t exist, we invented it, what kind of party could there be? it seems to me that in china there were no parties, there were no parties at all, but what kind of system was there, what happened there, i’m not sure, but definitely not parties, evelina, well, it seems to me that in china there were still parties and there are now , since our china is actually a communist country, indeed, i still answered. yes, but with such doubt, it seemed to me that after all, such a name is chinese, so one can assume that there is doubt because of what,
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indeed, it was the communist party that he belonged to, yeah, but he definitely belonged to some kind of party, it doesn’t seem, yes, so, okay, that’s it, this is really so, here we didn’t come up with anything, chiang kai-shek really existed, really belonged to the party, he was the leader of the kuomintang party, i think, now that you’ve already heard this word, in some... flashbacks and from stories you will definitely have the correct answer to our question no twelfth final question of the first round: is it true that the author of the painting guernica is pablo picasso? time! ksenia, how did you answer? i answered that yes, because in art classes, i think i heard that guernica is a painting by pavel picasso. let's look at the screen. here she is. guernica, and the authorship is really pablo picasso.
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the correct answer to our question is yes. the first round came to an end. vladimir, how did you like the first round, what question seemed the most difficult? all the questions were easy, but sometimes i got confused and was a little nervous. margarita, what did you find the question the most difficult in the first round? well, they seemed quite easy to me. do you see yourself in the second round? yes, i see, so cool, yana, how did you perform, are you satisfied with yourself? no, you were worried, or over-excited, uh-huh, no matter how it ends, i wish you good luck, now i suggest you look at the screen. vladimir, margarita, ksenia, nikita, victoria, alexey , egor, elizaveta, pass, denis, sergey, evelina, and yana, you, no, here it is, quite a clear eight players with whom we will meet in...
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on purpose, and in fact i remembered all these events about the uprising of the naroch fishermen, but unfortunately the author was wrong, most of my mistakes were based precisely on this, unfortunately, i probably showed uncertainty on the last question, i knew this picture, i knew that it was written during the years of the german occupation, but the answer was still no, i lost the decisive points, it was a good attempt to test my knowledge, but i’m very... proud that i lost, i really liked the game, i’m glad i got here, because this is such a serious achievement for me, and i ’m not upset at all, although i
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often mixed up a lot of things due to excitement. the second round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round. the first question of the second round: what letter is it denoted by? set of function values: option a - letter d, option b - letter e, option c - letter s. time! victoria, just yesterday we solved a similar task in algebra and it was stated there: write down the set of values ​​of a function.
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a yanka kupala, b maxim bogdanovich, c) yaugeniya yanishchyts. time! egor, how did you answer? i answered evgenias. eugenia yanishchyts. chamu? maybe my memory is failing me, but maybe. it seems to me that yaugeniya yanishchyts. of course, i was very upset that you egor made a mistake here, but i hope that everything
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else will be the same. answer correctly, alexey, i chose option b, maxim bogdanovich, well, alexey, i said, this is not his strong point, belarusian literature, so, unfortunately, i was wrong again, sanets were written not only by maxim bogdanovich, i just had him in mind, the correct answer to our question, but yanka kupala. the third question is, what form of bones of the human skeleton does not exist, but tubular, b - spongy, c - folded. time! elizabeth, how is it with your human bones, in general with the structure as a whole, great, but now she must definitely answer correctly, because she is just preparing for the republican olympiad in biology. i am sure that matve is definitely folded, because a person has tubular, spongy flat mixed bones, well, they are also air-bearing. oh-oh-oh, but you can. well
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, it’s amazing, the correct answer to our question, option c: folded, mountains can be folded, here are human bones, well , at least so far they haven’t been invented or discovered. fourth question, pay attention to the screen, a frame from what movie is in front of you, and how to steal a million, b'? roman holidays mean breakfast at tiffany's. time! well, margarita, the woman looks very suspicious, so i chose option a, how to steal a million. wow, unfortunately, margarita was wrong, listen, what
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do you suspect about her? tell me, i don’t know, a look, a look, or maybe because in one hand she has, well, apparently coffee, in the other some kind of pie, i don’t know, and at the same time sunglasses, i don’t know, that is you found her suspicious, yes, so, okay, alexey, how do you see her, i see her in the film, how to steal a million, but i answered option c, wrong, period, you answered breakfast at tiffany. yes, but consider your answer incorrect, yes, what in her gave away the robber? a necklace, that is, now any girl who takes care of herself, wears beautiful earrings, jewelry, is automatically a thief, no, very good. vladimir, if my memory serves me correctly, in the first round absolutely all the questions were easy, and if you hadn’t rushed and mixed things up, you would have had a maximum score of 12 out of 12, how did you answer this question? i answered option.
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and the correct answer to our question is t: breakfast at tiffany's. fifth question: which the geological era includes the jurassic period of the earth's development. a- mesozoic, b. cenozoic, c-paleozoic. time! margarita, how are you? with this timeline, let's call it that, our big, large, temporary, what can you tell us about how you answered this question? i chose option a, well, because it seems to me that in the mesozoic, well done, margarita, i had no doubt that she would answer correctly, but
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can you at least approximate - the time frame of the mesozoic for us, well, indicate, well, we have a plus minus, it’s clear that i’m having difficulty, vladimir, the mesozoic period for... from 245 million years ago to 65 million years ago, you are surprised by such knowledge, not surprised, he likes to read encyclopedias, so it is obvious that dinosaurs lived at that time, most of the jurassic period, this is also is very connected with dinosaurs, so it’s clear that it’s like the jurassic period was inside the mizazoic era, you ’re leading to this, but what is the name of the era in which we live now? in which there are no dinosaurs anymore, it’s difficult to answer, i mean, it began 66 million years ago, the cenozoic era, now you know, our era, well, continues to this day, and the correct answer to our question is the mesozoic era. sixth
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question: what city is the hero of alexander sergeevich griboedov’s comedy woe from wit, molchalin, from? a skov, b - vyazma, c - tver. time. well, let's figure it out. nikita, what do you think? ts. option ts-tver? you answered. interesting, egor. how did you cope with this task? i answered option c. alexey, how did you answer? i answered option b. vyazma. vladimir, how did you answer? i answered pskov. what were you guided by when you answered? did you just want to?
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he warmed up the rootless one, brought him into my family, dalchin took the assessor as secretary to moscow, transferred through my assistance, and if it weren’t for me, you would have smoked in tver, in tver, the correct answer to our question, option c: tver, the seventh question: what of these planets , the acceleration of free fall is almost 2 and a half times greater than on earth, and mercury, b - venus, c - jupiter. time! ksenia, i answered option a mercury, because
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mercury has much greater gravity than near the earth, more than near the earth, yes, okay, okay, elizabeth, i thought for a long time, because i don’t even know approximately, in the end i answered jupiter, but it seems to me that this is not. correct answer. oh good, now he'll be happy. elizabeth, let's say, what is the force of gravity on earth? remember, the force of this very acceleration of free fall. you should have already gone through this, as far as i remember. i'm very bad at physics. not friends at all? absolutely not. and you answered, jupiter. jupiter. that's how it happens. vladimir, save me. i chose jupiter. so. he was guided by the fact that both mercury and venus are less massive than the earth. mm. and a planet with a smaller mass always has a lower gravitational force, but remember this speed of free fall on earth? denoted by the letter z and equal to 981. great, on jupiter then it is possible about twenty, about 25, i would
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even say, so, attention, on earth 9.8 m/s2, on mercury 3.7 m/s2, on venus 8, 9 m/s. you can imagine, i’m afraid it won’t even be possible to jump there, all your attempts will be at the level of this. the correct answer to our question is jupiter, question eight: ammonia got its name from the name: a islands in the mediterranean sea, b. temple of god amun in an oasis of the libyan desert, c-peaks in the alps. time! victoria, what do you think? i think option b is the temple of the god
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amun. if we assume that it is in the desert, that is, in egypt, then perhaps when people are there, there were metabolic products, and with the help of the fact that it was very warm, ammonia was produced. what is the temple of the god amun? god amun is possibly the sun god i don’t know, sun god, then i don’t know. egor, me. mother and sister perished from the hell of the hands of the finger, unable to
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have a calm transference iago vartanne, this short summary of roman shamyakin. option a: heart on the valley, b. atlanta and kariyatydy. c: i’ll take your pain. time. again, you can do the opposite, you can determine which works are clearly about something else, and exclude them accordingly. who acted how, i wonder, margarita, how did you act, how did you respond? i chose option a, unfortunately, margarita was mistaken, she acted by elimination, i didn’t i heard that shamyakin wrote atlantes and creots and i will take your pain, i need to re-read margarita.
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i'll take your pain. tenth question: what
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is selfless help called? caring for the well-being of other people. a optimism, b. altruism, c- humanism. time. who can tell me about all these terms? i am... tolerant, you know, this is a philosophy in
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which a person is placed at the center of everything, a person has limitless possibilities, a person can do everything, a person will achieve absolutely everything, if you think so, you humanist, but the correct answer to our question is option b: altruism. as usual, before summing up the results of the first two rounds, i would like to collect your opinion. victoria, unlike the first round, did you find the second round more difficult or easier? it seems to me that it is more complicated , more complicated, yes. well, it’s possible that there were because there were three options, you already doubt two, for example, like the question about shumyakin, i recently repeated his work, so i doubted it would be... either the first or the third option, but in the end i chose wrong, it happens, egor, you see yourself in the third round, i don’t know, did you count your points, no, you didn’t. ksenia, what question did you find most difficult? well, probably the question is about the acceleration of free
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fall, because physics is not my strong point at all, and that’s why it seemed difficult to me, are you making it to the third round or not? i don’t know, according to my calculations, i have about five or six correct answers, five or six out of ten, a little more than 50%. well, yes, all the results are already ready, all that remains is with them get acquainted, pay attention to the screen, vladimir and nikita definitely pass, unfortunately, ksenia and victoria do not pass, four players at once scored the same number of points, which means that we will have to turn to our computer so that it can count which one ... these four players answered faster than their competitors; whoever was faster advances to the third round. attention, alexey and margarita. hurray, well done, well done, here it is, the four players we will meet in the third round and at the bottom of the list are the four players we will face
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let's say goodbye now. thank you very much for playing all the best. i wasn’t confident in myself at all, so reaching the second was already an achievement for me, but it’s a little disappointing for the first round, because there i was just stupid and answered incorrectly, but in the second there were difficult questions for me, but i’m glad that i tried my best, i was a little confused, so i answered a lot of questions incorrectly, but i’m very glad to be here, i thought that i would be cured after the first round, but... the questions in the first round were much easier than in the second, so in the first i could still somehow answer them, but the second round, perhaps it was simply not my level of poor preparation for the project, could have gone further, but time was running out, in some places i did not have time to think and answered guess,
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i’m not upset that i was eliminated, i’m happy with the result, i suggest we take a musical break, our guest is a student from the grant studio: kozhny zen nashaga zhytstya, you bachy me on my voice idzi, how do you joke, how do you joke, how do you joke, asirnisya, i know that, i know,
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i know, i know, i know, i know, i know i mean, how do i know, geta... just, just don’t drink, just plow, don’t marinate the cow, just leave the house, only once you know me in dreams, know my voice, don’t know that we... day and night ў night and sustrechy kretch, you bachy me on my voice іdze, how do you joke,
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how do you know, how do you know, how do you know know, geta. .. just, just don’t sip, just sip, my manifestation will come and the shadows of summer will come true, as you joke, as you joke, but grains, dzetsi i'm hopeless. where i know everywhere, just don’t worry.
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just fuck me, just fuck me, don't touch me, let me go, the hell? will, jump into the car, they are chasing me, help, oh, hurry, hurry, that little eye, look, and musya, who, my bride, on my part, and i want to warn you, your return will be very difficult, i don’t i'm afraid, well, my dear, now come on, tell me how, when, under what circumstances, you wanted to cooperate with the germans, how did you get to the farm?
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congratulations on reaching the third round and i propose to put aside questions and answers for a while, take a short break in order to get to know each other better. alexey, they said on the radio that this is not your first time with us, it’s true, 4 years ago was your first attempt, right, right, right, how did it end, how did it all end? i... after the second round in my game, i took fifth place, but i was very lucky, i was then able to get to the super finals, which was not enough, do you think, knowledge of the russian
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language was not enough, you improved your knowledge of the russian language, i hope so, well well, we have there will be an opportunity to verify this, but what is the main goal of your comeback, your second coming, returning to us, i liked it, i really liked it, that is, you did not come for victory, to take revenge, to restore justice, you just liked it, check it out. the profession is good, they should pay, you should like it more or less, it should be relevant, it should be promising, look how interesting it turns out, they should pay well,
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you should like it more or less, priorities are set, and how much is good to pay, well, for you, you set this for yourself, well , the more the better, well, that’s understandable, but it’s all such lyricism, i like specifics, well, at least 5 thousand, probably, with a promotion it can be more, of course, i don’t know what he wants to become , i can say that... not to live up to your own hopes or the hopes placed by those around you, probably more than those around you, well, not just those around you,
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some loved ones, friends, but how do you cope with failure? i try not to get too carried away, to get ready next time so that i can correct mistakes next time and perform better, which expect today's victory from our game, of course, only victories and an exclamation mark, three exclamation marks, okay, let's finish here, good luck to alexey, thank you, now let's get to know... nikita, a significant, serious, important incident from your school life is first english lesson, well , you wrote that in the form, what so memorable happened there, when i entered the class, i confused the english teacher with just an eleventh grader, wow, i just walked in, didn’t understand that it was a teacher, i just sat down, and how the teacher reacted, she was surprised and laughed and laughed, you were very lucky with your teacher, yana gennadievna, are you the same english teacher?
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but because you have physics, well, i like it, i sometimes experience some difficulties with what exactly physics, mate with physics, why many formulas are so difficult for you, remember when he found out that he would participate in our game, what emotions he had , well, immediately, of course, there was excitement, such reluctance, he was very, yes, he was so scared that he even wanted
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to give up all this, but our found the teaching staff. it’s very difficult for you to find exceptions in the russian language, but that’s not so bad, everyone has their own difficult subjects, do you think exceptions in the russian language are illogical? yes, i really don’t like it when any rule, any law has loopholes, some exceptions, some points that can be bypassed, it seems to me very wrong, that is, the russian language is complicated in this way , yes, it is very complicated, what is
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the grade in the russian language, at the moment he has a seven? so last year in the ninth he finished grade 9-10, languages ​​were eights, yeah, and mathematics was eight, but what does vladimir’s soul lie more in, which sciences, exact or probably exact sciences, but nevertheless this does not stop him from studying english language, participate in english language olympiads, win places at the regional olympiad, but there are no exceptions in other subjects, well, that is, look, for example, how...
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several old things, i took them apart, saw this complexity, the beauty of the microcircuit, i wanted to create something like parents relate to what you sing at home? so far, it doesn’t bother them, where does he want to go, what does he want to do, yes, of course, vladimir has a goal, he wants to become a surgeon, that’s why he chose
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a chemical-biological profile for himself in our gymnasium, you want to learn how to play the bass guitar to play what kind of music? i really like the genre of drum and base, classical, i would also like to create my own group in the future, if this is possible, in what direction will the dupstep group play, or will it be some kind of rock, no, it will be rather rock, but in general who do you rely on, well, who is your idol from the world of rock, for example, maybe russian rock, i consider victor atsoya my biggest idol, i really like his songs, my favorite song, good night to him, she is me. .. touched the soul very much, for those who go to bed, restful sleep. yes, the third round is very difficult for us, because there is not only school knowledge, but also rudiment and speed. has he prepared for the third round, does he understand that the button is important there? i think so, did you discuss tactics? no, unfortunately, tactics for this tour were not discussed, but i think that he is going to do everything the way it needs to be done, maybe during our conversation, he already
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thought of something for himself there, and let his plan work , thank you. correspondent of our regional newspaper, slava pratsy, she interviewed her classmates, and in the regional newspaper, on the newspaper’s website, this interview was published, this article came out, she also writes poetry, i’ll tell you a secret, what kind of poetry? well, of course, she has lyrical ones, like probably every girl at this age, they are about love, about deep feelings, about experiences, you draw, yes, is it a hobby, or some kind of professional hobby? well, this is a hobby, why did you decide to draw? you just fell on a pencil case with pencils, they scattered and something happened or how did it happen? i don’t even know why i decided so,
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most likely i just needed to keep myself busy, to be distracted from time to time by something, besides studying, besides all sorts of things, she is a member of the youth parliament, the regional parliament, participates in all events , conceivable and not us... she has for mostly portraits, directly realistic, nine grades, she has only one grade eight in mathematics, what do you draw in , well, not to say that it is directly realistic, but portraits, i shared with you which tour is the most dangerous for her, when we went to this program, she was optimistic and said, here’s participation. this is already good, the first round is already wonderful, of course, when we made it to the second round, she passed, i was very happy when she made it to the third round, smart girl, and in the first round she scored the highest score of 10, so i
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i’m very happy for her, we wish all the guys good luck, they are all already close to their goal. vasya, let's start the third round. let's return to the game, the third round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the third round, the presenter asks 10 questions, the right to answer goes to... the participant with the fastest reaction, the correct answer brings him three points, in case of an error and the right to answer goes to the other participants, the two players who score the most points advance to the fourth round . first question of the third round: what is your last name? the director of this film. alexey, maybe this is shukshin? why shukshin? just wondering? well, we're just there today. we remembered that alexey has an interesting logic, maybe he is a director, but in general, no, our editor has a brilliant imagination, so i assure you, we have diverse questions and
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answers to them, no, this is not shukshin, vladimir, there is a version , margarita, nikita, well, script, arkady kulishov, director, vladimir. korzh sablin, vladimir korzh sablin, that’s what i wanted to hear. second question: name the blood element based on its characteristics. attention, place of formation: red bone marrow. color: colorless. presence of a nucleus, non-nuclear, site of destruction, spleen, site of damage to blood vessels. alexey, based on the fact that it is colorless, i can assume that these are leukocytes? no. vladimir, i continue the same logic, it could be leukoplasts, leukoplasts,
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adhesive plaster, excuse me, leukoplasts, leukoplasts, this is the wrong answer, margarita, platelets, platelets, this is the correct answer, yes, they are, platelets. the third question, name it. the author of this picture. alexey, this is claude monet, impressionism. wow, alexey, how is this possible? claude monet, without a doubt. thank you for your quick response, the painting is called a japanese bridge. be careful, audio question, name the artist. margarita beatles, why suddenly she was so, apparently, in a hurry, didn’t listen to the end, which of the beatles is, i’m just wondering, macartney, lenon, which one of them,
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i can’t say, it’s not the beatles, maybe we’ll listen to the end, at least until the middle , let's continue. all dream mega you break. vladimir, there is a version, alexey, unfortunately, no, nikita, i don’t, then we’ll ask, maybe there is a version in the teachers’ room, yes, natalia nikolaevna has a version, this is louis armstrong, louis armstrong, of course he is, fifth question , and this. video question, attention,
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this is the trostenets memorial complex, it is notorious for the fact that it ranks fourth in europe in terms of the number of victims during the nazi occupation, and what is the name of the main monument in this memorial complex? alexey, if memory serves, this was the gate of pain, margarita press, nikita! this is the wrong answer, margarita is perhaps a memory gate, a memory gate, it’s as if telepathy really worked, we said yes, a memory gate, this is the correct answer, yes, now you understand why i couldn’t accept the gate of pain, it’s not quite what i would like to hear. sixth question: what military specialty did the heroines of vasiliev’s story about the quiet dawns here have? nikita
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zinichitsy, well done, nikita loves soviet films, maybe read, and loves to read, watch, love to go to the cinema, we often go with schools to watch soviet films, of course, yes, it’s great that they remembered, it’s nice, attention, the seventh question, what is the name of this device, vladimir, perhaps it’s a pistol. who is pistol, pistol? what is the pistol for? remind me, i got excited and forgot something, and a pistol is a weapon that was used before pistols, and you mean, that is , just like that, a pistol is the wrong answer, just in case, but maybe this will somehow change the situation, i don't know, nikita, nail gun, nail gun, well nail gun, nail gun, no? butt, butt,
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no, this is not a butt, alexey, no version, no version, my biceps are already in great shape, and i would like to get an answer from the teacher’s office, we have the answer, natalya nikolaevna, motorist, with experience, yes, with experience already, but i don’t drive very much, but with experience, more often than not my husband drives, a jack, it’s called a device. to change a tire. the principle of operation of this item is extremely simple: we install it under the car, rotate a special mechanism, the device rises, lifts the car and gives us the opportunity to replace, for example, a broken tire or go down under the car, penetrate, climb into some hard-to-reach place and fix something there. yes, you are absolutely right, this is a jack. eighth question: what is the name of the short quote? which is placed by the author
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before the beginning of the work or its parts and characterizes the theme, design, idea. vladimir, this is an epilogue, alas, no, this is not an epilogue. margarita, preface, no, not a preface. alexey, epigraph, epigraph. they went through everything, alexey waited. yes, vladimir, you as soon as epi started talking, i almost burned this level, i almost burned this question, because i thought, well , it’s impossible to say anything else, epigraph, here it is, the correct answer, let’s look at the screen, here epigraph of the captain’s daughter, take care of your honor from a young age, and don’t forget to put on your hat, this is an epigraph from my grandmother, in order to ask the ninth question, i will need the help of my assistants.
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passionate duet: mikhail chumakov and daria kopylets, let's thank the guys with applause, and we will applaud too, well the most important question is, why have we
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gathered here, what is the name of this dance? margarita, i can assume that this is flamenco, this is not flamenco, vladimir, i can assume that...
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is there a version? margarita, santa diego? no, this is not santa diego. nikita, is there a version? i don't know, not a single one. vladimir, the version has not appeared. i’m asking the teacher’s office with the same question, please help us. this is, of course, diego
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maradona. diego maradonaliki. well, who else? well, all that remains is to summarize. let me remind you that two players will advance further and end up in fourth final round. intellectual show, i know, we will say goodbye to two players here now, with a result of 28 points, the fourth round is held by alexey, alexey, alek mikhailovich, congratulations, thank you, look, what an interesting situation, with the same result of 28 points, the fourth round is held by margarita . and congratulations to margarita, alexey and margarita, we will meet with you in the fourth round of the intellectual show, i know, vladimir, nikita, thank you for the game, this is where your participation ends, all the best, guys,
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i'm glad to see you in the staff room, and it's equally interesting.
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i answered randomly. yana gennadievna, uh, accidents are not accidental, right? are you happy with the result? of course, i am very pleased with nikita’s result, and i am sure that not only me, but also... his parents and of course the school, everyone is very proud of you nikita, yes, this is our first experience with nikita
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on television, i think that he, just like me, found everything very interesting here, the game went well, but you can always achieve something better, but as a teacher it’s not scary it was exciting, i won’t hide it, but of course i was more excited for nikita, guys, i applaud you for your game, you showed class to the whole country. for ourselves, but for the whole country, but our game continues, so let's find out who will be the winner in our game today. vasya, start the fourth round. the fourth round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the fourth round , participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if the answer is correct, receives. four points, if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game, the correct option brings him two points. in the fourth
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round, it is usually immediately clear who will choose their first category, but you have a tie - 28 28. in this case, we ask our computer to count which of you answered your questions faster. we did this and found out that alexey was faster. alexey, you choose the first category. geometry. what point is the center of the circle inscribed in the triangle? the center of a circle inscribed in a triangle is the point that lies at the intersection of the bisectors. intersection point. absolutely correct answer. margarita, choose your category, give us russian literature. in
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the chaise sat a gentleman, not handsome, but not bad-looking, not too fat, not too thin, not too old, but not too young either. what is the name of the hero whom the author describes so unusually? maybe bazarov, it’s not him, alexey, i’ll go through the work later i’ll say, maybe this is arkady’s father, these are not fathers and sons, you are already following the wrong trail, and therefore, i’ll tell you that this is the wrong answer, i’m sure they will help us in the teachers’ room, natalya nikolaevna, help, dead souls, chichikov, dead souls. chichikov, this is the correct answer to my question. alexey, let's continue the game. champions. in what area
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did max euwe, robert fischer, magnus carlson and anatoly karpov become famous? this is chess. this is chess. simple question, simple answer. margarita, choose a category. let's use the belarusian language. i would be glad to have a guest. prysmaka, what is the sign of the jump in the story of the storytellers? a laborer, a laborer, of course, what else? alexey, let's do biology. what is the central part of the human nervous system represented by? what is the name of a short
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autobiographical document containing information about the skills, work experience, education, etc. of a person for a job search. i can’t say, alexey, maybe it’s a summary, it can’t, exactly, it’s a summary. alexey, come on, social science. it feels like you’re not doing me a favor, let’s, what is the name of the document adopted by the general united nations assembly december 10, 1948, declaration of human rights, universal declaration of human rights, well done, of course, i didn’t let you down, no, thank you, this is the correct answer, margarita, continue. let's visual art, whose
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portrait is in front of you on the screen, given, no, this. and not silver, it is second. margarita, choose the last category. let's get some geography. what is the name of a city or urban-type settlement that is located and developing no further than 30 km from a large city or large enterprise and constituting with it a single economic and
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demographic system. agricultural town, well, no. alexey, satellite city, well done, satellite city, this is the correct answer, all 10 categories of the fourth final round of the intellectual show, i know, are behind us, let's look at the numbers, 50, good, and the result with a score of 50.32, in today's alexey wins the game, bravo, a very good lead. even a good result. margarita, you made it to the fourth round, this is an excellent result. thanks for playing and all the best! margarita played with a smile, came with a smile to the teachers' room, she said that you would only cry from happiness, so
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you accept second place with a smile? yes, of course, because we are visiting. here we didn’t even think that after the first round we would get into the second, third, let alone the fourth, but where does such self-doubt come from? i don’t even know, i probably just didn’t think that i could express myself like that. natalya nikolaevna, i’m waiting for your emotions, impressions, of course, i’m incredibly happy, because she’s very smart, she’s great, she showed her erudition, her level of knowledge, but nothing that she did not reach the finals. first participation and she’s already so good , i think she won the final, she came through, we have a super final ahead, who knows, maybe there’s a place for you there, so don’t relax, get ready, congratulations again, i’m going to the main site myself, congratulations winner, the game is over, it's time
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to congratulate and reward the winners, this wonderful bouquet is for you, thank you, thank you, well, our game has come to an end, and now we can fully share our impressions, alexey, how do you like it? it was very interesting, good competitors, i made friends with some of them, i honestly thought that after the second, i’ll probably be cured, but i was very lucky, i’m glad that everything worked out this way, oleg mikhailovich, it’s not in vain that they started a ninth grade art textbook, your impressions, i had no doubt about alexey’s victory. i think he also felt the taste of victory in the super final and will show no worse results. thank you, thank you for this game. today we learned the name of the fourth tenth grader, super finalist. this concludes the games in this parallel. but the rest of the participants still have a chance to get into the super final. the missing number of players will be scored based on the amount
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of points they received. see you later, bye! egor, who do you think? wrote belkin's stories. belkin’s story is right on the tip of my tongue, but i can’t say it now. in the note the hunter is suspected, they are hanging around in the same place. yes. artyom? probably wrote a note from the hunter. wow , god bless you. maybe we can say hello to the literature teacher? oh, the literature teacher doesn’t need it, because he’s unlikely to thank me. we meet people worthy of admiration. before i got married, i asked my wife how many children she wanted? she says: three, i say, okay, i say, come on, i say, at least, no less,
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today the lord has had mercy on our family and granted it to us. it’s not for nothing that i loved their children before as a child, mutik, sweetie daughter, four sons, yes, this is the case when this happened to me, they will talk about themselves and their hobbies, parents since childhood. i was led by a very diverse interest in sports, i just love running, but i love skating skate, my mother is with me, she always went to the skating rink as a child, and they will also share the secrets of their success. a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she always looks for happiness from the outside, our woman today, happiness is actually inside her. all difficulties are surmountable, in order to somehow , at least cope a little in a large family, first of all you need... so let's say, a schedule or routine. watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. this is news in the studio. vladislav bundar, hello, at the beginning, briefly about the main thing.


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