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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:21pm MSK

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sunday, april 7, we will sum up the results of the day together in the vladislav bundar studio. hello, first, briefly about the main thing.
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high flight grounding after weightlessness, the space crew undergoes rehabilitation in the star city. a repeated dam breach in the orenburg region of russia, water is drowning new villages. and britain is being hit by downpours and strong winds; bad weather is interfering with air and railway communications. an innovative class to help practicing doctors opened a diagnostic laboratory at the gomel university clinic. our country has confirmed the status of space powers. the first female cosmonaut of belarus returned to earth. the flight of marina vasilevskaya is a huge step in the development of domestic astronautics. this became possible thanks to agreements at the highest level. now marina vasilevskaya and oleg novitsky are undergoing post-flight rehabilitation. the night before , they arrived at the star city dispensary, where they were met not only by doctors, but also by relatives and friends. representatives
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of roscosmos, the academy of sciences of belarus, the union state and diplomats. in the coming days , the astronauts will undergo daily physical procedures, walks in the fresh air, good sleep, a calm schedule under the supervision of doctors. all this is necessary for the muscles of the body to quickly adapt to earth’s gravity and recover from weightlessness. any launch, any landing is always exciting, from the outside everything is beautiful, great, in fact we are all worried, we are all worried, but when... the guys are brought there, but here it would calm down a little, thank god, they are already in place, so good luck, god willing, not the last time, and as dmitry fedorovich said a beautiful phrase, it’s open a new page, today we will try to turn in order to open the next page, the russian belarusian history of history, marina vasilevskaya stayed on the iss for 12 days, during which time she conducted several scientific experiments in the field of microbiology...
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bacteria on the human body in space, as well as use of probiotics in food . as reported by the national academy of sciences of belarus, all studies were successful. a large press conference of astronauts with journalists is planned for april 9. one of the first marina and space crew with successful our president congratulated us on landing. the head of state invited everyone who participated in the preparations for the flight to visit belarus. alexander lukashenko was directly involved and provided assistance throughout the entire space mission. all possible support so that the first belarusian flight into space takes place. and the head of state shared his first emotions after the return of the crew. the emotions are the heaviest, because i had a sleepless night, i watched live the undocking of the missing device. well, when your children are in space, you will understand that such, what is a citizen of belarus and citizens of belarus in space.
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also from space on the international space station. the head of state watched the space flight of our cosmonaut and her fellow crew members. the president’s enormous work, participation, care and concern for the team was felt at every stage. the crew of the station was friendly and welcomed oleg novitsky and me . provides assistance both in everyday matters and in carrying out planned experiments, i feel the attention and good attitude of the entire crew. the project took place.
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personal participation of the president of our country alexander grigorievich lukashenko. i constantly feel the care and support of the head of state, and this helps me a lot in space flight. the preparation and flight to the iss of the first cosmonaut in the history of our country , marina vasilevskaya, was carried out in conditions of comprehensive interaction between the scientific, space and technological structures of russia and belarus. this opinion was expressed to our tv channel by cosmonautics historian, editor of the vostok path to the stars magazine, ruslan titov. according to the expert, slavic proximity, mutual understanding and scientific continuity, allowed us to reach a new level of allied manned space exploration? first of all, i would like to point out the following thing: in fact, in the star city, in the cosmonaut center, in roscosmos and in many other structures one way or another connected with russian cosmonautics, belarusians are always welcome, this is small, as if not for the sake of words , this is actually true, this particular flight was prepared
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very carefully, that is, there were no problems at all, well, understatement, that is, it was all in one breath, as much as in one breath. belarus, they are very pleased with this level of cooperation, that is, they accepted it in a brotherly way. in the best traditions of our slavic hospitality, i will say this, in the great sense of the word, yes, any questions, any problems, any requests again, they were resolved instantly, it was complete. interaction is also on the line, which means ruscosmos academy of sciences, because in belarus there is not yet a structure that would deal with this, i think that it will appear after this flight, it will be a separate structure, which will, let’s say, be called white space, yes, but nevertheless, that is, the level of interaction between scientists of the academy of sciences, space specialists,
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specialists from the cosmonaut center, it was the closest, the highest, and we see this result, our first cosmonaut has been on earth for more than a day, and footage... of her bright return continues to fly across social networks, the stellar mission was followed in different countries and the support in the comments is colossal, here are just some examples. dear friends in belarus, congratulations on the successful space flight of your beautiful cosmonaut marina, i wish you all the best from the czech republic. peter. warm congratulations to the beautiful cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya from belarus and the entire belarusian and russian people, as well as their presidents, i wish all the best to everyone.
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how many men deservedly carry a woman in their arms? queen of space, belarusian. what does time dictate today for belarus and russia, what team is needed to win and what secrets does the former’s ice squad have? for the main events on the presidential schedule, we catch new footage, exclusive interviews and even emotions, all this is on the main broadcast today, don’t miss the time of the first, keep up with the first, time to collect stones, let’s not
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work hard, we’ll die. but how to work when they put a spoke in the wheels endlessly? what should the minister of kubrakov not hear? speak loudly, then the minister will come tomorrow for the money, but what should everyone hear? we need to do traditional medicine, everyone will say that it’s staged, but this is an active exchange, the president’s team is in the game. just unearthly emotions, we were worried, well, when will your children be in space, will you understand what the men are talking about in the hockey locker room? you are very lucky today that you got here, on the ice
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in the fields we see everything, we hear everything, we will show you, the situation with... with floods in rossiysko-morsk is developing according to the worst-case scenario. a few hours ago there was another dam breach. water flows into the city very quickly. the head of orsk called on residents to begin evacuation in a timely manner. orvsk has been going under water for the third day, the dam could not withstand the flood on the ural river, the area of ​​the old city, private houses are hidden up to the roof, water is coming to new villages, people are being taken out on boats and carried out in their arms, there are more houses being flooded. 400 people were evacuated from the emergency zone. the water in the pipes has become contaminated and can no longer be drunk.
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cases of intestinal diseases have increased. 99 people, including 18 children, sought medical help. food and overnight accommodation were provided for the victims. at the same time, the water will continue to remain in the next 24 hours. the situation is worsened by rains. and the uk was hit by a powerful storm, kathleen. he brought with represents heavy downpours and hurricane winds, the speed of which sometimes exceeds. 100 km/h. hundreds of flights have been canceled or delayed across the country. there were serious interruptions in the operation of railway transport. thousands of people were left without electricity. there is no cellular service in some areas. due to high storm waves, ships are prohibited from going to sea. a similar situation is in ireland, where strong winds led to a power outage. more than 30,000 homes, farms and businesses were damaged. dublin airport is operating intermittently. they let us down in slovakia voting results in the presidential election. peter pellegrini, candidate from
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the voice of social democracy party, won. she is part of the government coalition. the new leader was supported by more than 53% of voters. rival ivan korczak, the former minister of foreign affairs of slovakia, received approximately 47% of the votes, has already admitted defeat and congratulated his opponent on his victory. pilligrini is known for his pro-russian position, as is the current prime minister robert fitz. immediately after the victory, the elected president of slovakia promised that he would do everything so that his country would always be on the side of peace and against war. local elections in poland today are not going so smoothly. 212 offenses and seven crimes were identified, including violations of freedom of vote or destruction of property, the national election commission reported. yes, in love. voivodeship, for four cans of beer and a chocolate bar, a man asked his friend to vote for his partner to the municipal
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council. he was detained and taken into custody. the commission also mentioned alcohol-related incidents. in two cities people from the election commissions turned out to be drunk. let me remind you that today city mayors are elected, as well as members of municipal councils and provincial assemblies. the election campaign is taking place against the backdrop of farmer protests and dissatisfaction among poles with declining living standards. canceled the presidential elections , why are the arguments sewn with white threads, the usurpation of power under the guise of military operations, how they spit on the constitution and ordinary ukrainians. when an actor's mandate ends, why are even the most loyal friends thrown out of the team? in understandable politics everything alignment of self-government at the banking. watch it on monday after the panorama.
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global tensions open up new niches of opportunity for belarusian enterprises, which also allows them to actively diversify their sales markets. working according to the principle of least resistance means missing the opportunity to waste time. the african continent is one of the primary destinations. moreover, the head of state personally laid out the route. all conditions have been created for growth and development, then it’s up to the initiative of the leaders enterprises. a language that is convenient for them, convenient documentation, a convenient product line could be adjusted, and a number of other small issues are not available on the african market, and this needs to be understood. leading analysts note that africa will become a global factory and a center
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of attraction for capital in the coming decades. our country is actively coming to the region with its technologies and competencies. where industry once boiled, an abandoned area, there is almost nothing belarusian in the plant’s products. the situation at the motorcycle station 2 years ago, during during the president's working visit, all imported parts and construction deadlines came out. what has already been corrected and seriously succeeded in will be checked by our quality control. the new generation of minsk storks must be felt. sit down, well, to be more precise , become, no, you still have a seat, you can, yes, yes, the order is on electric charges and spreads its wings by the creator, here is your example, which rides like at the birth of the first child, bikes and bicycles, our passport, foreign internal, nothing of its own, headlight, whose, headlight, chinese the headlight, shields, shields, too, as if into iron,
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breathed in the belarusian soul, the instrument panel is made by the vitebsk electrical appliances plant, the rear shock absorbers are supplied by grodno. dull industrial landscapes in the center of the capital. it’s not the ground you should dig into, it’s the winter you should enter with these walls. which technologies have not yet been built in the country? installation is much faster and cheaper. and of course, we check. how are the speed shifters configured? lighting, turns. quality control will promote the topic. we will answer for quality. today on the main broadcast. high-quality and affordable medicine is a priority in the healthcare system; more than 400,000 patients received medical care in minsk last year. the main emphasis is on increasing the bed capacity, opening new medical facilities and carrying out repairs. most of the capital's hospital clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment.
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eight magnetic resonance imaging scanners will be installed and two mobile mamographs will be purchased. during the whole year. we are working to implement the order to restore order to the healthcare system number 89, modernized the material and technical base is significant, a new clinic has been introduced, an outpatient clinic has been opened in sokol, work has been completed on the construction of a dormitory for medical workers, work has been completed on the eleventh city clinical hospital and on a number of other facilities, we are also working to increase the recruitment of paramedical personnel this year , increased. there will be a target enrollment of up to 50% of metolledges, the numbers of target areas issued by the belarusian state medical universities and other universities in our country will be increased. the tasks for urban healthcare are defined by clear instructions from the president; the priority is also to fulfill the targets of the state program for public health and demographic security, calculated until 2025. a new modern simulation
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platform for future doctors has opened at gomel university. children's clinic, the laboratory provides ample opportunities for practicing the full cycle of clinical and laboratory diagnostics ; students have at their disposal a full range of equipment for research: hematological analyzers, microscopes with built-in camera, with the ability to view images on a computer vacutainers. innovative class work also helps practicing healthcare; existing doctors can improve their skills here. also, the department of clinical laboratory received permanent registration at the gomel university clinic.
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we are preparing such specialists, the opening of this laboratory is very important for us, our laboratory diagnostics will be strengthened, because the equipment is very modern, the load on our laboratory will be less, and we we will be able to decipher these analyzes not only with the help of our employees, but with the employees of the department of the medical university, that is, this is a matter for our work. gomel university clinic is the basis for promoting a number of innovative areas. now there are seven departments of the medical university working here. gomel university, the leading university in belarus in training specialists. cleanpaw diagnostic area. this becomes possible thanks to continuous practice-oriented training. in industrial practice, the participation of practicing doctors in educational process. next, sports news, and already at 9:00 pm, we will sum up the results of the outgoing week on the main broadcast. stay on the first button.


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