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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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head game on our tv channel. if you have just joined us, i’ll tell you that today we understand the science of standardization, which allows us, when buying a product, not to think about its quality, because low-quality, thanks to scientists and specialists in this industry, simply will not end up in the store. in our studio there is already the head
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of the department for conformity assessment and licensing of state standards, olga ivanovna, hello, please tell us about certification, because if the product complies with the state standard, is it necessary at all? undergo certification, and what is it? in order to enter the market of the republic of belarus, products must meet established requirements. the most rigorous and independent procedure is the certification procedure. it takes place in several stages. production, production stages, system management, personnel, testing capabilities, raw material capabilities are assessed and, based on the results of certification, a certificate of product conformity is issued. in addition, on the territory of the republic of belarus there is a decree 849 of the council of ministers of the republic of belarus on mandatory confirmation of compliance. this decree contains a list of products that must pass through when imported into the territory of our republic. procedures
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for certification or declaration of conformity, products that are produced and imported into the republic of belarus within the framework of the eurasian economic union, even if they are manufactured according to gost, must undergo procedures for confirming compliance, that is, in a store, something of poor quality, i would even say something that doesn’t meet some requirements will definitely not get into our store, it definitely won’t get into our store, we still have a whole... national accreditation system olga ivanovna, let’s talk about it in detail, because well, there are a lot of terms, so we need to explain everything and figure it all out. accreditation - what is it and what is it for? the accreditation system is not a new system in the republic of belarus; it originated in the early nineties and gradually developed progressively and by 2010.
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she got her peak of development, yes, but now we are simply promoting it further, improving and developing it, in order to confirm the competence, impartiality, reliability of the results of conformity assessment, and there is accreditation, that is, you check those who check, everything is correct, accreditation is confirmation of competence in carrying out work on conformity assessment, currently in the house of representatives in the first... in accordance with the instructions of the government , a new concept of the law on accreditation was developed, approved by the head of state, now we are almost at the finish line with the new law on accreditation in the national accreditation system, because accreditation allows us to carry out those procedures to supply products to... and third countries with
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one motto, tested once, recognized everywhere. in total, in our republic there are about 2.0 testing laboratories, 136 certification bodies, here we can divide into bodies for certification of products and services and bodies for certification of management systems, these are also separate bodies that carry out certification of systems management at our enterprises. besides this there is. and the institute of proficiency testing provider has been actively developing in our republic for the last 3 years, since without a proficiency testing provider, we cannot talk about the reliability of the result, based on the results of comparative treatments, some laboratories are compared with others and prove that they can achieve the standard result, in in our country, as a whole, we have a quality program in place from 2021 to 2020. there’s already
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a year left, the next one will certainly happen, so let’s talk about what valid today in more detail, you touched on something very similar. link as a quality program, but i would like to note that such a promising development project of the republic of belarus as belarusian quality has existed for more than 20 years, and for more than 20 years complex programs aimed at improving quality have been developed, target indicators have been set, and import substitution programs have been developed , today quality issues are reflected in several global republican programs, this is the program socio-economic... development of the republic of belarus until the twenty-fifth year, this is a government action program until the twenty-fifth year and in the development of these global programs in order to improve product quality and create an advanced quality infrastructure, the deputy prime minister approved
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the quality program 2125 in 2020 the quality program includes many different sections, including standardization, accreditation, business excellence and... the most important section is improving quality in industries, section four of the quality program, which prescribes the formation of comprehensive development programs for our industries. all government bodies carry out quality program activities, which contributes to the development of exports of the republic of belarus, increasing the competitiveness of products, as well as entering new markets. the announcement of 2024 as the year of quality indicates that the quality bar in... the republic has been raised to a very high level, the final stage of establishment will be the assignment of a state mark quality, which will happen for the first time in the republic of belarus, presumably in november 2024. oh, this is some insight information for us,
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presumably in november. thank you very much for taking the time, coming to us and telling us, talk about improvement, further even better, although... it seems to us that it’s already much better, but we believe you, there is still room for improvement, especially in year of quality, and my colleagues will now continue the topic of the state quality mark, which was established precisely in january twenty-four, the corresponding decree was signed by the president of our country, let's watch the story, in 1967 in the soviet union... a competition was announced for the best design of the ussr quality mark. among thousands of different proposals , the legendary pentahedron, developed by scientists from the all-union scientific research institute of standardization, won. it became the basis for the first quality mark of independent belarus. the sign was designed by a group
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of belgian designers. initially, because they were young and creative, they tried to lead still, they tried to side with some modern trends. propose other forms of implementation of the sign, if we talk about the total number of proposed designs, taking into account the color design, there were probably about a hundred of them, but nevertheless, we managed to slow down the youthful ardor a little and we localized about three dozen signs that were included in the concept design of the soviet quality mark. five options reached the final discussion at the highest level, all of them are generally similar to each other, but in the end the winner the most laconic. a pentagon where every detail matters. each facet is an indicator of the quality of the product, namely the product, this is our safety, our environmental friendliness, manufacturability, innovation and aesthetics. now let's go back inside the sign. well, obviously, the country
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of manufacture, the lower arrow-shaped element is the stability of the enterprise’s quality system. this means that the enterprise provides output. consistently high-quality products and the inverted letter k itself takes on the appearance of scales, like a symbol again quality, which has passed control in all respects. the exact list of requirements that will be presented to the manufacturer for the assignment of marks is still being formed, but it is known for sure that it will not be awarded to the enterprise, but to the specific products that are produced there. the best advertisement for any product is its quality, so he said. dutch entrepreneur thomas robert dewar. around the same time, in the first third of the 20th century, henry ford uttered the legendary words. quality means doing it right, even when no one is looking. well , the following lines belong to the russian classic leo tolstoy: if
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you do something, do it well. if you cannot or do not want to do well, it is better not to do it at all. after so many years of philosophy. on the plane of this topic, practically nothing has changed, but as far as the technical component of quality control is concerned , of course, a lot and a lot has changed, as we found out today. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country, and creating such a goal is not easy. this is museum, atmosphere, all this did not happen in one go, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under
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the strict guidance of our district and region, the ministry of culture, it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, firstly, the building itself in the form of these we will keep such shed shells in their place, yes, but with global modernization. let's meet people who are sincerely devoted to their work; one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her old dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, look at the quality mark on our project.
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tv channel, hello everyone, my name is valya, my name is sho, we came to belarus from china, we are now studying and living in minsk. i came to belarus from china, well, my hometown is in the center, well, it’s called provincial, the city of puyang, when i came to belarus, i saw that the sky. very strong and the water is very clean, the air
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is very good and the people are kind and the girl is very beautiful, in minsk i like the minsk sea the most, well, it’s a very good place when it arrives in the summer, but i always go barbecue swimming there with my friends, i came from china provinces inside mongolia, when in china... i learned and heard that there is a completely different culture here, and i want to feel it, so i came to belarus, i arrived, entered the preparatory department, studied russian, then entered the university in china i i’m very worried when i found out that i need to go to belarus, because here... there are no acquaintances, no parents, everything else is different, but then
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the teachers and belarusian friends, belarusian friends and chinese friends helped me a lot, so i quickly liked it here, this is the first time i left my hometown and - i’m here somehow at first i don’t know how to do anything - i can’t go to the store, i can’t buy, and i quickly found friends, of course it’s hard for life, but i’m very grateful, that i left here, now i can do everything myself, my belarusian friends, they i’m always there, and they helped me a lot and they have an open character. so i don’t feel it, i’m alone here, we are now in our
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lesson, choral music, well, let’s go and see, i’m very glad to see you, hello, our graduates, let’s go!
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my darling, you are often roasted alive, i jump from you from my father’s side, my love is buried.
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i studied with them for 4 years, she helped us a lot, i thank you very much, i was also very pleased to work with you, our teachers are very good and kind and dedicated to us, well, we studied here 4 years and every lesson we learned new works and new chinese.
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the art of belarus and the art of china are also very interesting, so they do this at the second stage of higher education.
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the topic of study helps to reveal the abilities of each student, because chinese students largely come to our university to study european
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culture, russian, belarusian, european, western european culture, since the interest in this culture in chinese society is very high, i think that this is due to everyone here these circumstances, our education, education in our belarusian state...
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i studied at school, then i learned in belarus a very good specialty, good teachers, so i want to study here, there is very good cooperation in china and belarus, there are many events from our embassy, ​​i she helped a lot and did the paperwork. concert, for example, new year's day, victory day, and many others, we hold these events to get acquainted with our
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culture, for many years within the walls of this university we have gained a wealth of knowledge, we discovered the unique belarus. and its culture - friends found it, i already studied here for almost 5 years, then another 5 years, mm, of course, we miss our parents, mm, our country, but i want to say, in belarus and our university is already my second home. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy
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dishes. the variety of products on store shelves today gives the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but it is easy to get lost in this variety. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy, the stalk should be green, not shriveled. correct tomorrow. guarantee of health and good mood, today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling, i can’t wait to start cooking, it sounds simply amazing, let’s figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, i i’ll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up, stretching the front and back. upper thigh, first stretch the front of the thigh, now it’s time to walk, jog with a full charge
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strength to meet this day. watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel . they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here. 40 minutes have already passed, let alone birds, it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it happened, but...


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