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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 2:25am-2:56am MSK

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i'm tired, and the same things that we see with you all the time, even once 10 years ago, and back in the 70th year, we tell, although rarely, aka captain, what the pinkavichs have to do on their way from pinsk, etc. sailing and huts on a parachute, it’s true, i’ll tell you right away, i believe it all. my mother’s father is polish, and my father’s father is belarusian, and since i lived in the palace, i’m flying to my own father, because i didn’t ask for it, they caught my eye, it was the end of the summer, and there was the most beautiful couple. and everything is
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life, everything is our dzyatstvo, they took me from on my own, on the balots, on the laces, where i learned to feel the great light, and this everything floated on my velma, like a literary writer, like a master of the word, i wrote and my best literary works, and...
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qi zdolnykh and kind people. healthy and kind people live with us at pinkavichi. you are all bastards, you are all old pinkavichs and remain pinkavichs, all with your own asabistic signs. at the savetski hour pinkavichy ўvahodzila ў warehouse of the medicinal store in the whole savetski union of kalgas asnezhyts. there's something wrong with the dwarves, the hero of the socialist warrior uladzimir antonavich ralko. what are the current pinkaviches? our story is not simple. our veska is garadian. the main mass of the population works in pinsk. and yet, we have the highest standard of business in the pinkavichs. so what do you have to do ? pinkautsy. this chicken, right, is
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now a problem and the right three has gone down, but everything is roina, the acres of the first step, the skin of the skin and the gaspad have their own, albeit sluggish, tsya stove. the sonnya pinkavichi are old and new. new zabudova warehouse quarter with 500 plots. now a non-official name has appeared for vasilka’s yago. the area is inhabited, the area is in the process of development. why wouldn't the pinkwiches have a hard time? it’s not for nothing that there are gold cats here in the earth, because there are all kinds of fish here for comfortable living. pinkachakh has a large building, a cultural school, a bakery in the brest region , a kindergarten, a post office, a house of culture, a center for creativity and youth in the pinsk region. our pinkavichs, our current ones, have everything. for
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a happy life. in 2009, in the center for creativity of children and youth of the pinsk district, in which you and i find ourselves, an important event has occurred. opening of the museum of pioneer glory of pinsk district. visit to the museum of pioneer glory during the tourist route around pinkovichi. our museum is popular among children not only in the pinsk region. but we can safely say to the whole of belarus that not only children and adults visit us. the most interesting exhibits, in my opinion, are the correspondence between the mother of the pioneer hero kolya goishik and the children from the tovog secondary school in the pinsk region. our museum is also very grateful to the red army soldier filippovich dmitry in the battles for the complete encirclement of berlin.
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childhood, horns, drums, whoever said that there is no pioneer, let his conscience torment him. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity. we also train pharmacists; this is our only university that trains
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specialists in this profile. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. naive, just stay in this children's room age, oddly enough, the role of mr. poppins gave me the impetus to think whether i was too old, thanks to
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government support, several government programs were carried out in the field of oncology to re-equip our system, we received the most modern equipment, and... in all oncological institutions everything you could wish for, the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of defending the homeland? over 20 years , thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand were saved human lives, so this is part of the country's national security. why tseroy mishest, who finance, arm, and lead the terrorist regime in kiev. they don’t notice his terrorist attacks, well, because they did it all, first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato for sweden and finland not only does not add security , it makes them suicide bombers, this is
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lukashenko’s personal courage, his position, saved the state, which means saved millions of lives. markov's project is nothing personal, look. please note that the bond has already been cut off for all pinkavichy and vishavichy . i'll tell you tsikavae padanne ab'. in the end of all practical activities, the sea has died, the cows have died, the horses have become weaker without the little one, without the creature, the women have tormented the little one and the sky, and
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all the old men have appeared in the village, who will make a wish to work for the night of oak roofs and the weight is on them. the handbrake is new, but no one could figure out what to do with this thing the handbrake was not soft during the night. marya vishaulyanka was responsible for this work. i wove the handle and the wound pasted on these months of oak roofs, and the handle has new jumpers. and it was not without reason that the sea of ​​​​skatsina appeared. and yes, these hours
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, there are a lot of heta... trokhpavyarkhovy bird katedzh care for... yakub kolas, who died more than 100 years ago, on the streets of pakrovskaya tsarkov for... the service of your youth, the jumping mentor of kanstancin mikhailavich mitskev ich.
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aisha does not just serve, he sleeps there with the king’s choirs, where he takes care of the end of the teaching of the nyasvskaya seminars, he gives a note book and darechs, yashche and books on the skryptsy. that's it, and there, as the first sustrev of igo in pinkavich, i jumped from the task. i love kolas since the day of my life. kali іdzem and tsarkvas, pkrava of the holy bagarodzitsa, in which the sleeping royal choir
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of kastantsin mikhailavich, kastyantsin mikhalavich packs the goodness of pinkavich. it was not only yakub kolas and louis who left our pinkavichs behind. yashche vydomy belarusian master yazep drazdovich the same applies to our pinkavichs in our history. u 1926 godse. he’s a little small of the ilyinskaya tsark, unfortunately, not much of that tsarka. in 1964, atheists dug it out. in front of all the rightful faithful, there is now a great task, knowing the financial statements of the ilyinskaya tsarka, unfortunately, the pack is still unknown. it’s our time at pinkachah to celebrate the tsarva pakrav of the most holy bagarodzitsa. history of vyadze since 1762,
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father mikhail’s divine service to vyadze. in our area there were two temples, in which we are located, this is the pokrovsky temple, and there was also once upon a time, before the sixties, there was still an ancient ilinsky temple. now this temple in which you and i are located, history is lost, well, it is attributed to skirmunt. and what else would i like to tell you about ours? in the temple there is a very famous icon, the exaltation of the cross, this is a dedicatory icon to this particular temple, the pinkovichi church of the intercession church. review of the most interesting sporting events.
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tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final world cup stage of the season. jumping on the trampoline. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornosko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, worked towards this, this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal is above. i hope it’s not the last, i’ll work hard, i think the game wasn’t bad, it was just a little short of finishing everything, we also have to take into account that the transition of the field, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, that’s all they fight, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but it was hard every game, the opponent plays as much as you allow him, you allow him to take the initiative, you allow him to use his chances. yes, he plays like that. all this is in sports projects on the belarus
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24 tv channel. you and i live in modernity. we believe that every word has a meaning, every action has a meaning. they live in postmodernity. postmodernity - everything in the world is text, text is not important. our mistake is what we are looking for meanings where there are none. i think it's already here.
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our folk literary and regional museum of kolas has the most interesting aspect of the pinkavichs, who learned about the past months of the former folk school, which seems to be the weight of the salayan school. a polish school was working here at the watch of the polish acupuncturist. in 1939 , the belarusian school began to perform.
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also, the official date of the museum’s opening is the year 1990, when the museum of the old school of the former school was born, it is assumed that such local scientists as ivan ilosyavich kalosha did not come to the pinkavitsky land, all on the contrary, the pinkavitsky youth, sevastsyan kazlou, although he studied at the garad school, is also a historical pinkavich. you are already 87 years old, how lucky are you to get such a treat, how lucky are you, well, tell me the recipe of yours , i love animals very much, i love them so much, god bless me, i will marry them to their dads, i admire them, very strong.
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squirrel, oh goats, farming was going on, it was hard, they went to the swamp, the swamp was near us, in short, they mowed the hay here, they mowed the grass and the hay dried, we lived together, okay, come it’s a day off, we’re already going to the village, now there’s tv, now and then it was more fun, and i’m like that by nature. successful, and i ’m dancing, dancing, now i’m a dancer, and you ’re such a stinker, i’ll sing a song for you, and let’s go to sleep, let’s go to sleep, come on, i’m shepherding, the boys have gone, their eyes have been sawed on the road, oh, yes, and dusty.
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people - this huge wealth, you know, i’ve been so pampered, i ’ve been doing my job as an artist, now as a director, and i’m doing my best to teach you everything. y, and you know, y museums without art, there is no time to work in the present hour, here i have a theater. and the photography, and the director, daily excursionists are so, one might say, spoiled, there is a need for good publicity. there is a lot of equipment to attract tourists. at the beginning of the museum's history, several
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important objects have been discovered. for example, byaroska, who is the brother of yakub kolas, mitskevich iosif mikhailavich. on the right is that when the young mentor kanstancin mitskevich arrives to work with pinkavicha, it is not the adzin who arrives, but two young ones. pasadzіў vyarozku, what kind of time will jump our museum. yashče na terytoryi nashaga museum famous small architectural form, geta kalodzier jakub
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kolas. it seems that he is a great man, and a hundred years old from that couple, when the first school was opened. in 2015 , the museum has its first steps. a memorial stone appeared at the honor of the american parson louise boyd. yana was a favorite geographer for an hour. i visited a certain scientific conference of a geographer in warsaw, and turned up and asked my friend: what can you do to me? to show that this is why we have ameritsa. no problem, they told her kalegi, let’s do it.
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the most interesting album of louise boyd, you say, you say, and here i am staring at one old woman, one might say, at the boil, and he said to me: listen, this is my grandfather, all this tsikaya history of one photo haze, and for the kids vergianna, for great success, we know in the family album the photos of the dzed from the young people, as it seems... old people's cards at that time, the men on the cards fell. yashche is merkavanne, what is that card the album's main sequence was compiled by dachshund
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louise arner-boit. and we have such history for several years now. zhykhar pinkavich recognizes his relatives in the album of famous american women. whenever i work in museums, i am a keeper. the most beautiful hall, an assembly for small guards, this village hut, which can be recognized from the life of the 19th century, the beginning of
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the 20th century. kanstacin mikhailavich mitskevich himself is personally selfish in some ways. the other hall is geta shkolny pakoy, klasny pakoy tago chasu. she has a story. ab dzіtsyachyh, student bastards of kanstacin mikhailavich, and pinkavitsky period of life. there you can use the tablet for an hour. geta slate board, for what kind of kneading shytkaў pіsali dzetsi. the most impressive hall, one might say, is the conference room, this memory for the correctness of the lesson of native literature, lecturer. the exhibition is called the ways and roads. here yashche you mozhatse. with the memory of the student kolas, here we find the most chestnut exhibits, our museum rarities,
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the book of royal records. 1799-1810 hectares. is here and the past and finished pinkavitskaya folk school. this is how the pinkavitsky school for poor peasants and people was called. 1915. in this great hall there is a library of the museum with books by kolas and prakolas, which bear the signatures of their relatives. our museum of russian literature is rich in popularity far beyond the borders of the pinsk region; we are visited not only by schoolchildren, but also by the elderly. over the past year , 4 thousand tourists have visited our museum. dzyakuyuchy getai pratsi, i began to write more, where i add up the top of the excursion, write articles ab excursions, and museum saints, which is our
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ancestor, already branded and popular in our museums, well, i am a happy man, where is the talent that gaspodz gives me, i give to people, where i breathe goodness here and walking is easy, hell getaga i'm happy. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when your soul pushes you to move forward and your heart doesn’t...
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your stomach sings with you, and you have a thirst for travel and adventure, and you like to eat somewhere along the way, always, food anywhere, belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. we will show you what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the suburbs and polesie, we are going on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. vereshchaka in bykhov style is another recipe for a classic dish. rooster ear. what is this? a cruel joke or a harsh one?
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today bykhov is a small, quiet town, which we know from the labels on milk, canned food and sausages; in the old days it was a warlike fortress city that has survived more than one war and siege. the beginning of its military glory was laid in the 14th century by the owner of the city, jan karol khatkiewicz. a participant in the wars with sweden and turkey, he won many victories, for which in 1605 he was rewarded with the title of great hetman, head of the armed forces of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. it was he who built a stone castle on the high bank of the dnieper. the construction of the stone castle at the beginning of the 16th century began, where do you think? that's right, from the bare necessities, from the dining hut, but there they were cooking, it was not a kitchen, the dining hut
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was a huge hall. for receiving guests. there were always a large number of military personnel on the territory of the castle; there was no shortage of weapons and combat vehicles. however , the owners of the citadel did not forget about comfort. the palace had two floors. on the second floor there were living quarters and halls for holding celebrations. on the first floor there is a service room, including a kitchen. and even after studying everything on the internet, to get to the bottom of the truth, where the icebox was and where it was.


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