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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 8, 2024 2:55am-3:26am MSK

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the dining hut is a huge hall for receiving guests. there were always a large number of military personnel on the territory of the castle; there was no shortage of weapons and combat vehicles, but the owners of the citadel did not forget about comfort. the palace had two floors. on the second floor there were living quarters and halls for holding celebrations. on the first floor there are service premises, including a kitchen. and even after studying everything on the internet, to get to the bottom of... it was for this purpose that various spices were purchased in large quantities. pepper, raisins, they
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were also considered a spice, sugar, well, there was salt the most common ingredient as a seasoning, and there was a variety of pepper, cinnamon was also used, they also used sage, they used nutmeg, there were a huge variety of them, but they were expensive, only princes, high families, no, townspeople ate this way they could also afford it, but as a rule on holidays, for the peasant, at best , it was salt, did the peasants salt? soups and cereals, these dishes were the basis of their diet; they could afford meat only on holidays, the gentry indulged themselves, they ate everything from rabbit to veal, and girls were held in special esteem. what did you cook with, what kind of stoves or just fires did you make? there were special rooms, special kitchens, in the kitchens there were special ovens, some ovens were intended for baking bread, it is so recorded in written sources, in inventories, for example, an oven for bread and...
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bykhov was originally built as a fortress city, it was built by foreigners, therefore , bykhov’s culture is diverse, everyone brought something of their own, to cooking too, as i understand it, that in those days and now the bykhovites eat much more varied food than the rest of belarus, right? the city was built by italian engineers, dutch engineers, and in addition, there were hungarian mercenaries in the city. from
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poland, from ukraine, that is, essentially half of europe was here, everyone left something of their own. we know for sure that in the 18th century , turkeys were already kept in the city, that is, this bird was already eaten, it was normal. they also ate herring, dutch, and scottish, this was also normal, these were normal canteens products on the table of the average city dweller. orthodox, catholics, and uniates coexisted in the city. there were jews in large numbers, yes, i see a synagogue, it was also built at the beginning of the 16th century, permission to build the temple was given by the then owners of bykhov, the khatkevichs. according to legend, they owed a significant amount to a local jewish merchant, so they made a concession and allowed the construction of a building in the city center, but they set important conditions: the synagogue must be part of the defensive city ​​structures. the synagogue looks simple, monumental and laconic.
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this was our specialty, that is, you understand, stuffed pike, farshmak and tsemis were quite familiar dishes for bykhov. they could be ordered at the local austeria. numerous foreigners who lived in bykhov used this word to call an ordinary tavern. in the evening , such cafes in bykhov are more reminiscent of the sapek dining hut. there are a lot of people here. well, if you are a curious gastronomic traveler and want to try something delicious. and especially come
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here during the day, which is what i actually did. it is recommended that a chef’s qualifications be assessed by his ability to cook jellied fish, but one can form an opinion about a belarusian cafe. next, the traditional belarusian dish vereshchaku. there are many options for its preparation. i wonder which one they will offer me in bykhov. there are chopped vegetables on a plate and homemade sausages and dumplings. but what the sauce, which is the main feature and basis of vereshchaki, is made of is still unclear to me. a classic version of the sauce, which, according to legend, was invented by the royal cook mr. vereshchak and more. century, it has been prepared with beer, variants with kvass and even mushroom broth are allowed, i would like to note that the sauce in this vereshchaki is red, which means it is prepared on the basis of tomato paste, onions and, apparently, mushrooms are added here. this is the first time i’ve seen tomatoes in vereshchak, although the sauce itself
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tastes quite pleasant, delicately sweetish, not bad, but where. vereshchak without homemade village sausages, i note that they are well fried and very pleasant to the taste. instead of traditional yeast pancakes, vereshchaka in bykhov's style is offered with savory dumplings. great, but here the tomato slices on the plate are definitely superfluous, and there is not enough hot sauce, in fact, the birch tree itself. what's the result? the dish turned out to be delicious and filling, but... pereschaka has nothing to do with it. in the sixties, the drud river was swamped and the chegerin reservoir was born. and therefore, over time, all
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local villages turned into resorts. the location for bart fishing was not chosen by chance. and since it is only 30 km from bykhov. i decided to stop by and see everything with my own eyes. if you still think that bart fishing is attended by middle -aged intellectuals who fish in the mornings and in the evenings listen to guitar songs by people in elongated sweaters, then you are very mistaken. people who come to bart fishing know a lot about fun. they organized a culinary competition for the best fish soup. i even got a little excited, well, because next to me is a person who knows absolutely everything about food. elena mikulchik. get to know each other. tricky question. is fish soup a soup or not a soup? look. ukha is not a soup if there are no potatoes in it. ukha is a fish soup if it contains potatoes and some kind of cereal
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component. so, that is, there is no potato - it’s fish soup. eating potatoes is fish soup. a little bit wrong. let's spread the boundaries a little, potatoes are already allowed, but cereals are never allowed. the teams participating in the competition volunteered to prepare three types of fish soup: classic, hungarian and royal. the guys are preparing the royal fish soup. what is the correct royal ear? well, let's start with what is ukha? oh, right from the beginning, right? previously , any soup was called ukha, chicken ukha, ukha gorokhova. that is, but this is a long time ago, somewhere in russia, there are antiquities there. and not only in russia, there in russia, we have the same thing everywhere, then they began to call fish dish fish soup, but the most correct, the very first fish soup was, you are ready, now the world will change, it will be divided into
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before and after, fish soup is being prepared on chicken broth, well, but to be precise on rooster broth... it’s hard to believe, but easy to check. having googled, i easily found information that the first mentions of soups, where broths from meat and fish were mixed , were found back in domostroy, there was such a dish in the painting of royal food from the beginning of the 16th century. the taste is neutral, it is neither chicken nor fish. further. here the church intervened, and the lighting, which forbade, finally boiled chicken, they decided that this was a demonic dish, because fish is not fish, poultry is not bird, and they divided it, fish soup is fish, chicken is separate, but in belarus this recipe has been preserved, this is a hunter’s recipe, in
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the belarusian version, rooster ear is not exactly a rooster - it’s a wild bird, that is, you hunted, shot someone there and cook broth, then you... you were fishing, you caught something and you add it, and not just one type, but several, the royal fish soup is cooked in three broths, rooster broth is only one of them, then there is a second broth - this is from fish, black, well, which is not very good, but which is drained, just yes, yes, then the fish, well, is thrown out and the broth is drained a little, then more valuable fish is added, that is, setter and so on. the guys promised a fatty, aromatic soup in which the rooster meat would take on the taste of fish, the taste of the fish itself. will become neutral. but the classic fish soup promises to be richly fishy, ​​with a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. three most popular life hacks for cooking fish soup. so, well, i think that you need to add salt at the end, the fish soup, and the other thing is that you add two types
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of fish, and yes, this is our biggest crucian carp, probably the third life hack is to cook not at home, here’s a cauldron on the fire, so that she was saturated, so to speak, and with this forest, the mood, the right ear, this is the ear with the mood, and the color of this mood is hungarian, like... the third teams, when there are two guys like this next to each other, you get this kind of fish soup, i came up with this myself, and i support it, and nikita, hungarian fish soup, these two incompatible words, they somehow came together, hungary is a completely different cuisine, yes here is fish soup, for some reason ours, belarusian, well, russian, it doesn’t matter, hungarian fish soup, why are you preparing hungarian fish soup today, well, i wanted to surprise our respected guests, our... dear participants of the rally with something interesting, so we decided to move a little away from the russian classics
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fish soup and prepare, let’s say, a mixture of hungarian cuisine, russian cuisine and add a little touch of france. the hungarians favored paprika with its bittersweet taste in this soup, the french - tender shrimp meat, and we belarusians - fish, carp, hake and salmon, of all the types of fish soup, without trying it, i would choose this one simply because i love it very much seafood in such an assortment of variety. everything is simple, but it takes a long time; it takes several hours to prepare the fish soup, even the royal one, or the hungarian one. during this time i managed to inspect the field kitchen the usual participants of the bart fishing trip, who at that time were frying sausages, boiling buckwheat , and eating naval pasta with elk meat. i caught myself thinking. bart fishing is the only place you want to go there. where it smells fried, in the literal sense of the word i
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follow the smell, hello, what are you cooking, it will be borscht in a cauldron in a cauldron, yes, that is , there will be a lot of grumbling, there will be a lot, you have already abandoned it, this is still meat, okay, you have abandoned it meat and fry it, but is it really necessary to fry the meat for borscht, fry it and i’ll cook, and then the barboy was going to invite his neighbors in the tents to borscht for lunch about... how harmonious and seasoned is it? is this the first
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time i’m tasting some expensive aged wine or an even stronger drink? well, of course, i’m being silly, because here it’s important to evaluate the taste, well , it’s poured into a glass just for transparency, for beauty, in order to see everything, i ’ll remind you that this is a classic fish soup, it’s completely simple, understandable, taste. it should be completely simple, understandable, and so it is, beautiful, absolutely standard, this only adds charm to it, a good ear, classic ear, if the standard ear, classic, it was absolutely transparent, and then pay attention, royal due to the probable combination of several varieties of fish, it is really amber, but neither the royal nor the classic options were able to compare with
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the liveliness, brightness and originality of the hungarian fish soup, which quite deservedly chalked up victory in the competition to its own account. i’ll tell you right away a new recipe for making this soup, as if i see this soup exactly like that.
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supreme power in many countries of the world. france is preparing approximately 2,000 people to be sent to ukraine, that is, if only macron would talk about this. macron acts, so to speak, as the voice of those ideas that are roaming in european society; in these conditions, the emphasis is on military force. we are all standing on the threshold of, god forbid, a major collective war. and therefore, our president is correct in saying that how we behave can greatly depend... the project is objective, do not miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. only for our viewers, we we choose the best routes, a high city, that’s what this place was called, according to the chronicles, since the 15th century, and there are a lot of attractions here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high and we start getting acquainted and
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set off on an exciting journey, by the way, there used to be several in the city. ghats, water mills, water mills, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during during the church service , large wings appear on the chapel to show how unusually wonderful our country is; the road between sina and shklovo is very picturesque in places , similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to edwiga tadeusz of aginsky. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing powers. watch the program "cities"
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belarus". on the tv channel belarus 24. our region. study, i still live 25 years in belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus, it was in 2011, i came as a tourist, then i met my wife, it’s just that, the tourist is over, everything after the wife, the tourist is over, the project is a look
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at belarus, what i like about belarus is... she is more than 360 years old, and the fact that she survived all the hard times of war and survived the persecution religion, just a miracle, perhaps one of those that it creates, believers consider this the miraculous icon, as always, the icon has
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its own legend, it is as follows: prince pozharsky was riding in his wagon train, he was riding, he was riding, weighing the miraculous icon, suddenly the horses stopped dead in their tracks and no one could move them. the prince thought, this means that the icon should remain in this place and donated it to the monastery. the monastery stands on the banks of the dnieper, a little further along the flow of which they were waiting for me to visit. don’t feed me bread, let me stay in some agricultural estate. by the way, in some of them it is immediately clear that waiting for you there. i will plunge into hospitality. there is a huge homestead, where there is everything you need for life: poultry, ducks, geese, turkeys, which are fed by kind-hearted tourists. i don’t understand how he can eat with such a nose, but the hard-hearted order for dinner, well, that’s a completely different story,
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greenhouses with vegetables, cucumbers, peppers, radishes and a special variety of tomatoes. why do you think these bushes have bright plastic covers of different colors? so these are not lids, these are a special variety of tomatoes called human greed, the neighbors watch from afar when everyone's... decorate is still green, ours is already orange, envy begins, but the most stunning place in this agricultural estate seemed to me this one: in no other hotel in our country will you find such a stunning view, and literally in an hour , a huge number of beavers will appear on that distant shore, by the way, beaver fishing has been revived again in the bykhov region, you can hunt them accordingly. a small digression. the beaver is the largest rodent of the fauna of the old world and the second largest after the copybara. gnawing trees, builds huts.
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fur, once valuable, is now not so valuable. few people know that beaver is also up to 30 kg of delicious meat, which the owner of the estate, mikhail, a cook with twenty years of experience, promised to cook for me. mikhail, hello. hello, tell me what you can eat from... a beaver, you can eat everything from a beaver, starting with the liver, as soon as we take off the skin, we haven’t even taken it off yet, we immediately take out the liver, fry it, good, but the liver is such an organ that requires a healthy ecology, what does a beaver eat? everyone thinks that he can eat some kind of food if he lives in the water, that is, some kind of fish, it turns out that this is an animal that is very clean, and eats only grass and... bushes. beaver is very resistant to infection by various parasites and for the most part its meat is absolutely safe. we
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cut off the front and back legs in this way, yes, marinate and bake in the oven. wonderful. you can cook barbecue. from the rest of the part, it means that if the beaver, well, no matter what size it is, everything else is cut out, with the exception of the front and back legs. it seemed that the tail was leather, it looked scaly, but these were not scales, it was just the skin, a little rough, to prepare it you need to remove it, put the tail
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in boiling water for a few minutes, the skin will soften and come off easily, the remaining part is white and hard in shape , reminiscent of a tongue . in order to pickle a beaver's tail, it will take a whole day, let's imagine that this day has passed, and we have pickled the tail for you, but this tail is a little larger, one. it is already ready, and mikhail, show it, show it, to look at this beauty, what we marinated in, so what, this is exactly what we personally marinated, soy sauce, and that is, we make a marinade, we make a marinade, soy sauce, i see, this is practically french, dark honey, and a little bit dark honey, yes, well, in principle , you can add some more, each to your taste, add salt to taste, and salt to taste. well, to the smokehouse? yes, follow me. mikhail advises smoking beaver tail on wet cherry sawdust. you will have the right temperature and a pleasant, sweetish taste.
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meaty taste. we are ready to dump the beaver's tail into the smokehouse ; gauze appears in the script. but why she appears here is unclear. well, this is so that, firstly, it won’t burn out like that and somehow it won’t be so bitter. but the most important thing, the most important thing, is that the beaver is not bitter, you need to carefully wrap the gauze, look how it fits in size, put the tail in the smokehouse, don’t think that i’m a real smoker, i’m doing this for the first time, just like that, cover with a lid, put it on fire, and now the most difficult thing, and the fact is that the cast-iron box weighs kilograms... 30, probably no less, both, well, that’s all, the fish, big and small, smoke, and the tail also
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smokes. an hour and a half and the beaver tail is ready for tasting. i don’t even understand what ’s on my plate, either fish or meat. i know that this is a beaver's tail, of course i know, but my imagination somehow cannot cope with it. maybe the taste buds will straighten out. the consistency of beaver tail is similar to smoked lard. the meat is dense and difficult to cut. it's arrived time to get to know its taste. wait. i didn’t understand anything, repeat, i would compare it with, you know what, take a piece of lard, take a piece of carp, you know that kind of fish, and just combine them into one product, then it will turn out to taste, very tasty, well, by the way, a little fatty.
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beaver tail, which goes well in taste with vegetables and bread, best of all with cucumbers, they are fresh and neutral and will highlight, and not drown out, the taste of the main dish, if you have tried absolutely everything in life, but at the same time you want to try something wonderful, wonderful wonder if you have any left, try the beaver tail, this is what it is. so, having driven through the bykhov region and eaten here and there, i can safely add a new dish to my culinary map, and that’s right, smoked beaver tail, environmentally friendly and exotic, tenderly satisfying, come try it yourself, i promise you won’t regret it.
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we confidently step into a new day and do it to our music. music that sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips, music inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of expensive music can change the world because
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it can change us. music is inside each of us.
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this is an intellectual show "i know". a game for those who want to pump up their brain and test their knowledge, or get answers to all questions. and we will definitely help you with this. but first, let's get to know the participants in the game. and their support group, teachers. vladimir ilyenko, gantsevichi gymnasium, class teacher, information teacher. oleg mikhailovich maksimovich. denis shalubkin, secondary school number 29 of the city vitebsk named after pimenov, mathematics teacher elena semyonovna orlova. elizaveta kuznetsova, gymnasium number two in vitebsk, class teacher and english teacher.


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