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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 2:05am-2:26am MSK

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certain rules, maintain the accepted sequence when working. the traditional technique of painting icons has evolved over two millennia; the manufacturing process itself is labor-intensive and lengthy. it all starts with preparing the base board, then the primer is applied, paints are prepared, gilding is performed, after which the process of icon painting itself takes place and the icon is covered with alifa, the so-called protection. layer. what about icons made of natural italian stone? oleg vitalievich popelsky has been manufacturing unique and one of a kind stone products. a true work of art is born in its own factory. how icons appeared in the master’s life and why he chose stone out of all natural materials, we’ll find out right now. oleg vitalievich, good afternoon. hello.
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your exhibition “the miraculous kazan icon in stone” is taking place in the living room of vladislav golubok. this is a list of the kazan icon; at first glance it may seem that the icons are similar, but this is not so. each icon has its own distinctive features. so tell me about it more details. our icons are very different; they have serious fundamental differences from the paintings.
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internal energy, and the nature of the stone, this is a fundamental difference, so to speak, gather all the icon painters together, they will not repeat what we will do, within the framework of our professional activities, working on the creation of one icon, the essence here is that nature itself, it is stones , is unique to this material, therefore... each time we start new work, we have, in fact, a new material that has its own design, its own color scheme , so we end up with what you found on our icons. the icons are made of natural italian marble stone. why did you choose italian marble, because it is considered one of the most expensive materials.
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well - let's say that preference is given to marble here, because it is a traditional material in stone processing of small architectural forms, it is a very plastic material that can be easily processed, but i would like to say the following, there is not only marble, you can see onyx there, you can see trovertine there, icons occupy a special place in your life in creativity, in your opinion, what is their magic, so to speak, my transition into icons, it is inexplicable, it everything, the will of chance, on the other hand, there are no coincidences, i was fascinated by this topic one day, i remember how it was just before christmas, about a week ago. one and a half before christmas,
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there was a book of icons in front of me, and for the first time i saw a three-dimensional icon, because like stones processor, it was very difficult for me to imagine how it is possible to make a flat icon out of stones, the way we see a traditional icon, namely an icon-painting, pictorial icon, in a traditional design, the book that lay in front of me,
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compatriots, a native of belarus, this turn to our famous chagall and soutine, when i was working on the first sacred shrine of judaism in belarus, it is directly related to minsk, this is the first building made of stone in belarus, or rather in minsk, large a cold synagogue, it stood on nemiga, in the year sixty-five it was demolished. and its age today is 450 years, when we were working on this sacred shrine and judaism, the idea came to modernize it to show not only the role of the place
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of the jews on belarusian soil, but also how to acquaint all our compatriots with what this was diaspora on belarusian soil, it was one of the most significant... in eastern europe, over a million people lived here, we do not copy these works, all our works are ours great metors, they represent amash, that is, we admire our metors, but we present them in our interpretation, as a phantasmagoric story, their return to our native belarus. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in
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your yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so that it’s opposite the house. today we will walk through real swamps, like the swamp that is near domat, which again . the uninitiated, seeing this building, he will say that i don’t know, it’s a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, not like birds, it seems to me, even a fly didn’t fly here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a brown-headed chickadee, blue.
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the temple at mosary, the geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyaky spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsyi. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that it lived in was a turning point. geta just 790-th reptiles knew the river paspalitae, and with this we say, it happened and it’s known, kanchatka’s known. i’ll sail in the style of baroka, and all the historical wings here will take us away from the paeina, such a dead end, because later the documentament to the architects was the myastsov admyslovian architect chakhovich. who is he? glyadzice ў praektse, architecture of belarus.
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if there were more european fish at the moment, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained. so in the structural unit of the museum history, theatrical and musical culture in the living room of vladislav golubok there is an exhibition of the miraculous kazan icon in kamen. these are about 70 icons made of italian marble in various techniques. carved relief, flat, engraved, icons
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in a combination of several stones. by the way, this is the largest collection of these sacred images made in stone in belarus, which has no analogues in the world. each work conveys a canonical version with its own distinctive artistic features, which emphasizes the integrity and uniqueness of the collection. italian marble combined with semi-precious marble. became a real find in the great variety of natural materials. onyx has been loved and revered since ancient times. even then, people knew about its magical power to heal many diseases, as well as about the magical properties of the mineral. the unusual and varied range of shades attracts craftsmen and jewelers all over the world. we will find out what is unique about icons made of stone from the curator of the exhibition, iya borshchova. i'm good afternoon. hello, tell me where we are now where are we? we are located in one of
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our production showrooms. in this case, we have prepared for you an exhibition based on the homage to the work of the belarusian artist chaim soutine. tell us in more detail about the concept of creating the exhibition? the exhibition was created in stages, each painting is connected with life. circumstances and situations of chaim sutina himself, who at one time was born smilovichek, and a belarusian artist, left with certain stages of life, went to paris, but our leader made a phantasmogorical a story about belarus returning to his homeland, bringing his parisian friends and taking him through the historical places of belarus. you are the curator of the exhibition the miraculous kazan icon in stone, which takes place in the living room.
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they go to church, after all, although our icons are illuminated, they first of all arouse curiosity, what is an icon made of stone,
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especially one made of italian marble for belarusians, so here there is more of an educational question, a question of curiosity, what kind of icon is this ? today in belarus many orthodox churches are named after the icon, among them the church of the kazan icon of the mother of god in mogilev, the church of the kazan icon in the gomel region, the kazan church in vitebsk. an icon is an embodied prayer. it is created in prayer, the driving force, which is love for god, the desire for him as for perfect beauty. these words belong to archimandrite zinon, an outstanding icon painter and clergyman of the russian orthodox church. strive for spiritual beauty, live in harmony with the world and yourself follow fashion trends in the cultural life of our country. alina nevoina was with you , remember, being cultural is fashionable,
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see you in a week, until new cultural meetings.
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my eldest son, school bastards, began to compete in a literary competition, for which i love my daughter-in-law, my practical thoughts and thoughts. i was trying to get some sleep, and i was trying to get out of the getag. why i love my village, because i was born in it, because my ancient, ancient family has taken many roots here. there are a lot of remarkable things here, just see everything sumey, there is a railway, there is
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a museum on the shore, it’s enviable to live in our village, the city is just a stone’s throw away. not everyone is more melancholy and more beautiful, there is such grace around, i love my village so much, a refuge from the bustle, here in the vastness of the ancient, ancient, all my dreams start. i live for a long time and i live for a long time, i live for a long time. i myself will give birth at birth, right? ale kali got married to a stuttering woman, moved to
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pinkavichy, and as she slept, she went to bed with a happy birthday song. that mother of mine, who was glad to see her husband, and who was trying to do so, that i not only did i fall in love with my husband, but i also fell in love with the pinkaviches, this past may has already been another year. yakub kolas always does his best in pinkavichi, not before going to the coast of pina. love fishermen, love is simple... let's recite: adhonny shores pins are filled with teapots and seagulls with shower sponges, the shower sponges move quickly along the lustraney wadze, with the help of the gentlemen of the oars of the usual
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fire. shukou i palyashuchak. unknown to mom. there’s nothing to worry about over the galley, great father, if people don’t fight. the american louise boyt, who danced with us in the polish clock, pinkavich, with her husband, watched how this... the men mowed at the balloza in the vadze, yana velma was created by this, where my father at that hour already had a lawn-mower, so, on the very right of the pink you have unearthed hay reserves for the winter for your own sake, unfortunately, in our hour the river pina
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has become weak, and such differences as we are now seeing with you, and once again... 10 years ago, and in the 70th year they tell stories, although rarely, ale captain, how do the pinkavichs get on board from pinsk ? believe me. i’m polish with my mother, and belarusian with my father, and since i lived in the forest, i ’m flying to my own homeland, there... that i didn’t ask for it, they took me by surprise, it was the end of the summer, it was just the most beautiful pair.


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