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tv   247  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:26pm MSK

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with a full charge of strength to meet this day, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel. they have arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller can envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so. it's opposite the house. we're going to walk through real swamps today, right? along the swamp, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, the uninitiated, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact it is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, let alone birds, it seems to me that not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it worked out ,
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look, this is our mini-concert hall, well , at our university, well, there are always small little concerts, ensembles, instruments, you perform here, well, look , we have beautiful instruments, our instruments will be very expensive, very good.
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intentions and mornings, if in the know, hell of a torak, for masked evenings, if only they knew how inexpensive the prices are.
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i came to belarus in 2017, well, i studied at the institute of culture, well, i graduated with the first degree of education at our university in the department of musical art, why did i choose here? well
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, because i was the first in china to see that there were a lot of videos and all these i saw about in our university text and read, i think that in our university, well , well, they talk about art very well, i have the first belarusian friend, this is also in our club, well then we also studied there in our first year at our startas, his... name is vlad and he helped me a lot and well then i don’t know anything here, but there are about, well, teachers give me notes, but i won’t go anywhere to dig up, but vlad helped me do this, he invited me before my birthday, and i met, he has one little sister and her parents, well, i think so. they are very
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kind and very pleasant there, we were just talking about china and belarusian, we have traditions and belarusian traditions. well, very very pleasantly told there, we are now at our university - institute culture skts, our university did it, well, there is a cafe and a sports hall and a badminton hall.
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we always play billiards there, after university, well, of course i’ll go back to china, i want to, i work in a big theater and maybe go to university, i really want to study even further, well, study. technique to study the european method for vocals, just study, well, maybe in the future he will work in the theater and become a great singer, in china there is not only peking opera, european opera and musicals, and so
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on, well, that’s also possible, if i finished graduate school, well, i will , i will work in china, well, not only at the university, but maybe... i work in the parisian theater, we came to a chinese restaurant, called yangzi, and we often
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went here, because chinese dishes are like home for us, the whole world knows the changes. this is the chinese main dish, when there is a holiday, chinese people always eat change in chinese to spend it, fish is called happiness, in my family, i have parents, they work in a bank, i have a sister, they did a business, and she has a beauty salon, and i have grandparents, well then they too... this is in bank and my parents worked in the bank, but only me, i like art, culture, music, but only i am different, my parents sent, sent me
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to study in belarus, well, it’s very very hard, so, well, me too, well, at first i really miss family and parents, dad, mom and sister. i also miss it very much, well, now everything is fine, i don’t regret that i came to minsk to study, well, because i think that if i need progress in the future, well, i need to continue studying and i studied here to study in european culture and culture, i became an adult in belarus and samosta vaterina, i have a small one. family, i ’m alone with my family, and my parents, of course, well, i’m studying with a belarusian, this is for him, this is a very urgent choice, but i did it because mm,
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they want me to watch more, uh, more, well, on my own to do everything, now i was in graduate school. therefore, in china it is very difficult to find this job without this higher level of education. so i still need 5 years here, i need to study more, then i’ll have a good life in china, when i return to china, i think i’ll definitely miss belarus, there are good people here, good teachers, and this is where i spent my youth. in life - this is the most important time, during this time i lived in
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belarus, my best choice in life, i am grateful to belarus and the people, and such a good place, i received a higher education here, a good, good life, good friends. belarus is a country with a rich and interesting
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history; this is truly the oldest building, the most important shrine of our region, the temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. the columns also rich literary history; many poets, writers and publicists lived and worked in this area, not to mention its famous native, yakubi kola. unique sights are found literally at every step, if you , like me, plan your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley with stones. the architects' idea was to lay out the number of stones that corresponded to the age that felix derzhinsky lived. this is the most essential pharmacy in belarus. and here already a museum. pharmacy, museum, everything is clear. and with a blue-eyed soul i am the people, and to all the people of the world, there are many joys
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in our land of the famous vandrouki in our past, known to belarusian and polish paet uladzisla sara butt. travel with us on the belarus 24 tv channel . 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has. your question to an adult, hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all the questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate? with kids? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the hero of the program will have to open up to the audience. what should a person do to achieve success? he thinks that an artist is such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, but this, this is very difficult. i really didn’t want my children to go down this path; the main task was to honestly answer all
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the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine. look at the project, 100 questions. in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot vera khoruzhy. a terrible day for the soviet people , june 22, 1941, found faith in the city of pinsk.
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without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. the brave underground woman lost her husband in the first days of the war. he died heroically in battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground fighters. ammunition and barracks of the nazis, causing them great damage in manpower and equipment. anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists are intensifying the fight against the people's avengers, seeking to decapitate the partisan movement. following the denunciation of a traitor, vera falls into the hands
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of the gestapo, where even under torture she did not betray her comrades, for what reason. was executed, there is evidence that hitler’s executioners hanged her publicly in the square in vitebsk. vera zakharovna kharuzhaya was awarded the order of lenin and the gold star medal, the order of the red banner, and was also awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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and our metro compares favorably in general, probably from many structures that it is clear, organized, comfortable, fast, convenient, any employee is always tactful, polite, but in general the team is very good, friendly. my experience in the press services of large structures already goes back 13 years, for 8 years i was the head of the press center of the dsaf of the republic of belarus, i worked in the central council of the dsaf, for 5 years now i have been working in the minsk metro as
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a press secretary, i came from journalism, then there were printed military media, he served in the far east, he was in kamchatka and... respondent, organizer, head of department, after that i also worked on military television, was first deputy general director, editor-in-chief, you may be a little surprised, but for some reason i always believed in childhood, in adolescence, that journalism is, in principle, the prerogative girls and women, somehow it seemed to me like something not very serious in terms of not such a job for a man, but it was precisely the concept of military journalism that interested me, and it is connected, in general, with work in various military groups, if take... here i am at a military school, my direction was airborne troops, i interned in the kaunovo airborne division in 1985, very successfully, in journalism i was supposed to be published in the newspapers of the airborne troops, but that’s how it turned out in general fate is a villain, so to speak, then already in the fourth year of graduation they were given distribution only instead of four people, only two people were given by the eastern
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troops, it turned out that my friend, there were four of us friends and my comrade...
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were going to the far east. home, main the task of the press secretary, here is the press secretary of the minsk metro, is to ensure the information security of the enterprise, well , they also say, in the sphere of public relations, that is, without fail i study during the day, morning and evening, i study various media, what publications there are about us, what publications about transport, everything related to it. well, probably, efficiency, reliability and accuracy are very important for the press secretary, especially when providing information when any incidents happen in the metro, this is live the body, well, it’s impossible to avoid, that is , it happens that someone becomes ill in the subway, it happens that somewhere a person gets caught. on the way, we need to save him, that’s when this information comes, well, i’m one of the first, the management and i, we get this information about
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what happened in the subway. to be a good press secretary, i think you just need to live, the life of the enterprise, live the life of the entire team. i was lucky that when i arrived, we had just celebrated the thirty-fifth anniversary of the minsk metro, and i was one of those who was tasked with doing a book about the minsk metro, here... thanks to this , i traveled through all the services, met all the heads of services, with the teams, because i photographed them and prepared some information partially about them, with all the structural divisions, with departments , sectors, laboratories, that is , well, in fact, in six months i became acquainted with most of these key metro figures, after 5 years of working in the mensk metro, in principle i already know, well , probably, well, if not all, then absolutely most of the accents , i know enough the amount of information is quite large. i have knowledge on all key topics, i myself am interested in this, and every person who works with the media needs to know this, i am the only press secretary, i have no assistants, we have a team of more than 5,000
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people, well, i hope i can cope, somehow i hope it works out, but the amount of work, of course , is quite significant, working with the media, of course, this is working with television media, this is the work of print media, by the way, i still haven’t sheathed my pen, i write weekly every... week in the newspaper transport safety is a republican newspaper, i do two pages about the minsk metro, about its people, about events, even cultural, social life, sports, that is, well, everything is production in the foreground, of course, well, this is also work with the site, i fill the site, this is information and photographs, i directly departments, which sections are those that are the main page and others, well, for 15 years already, like
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a hare in that depot, he also worked as a driver, and a driver, an instructor, now, he was with us the year before last was menchanin of the year, in in general, well, they just maybe speak a little, but you need to get them to talk, you get to know so much, plus in general the metro itself, it sets up for some kind of organization, from the moment of its creation some kind of community of people was somehow created that is aimed at the work process at the whole process, so that there is safe movement of trains, so that there is comfort for passengers, like... well, probably, take anyone, this is a woman who cleans at stations, we affectionately call them mummies, train drivers harvesters cars, our mummies, that is, well, in a kind way, they have their own hobbies,
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some mothers with many children, they have their own hobbies, the children sing, and somehow they, too, somehow work in the subway and feel their belonging to some kind of general process, oh ivan slavimirovich, i’m glad to see, good afternoon, how our veterans learn, well , here you are...
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here, but still, in the metro , everything was new in a new way, and of course i had to adapt in a new way, well, a professional, that is, he...


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