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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 4:20pm-4:36pm MSK

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we tracked the leaders at the world cup stage , we followed every performance, this is such a family story from childhood that many, i know, especially of our generation, they used to spend this time watching tv, and especially in the early 2000s, to watch everything from there, why is that now i remember that when i was sick as a child, i constantly watched biathlons, when i was sitting at home alone and had nothing to do, yes, there were no phones, and biathlon was a constant sport that i watched, and then when i became study at the university, of course... i began to follow this sport more actively when i met my husband, he is a big fan of biathlon, we already watched it together, well, we went there to raubishche for the races that were there, the race of legends, we visited, we even have a memorable photo with daria domorochevo, so the children actively watched and watched, even did biathlon, but now they have switched to another sport, this is a cool family story, when the spouse and children, and you had such a thing that you were just the whole family sit down and watch biathlon, all the time, and when we moved to our...
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belarus is really biathlon is a popular sport, it’s probably the one who watches almost everything, that is, if other sports are of interest there, you know, here’s biathlon, don’t ask anyone, but people in my country know, well, to me, firstly, it seems to me that this is a very easily accessible, understandable sport, that is, you don’t need to puke on the rules, shoot well, ski fast and you will be a champion, and this is understandable to any viewer. .. this is very spectacular, it is very
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interesting to watch as a fan, because let’s say, the same football, yes, watching a very long period of time is not always interesting, but here everything is very beautiful, very quickly filmed, beautiful, firstly, the locations of the world cup stages there are simply gorgeous, it’s a very beautiful sport, even just to watch, without knowing their participants, our beathletes will probably watch this program, you have a unique opportunity to say a few good words to them, whatever you want, by the way, they have a vacation coming up. and what i wish is that you relax first of all during your vacation and of course, further victories, we follow them and worry about them and believe that everything will be fine, thank you and high five, it was a great season, but unfortunately we have to say goodbye until november, while we get on with other things, but definitely on the air on the belarus tv channel -1 we’ll come back, because biathlon is our everything for now.
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we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, we definitely use it after cooking as well as after any meal, it is thanks to it that our dishes are preserved. beautiful after all for many years, until science has not yet given us those household cleaning chemicals that we use; now housewives most often got rid of dirt and rust with the help of vinegar. let's share interesting facts. liquid dish detergent has an ancient history. more than 5.00 years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely by accident. in russia in the 19th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, birch, in... europe, at the end of the 14th
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century, charles vi approved an entire guild of vinegar makers. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. alkaline environment required in order for... the surface molecule of the active substance to perform its function; if the environment is acidic, for example, then the molecule will not perform the function of a detergent. watch in the science nearby project, on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives with today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians,
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exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. territories of the countries finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the tv channel signal is broadcast. in open form and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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in september 1939 , a meeting was held in the brest city hall of the first secretary of the central committee of the party of belarus panomarenko, chairman of the supreme council of the republic.
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we need to consult on a number of issues, perhaps we’ll take a break. during the break, nadezhda grigorievna grekova, who spoke excellent polish, explained to renko that they were being deceived. the mayor simply mocks them
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and says that there is nothing and nothing will happen for them. when the meeting continued, grekov took the floor. grekova is only 29, just a year ago, at 28 years old, in the first popular elections in
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the history of the republic, she was elected the first chairman of the supreme council of the bssr. nowhere, not in civilized europe, where women fought for their rights for decades, not even in the ussr. there was nothing like that. joseph visorionovich personally approved the candidacy. nadezhda grekova will have to solve the most difficult issues more than once. after september 17. 1939, it was she who was the secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus, in charge of industrial issues, at the same time the chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, together with panomarenko, she was responsible for ensuring that, in the shortest possible time , living conditions for people equal to those of the bssr were created in western belarus. okay, pantelimonich, it will be done.
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in the empty government house only in in one office the light was on until late. after meetings, nadezhda grigorievna now had the opportunity to work with documents. the situation was under stalin’s personal control, on many issues his direct orders: urgently, immediately, take action, but the main thing remained preparation for the people’s assembly of western belarus. it began its work on october 28, 1939 in bialystok.
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elya berman was especially focused on his work on october 28, 1939; everything seemed to be known. but now the assignment is of particular importance, it is necessary to carry out portraits of honorary guests, members of the presidium of the people's assembly of western belarus, and these are entirely famous and respected people of the country. meticulously examining the portraits made of members of the belarusian leadership. he was now hanging them out to dry. elya was clearly
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pleased with himself, history, he already imagined how solemnly the national assembly was taking place in bialystok and how many famous people there were now. elya, of course, could not imagine what was behind the scenes. 20 dark, terrible bastards, our people entered belarus. calm down, comrade, give it to warsaw, give it to
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berlin, and soon we will crash into rome. comrades, the border has been moved. where would you like the border pillar to be placed? i understand, today, in this difficult time, when the work of the people’s assembly was broadcast live on the all-union radio, literally a few minutes after the military leader’s speech. grekova smoothed out the situation, smiling and kindly explaining that the border was defined and the country did not lay claim to anyone’s
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lands. as for solving other problems, it was a titanic task. we had to start a lot from scratch, create not only a base for development of industry, but also of entire industries. in the economy, not everything is so smooth, and there is confrontation and rejection of... schools, salt, at the bialystok police station there was an interrogation of another group of detainees at the local market, in the city, as in the entire western region, speculation flourished,
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where did the goods come from, when next?


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